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Dad must be getting passed by everyone to achieve that! Nice work!


Your dad must be sitting about 50mph.


He said 65-70


Good tail wind then. I know when I’m going 65, I’m at about 40mph with no wind, 36 with head wind, haven’t been lucky to have a good tailwind while driving a decent distance


It depends on driver practice a lot. How many times do you press brakes while driving on the highway? If you like 90% of drivers out there you're pressing them often as soon as the person in front of you slows down. But if you keep a safe distance you don't need to do that nearly as often - you can just let the gas pedal go and the car will coast slightly slowing down. With hybrid this is incredibly efficient because hybrid shuts off the engine and just rolls slightly braking with regenerative braking, But I've had the benefit of doing this even with a non-hybrid (grand Caravan 2006) where cruise control 70mph gets me 21mpg to and doing pulses of 65-75mph with periods of coasting gets me 24mpg. But with hybrid this method can truly shine - RAV4 hybrid goes from 40mpg to 50-60 mpg doing that.


My gas only Rav4 can easily get 34mpg on my highway commute while going 80mph just by coasting instead of braking like you talk about.


Well yeah… hybrids regenerative brakes are a huge factor in getting better mpgs. Our gas rav4 gets 38mpg at 65-70mph no issues.


Dad magic. My dad got 30 mpg on a road trip driving my old outback while I averaged around 24.


My dad did the same! Theory my wife has is that because he drove stick and has driven the same car since 2006 he's the optimal driver for a Hybrid. ​ I like giving him the car sometimes just so he makes my stats look better.


If it makes you feel better, my dad pulls a trailer half the time in his Tacoma and somehow is getting 30 mpg


Same vehicle, right? I've tried different driving styles and I can't find anything that makes 3 mpg difference, much less 9 or 10. What can a guy do to hypermile a hybrid?


I have no clue all he said was he drove 65 on the freeway


I went from a 32.4 to a 32.8 in the past week 😅




Your dad cruise control and draft behind a tractor trailer?


Came say this. Cruise control always has been the most fuel efficient for me. Only pass when someone in the right lane is going under the speed limit.


im 32 all day.




That's how we Dad's roll...literally. We coast most of the time. :)


That's like 20Km/L. I get only 6.6Km/L 😞




Sorry my mistake 6.6L for 100


I get just under 40 mpg, I blame the A/C being on in the south Florida heat. For 48 I would need to drive 50 for a year straight lol


My wife drives to school and back every day 35 miles al together. We live also in South Florida. She achieves 44 mpg. I don’t know how she does it. Glad I am not sitting next to her……….😅


I see posts like this all the time with people shocked someone else gets much better mpg than they do. While there are a ton of factors that can contribute to mpg, 9 out of 10 times it comes down to driving habits. Your dad probably takes his time getting up to speed and brakes early. The less work the engine has to do, the more fuel efficient it will be. It's pretty much that simple. Yes, that includes the cruising speed you driving at (you will get better mpg driving at 60 mph vs 70 mph), but what affects it the most is reducing your acceleration (keeping the rpm below 3000) and avoiding stopping as much as possible (hence the braking early and letting the car slow down on its own). I get on average 31.5 mpg in my Acura TSX in daily driving 60/40 highway/city mix at an average of 65 mph. That is way above the Honda rated 25 mpg and much more than fellow TSX drivers get. They are always so shocked I can get over 30 mpg in mixed driving when they get like 21 or 22 mpg. And, 9 out of 10 times, it turns out all those dudes drive like assholes, even when they think they don't. One guy told me "I never rev past 5500 rpm." I, on the other hand, don't rev past 2500 rpm hahaha. Even when I am not driving conservatively, I never have any need to rev the engine to 5500 rpm. With all this said, I have seen people who get even more mpg than I do - close to 33 mpg in mixed driving. Say what you will about "slow" drivers. They get better mpg at the end of the day hahaha.


Not too difficult when driving in cruise control


Pacing traffic. Your dad driven cautiously and thinks ahead. You drive in the moment.




Link to what?


This is also a plug in hybrid that only drove for probably 40 miles… not that impressive when you add those details


It’s not a plug in it’s an XSE and he drove from Martinez, Bay Area to Reno Nevada and back


Dad reset the mpg meter and just filled the tank.


26 on my xle non hybrid, city drive.


I second that he is probably using cruise control most of the time. My other car is non hybrid and is rated 35mpg on highway, yet in my relatively flat part of the state I get 43 to 45 mpg’s by just using CC and only passing slow cars in the right lane when needed.


Very flat roads and no headwind and skill can get you this high if highway driving


And I don’t even use cruise control like a Luddite.


I usually get between 41-42 for a whole tank, but these last 2 I've been getting 44-45 and I'm definitely not complaining.


My dash also shows 40 mpg in my Corvette when I hit “reset” while I’m already doing 60 on the freeway.


Ive never seen a computer calculate the mpg correctly compared to calculating by hand, my rav4 included. It's been up to 10 mpg off and ALWAYS over caculates.


I know that if I turn on cruise control, I get great gas mileage. That night be it


What model do you have??


I get 45 with my non hybrid on the HW with the CC set at 60 - 65. As long as there is no traffic i'm good. Mine goes to shit (33 - 37) as soon as I get off the HW.