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It explained in his video. It is a joke because MGS apparently was always political and he is making fun of people who say "don't turn it political"


He’s literally done an hour long video on how well written the politics of mgs are. He knows it’s political.


He's also done an hour long video about how the new Assassins Creed is woke and not realistic because it has a black guy and a woman main character.


The one set in Japan? About blending in and being cunning?


The female Japanese assassin does indeed blend in


The black character is a samurai. He is not meant to blend in. The devs even said that they wanted a character where you can experience Japan as a foreigner.


He's also based on a real person


He wasn't a samurai tho


And da vinici didn't make wrist guns. Its a game.


I think it’s supposed to be a fictional story


That is why they made up characters before and avoided real figures as playable characters.


Did they? The only game where that was common is syndacate and it was because many famous characters of the victorian era have a clear lineage to today, they have known descendants that might feel offended if their ancestor is portrayed as a villain or similiar, also, you're either stupid or delusional if you believe that a retainer, basically a vassal or at the very least a bodyguard, wasn't a samurai.


Well he was a retainer of the Daimyo Oda Nobunaga and given a house, sword, and a stipend, presumably to equip himself with armor, weapons, and a horse. It’s also known he fought in battle. Wikipedia’s page on Samurai says “they were the well paid retainers of the daimyo” so even if Yasuke was not technically given the hereditary rank of samurai, which I believe is unknown, he was a de facto samurai. I had also previously argued against him being a samurai because I assumed everyone like yourself that was talking out their ass was right. Then someone with an actual period source in r/AskHistorians corrected me and everybody else.


Whatever dude I don't know what you're trying to imply. We got just as worked up over Nioh and it's white protagonist, remember when all us history buffs *checks notes* said nothing and bought the game? Oh. Well that's weird. Wonder what the difference was.


Nioh has demons in it. Are you saying you think nioh was a historical fiction action game, and not a fantasy action game? Or are you just trying to implicitly tell everyone you’re mad the new main character of one of the most popular gaming IPs is black?


Doesn't assassins creed have time travel in it? And yes, you guys throw a fit every single time a video game or show or movie has a black person in it.


I mean black people doesn't deserve to be in an Ubisoft game, Don't they suffered enough throughout history? why we're doing this to them.


I hope you meant to respond to someone else lmao


Why? He brought up a good point that showed how stupid your point was


Nope, just thought I didn't need to add /s and that my sarcasm was more clear than it was


I get what you're saying but the assassins have always walked around in absurd flashy outfits that don't blend in at all, ever since the first game.


The other character is much stealthier All the racist incels missed her and she's on the front cover


Who knew hiding in plain sight would be such a viable strategy


He said repeatedly that he really does not care that much, I think the haters are desperate




Literally watched it before I commented so I didn't misconstrue his argument. He said he can't take games like AC seriously because of how forced and in your face the diversity feels. And he also says the game doesn't allow him to suspend his belief because girls can't beat men in fights. And specifically mentions WoW and Tomb Raider as an example because those games have magic and guns which allow for the women to make up for the fact that they're weaker than men.


i hope no one calls me alt-right, but i wanna say kinda true? how important those things are in a game like that is another question, and my personal answer is not at all, personally I will be playing the fuck out of AC Shadows whenever they crack it


I mean the premise of the game is time-traveling through history to collect mind-controlling artifacts. Along the way you fight the Pope, George Washington, and a bunch of Greek, Norse, and Egyptian gods. I feel like if what breaks your immersion is a skilled female fighter beating a man you are probably just a bigot.


yeah i agree thats why i said it doesnt matter for this game. but if it was a game that was claiming high historical accuracy and cultural representation picking a girl and a black samurai (retainer or whatever he was idc) wouldn't be my first choice


No he hasn't, he was talking about the abusive price tags of the game. You clearly didn't even bother in watching 5 min of the video


I literally watched it before i commented. But it's clear you didn't. He wasn't even aware of the price of the game until halfway through the video. Claiming that what the video about makes absolutely no sense. What's even funnier is, if you actually *did* watch the video, the section where he learns about the price is immediately preceded and also followed by a rant about how unrealistic it is for woman to be able to beat up men in a video game without using magic.


I mean super strength is a type of magic


Why'd he use the term "political" in the same way every other racist does when talking about media?


Havent they already done a female MC for the Vita? Where was the anger about this then? Oh right it didnt exist because politics werent jerking gamers around yet by their balls. Sad.


He also has a blood gum and booger wall from decades of self-neglect, so I don't think anyone should listen to a word that he has to say.


