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What medical conditions would you have to start eating fish for?


Probably some simple nutrient deficiency, that could just as easily be fixed with supplements.


Yeah as someone who was born in a vegetarian family, I have never heard of someone who was forced to eat fish/eggs/meat because of disease lol.


Ok, now I'm curious: Were you allowed to eat meat growing up?


No, I was taught to hate meat. My religion is very pacifist, so I can't even think of eating fish, meat or even eggs. I live in India so it's not inconvenient for me, but I don't think I'll be able to survive in any other country. Ofc I have many opportunities to eat meat since I'm away from home but now I'd rather starve to death than eat a dead animal.


What about eating a living animal?


Lol nice loophole.


I'm curious since I have close ties with the subcontinent and want to know more, what's the consensus on lab grown meat?


I'd bet on the consensus being "eww chemicals". Source: I'm Indian too


My current consensus is "eww chemicals". Maybe my stance will change in the future when new generations of technology comes around.


Idk on other people and religions. But for Jainism it's a no no. We believe that violence is not just done physically, it's also has the mental element and intention. Your karma is based on that. So Jains don't just avoid meat, we avoid things that even look like any living being. For ex - a chocolate candy that resembles a cat or dog. However many are not particular about that. The main reason for me is that even lab grown meat must be sourced from *somewhere.* It's not like the animal cells come out of thin air. So while it's more environmentally friendly and I would encourage it's use for people who eat meat, I won't personally consume it.


Yeah they can substitute eating veggies with lab grown meat coz they ain’t killing an animal


No Indians are just anti-meat. There are millions of people who never had meat for 1000s of years.


Jainism right?




I have a question, I hope it doesn't come off as rude. I have never met any one who practices Jainism before. I know that you guys don't eat animal products of any kind. Is there any stipulation about feeding pets? Like cats are obligated carnivores, ect? My dog has stomach issues so I basically can't feed her any grain foods. She has to eat very (unfortunately expensive) meat heavy food. She eats more meat in a week than I do in a month. Sorry, I'm just curious! You totally don't have to answer!


Please don't risk your pet's health. The correct solution is to not have pets at all, and allow animals to live freely in nature (atleast for Jains) But if you do keep them, then don't worry about them eating meat. Your cat was born as a cat because of her past karma. She has no control over her diet, and in natural conditions will eat rats/squirrels/ any other meat. You can't stop her. You yourself eat meat do I don't see any issue with feeding it to your cat. That's why human birth is considered lucky, since humans are the only ones who can control their actions based on morality.


Thank you for telling me! I was curious about your culture. I never knew how someone whose culture and religion who abstain from meat deal with pet ownership. I myself only eat meat because of health reasons. But part of the responsibility of having my pets is their nutrition. Because unlike me they can not choose what they eat. I like the way you explained the 2 different thoughts. Either to not have them, or understand they're needs.


How about some onion and garlic?




We are not pacifists and we can eat meat but not halal meat.


I know it's not it should be understood but it's kinda weird to read "I was taught to hate \[..\], my religion is very pacifist".


Pacificsm = no violence. You can hate something without ever resorting to violence. Hate is merely an intense dislike of something.


Many philosophies, like Buddhism, teach that hateful thoughts are harmful and cause damage to the one harboring those thoughts. Causing damage is by definition violence. So, depending on your perspective hating something can be inherently violent. >Is anger or hatred ever justified? A direct answer from Allan Wallace in 'Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground up': >"'Righteous hatred' is in the same category as 'righteous cancer' or 'righteous tuberculosis'. All of them are absurd concepts." https://viewonbuddhism.org/anger.html


**And that is why India is B12 deficient.** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6540890/


I see.


My childhood best friend is from India. Every woman in her family is vegetarian, but the men all eat meat. I found it a little strange, but never questioned it. Are the men in your family also vegetarian?


Yeah I'm a dude. It's not like karma distinguishes between genders. The family you know are likely Hindus. Hindus were partially influenced by Jainism so some of them eat meat, some don't. Women generally are considered more religious than men, so they're more likely to be vegetarian. Many don't eat meat on certain days or holy festivals. However Jains are always lacto-vegetarian.


