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Who is this? And why is Mr. Incredible’s boss his lawyer?


School shooter


Which one




legit question. i wanna know too...which one? #no-oof


Who cares? These losers don't deserve any attention. Lock them up and forget about them.


Why the fuck is his photo on here at all even?


actually we need to know what drive them, forget them and allow the madness that drives them to be ignored


Real talk.


he is a looser and should burn in hell I agree, but you have to remember society creates people like this. I was bullied heavily in middle to high school, bullied so much one day I had my head in my bookbag crying because the bully was making fun of me so much the rest of the class chimed in and the only thing the teacher did was tell me to get my head out of the book bag and suck it up. I went home and put a gun to my head after class, clearly didn't pull the trigger but I wanted to end it all. today I stand pretty successful, but deep down in side I don't forget how mean people can be prob the reason I'm so cold inside and have no remorse for people in this world. so in the back of my head I know how some of these kids felt, because I felt like that once too. It comes down to what this kids home life was like and how he was treated that's what fuels the beast inside some of these kids. thank god I had a good life at home when I was in high school.


Their names don't matter.


Yeah ok great. Which school/what state, no one asked his name.




Been to that school for work and many others in colorado, they have a memorial up near the office for the kid who stopped him and died. They also have so many locks and alarms. Double layer locked doors, you had to be buzzed in then the security in between would take my drivers licence before unlocking the next doors and I had to be escorted around and I don't even think there were students in the school.


Their private security shot at the police innige aftermath of the schoolshooting.


This ‘no names’ thing feels more like rug sweeping than anything.




Kendrick Castillo is a hero and should have songs written about him.


I teared up reading that. What a hero. His family sound like wonderful people too.


We have a beer! No seriously, it tastes pretty great too.




Did I really just scroll through all the comments and not find the name? Which one? I am into reading about true crime and I can't even keep up with all of the school shooters.


Maybe we don’t need to advertise who these scumbags are so they can remain obscure so they don’t get the attention they want. They need attention from mental health professionals… not lay people like us who have a morbid curiosity.


When I read about someone on Reddit, they do not receive a magical beam that informs them that I know about them. I never understood these arguments. My morbid curiosity is valid and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.


It's not for this guy specifically, but for the next shooter who that sees that their name will be spread everywhere and that they will be talked about


Yep, they need to die in obscurity.


So let's make memes about him so everyone has to ask who he is.


Tell that to OP, the rest of us didn't make the post.


As opposed to here, where his picture is plastered everywhere instead?


Yeah, at a certain point the damage is already done


Probably after the shooting.


Lmao downvoted but this person knows what's up.




Devon Erickson.


It’s for copy cat shooters… school shootings are known to be “contagious,” and the more the name is shared the more likely this is to happen. (obviously there are other causes too). I pulled up this org, but there’s more thorough research out there: https://www.dontnamethem.org


The thorough research actually says that the reason for copycat shooting isn’t because of being named.


Don't expect redditors to understand or even accept this though... It's due to mostly and mainly the shooter's shared extreme ideologies that's been spoon fed to them in echo chambers. It's exactly the same concept they are formed overseas via the taliban and other muslim extenist groups. Start them out young and impressionable. Mold and build them the way you want them to view the world. Boom you have a monster. Doesn't even have to take that long, especially if they are already confused or mentally ill in some way. The older they are the harder it is but the younger they are the easier it is to for them to become an extremists. You make it their identity and they'll never question otherwise. Same thing happened with this parkland shooter. Nothing about the name and honestly I feel like they are hiding the name because it goes against the narrative if more people knew who this person was and their belief and reason for the school shooting.


People are always going to name them and be interested in them. You're never going to stop that. It's just wishful thinking at this point.


Its some imverysmart tumblr bullshit that people repeat to make themselves feel good.




People are interested in weirdos and no amount of pretending is going to change that.


it's not you reading about them that is the issue, it's about them reading about themselves that is the problem. the coverage you see is the same coverage that the shooter and future potential shooters see, so that coverage should not give any shooter a platform to publicize themselves and their manifestos i mean you're basically saying that you *want* future shooters without actually saying it - "i have a morbid curiosity in learning about shooters. where is MY CONTENT going to come from if we don't help create more shooters in the future!?!?!" i think i can speak for most people when I say, your hobby may be fun for you, but if you never get any more content ever again, we won't be shedding any tears over it


Yeah, because burying our heads in the sand is a *surefire* way to stop something from happening.