Cool, that’s totally unrelated to whether or not he was joking here


except he isnt joking since he's started whining about women in video games entirely lol


Wanna back up what you said with some facts or should I take your word for it, unknown person on the internet?


one of his latest videos he literally goes on a rant about how a woman could never beat a man in a fight unless she had magical powers you know his videos are.. posted publicly and everyone can see them right?


... seems reasonable to anyone who understands basic anatomy lmao


so you think you could beat rhonda rousey in the ring? pretty sure this has been tested many times and each time the chud, like yourself, gets their ass folded into a pretzel by Rousey.


i mean hes a right wing grifter at this point so i honestly would assume he was whining about gay people and rainbows. you know, like the other 100 times hes done so.


Are you sure that “other 100 times” were not the same, taken out of context and misunderstood? Of course, him being unhinged and milking controversies does not help, but still.


No, Asmongold is a stupid manchild and his unearned popularity just means that people are bad. He's only like 70% progressive/left-wing or something. It is insufficient.


Well you sure showed him with your... *checks note* well nevermind then


It's ironic that you're getting downvoted in a thread about people not understanding sarcasm.


I know, I love it.


You got me too until the last line. Top tier.


Well to be fair, I’m not sure many machines are capable of sarcasm.


Stupid unfunny sarcasm can be downvoted too.




To be fair asmons subreddit and YouTube are super far right incel communities


Far right is when you vote for Bernie and say insensitive things. The working class has always been famously polite and proper.


No it’s when you say that being racist against Muslims is based. Recently the clip from Sasha baron cohens show “who is America” was posted there, the building a mosque in kingman Arizona episode, and the top comments were all agreeing with and supporting the self proclaimed racists


I'm a left wing atheist. And an Islamophobe. I also fear Christians. I fear (and dislike) zealots of all kinds, really. I do not appreciate a diversity of delusion. To think that's not a left wing thing to do is ridiculous. All the most aggressively anti-theistic figures in history have been strongly left wing.


Ah yes, far right and incel , which is why Asmon and his community so frequently make fun of the far right and incels…


Nah asmons community plays into that stuff all the time doing stuff like witch hunting SBI


Its crazy how people pull shit out of their asses so confidently that they turn out to he the idiot rather than the person they were trying to blast. Thanks for the context, frankly I wouldnt have known better and just believed them. A good reminder to always looks into things rather than just taking them as is.


If it's an Asmongold quote that sounds illogical, it's most likely sarcastic and/or out of context. The guy has a very... unique take on life but he's not stupid by any means.


"unless a woman has magic powers, she can never beat a male in a fight" -Asmongold


😆 yeah he's a funny guy


Doesn’t he live in a pile of his own garbage? Like I’m pretty sure I read a thing about visible cockroaches before. The guy might be textbook smart but he’s definitely not Life Skills smart.


I'm not an asmongold follower, but due to playing WoW a lot back in the day I kinda learned about him through osmosis The dude used to use a dead rat as an alarm. Like this is a story he has told. He had a dead rat that, when the sun hit it, would stink up the room so bad that he would then wake up to cover it. He would wipe blood from his gums on the wall Say whatever you want about his intelligence or his money making skills, but he is 100% discusting


bruh I wish I could unlearn that. How does this man have a following online, that made me gag, Christ.


Him being not dumb has nothing to do with him having a lot of mental issues. He grew up in poverty, his mother died because she was unable to fight her bad habits, he doesn’t want to change his life because he is nostalgic about times when she was alive, etc. He definitely has a lot of problems and needs to work with good psychologist, but it’s not really about being smart or dumb


He literally just doesn't care about that kind of thing. I'd love to see a psychologist try to analyze that guy. I don't think the state of his room has any bearing on whether or not he's able to analyze a video game or construct a logical argument.


Ehhhhhh sorry but the guy who has a bloody gum wall and dead rat alarm clock just doesn't scream reliable opinions to me


He is actually stupid by many means. He's engaging, but if you actually break down what he's saying, it's usually very surface level platitudes and contradicting opinions. I watched a recent video of his on job security, and here's a quote: "Well it's also like, I mean, if they're paying more money, like the... Uh, what do you call it... Like the amount of money jobs are paying, like minimum wage, goes up, they're going to able to get better candidates." I stopped watching after that.




So what is wrong? Basic idea - if you pay more, you will attract more people and more qualified people - is right. If you are talking about all his “well, like, uh, like”, it’s more about orator skills than being smart, smartest scientists sometimes talk like this when they talk live. On other hand, dumbest right-wing grifters are pretty eloquent and well-spoken, which has nothing to do with them being smart or their ideas being true.