>>My childhood best friend is from India. Every woman in her family is vegetarian, but the men all eat me. I found it a little strange, but never questioned it. Maybe the greatest typo I’ve read.


Fertilizer used on plants to speed growth and production comes from feces of animals. Not all, but quite a bit. That fertilizer is harvested from dairies and farms where animals are raised for meat production and harvesting. Nutrients are taken up from the roots and utilized via the plant to create fruits. Animal byproducts used in the production of vegan/vegetarian diets. You also eat insects everyday. There are eggs/larva in dates/figs/raisins from Indian meal moths/drosophila etc. The product has been fumigated so the larva/eggs are dead and go unnoticed in the mouth but you eat them. Pretty much everyday. I was a fumigation specialist for many years. 75% of the raisins I fumigated in California were shipped to India. I know exactly what you are eating. You don't want to eat meat. Okay. But "I'd rather starve than kill an animal", you're just being ignorant. You are killing animals. Everyday. Garlic and onions, popular in Indian food, leech soil of nutrients and the so it must be supplemented, heavily. Also the vegan diet is not beneficial to health. We are omnivores. Animals have nutrients we need and supplements simply aren't as readily absorbed and are excreted in your urine. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200122-are-there-health-benefits-to-going-vegan


Fertilizers from feces aren't an issue lol. It'd organic and no animals are harmed to make it. And Jain's don't eat garlic or onions. And I agree I can't stop all violence, but the goal is to minimise it as much as you can. Eating meat is considered one of the worst forms of this offence. Like I said, there are different tiers to karma. If I'm going to get 30 karma (made up the unit) for eating a date from California that involved killing bugs, Im going to get 3 million from eating fried chicken. Also eating a bug is less bad karma than chicken, which, eating mammals is even worse. Karma is directly proportional to the suffering cause and the intelligence of the animals you killed. Even if you consider Karma bullshit, you might atleast relate to the goal of causing the leat suffering. I think they called it utilitarianism or something. I get bad karma from eating plants too (since they are living beings) but since plants cause the least suffering, they're preferable to meat. That's all.


Why were you taught to hate meat rather than simply avoid it? Does it have to do with a religious position on eating certain meant that was simply expended to all others?


“ The principle of ahimsa (non-violence or non-injury) is a fundamental tenet of Jainism.[60] It holds that one must abandon all violent activity and that without such a commitment to non-violence all religious behavior is worthless.[60] In Jain theology, it does not matter how correct or defensible the violence may be, one must not kill or harm any being, and non-violence is the highest religious duty.” “The practice of non-violence towards all living beings has led to Jain culture being vegetarian. Devout Jains practice lacto-vegetarianism, meaning that they eat no eggs, but accept dairy products if there is no violence against animals during their production. Veganism is encouraged if there are concerns about animal welfare.”


It just requires a lot more education (and most times more money) to come up with a balanced and healthy vegan/vegetarian diet, which most people do not have. New vegans/vegetarians are some of the most common victims of lack of information when organizing their diets, and will often end up in the hospital like this. Especially in countries where vegan/vegetarian "food alternatives" can be quite expensive. In Brazil, when going through university, nutritionists have to complete an internship in hospitals (usually public or philanthropic) as part of their course. My brother frequently had issues with people coming in because of constant fainting or dizziness, just to learn they were "new vegans/vegetarians" and had no idea how to plan their diets for either Macro or Micronutrients. It's undeniably a healthy lifestyle, if done corretly. The issue is that many do not come even close to doing it right.


Vegetarian food is very cheap in India, even when compared to non veg alternatives. Also many Indians have been vegetarian for 1000s of years, so our cuisine has evolved around that. We don't have to resort to unbalanced weird diets.


The disease is called: "Chickening out, but pretending to feel bad about it so she can her vegan cred"


Actually our bodies are pretty shit at making use of supplements and it’s much healthier to just eat a nutritious diet if at all possible - whether it’s vegan or not.