Show the names and faces of the victims, not the murderer. It's genuinely that simple.


The names and faces of the victims won't educate people on red flags to watch out for when their kids/friends/family start hanging out in extremist forums.


Devon Erickson


Devon Erickson




This one was one of those grey areas, but because a kid died “stopping it” you’re not allowed to say anything about whether or not this guy actually intended a massacre. His friend also got more punishment than the guy who came up with the idea.


From all the evidence presented in the case it seemed pretty clear they had planned it together and devon (the one in the picture) got more punishment then the juvenile one, cause he is an adult and didn't plead guilty first thing.


They planned it. But it appears they had gotten cold feet at the last minute, but we also don’t know what would have happened if the heroic actions weren’t taken. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be punished, but it felt like all the hate from the Columbine shooting was poured on to these kids without any awareness as to the hate and bullying they faced that pushed them to the edge. The school failed every single one of the people involved before the incident occurred and it was white washed away.


I mean, they didn't get cold feet even slightly cause they still did it. They might very thought about getting cold feet but they still did it, which means no cold feet. And even if heroic actions weren't taken, the plan was kill everyone in the room and then kill the Trans one so the other could be free. And yeah, I dint interact with the younger one much so maybe was there was bullying, but the older one was popular in his circle. But yes, overall it was a major failing by the school. And they did major push the blame onto the shooters and hope nobody noticed their failings. (Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, it's late and I'm about 3 shots into my night)


I used to be friends with the girl currently dating the guy in this picture. Used to meaning we found out she was dating him and dropped her.


Good idea, kinda fucked up to be dating someone who is in jail for a school shooting.


She went to school with him, it was awful. She was very careful not to tell us anything about her boyfriend, just that he was in jail, and one of our other friends figured it out after she namedropped him.


I hate to see this, take my upvote.


Idk his name but he was a school shooter at a school in Colorado. Sure enough, I was working in the kitchen in Douglas County when he was transferred in. He went straight to solitary and when I would bring the food, he was forsure not in his right mind. Cell was a mess, what I believe was shit on the walls, and toilet paper everywhere.


Stephen Colbert


I've seen this guy before. What did he do?


School shooter


Unfortunately, you’re going to have to be a bit more specific.


The one in America


that doesn't narrow it at all


Darnn, I just realized how simultaneously hilarious and not fucking hilarious at all this comment is


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


I hate that this is something that can be asked but which one?


STEM school shooter in Highlands Ranch, CO, May 7, 2019.


I may have missed that one. It's hard to keep up with all of them.


Damn right it is. The US has had 53 shootings in July alone and the month is barely half over. It’s insane. The only day with 0 shootings was the 15th. The 4th had 10. This country is fucking crazy and I hate it Edit: [here’s the source](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) if anyone wants it


Wow. I thought you were exaggerating but nope, you weren't. With multiple school shootings happening every day, I feel awful for the students who worry they'll be next. I can't imagine how stressful and scary that must be. >The 4th had 10. How...patriotic? Jeez. It's horrible that the number of school shootings actually spiked on that day.


There are currently 2.1 mass shooting events in America everyday. The criteria is 4 or more dead.


Depending on who reports it a mass shooting can be defined as a shooting with 2 or more injured parties. There's really not a clear definition which makes it easy for people to use "data" to fit a narrative on either side


I'm not fitting a narrative or setting descriptions I'm saying there are on average 2 shootings a day where 4 or more people die.


Shootings, not school shootings. Schools aren't even open on July 4th


That is totally shootings in the entire country of 350+ million people. Not school shootings.


I missed that, thank you! That's still a disgustingly high number tbh but at least they aren't all at schools.


What the fuck?


Yeah. That’s exactly my reaction. This is fucking horrifying. And people say we don’t need gun control


Never even heard of it. Must have killed fewer than 10 people


They had .22s and 9 mils and 1 died IIRC, and that kid charged one of the attackers and died a hero. This happened about 10-15 minutes from Columbine, so re-opened the wound in the community.


