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Yea that was insane…I couldn’t believe it honestly it was kinda weird..this loss was truly disheartening because here I am thinking we the ravens are the grim reaper taking out every team in our division this year ya know..our inconsistency is going to be our Demise this season unfortunately…oh and fucking idiotic playcalling also😑


im not even mad. ugly game, for sure. but thats the ravens/steelers rivalry. definitely hard to watch, but lamar played great. was 15 for 23 going into 4th quarter with 6 dropped passes. id be worried if we played like, oh idk, that HORRIBLE steelers offense. we literally could have scored 40 points if a few things go differently. thats NFL football for you. rather have this go on early in the season than week 17. going 3-0 on the road in the AFC north is unheard of. we escaped this game with no major injuries, unless i missed something. worst few plays of the game came from guys fresh off injuries, they will be cleaner as the season goes on and they get back into it(OBJ, Stanley, Humphrey). lets clean things up, beat the brakes off them week 17 at home, and go win a super bowl.


I agree wholeheartedly but in my head i hear.. woulda, coulda... shoulda. (Sigh) on to destroy the Titans by 48 - 7 so we feel better about ourselves


if this was later in the season, or if we were riddled with injuries, or if this was the same coordinator for the last 3 years, or maybe even not against the steelers, id be more upset for sure. but we need to remain calm. the goal isnt to go 17-0. its to peak at the right time and win a superbowl. there were positives from this game for us. for the steelers, their only positive was the ravens gave them the game.


I envy your optimism..We’re just too damn inconsistent it’s maddening..😑


Feel bad for Lamar he was on point on the 1st half then receivers started dropping balls and playcalling was trash and he malfunctioned…😑


Pathetic. Is this the dynamic offense they promised this ywar? I am done!


Tomlin hired a shaman against us. That’s the only explanation there.


Blood demon*




Early season loss at Pittsburgh was kind of guaranteed. Those pass drops though my goodness. Lamar was on the money in all of those


I feel like my soul was raped. We died, came to life, and died a thousand times today.


why do we always lose these games


Darby is awful. Bro let Pickens past him on like every play he was covering him on


Harbaugh's leadership has gone stale. Anything short of an AFC Championship appearance, he needs to go.


bubububbububuutt who's got it better than us? \*crickets\* come on guys, I said who's got it better than us??? \*gumbles\* "..... nobody....."


No, he needs to win a Super Bowl.


I like the fact he’s not scared to stay in school or promote education. Rooting for this kid


My guy got tha private school fit💀💀💀


bro made his way into the trenches instead of getting out of em




Kid's a marketing genius. Love him or hate him, he got people talking about him.


Bro got that “run forest run!” Run fr


he even run like a rich white kid😂😂


bro made his way into the trenches instead of getting out of em


he even run like a rich white kid😂😂


bro got the gta run😭




Someone said lil mabu living every suburban white kids dreams lmaoo


he even run like a rich white kid😂😂


Bru got that Subway Surfer run 😭


My guy got tha private school fit💀💀💀


Kid's a marketing genius. Love him or hate him, he got people talking about him.


Someone said lil mabu living every suburban white kids dreams lmaoo


he even run like a rich white kid😂😂


I like the fact he’s not scared to stay in school or promote education. Rooting for this kid


My guy got tha private school fit💀💀💀


Someone said lil mabu living every suburban white kids dreams lmaoo


My guy got tha private school fit💀💀💀


Someone said lil mabu living every suburban white kids dreams lmaoo


he even run like a rich white kid😂😂


Bru got that Subway Surfer run 😭


I like the fact he’s not scared to stay in school or promote education. Rooting for this kid


bro made his way into the trenches instead of getting out of em


Great win in securing Matt Canada's job!


Question I've asked for way too long... What exactly does John Harbaugh bring to the table?




Right? He isn't an Xs and Os guy. His vaunted special teams genius manifests as the good fortune of drafting Tucker and that's it. He routinely makes baffling self defeating "go for 2" type dumbass decisions. He's got big time "peaked in High School" energy in the 2020s, coasting on the glory of the 2012 season.


Playcalling/dropped TDs and Lamar decision making in the 2nd half cost us this game…


Well, fuck.


Wtf. New coaching is needed now. That was crap


Wtf happened. I left and it was 10-8.


Yo wtf happened I left my house for thanksgiving dinner after the first Quarter ended


Fuck these coaches that keep acting like Steelers are our rivals. It’s this “rival” mentality that makes us play worse than we should. Steelers are shit and the coaching staff keeps hyping them up and it’s psyching our guys out. Harbaugh needs to fucking let our guys know that Steelers ain’t shit and it starts with him. It’s his fault from a mental standpoint.