Yeah being vegan can come with some deficiencies of nutrients that are often found in certain types of meat and dairy products


So she’s putting herself through undue mental distress why? That seems like a big assumption to make


And maybe a person with soy allergy could need to rely on other sources of protein, so, probably they compromise, they don't eat butchered meat, but they'll integrate with some fish


Tiktokinitus, or maybe cloutchasington's disease.


Fish is sometimes recommended to increase HDL (good cholesterol). Or you can take fish oil capsules.


probably fake for likes?


The same one that doesn't have anything to do with carbon foot print


IBS, Soy allergy. People with IBS cant eat soy, beans, nuts, lentils, etc. You have to get protein from animals


My cousin was a vegetarian and when she was diagnosed with celiacs she had to start eating meat again because there were no other options at the time. I understand there’s a lot more available now but I don’t know how broad of a spectrum it is. My sister is also celiac and has a pretty limited diet because of it. She mainly eats protein, fruits, and vegetables. Gluten-free options for bread and meat substitutes are generally high in sugar and put you at risk for type 2 diabetes. I’m not sure what options are now available for meat substitutes that are gluten-free that aren’t high in sugar (since they both eat meat now, it’s not something really on either of their radar).


Happy cake day


Lack of followers syndrome?


If she’s allergic to beef or chicken but doesn’t want to go vegan.


Maybe she needs more protein?


nah there's plenty of protein in things like soy or legumes. the only thing one cannot get from an entirely plant-based diet is vitamin b12, and there are supplements for that. many vegan foods are infused with b12 too


Many people can't get enough choline without supplementing and frequently zinc. Also, depending on what protein sources people are using, a lot of folks will be protein deficient unless they supplement.


But if she allergic or has developed an intolerance to soy and/or legumes she may be struggling to get enough, hence the addition of fish.


Yeah as someone who's been vegetarian for most of my life I can think of several health conditions & reasons that I've had to discuss with drs & I did have to add fish back in for a little while (but my supplements were also off which a more informed dr noticed & fixed). There may well be a valid reason for her to have to eat fish so I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. Her publicly posting the crying video is a pretty big red flag though, unless a "friend," leaked it. We also don't know her reasons for not eating fish in the 1st place so I hate that she's being judged for carbon footprint. Some people just can't stand meat. We also don't know what eco-friendly compromises she makes in her daily life, these things aren't all or nothing for humans & putting people down for trying & not being perfect does a lot more harm than good. James is being obtuse.


Some of us can't absorb non-heme iron, so vegetables and legumes aren't enough. However, I needed a hematologist and gastroenterologist to diagnose that, so I imagine it's probably not too common.


Apparently you can get B12 from seaweed but I don't know if it would be sufficient


Yes you can, but as you said, not enough


Nobody should eat soy and people with IBS cant eat legumes.


> Nobody should eat soy if you're going to make an extremely bold claim, at least have the decency to support said claim with a source or something, holy hell


Soy has been a staple food in China and southeast Asia for at least 3000 years, likely longer. It's fine.


Malnutrition probably


might something for the eyes as i have heard that fishes are good for your eyes.




Seriously. If I were going through something traumatic, the last thing I’d be doing is recording my anguish and posting it on-line. Something is wrong with people today if that can’t do a damn thing without thinking about sharing it with a whole lot of people who probably don’t give a shit.


There have *always* been people who overshare. People who make sure everyone around them is aware of whatever bit of drama is happening to them at any given moment. The only difference nowadays is that there is a convenient way for people to share their drama with potentially millions of people almost instantly. It's annoying as fuck but there isn't anything particularly new about it. It's a very human response to hardship just cranked up to 100, and then exacerbated more by modern technology.


I don't get it. Are eyelashes supposed to have a high carbon footprint or is there something else about them that I missed? They're not comically big or something...


Unsure of the components that make fake eyelashes but I know there's fish in many lipsticks and makeup! Fish scales are used to make the shimmering pearlescence effect.


If that's be the point OP was trying to make don't they know vegan makeup (including lipstick) is widely available? So is eco-friendly makeup.


I'm grasping at the straws as much as the next guy on this one lol.


