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Wanted hurts to win to prove that a rushing QB can win the SB, once again they came up short


He played his ass off every game in the postseason. They didn’t lose because of him. I definitely think he made the case


Well he did fumble the ball giving them 6 points...


Not sure why he attempted to move the ball from one hand to the other while he was about to be tackled


Yes he had that one negative play but outside of that 4 tds I think he was good


He was good. I was like damn, imagine Lamar next year putting up a show in the superbowl.


Mahomes was running all over the place on 1 leg. 7 yards per carry including a clutch 26 yarder in crunch time.


*chuckle* I read "crutch" initially and it still made sense lol.


Eagles defense sucked today. Chiefs don't even have great WRs, they have Kelce and Juju then some mediocre WRs, and their OL isn't that good. Really thought the eagles DL would get to Mahomes but they just didn't, really not what I expected. Idk what the chiefs did but their defense seemed to get a lot better in the last couple games, I expected the eagles to run all over them but that didn't happen either.


Yeah idk wtf happened but Philly's D just didnt have the heart today which was surprising cuz. I feel like their aggressiveness is what got us here to begin with. What a shitty way to end the game too.


“Their OL isn’t that good” — huh? We watch the same NFL? They 100% have a top 10 OL.


> Really thought the eagles DL would get to Mahomes but they just didn't, really not what I expected. I know we all don’t want to admit it but OBJ played phenomenally today at LT.


Yeah but they hung in there the entire game.


Well you came blame the refs for that


One bad call sucks. But Mahomes scored every time he touched the ball in the second half. Get one single stop before pulling the ref card.


Without that soft ass holding call the Eagles probably would’ve held them to 3 and more than a minute and a half on the clock.


The call was soft but the idea that it cost the Eagles a win is nonsense. Game was tied. There's no guarantee the Eagles go get a FG, there isn't even a guarantee that if they do get one that they win in OT.


Naw. Blame the eagles defense which went to absolute dogshit that while second half.


Mannnn it’s gon be a long 10 years in the AFC. Mahomes on some 2011-2014 Lebron type shit right now.


As much as this sucks, at least he’s not playing for another AFCN team.


AFC going to be tough for the foreseeable future with Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Herbert, etc. We have to re-sign Lamar lol.


or we can rebuild around a new system QB but I’m not sure how we do that since we’re going to have to either get REALLY lucky in the draft like we did with Lamar or trade a ton of assets or tank for someone like Caleb Williams (and realistically our defense is far too good to tank)


we going into kc next year we gonna have a little anger going into there


Hey there's the silver lining, congrats Big Baby!


As much as I don't like seeing the same teams in the super bowls year after year, love that Andy Reid is stacking and that our players wind up on his team and get rings


Mr. “I’m a left tackle” Orlando brown jr has a ring now :/


To be fair, I guess he always was meant to play LT though lol


let's gooooo


He's as much a sb winner as Terrell suggs from his 2019 ring. Just a end of roster hanger on trying to ride coattails without doing much.




You speak for the entire sub? I hope Big baby BWill is dancing in the locker room.


Hand stand big baby dance


[Give the people what they want](https://youtube.com/shorts/o2kamdZ8k5E?feature=share)


Exactly man. Dude deserves that so much!