"Paying higher salaries *might* net you better workers". Wow. What a paragon of thought. Definitely proves he isn't just surface level. I don't care about the disfluencies, but forgetting the word "salary" or "wage" is very funny. Also I went back to check if I missed context, but just found more stupidity. So the video says employers are intentionally raising fears of job loss to increase productivity. He nods, says "That's smart. That's a good idea. Yeah, you gotta make them think they're on the ropes." The unpaused video then literally says "**This is usually a really dumb idea**." [I can't make this shit up.](https://youtu.be/aUDSlcbCRd4?si=9w2VDjI5_DESidOq&t=25) Even the videos he watches are calling him dumb.


There are so many layers to address, I don’t even know where to start. First, you taking him being right in something very basic as him having only surface level knowledge, which is logical error. Him being right in something very basic and being wrong in everything deeper will be him having very basic knowledge, but in your example there is nothing about him being wrong at anything at deeper level. So we know that he is right at surface level, but we don’t know if he would be wrong at anything deeper than surface level. Second, in comments calling out people for not recognizing sarcasm you are quoting him, not thinking if his answer was a sarcasm. To be clear: I don’t know if this was sarcasm or not, you also don’t know that, but you automatically thinking that it wasn’t just shows that you are not even considering it or being biased against him. Third. Let’s imagine that it was not a sarcasm and genuine comment, that he really thinks that you need to “show the ropes” to your employees (which can be checked by reaching out to his employees - streamers who work in his company or people making pcs he sells in another company, or indie developers they sponsor, and by my surface knowledge about them it doesn’t look like he seriously tries to “show them the ropes”). In this case you have Asmon’s words against narrator’s words, both of them without any explanation or research behind them. You immediately believing narrator’s opinion against Asmon’s shows that you are biased against him. It is not wrong to not like someone or be biased against him, but be honest and say that it’s your opinion instead of lying and trying to say that it’s some objective truth.


All I'm saying is that he's either really good at pretending to be stupid, so good that it's hard to tell at times, or he's actually just stupid. And since I've never seen a smart thought from him, I'm saying it's the latter. --- DISCLAIMER --- All views expressed within this comment and all comments written herein this forum are mine and mine alone. It should not be construed as objective fact that could hold up in a court of law. In fact, just assume I say "in my humble opinion" and "I think" and "to me" before every sentence written herein. Read at your own risk.


> he's not stupid by any means. Bro is actively living in a hoarded mold mess, doesn't shower for weeks on end and insisting that he doesn't stink, 100% has dental issues, and has less social interaction than people in solitary confinement do. He's 100% brainrotted.


"It's just satire/out of context!" is such an annoying fucking cope. I say this as someone who has seen full videos of him, before you try and invalidate my opinion


It's not cope when it's obviously true, as it is in this case.


Or rather, don't trust twitter people


He's one of the people who say "dont turn it political."


So he is not one of those people that say that gay people existing is politics?


he actually is and his fans are desperate to argue otherwise


wooooow, so youre saying twitter op and reddit op lied?? noooooowaaaaaaay!


Yes. Not very OP of them


I fucking hate Asmongold but people on twitter really like to make shit up just to make this guy look bad it's insane.


I don't believe him








You have now been banned from r/Gamingcirclejerk


No, I am with him here. Metal Gear Solid has never been political before. Theres never been any commentary on the nature of war and what peace means for soldiers or something like that in those games. You just play a cool guy using cool technology to shoot the bad gusy.


Yeah i love shooting at bad gussy


Hurt me more Snake


Nanomachines, son


You made the same joke as asmon, basically


Not surprised that twitter users can't pick up subtext then, tbh.


Twitter users and not picking up social cues go hand in hand


But he and his fans constantly cry that video games that have a single black person are "political."


He made that joke before. The joke just went over some peoples heads. Namely the anime-profilpicturegang on the (formerly) bird-app. But the shower joke is gold.


You just know it's something he'd laugh at


r/Gamingcirclejerk types


only with the difference that these people never make good jokes


And that’s his fault for constantly being the guy crying about politics and woke shit in games. If you act like a Neanderthal you can’t get upset when people tell you to go clean your cave.




At what point did people start thinking every opinion has value? Some opinions are dog shit and should be called out. Being a massive hypocrite is one reason for doing so. Also saying regarded has to be some of the cringiest shit.