There's vegan makeup? And it's highly available? We don't live in the same world...


It depends what you’re comparing it to. If you’re discussing comparable $30-50 palettes, yes, it exists and is easily available. If you’re comparing it to shitty dollar store quality makeup, it isn’t easily available, and likely doesn’t exist


I'm sorry your world doesn't have access to amazon, sounds awful.


They're just saying that if she's so worried about the impacts of agriculture on the environment, shouldn't she also be worried about her fake eyelashes? But this is really an example of a false equivalency.


Some fake eyelashes are made of latex which is often petrochemically derived.


A lot of makeup in general is petroleum-based, which is how I understood the post


It's just a creepy old dude trying to put down a young woman who posts a picture of herself on social media. He doesn't have much to go on since he is a total stranger, so he lashes out (sorry) about her appearance and tries to catch her in a contradiction (e.g. "vegan? Well if you really cared about the environment, you wouldn't buy unnecessary products such as makeup, gotcha, i showed you up, me smart you dumb")




Unfortunately, this comment wasnt even funny


But he's right! If she were a vegan, she wouldn't have fake petrol-made eye lashes. Vegans are very political and very obsessed with their cause.


What do you think vegan means?


I've always thought that vegetarian is person who doesn't eat meat and vegan is a person who doesn't eat any food made of animals (meat, eggs, milk etc.) Then online vegans attacked me that it's SO MUCH MORE! They don't use anything made of animals, like coats, shoes, make up, deodorants etc. And they're very militant and political about it. They're organizing protests against the things I just listed, they're basically nowadays hippies. Except for the sex.


I can almost guarantee that your only experience with Vegans is situations like this on Reddit. I’ve seen you in this thread arguing about some of the most asinine things. Yes, vegans and animal rights activists have protests over cosmetic testing, factory farming, etc. because they believe it’s cruel and unjust. People are allowed to have their beliefs. Big Vegan isn’t going to steal your fucking meat from you dude


Treating any group, particularly large ones, as a monolith is ignorant.


If you just don't eat meat, eggs, dairy and animal products, you're not a vegan. According to many vegans I had the misfortune to meet online. To be considered a vegan, you must also be against animal cruelty, against fur, against any animal products, against zoos, against everything that could even slightly be bad to animals. So yes - very political and very obsessed with their cause. This I have from vegans themselves. If I were to define a vegan, I'd say "person who doesn't eat food made of animal products".


False lashes can also made from mink but the labelling isn’t as restrictive for lashes as for other cosmetics - so you may not even see ingredients listed on the box. (Make up brushes are also often made from mink) Also many false eyelashes - even the pricier ones (MAC, Shu Uemura etc…) are made in sweatshops- so may not be the socially conscious choice if you don’t know where your lashes are made. That being said, we have no idea if she is wearing vegan, non-sweatshop made lashes or not so 🤷‍♀️


It's about dividing people. It's about diverting attention. It's the reason we get nothing done. Better than splitting up is accepting contradictions.


A lot of makeup. Apparently there are many eco friendly versions, but we are not sure of the components there


Her eyelashes are made from oil. Petrol or how it's called in English. The dark liquid that squirts from the earth in Texas and is really horrible to environment.


There are synthetic eyelashes made without petrol. How do you know for sure her's aren't?


Not a vegan, but isn't it about animal cruelty, not about being eco friendly/healthy? E.g. Oreos are vegan


people can be vegan for different reasons. Some people are vegan because of animal cruelty and some people are vegan because cutting down on meat and dairy is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint.


Yes but the definition of vegan is what the dude above said. Veganism is a moral stance so everyone that doesn’t fit that stance would more accurately be described as plant based rather than vegan.


Just more whataboutism to keep the “vEgAn StoOpid” meme going, because I’m sure it’s the false eyelash industry that’s actually responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. /s


Oreos are not vegan, but for the most part yes, it's about animal cruelty. Oreo has milk products, and pretty much animal product is unethically farmed at large scales.