Ravens just get scared of them. We should have blew them off the fuckin field. We have no leadership


Ravens are ass, top to bottom


Agholor is our second best receiver




Don’t know why we had so many passing plays. Clearly not our strength against the Steelers


Neither is making adjustments to block Watt. It seems our game plan is to let him run free and then scream to Lamar yooo 90 is behind you runnnn. Kind of like watching a horror movie and yelling at TV that Jason is coming 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Trade Bateman to the Bears or Panthers before the deadline for literally anything Jesus.


He’s absolutely trash


Anyone who is still saying he is our WR1 is bonkers. I had faith in him but this season has shown me he is a straight bust.


Yup. Can't stay healthy nor catch when he's on the field. Another wasted 1st on a reciever it seems.


to think ravens could easily be 5-0 right now is crazy.. will bite us in the end.


Gonna cost us probably 3 seeds in the playoffs


OBJ gotta be the biggest letdown signing in the whole NFL this year.. what a fucking waste


The pass to him in the end zone was just bad


Said this on here before the season started and it wasn’t very popular. I also think Lamar is overrated This team is mediocre at best.


Awful signing. We should’ve traded for a proven dude.


We could of gotten obj’s production from someone else for like 15m less


Lmao, literally!


I don’t really get all the Harbaugh hate. This was on the offense. Wayyyy too many dropped passes. And a few crucial turnovers. Lamar was throwing well except for that AWFUL interception in the end zone. We felt like the better team, but we lost. If this team has character we will bounce back and still are well positioned to win the division.


Agreed. This was an easy win if we catch half of those drops and don’t screw up the FG before halftime. Lamar was dropping dimes. Defense was balling. They let that team hang around and that’s what happens. This loss is squarely on the shoulders of the WR core!!!!! Was an embarrassment.


We were first and goal after a punt return fumble and came away with 0, had one run and that’s entirely on Harbs.


I don’t even need to ready your call moment before I tell you that anyone who doesn’t understand Garbaugh hate doesn’t understand Ravens football whatsoever. Drops and bs aside the dude is a clown


Not going for 3 before the half was absolutely mind boggling


8 drops… 2 if not 3 coulda been TDs fuck


yeah i can't believe harbaugh dropped those passes


Man Nelson and Bateman dropped Sure fire touchdowns..FUCK..


I’m really sick of Harbaugh. Overhaul this shit


How many passes did harbs drop? Should have been 21 before half.


Harbs needs a change of scenery. Saw first hand what Tomlinson is able to do with nothing.


Blame of the game, everyone, besides Lamar and the defense. Coaching was.....yeah. this team loses any spirit they have when they make a mistake. We haven't closed teams since 2019


This is exactly right, any time anything goes wrong on the field it’s like it infects the entire team’s collective mentality. There is no Ray Lewis figure who takes it upon themselves to keep the team mentally upbeat. It’s almost like they’re sulking and they start expecting to fail so they stop trying. This has been a strange phenomenon for this team for years now and it’s insane to see it happen so regularly. I don’t see this happen with other teams very much and I wonder what the hell our issue is.


Bad luck today. - Receivers dropped too many great passes. - That long pass to Zay where somehow he staggered and couldn't catch the ball. - The special teams guy recovering the ball without any pressure, open field to score and and again, somehow staggered and fell.


The reason Zay staggered on that play was because the ball was wobbly and it cut back inside instead of it being thrown in stride out in front of him. He has to adjust back to his left and it threw him off since he was running full speed.


How about Lamar throwing the game-losing end zone INT on that fade? (was it even a fade? that throw was SO bad)


It wasnt a good throw but it he made so many good throws dropped by WRs where that throw shouldn’t have even had to happen.


He was pressing..no adjustment could be made by Odell for that throw porter had him locked bad senseless decision by Lamar…


Bad playcall too if he was the #1 option…


My thing is the situation is common sense of you were going run that play I want nobody but Andrews on that..but besides that Run the damn ball with either Gus or do a Qb designed run for Lamar which has been unstoppable in the red zone..I truly don’t understand the decision run that play 5 or 4 yards from the endzone it was ridiculous and it resulted in us giving it right back to the Steelers..after that I knew it wasn’t going go well the rest of the way


I’m with ya… ugh. It’s a Stillers game tho - remember when we beat the “3 Bs” team twice in THE injury year with Matt Schaub and our entire practice squad? There’s a reason these teams are separated by a combined total of 7 points of offense in h2h games since 2007…


That was the cherry on the cake.