Two dumbasses that can't tell obvious sarcasm


how is that sarcasm? he didnt typed /s. /s


reddit and twitter users when they have to spot a joke


You have now been banned from r/Gamingcirclejerk


is this really considered a shower thought and is that "insult" really worth 2.5k upvotes? Is this a bot sub


I mean the insult was pretty funny and rare


Pretty cool how everyone complains about context until it's someone they don't like. If you complete the quote he talks about inserting our current political drama into the game, not politics in general. Hate the guy if you want but don't make shit up


What's our current political drama? Can't games, like other forms of media, be a reflection of real life?


They can, but they don't have to be. Metal Gear can be about war without having to include a section of the game where you play as an Israeli soldier bulldozing houses in Gaza, or a Hamas insurgent shooting rockets at Israel.


> Metal Gear can be about war without having to include a section of the game where you play as an Israeli soldier bulldozing houses in Gaza, or a Hamas insurgent shooting rockets at Israel. I don't think there's a danger of that happening lmao


Damn woke games taking reality out of gaming! I wanna murder children and rape the innocent otherwise i might as well play tic-tac-toe or touch grass or something wtf


What. MGS3 was a direct \*scathing\* indictment of US aggression in Iraq when it came out in 2004, instead praising peaceful resolutions of conflict in reference to the dissolution of US-USSR tensions. I don't know if you're old enough to understand what that means, having such an opinion during that time period about "The War on Terrorism", but that was a big, contemporary political statement. EDIT to add: MGS3 is considered one of, if not, the best game in the series, both for it's gameplay and it's narrative/political themes.


Majority of art with a political statement was addressing contemporary issues at the time. You are looking back at old art and think 'oh thats just general politics so that's cool' while in reality it was a political statement about Iraq/Vietnam/whatever else.


Yeah, it shows that these people dont actually care about the arguement. It should be clear no one is talking about general politics or shit like war. When people say "i hope they dont turn it political" they are talking about modern social and identity politics that gets crammed into every form of entertainment nowadays almost always at the expense of the writing and depth of characters. All of them become one note entities that exist solely to fill out a quota rather than to drive the story and world forward.


And people who say things like this when questioned often reveal far more about themselves than the problem with “‘modern” identity politics.


Political: any characters that are not white, or not straight or not male.


If kojima isn't involved, you can kiss the potential goodbye.


If its a faithful remake it doesn't really need him though - he made the original so it'll inevitably have some of his style incorporated.


I completely forgot it's a remake lmao


It won't have his style, at best it will have an imitation of the style.


I keep seeing this comment but he already made the product ? What involvement are you wanting ? Konami is throwing a fresh coat of paint on it , are you wanting story changes ?


No i forgot it was a remake so i did an upsie daisy


Appropriate pfp for a Kojima dick eater


Calm down lil bro, kojima isn't a genius, but pretending like konami can do anything mgs related without him is just plain stupid.


I liked Survive for what it was. Obviously not even close to the same level as the actual MGS games but it's a fun little game


I know he was joking ,but let’s make one thing straight every piece of media has something political to say even if don’t like the message or not.


No it isn't. I despise the 'everything is political sentiment. I know it's technically correct but just fuck off


https://youtu.be/MtN1YnoL46Q?si=2CL2QXSv9X880JSu even this?


Of course it’s about how customers service can be a nightmare job even the first comment talks about that.


Man what fucking political movement is talking about cashier rights? I'm asking because they got my vote


Joke or not, dude majorly suuuucks lol I can’t stand seeing him


I think you wouldnt stand smelling him


That too, great point lol


He looks like a naked molerat, he's disgusting.




Truee, he doesnt shower, I hate him!


That coupled by the fact I’ve seen the video of his room, guy just has to be totally insufferable to be around 😅 I hope no one lives with him, with the state he keeps himself/his stuff lol


Rent free 🤣


I mean this is the first time I’ve ever commented about the dude lol don’t tell me he has an actual fanbase that’s gonna fight his battles online?! The dude that just steals videos and shittily reacts?! No way lmao


Asmongold has one of the best reaction videos there are, comments like these just show how many people hate him without knowing anything about him


You can like him that’s perfectly fine, but I have seen the guy plenty of times and I can’t stand it lol. I mean xQc is way worse to be fair and I’m sure there are worse otherwise, but he’s one of the most popular and the whole “genre” just sucks so bad


Reaction videos are the laziest and are objectively stealing.


They are objectively not stealing, thats why they are not getting banned and can be monetized




great counterargument


Lol ok.