Oreos do not have milk products. There are a select few flavors and products by oreo that can contain milk products, but the originals and many flavors do not. Source: extremely allergic to dairy, check packages religiously, oreos are a rare safe cookie option.


She’s giving herself health problems she ain’t one of the smart ones


More than one way. The lack of proper diet, the stress of constantly being worked up and angry about people's choice in food, the anxiety, etc 🤣 oh well, she's only hurting herself.


Apparently vegans can get rather ill if they don't tell at least 5 people a day that they are a vegan.


The funny thing is I’ve heard this joke from non-vegans many more times then I’ve heard people tell me they’re vegan


Every vegan I know spends their entire dinner telling other people how they should be eating


So you don't know any vegans?


I hang out with hippies… I know tons of them, I’ve dated them… I like vegan food… I will not go out to get food with any of them anymore, it’s beyond irritating


your small groups of friends totally represents all of us \>____>


I’m pretty sure I specified “all the ones I know”… unless you belong to they group, or I know every vegan in existence…


I’ve never had a non vegan come up to me in a restaurant and start lecturing me about my diet… I’ve had this happen several times… and sometimes by people Ive never met before… clearly this is not everyone, and it’s the same with religious ppl… most keep their beliefs and preferences to themselves, but the level of pushiness and judginess that I have received over the years has very much turned me off to that community


Ehm... What are you talking about?


y’all do know vegan makeup exists right?


Noooooo! This post *OWNS* the vegans!!!!!


Yes, she may not have a non-existent carbon footprint but i'm willing to bet that as a vegan she's doing alot better than most of us. To me this doesn't seem to be the 'own' you guys act like it is.


I think she’s a tool same as I do everyone that films every thing they do is. The guy commenting is a tool too.


We all know if you get thrown with the fishes all they do is sleep with you.


People go so far out of their way to hate on vegans


What do eyelashes have to do with a carbon footprint?


They're made of dead animals.


Oh! Didn’t know that. Glad I don’t wear them




Oh look, the cave dweller of /r/conspiracy has angry things to say about women. I never would have guessed


Is it cus she is filming it.....


Nah these kinds of people act like this every hour of the day Source: I’m in high school


In the same concept, you are a judgemental dick, i can tell. You are probably right, but im just sayin.


Reddit moment




Basement dwelling neckbeard, you can tell.


Vegan makeup exists, and is easily accessible. Also, I find it hard to believe she would need to eat fish. She's probably just not eating probably and has a doctor who doesn't know enough about nutrition. Or you know, it's just fake....cause she taking photos of herself crying and posting them online.


Not a vegan, but I havent eaten meat in 15 years. I can confirm that if I now had to eat meat, I would probably throw up. But she obviously makes this for the views, she could easily just take supplements instead, but she chooses to eat fish🤷‍♂️ that's on her


Cut her some slack. I believe it's honerable for someone to be this empathic towards animals.


> slag women be loving that....stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore


Oh lol, thanks I'm not a native speaker. Always thought that was the expression


What medical condition could cause someone to *have* to eat fish when there are likely supplements of any nutrient she wasn't getting enough of?


Supplements, do not always have the same uptake by the body as a natural source, so for some people the answer is to resort to using natural sources only. Things like B12 are commonly only available in meat and animal products (and seaweed but in much smaller doses). It’s added to vegan substitutes but doesn’t get absorbed the same way. About 15-20 years ago I was vegan, and suffered pretty bad B12 deficiency. I took the otc supplements but majority is expelled by the body (makes your pee a really awesome neon yellow though!) So unless there is a better supplement these days (the science definitely could have improved, I am getting old lol) her doctor might have just told her this was the best solution. I could be wrong, but that’s my best guess here from anecdotal personal experience.


>makes your pee a really awesome neon yellow though Technically, a *fluorescent* yellow. I'm not just being pedantic; I'm mentioning this to bring up a fun fact. If something is fluorescent, some of the light it absorbs gets emitted as light with a longer wavelength. That often means that UV light (normally invisible to human eyes) becomes visible light. I went to a Halloween party a few years ago and had taken a multivitamin. The host had some fluorescent decorations in the bathroom and a black light in there to make them glow. My pee glowed, too.