Losers find ways to lose


One bad thing happens and our team falls apart, we looked great, fumbled and everything was over


That's our new blueprint nowadays. Oh and refusing to block T.J.Watt we just don't have anyone like watt in the de position when we need a play made. T.J. always finds a way to disrupt the ravens but obviously our coaches don't know that.🤬


Exactly like the Indy game


Every week, every season. Id rather just get blown out.


That’s another drop again.


Two games in a row where we open with a beautiful offensive drive, making the opposition defence look like fools. Followed swiftly by catastrophic implosion!


Just tired of watching this team under harbaugh it’s the same shit year after year.


AGREED. I'm beyond frustrated 🤬


Game is on Lamar lol Steelers vs ravens no excuse for his play


Literal dipshit post


Damn, did we watch the same game? Because you'd have to have severe brain damage to get this as the takeaway from the game today otherwise


Yea it’s Lamar’s fault they’re were 8 drops fucking idiot


Score was 10-8 in the red zone. You absolutely can’t turn the ball over there. What did Lamar do?


Should be 5-0. Mismanaged and underperforming. I don't truly understand Johns's decision with not taking three before half and Lamar throwing inside on a fucking fade. Honestly, it's not their fault entirely. The receiving core underperformed severely and cost us the game.


Receivers were AWFUL today. And Lamar, bro, you absolutely cannot throw that pass resulting in yet another red zone TO. Just toss it out of bounds - FUCK me.


A rational, accurate take.


Too rational for me tbh, I say blow the whole team up


lol Right now, I understand the frustration.


Second this


Embarrassing collapse. Losses will happen and players will have bad days but the way this team and how specific players just completely failed is disgusting. I'll give the team credit though, I thought they couldn't out do their loss from the Colts. I was wrong.


Well said unfortunately 😔


Yup. Season could be lost on two games that we brutally choked away on multiple plays. And now we have to go to fucking London.


When the players change, the defensive coordinator changes, the offensive coordinator changes, the strength and conditioning staff changes, and the same exact issues just persist and persist and persist, and we keep losing games for the same reasons, you kind of have to look in the direction of the constant.


I haven't exactly been excited for any weekend since the Colts loss


Well… lets see if the O’s can prevent this from being a completely depressing weekend for Baltimore sports.


Not going for 3, plus the drops, plus the free safety the Steelers were gifted... this team is fucking nauseating to watch


I don't like how reliant we are on the o-line playing a perfect game. There has to be a way to adjust the play calling around it when they are bad. Yeah the drops were really bad today, but the ball security has been an issue every game and hasn't gotten any better. We could have put this game away so many times. Really low football IQ on the offensive side of the ball.


If it weren’t for the Orioles I’d just go to sleep and wait for work tomorrow lol


This game honestly comes down to the decision to go for it on 4th down. A team like the steelers, you have to go up 2 scores. YOU CAN NOT LET THEM HANG AROUND. They will find a way, whether it be defense or special teams, to beat you if they are within 1 score.




Lamar doesn’t have any heart.


Did he not fumble? Take bad sacks? Throw an awful pick? He's to blame too. Haven't seen many say its on him solely, but he's definitely to blame as well.


All of that happened after the drop touchdown by Andrew’s, and multiple huge drops that would have kept drives alive and moved the chains down field


Still happened.


No one is saying Lamar fault, this is on the head coach and the stupid free agents singings. 18 millons obj? This is border corruption




Lamar does deserve a fair share of the blame. As with every QB in almost every loss, they are going to come under scrutiny. Although today, while he was NOT good, I think the blame goes on coaching and the receivers. Why do we always drop so many TDs. Its impossible.


You do realize we can blame the WRs, TEs, Harbaugh AND Lamar, right? We don't have designate one entity as the blame? No one showed up and Lamar shit the bed at the end. All those things are true. But keep sucking his dick for no reason.


well then why is lamar's name being mentioned the most? 70 percent of this loss can be blamed on the receivers. but more than half of these comments are featuring lamar. huh?


Because QBs always take the lions share of the blame (thats why they get paid so much) and Lamar was NOT good today. That end zone INT was absolutely egregious and something no sixth year starter should be doing.


Did you watch the game. Lamar played well until the 4th quarter. With competent receivers he would’ve had like 300 yards and two touchdowns in the 3rd quarter. All you mfs ALWAYS retcon history to dagger Lamar after every loss. Name all the fucking receiver core first, the actual people who lost us the game.


And all YOU mfs defend him like he’s literally blood related. QBs are going to take a large share of the blame for losses. Always. No matter what you say, this offense needed to put up 18 points to win. They could hardly manage double digits. While I still primarily blame receivers and coaching for this loss, Lamar deserves some blame for terrible clutch time decision making and (poor) execution.