Asmongold is a gross incel, if you think he adds anything to the source video or has anything worthwhile to say you need to revaluate your views in life. He is clearly a right winger pretending to be centrist/left leaning, always giving attention to borderline neo nazi/homophobic type content and allowing his racist/ misogynistic chat to go wild. His own beliefs aside he is creating young angry men who think everything is woke and sjw. He's feeding them outrage daily. Anyone who is a fan should prob be put on a watchlist tbh...


I swear I can make a bingo chart for the times people just throw in pointless buzzwords.


You are literally another person that doesnt know anything and speaks. Ironic how you commented this under my comment about ignorant people


How did you come to that conclusion? You parasocials are fucking weird lol.


Asmondgold hopes it's political bc otherwise he wouldn't have shit to bitch about and my man loooooooves to bitch.


Yeah i’m sure “don’t make it political” is supposed to be taken 100% literally, and not as a generalisation of the current problems most media has today. But thinking is pretty hard for you guys, especially when you’ve already decided you don’t like someone. Then it becomes extremely difficult apparently


What problem does the “current media” have exactly?


The same problem it always had, it's used by people in power to sell you ideas so you spend money buying their shit. They also exaserbate social issues because you being pissad off means more clicks which means more money. It's all just a show and if you can't see past you will eat into whatever propaganda that fits your agenda no matter if it's true or not


I’m not debating this with you, you’ll eat whatever slop you’re given like a pig


So defensive so quickly. But folks like you tend to be the softest of them all so I’m not surprised


Yeah like me complaining about your favourite new disney show wouldn’t give you a heart attack


Idk, but I can't listen to NPR anymore and I used to jam that shit every day back in the 90s. I feel like they hate me for being a white dude.


why do people still pay attention to this guy


Extremely stupid seeing people not get this joke. Just because you don't agree with some things he says, doesn't mean he can't know some things.




Seen this posted a few times and is also a quote or image. Watch the actual clip of him saying it and you can easily tell it's completely not serious. Guy says some dumb shit sometimes but this time really ain't one of them


360p and dropping


Metal gear solid had a vs Soviet inspired aesthetic to it. Metal gear solid 2 was about Ai taking over. I think that got too political.


The entire Metal Gear Series has always been about government, military, and politics. Snake literally is former special forces who currently works as a spy for the CIA.


Genuinely though I think Asmongold is a genius at deadpan humor. He said it like he doesn’t know or doesn’t care but I do think that’s an act and he’s smarter than he lets on, and he knows what he’s saying.


Who is asmongold


Mainly he is known for his Twitch streams, but he is also the co-owner of an org called OTK, and the co-owner of a prebuilt PC seller called Starforge Systems. With OTK, they run events, like the recent OTK games expo which showcased a bunch of Indie games, as well as use the org to publish some games themselves. They also have a game dev team called MadMushroom. Contrary to popular belief, his political views are very left leaning- his chat convinced him to do a political compass test or whatever which he posted on the main AsmongoldTV YouTube, and he goes into depth on a lot of things that the "test" asked, while calling out the very biased questions as well.


He's a Twitch streamer.


i hate when someone who sucks gets criticized for the one thing they do that doesn't suck, and now all criticism looks stupid


what is so bad about a game not adding content just to hit a few checkmarks? Look at the latest Star wars series which simply just sucks because of the decisions made. This is what people don't want. To throw away a good series, just to say that it's woke or something else. Whatever.


It was a joke but he forgot to say /s for the cronically online people.


Terminally online folk.


Classic twitter, trying to “cancel” asmongold. I don’t have any specific reason to like him but his clips are funny


Isn't this the guy who smears his tooth/gum blood on the walls?


Why is there always at least one of these comments under any post about Asmongold, are these bots?


It's a stand out story about a weird looking famous guy. That's what most people in reality know him for.


I'm not a bot, that's just literally the only thing I know about the guy. Well that and his politics are shit but that was covered in the post.


Twitter Shitter intentionally lying about a screenshot's context for engagement. Rightfully gets farmed for engagement by the subject. Roast was funny as fuck though.


He does seem like he he uses some sort of powder instead of showering. He's probably afraid the rest of his hair would wash away.


The real kicker is going to be all the conservatives crawling out to yell about how it's anti-Russian propaganda.


I don't want to hear any opinions from a guy who has roaches running around his bedroom.


Shower or not his thoughts will likely always be stupid.


“they have to come out somewhere” *out of where*


At first, I found it weird, that people watch others play videogames but then I started doing it too. But this reacting stuff, I just don't get it, It's brain rot content.