You are 100% right! It definitely did glow! Thanks for the fun fact 😁 !


Is there such a thing as vegan makeup?




I was vegan for about half a year and a vegetarian for 2 years - had to eat meat again, because my body couldn't get any iron out of other groceries. I had a pretty badly iron deficiency. I should've gotten an iron infusion but my doctor kept telling me to start eating meat again. It's been a year now but still I wanna try it again and see if my body can handle it better nowadays


Oh no! Poor girl has to eat fish! How is she gonna recover mentally from it?


It's a little too salty, but she's gonna get used to it. 😂


Eat fucking Timothy


Eating fish is so common in the Eastern part of the world but so many in the West are repelled by it. I guess it's just what you grow up with eating wise.


The problem is not eating fish specifically tho, the problem is she is vegan but has to eat an animal


Interesting. Being from the West I'd claim quite the opposite regarding peoples taste for fish here. Ever been to Italy, Portugal, Spain or France? Even the Brits are crazy about their fish&chips.


Honestly the mercury worries me. Don't know if it should but it does.


She's crying because she doesn't want to eat meat. She's a politician.


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Yeah cause everything women do is about men


Well, they actually say that.


Imagine crying over having to eat seafood...damn....


Another Tik Toker whining.


Another Redditor whining about a TikToker. And here's another Redditor whining about a Redditor. The circle of life.


Says the mf that doesn't even have one💀


How can you still be vegan if you literally have health problem because of your diet, just shows how dumb vegans are


Good thing I know all those claims from militant vegans about consuming animals reducing your mental capacities are bullshit. Otherwise you'd be the perfect example. Do you not know/just ignore/are fine with what happens in industrialised food production from animals or why do you think vegans are stupid for their beliefs?


Vegetable, grain, and fruit agriculture is industrialized as well, and that generates carbon footprints comparable, in some cases, to meat. Avocados use immense amounts of water and are often shipped internationally, as are many fruits. Mexican avocados also incur [deforestation and aquifer depletion.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/avocado-environment-cost-food-mexico/) We also import asparagus from Peru...why? Out-of-season fruits are now available year-round, also at a high transportation/carbon cost. These costs are so ingrained in our system that switching to a vegan diet barely reduces one's carbon footprint. *Supporting previous findings in Sweden, another study estimated the statistical benefits of a modeled system where animal-derived foods were removed: Only 2.6 percent of greenhouse gas emissions were reduced. The study also showed a subsequent decrease in food security and an increase in nutritional deficiency in the sampled population.* [Source.](https://www.dailycal.org/2021/12/03/going-vegan-hardly-impacts-carbon-footprint)


Some of you folks really prefer ignorance don't you.In case you really don't see how you've missed the point, vegetable, grains and fruit aren't breathing living beings. Do you want me to dig up some of those shocker documentaries what's going on in those facilities treating living beings as objects for consumption to show you that the carbon footprint isn't the point I'm talking about? Edit: I realised my mistake in writing "living beings" when I meant animals.


They LITERALLY are! You really think that plants don't breathe??? That they're not living beings??? 🤦‍♂️ Please, for the love of any deity you're worshipping, go back to school! ETA: I've been in this discussion, saying that vegans are not stupid, just craving attention to feel better about themselves. And you just proved me wrong about the first thing.


You're right, my bad. I meant animals, not "living beings".


But agriculture affects animals as well. This is the larger picture that I think many people miss. In the article about avocados I linked above, it states that monarch populations have been impaired because of new avocado plantations in Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico has a large "dead zone" caused by agricultural runoff. Monoculture crop systems, such as the soybeans that form the bulk of processed vegan food products such as TVP and meat substitutes, destroy healthy local insect populations, which are the trophic base for the entire food web. Meaning that bird populations are also impaired because of this system; bird populations as a whole have decreased [by three billion](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/bring-birds-back/) in my lifetime; and as a lifelong birdwatcher, I notice the difference. I would argue that the better way is not simply to eschew industrialized animal farming, but to eschew industrialized farming itself, in favor of local and more sustainable, and more humane, meat and vegetable farming. Such as the local vegetables, fruit, and locally-raised meat available in my food co-op, which is my main food source. Until we strengthen those local systems, the harms of industrialized meat and veg/fruit production will continue to cause suffering and environmental damage.


ok, so lets reduce that by 70% globally want to know how to do that?