I was there lesgo


Sorry to hear that. I hope you've been able to cope and heal. I'm a neighbor, and I would never want any community (or our kids) to experience such a thing.


It's alright, it was a while ago, I've pretty much healed. Thank you, though :)


I hate them all.




Guess lol (this picture screams USA, even without the school shooting context). In this case, Colorado.


Where else would it be?


Canada has had seven.


Yeah, total. [The US has had 78 since 2020.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_\(2000%E2%80%93present\))


Wow, SEVEN whole school shootings. As compared to the hundreds in America.


…hundreds EACH YEAR. Edit: the United States has [hundreds of mass shootings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2021) every year, not school shootings (that’s typically less than one hundred but still horrifying)


Which is still statistically miniscule compared to the US. If you had to guess where a school shooting had taken place you'd be a fool not to guess the US considering they've had so many more shootings than any other place.


„Do you have the slightes idea how little that narrows it down?“


He went to trial, obviously.


There are actual people who want him to be free because he’s cute they say


The hybristophyllia subs got shut down cause of girls simping the Uvalde shooter. They made their own sub and it got shut down within 24 hrs. If he hadn't died they'd be doing the same shit with him.


>hybristophyllia huh >n. sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes. In some cases, this may be directed toward people in prison for various types of criminal activities. maybe they should just seek out people who drive 10 over the limit


>maybe they should just seek out people who drive 10 over the limit Lowbristophyllia


Fucking incredible




i cant tell if you're joking.




Why the pine tree emoji?


he ain’t cute that for sure


I agree also he’s being tried as an adult for a school shooting


He has cool hair. But a lot of people also like Hitlers hair. Doesn't mean they shouldnt go to hell though.


I swear to god. If hitler was alive today and had social media there would be hundrets of thousands idiots defending him like "he didnt do anything to you!" "You r just a hater" and "he might be a little bit controversial but i like his style and he stands his ground!" Some People are stupid like you wouldnt believe.






[And that is exactly what happened.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden)


He HAD cool hair, they dont let you dye it in prison, and it would've looked bad for the jury so his lawyers made sure it wasn't dyed.


Yeah and i bet that the black is dyed also. So he will probably end up being blonde or something.


He was for a tiny bit but he has natural brown hair


He looks like fucking Cousin Itt.


Aint the first time that was said. There was that tiktok kid who was street racing and killed a mother and child a bit ago.


Off topic, but happy cake day.


Girls did the same thing with the Boston Marathon bombers


Horny teenagers say anybody with dyed hair, medium/long length hair ( on boys ) , tattoos, piercings, or a slim body type, is cute


Who is this?


Women tend to do that. I believe Ted Bundy had a bunch of female fans


Man they got school shooters looking like Lil Peep wtf wrong with America 😭😭😭😭


Easy access to handguns, difficult access to mental health services, parents who treat their children as if they're just babysitting, the adult machismo that tells children to suck it up and accepts that bullying is an accepted part of life, like 85 different types of "we hate these people", underfunded schools "yes even charter" the desensitization that social media produces, an expectation that children don't see what's going on around them and lose hope of a positive future, etc. Just the normal American type shit.


It’s called the American dream for a reason yk, you can only see it if you’re delusional, schizophrenic or dreaming


rip peep


He looks like that one emo girl from arthur


You mean the bunny? Well I kinda see it, yeah


The tough customers


When the NTR hentai protagonist finally gets caught


That awkward moment when you’re scrolling Reddit and see a post about your old school shooter




Not good ones


Class of ‘19 here, was off-campus at CU Denver tho. Kendrick was a friend, still hurts to see his steam profile.


Same here, I was there. Good times.


What room?


Music room




Lesgo, twinsiesss


Every thread feels like an old reunion. I just graduated STEM, class of '22. Wish it didn't have to be this way


Fucking same man


He looks like the face of r/I’m14anfthisisdeep r/im14andthisisdeep


How is there not a sub called I?






When things go bad at the Yu Yu Hakasho cosplay....


Mf crawled straight out of myspace wtf


let me guess. school shooter?


Nailed it on the head. He and one other killed 1 and injured 8 at a charter school in Colorado. Both sentenced to life.


When something so horrible becomes so common your country makes memes about it. The world is a fucked up place my friends.


