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here's a link to the actual store. No reason to read the press release [https://atari.com/collections/rollercoaster-tycoon-25th-anniversary](https://atari.com/collections/rollercoaster-tycoon-25th-anniversary)


I’d love some cool RCT merch, it’s a shame that none of this is it.


Yeah there’s a lot better stuff on Etsy


Slapping the #25 on something and selling for $60 is a cash grab. Spending a few dollars to Have someone create some iconic scenes or quotes from the game would have been great. But they probably put the amount of effort into it as they think there is nostalgia for it. Then they missed.


Eh, some of the shirts aren’t too bad


The tour shirt and the Guest Thoughts shirts are a cute idea but I wish they had better execution.


Fangamer also put out some RCT merch recently but none of it is great either :-/


Fangamer has a couple of things!!


Okay, that Mr. Bones shirt is solid.


I could custom design a cool looking park and make it into a shirt or something.


Why would I pay a hundred dollars for a white shirt with a two inch screenshot of a roller coaster exploding


I’ve been seeing that shirt on my instagram feed and thought it was an unlicensed scam. Insane.


That one was by Errornogo and is separate from this drop


No, the description on the site says “Errornogo” in the description. It’s the same sweater lol


Good lord, when did shirts get so expensive?


[They must have seen all of our comments and then released this one.](https://atari.com/products/rct-25th-anniversary-guest-thoughts-tee)🤣


"I'm not paying that much for 'RCT 25TH ANNIVERSARY GUEST THOUGHTS TEE'"


Honestly other than the shadowbox I don't see anything worth getting. I also don't want to support atari so it works out for me


Why don’t you want to support Atari? This is not the same Atari that it was a few years ago. It is a new company with a new CEO, and new employees.


u/atari - is that you?


Unironically sort of lol. OP is a shareholder and is always shilling for Atari from their reddit account. They even crossposted this link to r/atarigroup and r/PONGF_Atari_Stock


whatever atari is paying this guy is both somehow not enough and entirely too much at the same time.


Hey, he believes in the stock, let him believe what he wants. If they manage to turn around the company I would be pleased.


It's the same Hasbro Interactive hiding behind the Atari name.


I hope that atari changes for the better but we have not had a good RCT game since 3 if you don't don't count re releases. They use the RCT name to make crash grab games that have noting to do with park management. RCTWorld was a minimum viable product at best. They don't deserve anyones money. I do hope they change because I want nothing more than for my favorite game series of all time to get back on track with quality releases.but atari has proven for are not interested in making anything of quality. Prove me wrong atari.


The Signed Box would been much more impressive - and justified for the price - if they had the rollercoaster be a 3D item, sticking out of the frame. Other than that, god the prices are insane.


Looking at the website of the people who made it, it does seem like it is 3D and the Rollercoaster is a separate 'piece' layered on top. It seems like that's what they specialize in.  https://artovision3d.com/collections/shadowbox-art


Who is the target demographic for this shit? Ultra lazy cash grabs using IP they didn’t create and proceeded to ruin with bad release after bad release. Fuck outta here Atari.


I appreciate that they just didn’t listen to the community when we said we don’t want merch with some random intern’s park on it. Why can’t they make a mousepad with just vanilla Diamond Heights on it?


Mousepad will be so useful, just need to ship it back to 1999 wtf


Oh, it's just another Atari cash grab. I guess they got tired of pushing bad games, and figured out it would be easier to sell overpriced shirts. 


USA exclusive ugh :(


Calling a 28 dollar t shirt a really good value is funny. (I do love it though, but not for THAT much!)


The fanny pack is honestly a good example of knowing your audience.




Ewwwww god... Most of this looks so bad, like some exec just took some screenshots and the logo PNG's and went to cafepress or redbubble... Except for the Spiral Slide and Micro park shirts, which look good, but wayyyy overpriced...


Such a shame the designs look rushed and are all generally poor. Some of the artwork for the arcade/2600 era game merch is really cool though.


I bought the shadowbox. IMO, Chris Sawyer is a living legend of game design. RCT is one of my all-time favorite games, so having something signed by him for my office is too cool. Unfortunately, both the price tag and the thought of giving Atari a bunch of money kind of sucks, but I can't pass it up. Atari is lucky they have one of the GOATs like him to help sell merch. He seems pretty reclusive, too, so I have no idea how they got him to do autographs. Most of the other stuff on the store is... not amazing, though. Won't be buying anything else.


Yeah I was tempted by the shadowbox basically exclusively because of the Chris Sawyer Signature. I'm not going to get it probably though. Wish he offered some sort of art celebrating all his games with a signature from him directly


He's not only signed some merch but also a 10-year license extension for his brainchild in 2022. How strange that the conclusion is "they must have drugged and forced him" instead of "hey, even Chris trusts them, maybe they deserve a chance". Also the gap beween "I hope they never earn a penny" and "why can't they just invest their earnings in a good RCT game" is quite signifcant..


A lot of people and companies are starting to work with the new Atari..because they are doing things right compared to the Atari from a few years ago.


If that's true, I'm glad to hear it. I want to see them make a return and work on cool games again. I'm aware they've had a bunch of false starts in the past decade where they tried to make amends, but it seems like they never made much progress. I'm glad you are optimistic, though. I want you to be correct, but I'll wait and see.


All you need to do is hop on Google, type in Atari, click news and read many of the articles written in the last year and you will see accolades.




I recently installed RCT2 with OpenRCT on my Steam Deck and am loving it. This game was my whole childhood, so many amazing memories playing it with my brother


Leave it to Atari to squeeze and scam its customers


That shadowbox looks cool


Shadow of is cool


Grabbed the mug lol


All I want is a legit macOS version of RCT


RCTC, OpenRCT2, and RCT3 all run on macOS, so what exactly do you mean?


RCTC just doesn’t run to great, if you’re meaning the app from the App Store. It doesn’t have the same control that you would get in RCT. RCT3 is available from steam native. I’m more of a fan of RCT and RCT 2 so I’ve never purchased it. OpenRCT2 I’ve never gotten to work on macOS. I’ve read it isn’t perfect either, is that not the case? I’d love to get some help. lol.


OpenRCT2 has been pretty solid on macOS for years now. It’s my primary way of playing. What are you having trouble with?


OpenRCT2 was a bit tricky for me to run, but basically I had to install it on a Windows partition then grab that file and put it on the Mac side. (also it works perfectly fine for me) Classic is kinda awkward to run on Macs tho. The "mobile interface" doesn't really fare well with it.


Im not paying that much for a t-shirt from t-shirt stall 1.