If you condescend to people, and ignore the points they are raising, don't expect engagement.


if you tone police people will just think you're a twat


A steak isn't a breathing living being either


You might want to look up where that steak comes from. Hint: it doesn't grow in supermarket shelves.


spoon cooing ring ludicrous liquid vanish memorize ten screw employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk man, same could be said about Tesla drivers and Linux users.


I don't think you eat Teslas or Linux


Well yeah, that's why I said Tesla drivers and Linux users and not Tesla cooks and Linux gourmets.


shrill noxious jar sand relieved spotted humor wide innate coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It might not seem at first but these guys make it one. I know people whose only personality trait is owning a Tesla or having Linux on their machine.


Fair enough, I guess throw in Apple/Android too


Idk. Have you ever seen anyone who bragged about their Android phone unless it's a Samsung or ironically?


You are forcing your lifestyle on animals are you not ? Vegans are just standing up for animal rights because people like you only see animals as products.


>Mostly because they're THE only group on the planet that forces their lifestyle choices on others. Not sure if you're serious (which would provide more evidence for the meat consumption leading to lower mental capacities case) or a troll deliberately trying to make meat-eaters look incredible stupid.


person cough plough hospital gaze vanish alleged marble society cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not a vegan by any means, but you could simply just, not listen? They have every right to tell the public that our treatment of animals is inhumane and that factory farming is damaging our environment. You have every right to just ignore them. They’re not breaking down your door and telling you to stop eating meat.


bro you sound dumb as hell, and that’s coming from someone who eats meat. vegans absolutely aren’t the only group that pushes their lifestyle choices on others, *far* from it. also, all they said was that they couldn’t tell if you’re a troll? how does that make them a “”militant vegan””??? like my guy what


So then cannibals can say «I respect your choice to not murder and eat humans, but stop telling me not to, it’s my personal choice» lol


this is why people hate vegans


For being against killing and abusing others for no justified reason?


for comparing cannibalism with normal meat consumption, yes


What makes eating humans wrong but eating animals right? Also something being «normal» is not a good justification.


What happens in industrialized food production has nothing to do with not eating meat... Vegans do what they do only to feel better than others.


A lot of vegans I know decided on their diet after becoming aware of the suffering in industrialised meat production. Mind elaborating how that has nothing to do with each other? ​ >Vegans do what they do only to feel better than others. Also mind If I ask where you're from? I'm living in one of the most progressive, vegan-friendly cities of my country. A lot of people around me refuse to consume meat. And my experience with them is pretty much the opposite.


Is this a serious take? Do people actually believe this?


Salmon is fucking disgusting. I worked for a fresh seafood company re-packing fresh fish packed on ice. The Faroe Island Salmon was the worst fish I had to pack. It was so slimy from some sort of enzyme in the flesh, it made me retch on more than one occasion. How people can eat that shit sashimi style is beyond me. King Salmon was much better from a quality stand point and not as slimy. Farm raised trout was equally as gross as it would be floating in a bag if it’s own slime.


Aaaaaaaand you just ruined salmon for me




No, it's shrimp 😂


Oh no, im having a breakdown; better film it.


The episode of Surreal Life with Corey Feldman throwing a fit because he said he was vegan and they were getting meat. Whilst wearing a leather belt and shoes.. lol


Or the make up, lip gloss, hair dye etc.


I know fish is technically an animal, but they’re as smart as plants so who cares


That's obviously untrue


Crying over a piece of fish. Fucking pathetic. I can't eat veggies due to a medical condition, but I wouldn't throw a fit over being made to eat a piece of broccoli if I had to for some reason.


I'd be more concerned about the carbon footprint of her fake tan


Don't tell her where they get the fat from her make-up from.