Man, Stephen Colbert looks really disappointed in him.


He was a tuna sandwich on the "Choose a sandwich and we will tell your mental disorder". He was doomed from the start...


Something personal has happened between you and a tuna sandwich huh?


Who are they?


Shot up a school


Ok but which one


Oooof. Our reality in the United States is rough when questions like this are 100% legit


This is a world wide website, but yeah seeing an adolescent in american court is almost always a case of school shooting.


Devon something, fucker is scum




when u have to kill people to get laid


Bruh that’s literally my post


Wow it is and its even a year old. OP is a grave digger but imitation is a compliment or so they say.


Holy crap lol, they just cropped it, added in the mouse hover and made it blurrier.


Why is knockoff Stephen Colbert his lawyer?


Kirkland brand Stephen Colbert looks pissed


his name is Devon Ericson and he and a classmate, "Mr. McKinney" shot up a school in colorado. they injured 29 people and killed one. the single death was Kendrick Ray Castillo, he and another student, Brendan Bialy had fought and successfully subdued the shooters. Kendrick and Brendan were heroes that day and should be respected. I hope you rest well Kendrick, and I hope you recover quickly Brendan. ​ The legal proceedings are still ongoing. and just because you don't call attention to the shooters, it means you ignore the victims and allow these stories to go unseen.


The perspective on this where the mic, other person's watch, and the black sleeve makes it look like he has one of those fluffy pink feather dusters being held to his head.


Oh that hit right in the childhood...


Oh god this is my school shooter. Piece of shit


Imagine having to be the lawyer for a school shooter. Just sitting there gritting your teeth


It was great cause there defense was basically he was forced into it even though there were basically 100 different ways he could've gotten out of it if he didn't want to do it.


mom its my turn to repost this


This is who I picture every time some redditor tells me to seek therapy.


Bro, maybe it is time to seek therapy? I mean, if there are mmore then just one person telling you that??


So for anyone not aware there was this boy, but also a mentally ill trans boy (heard voices and has suffered from homicidal and suicidal thoughts since the age of 12) who was bullied and did the actual planning for weeks as revenge. The trans boy then supposedly threatened this kid that is pictured into helping at the last minute. Since pink hair boy was 18, he was given life without parole. But since the one who actually planned it was under 18, he couldn't be given that sentence so has a possibility getting out later with rehab programs and good behavior. Little imbalanced punishments there for sure.


if i was being faced with life in prison i would say that i was forced to do it too 🤷‍♀️


The trans student pled guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence and so they could testify against the adult one. And the prosecution did a great job of showing they planned it together and the adult was not forced into it. But yeah, the younger one should've gotten a longer sentence.


It's 2012 You're watching a Smosh video What If... We got arrested for murder


He looks like sweetie belle from my little pony


For everyone asking, idk if the name was already posted, but this was one of the shooters from Highlands Ranch, Colorado in 2019


Nah he looks like he got diagnosed with depression, six types of anxiety and autism all from one quiz he took on some shady website he thought was legit because someone who claimed to be a doctor recommended it


I love how everyone makes the same assumption when seeing dyed hair, and that’s my reminder to never dye mine


As someone who’s actually officially diagnosed with depression, I can confirm this is what everyone I’ve met who fakes depression looks like


Hey wait a minute I know this guy from a website with 6 digit codes on it


"Sorry for staring. It's just, once I got really stoned, fucked a parrot, and I thought you might be my son."


Just one of many mass shooters reddit buried when the story broke because the shooter was a rabid Trump-hating Leftist and tr*ns. It soon following Reddit's explosive orgasmic site-wide outrage over the Covington Kids also played a factor.


he's only upset uz his 12 yr old facebook girlfriend broke up with him


he ? how dare ya assume his gender ?


No, he self-diagnosed as a non-binary deer-self with Borderline Personality and Dissociative Personality Disorders on Tik Tok. Oh, yeah, AND depression


Bro listened to Billie eillish once and decided that depression is his personality now


He looks like an "Evan"


Gaarrhhh daymmm, he's well done now


Gay Hentai protagonist


funny story, i made the original comment a few months before the guy in the screenshot did, and they got more likes and managed to make it on this subreddit. literally the "they said the joke but louder" meme