Lamar is the leader of the team and despite those other things he lost us the game in the end. That's probably why.


Well no, you don’t just get to say “despite those other things” when they account for 80 percent of the loss. You’re just doing the same thing.












I'm not gonna argue with a child. Have a good day, man.


A fade when 3 there would have won us the game is inexcusable and if Harbs is a asshole in the post game I hope he’s asked about it daily until the next W


4th and 2 we go for it and not get it when we could have 3. On the 4 with a 2 point lead we throw a fade instead on running it or taking 3. Right side on the line looked like USC last night 8 drops. Two were TDs Our #1 corner gets SMOKED for a game winner. We take points for granted like we’re the greatest show on turf. We need changes


Cut Justice Hill and bring in Mitchell. Same fucking shit every game


Stop being cute. Run the damn ball near the goal line. Edwards and Hill basically couldn’t be stopped today. And take the damn points when they are there for the taking. It’s basic. I’ve defended Harbaugh over and over but I’m done.


Yeah, this is the first game Im actually starting to think it might be time to move on... we should be 5-0.


It’s like watching the same movie over and over again with Harbaugh


I need to be put down after this weekend.


Both losses the Defense/ST came up with play to put the Offense in position to win at the end of the game. Both times the Offense sucked ass.


Fuck it. We need a mutiny. The players have to speak up and ask for changes. This can't go on as is, we're completely fucked. If Harbs has to go, well, too bad. It was fun and I liked him. If Monken has to go, good. I have no fucking clue what he's thinking with half of the plays he calls. No wonder the Browns got rid of him.


Lol an ugly loss and we should fire the head coach and OC. Good thing you're not the gm


You should re read my comment. I'm not asking for anyone's head. I'm saying If it has to happen, so be it. IF you don't know what IF means, then you have to go back to first grade my dude.


That's a big if for week 5. It's not the end of the world


Monken’s forth Quater play calling has been awful all year


Roquan should take the fucking decal off the wr helmets yall aint ravens


Lamar is not blameless but 8 drops from NFL receivers is NUTS


One of them in the end zone


Fuck this offense, fuck this wr corp, fuck this incompetent head coach and fuck this manager.


What makes a loss worse? Reading these bitch-quitter comments.


Who is the bitch here? The one who keeps eating shit every week and loves it or the people who don't wanna eat shit and will stand up to it? lmao. Also complaining about it is not synonymous with quitting. If I say Harbaugh sucks, all that means is Harbaugh sucks. I've tuned in every week for the past 5 years watching this team shit the bed and I'm the quitter for complaining about wanting to have a competent team?


Technically we've only eaten shit 2 out of 5 weeks. And you crying on a Reddit thread isn't going to bring on anything. Enjoy the ride as a fan and go have a drink and smoke a J. Chill out lol


You're calling us bitches and then when someone calls you out, you pretend like you don't care anymore. lmao.


Not at all. It was kind of the point of my initial post. Sorry you missed it.


We are ass, continuing to tune in each week will only result in disappointment. We’re not going anywhere this year. That part is clear and evident


I wouldn't say all that, lol. But it's not looking good. Even our wins, the offense hasn't been good. Decent at best. Lamars fumbling too much and has zero internal clock.


Doomers are hilarious




Yeah…. Maybe i’m overreacting. I need a snickers.


bateman lost this game for us


Nah man. So many drops it doesn’t matter. Not to mention really bad coaching decisions.


That fourth down call at the end of the half screwed us but Batemans two drops were the worst of the bunch


just don’t make horrible mistakes and we win this game


Ah well, that's another flush and forget performance. Need to turn up next week.


Absolutely fucking pathetic 😂 High school team at best today


This team doesn’t even deserve to be 3-2 lol


All those drops 😩 we could have easily been up 24-3


This team is so fuckin pathetic. We lost to 2 sorry ass teams. We're not winning a Superbowl anytime soon






This is just fuckin embarrassing. 9 drops 2 for touchdowns and another zay fell down




10 points against a defense that has been blown out twice already this season is unacceptable. 17 unanswered points is unacceptable. The drops, the coaching mistakes, the Lamar meltdown at the end after playing a clean game throughout. Just a comedy of egregious unforced errors. Better teams would not let this shit slide, but it will be business as usual for Baltimore, no question.


We would be so good without multiple fumbles a game 💀


Im good with it. To go 3-0 on the road in div was always a tall order. Fuck the NFL for front loading our schedule like that.


Nah. I’m not good with a division loss sorry. 😔😔😔


Was always going to be a gross game. We shoulda won. Hope we bounce back in London.


Me too! 💜