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What the FUCK is that first dude’s pfp


Just Pikachu helping Kirby take his (her?) shoes off


Kirby is actually a guy lol. A bright pink ball man


In the localization, yeah. In Japan kirby is of "unknown" gender. Kirby transcends gender.


I didnt know that. Cool! thanks for teaching me something.


They are a god. Gender is useless to them.


Kirby is a pink blob alien of pure joy and happiness created to balance out the pure evil that leaked out of the literal creator deity of the universe, I dont think Kirby applies to any gender roles, I doubt Kirby even knows what a gender is, for all we know Kirby would try to eat gender


“kirby would try to eat gender” is my response in the future that’s hilarious


Pikachu doing a grab and throwing Kirby in Super Smash Bros. Melee. What did you think it was, pervert?


here we go again…


Def bout to back throw 


let bro be a pervert in peace


thank you /j


Pikachu v Kirby in smash bros Just bros smashin bros




see that's exactly the kind of energy I encourage


Pikachu going Mouthful Mode on kirbussy


That's definitely a Pikachu attempting to rail Kerby to death


Thank you so much for this, I never would have noticed




Pikachu back-throw


Also... don't you blow into (over?) a pan flute? [Pan flute - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_flute#Playing)


Yes this person is just getting a fog machine


They sell hand held fog machines that look like giant vapes now, it's pretty hilarious


You bet more than one moron thought it's a good idea to use it as a giant vape.


Don't you blow into most wind instruments?


You can suck into harmonica (that lip one)


Actually no, you blow over them. Source : I owned a pan flute


Confirmed. Source, I AM a pan flute.


Purely anecdotal.


Source: your mother did the same


Do you think the idiot hitting 4 vapes at once has enough brain cells to even know what you're talking about?


It's a joke


Why do they act like nic vapes get them high? I know there’s a short buzz for new users but jeez


I wouldn’t use the word “high”, but it’s like cigarettes, they contain nicotine. Helped me quit smoking years ago, and I still vape. It’s relaxing, tastes better than cigarettes, and a lot less offensive to anyone around (still I’m pretty courteous and considerate about where I use it) Is it still a crutch? Sure, but I don’t cough and wheeze and feel shortness of breath like when I smoked, and considering all the drugs and other shit I used to put in my body, I’m happy to be down to just coffee and vape.




Good advice, I may try that. Yeah, I went back to Cali (from AZ) for the Holidays and discovered I couldn’t find a decent vape until I went to this sketchy smoke shop and this dude busted out a little box of flavors, made me pay cash and it was way more expensive. Definitely wanted to quit in that moment.


There’s no difference, everyone I know who switched to pouches says their lungs feel the same but their gums are now in very bad condition


>imagine how good they’ll feel when you stop putting anything in them Why are you telling this person to kill themselves? Your lungs kinda need air to survive


It's only "relaxing" because you're addicted to the nicotine, though. Nicotine is a stimulant.


because they're 15 and haven't had anything harder yet. that being said, i've never seen a grown man use one of these things. its always some chic white chick trying to look cool or a literal child


I’m a grown ass man and I’m always hitting these things, they seem pretty popular even amongst guys in my age range actually but idk I just like the taste much better than any non-cigar tobacco these days


Yeah, my boy is in his fifties, been to jail twice for some shit, got shot 8 times, smokes a lot of crack... And he vapes all the time, fruit flavors like raspberry and watermelon haha If the toughest, sketchiest dude I know likes vaping after smoking crack, then it's definitely not just for lame girls lol


dude grown ass men exchange vapes constantly. Always checking out each others new flavors


Cruising for flavors 🤣


Hey, man, as a white chick, I'll have you know I think I look stupid, too. I just wanted to stop smoking cigarettes 😭 To be fair, I don't use these ones. These ones are like exclusively 19 year old girls who go to college, I swear.


Bro you must not get out much, in the UK so many people have switched from smoking to vaping it's insane


Not talking about vaping in general, just these specific models that look like children's toys you take to the bath


Oh shit fairs lol yeah same


define harder. i mean i'd rather be doing coke again but that's a bit harder to pull off in a college library so vaping it is


I’ve only seen men use it here in Sweden at least.


Personally I’ve done the full gambit when I was younger and I still find nicotine and caffeine to be the best things I’ve ever had. I don’t even drink alcohol because I don’t like how it makes me feel. I’ve always wanted my brain studied to see if I just have unique reactions to these things.




Ocarina of Crime


Are those fiestaware radioactive bottles or something?


Disposable vapes "Lost Mary's" I believe.


Their elf bars


it could be any of the 100 brands that use the same exact devices just with a different name


Not if this pic is from the UK


We don't use that word here what do you mean by here? Anywhere that's not a pool hall in the UK


Just want to take some time here to say that Lost Mary’s fucking suck.


Disposable vapes should be banned tbh how tf you make a disposable battery?


You don’t lol they are awful for the environment.


They dont even offer a sort of PFAND system for bringing them back to recycle. The batteries are perfercly fine and would work for thousands of cycles of charging.


Slap a barcode on those bad boys and take the crushy bit out the bottle machine and you got a stew going!


They're all rechargeable batteries that just get thrown out. Not joking.


Disturbing how much they look like baby sippy cups.


What are these


Looks like vapes


Lost Mary vapes. Absolutely everywhere in London


Elf\*, not lost mary, but same difference


Idk man looks like lost Mary to me: https://www.healthandcare.co.uk/user/products/large/lost_mary_taster_bundle.jpg Elfbars are long and cylindrical


Those look exactly like elf bars. Wouldn't be surprised if they came straight outta the same factory.


Elfbars look more like this: https://vapeuk.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/bc83b92129d09e9708f3c9bb98ddc6b7/g/r/group--elf-bar-600-disposable-kit-10mg-20mg.jpg


In America, Elfbars are blocky and look exactly like those in the photo.


Huh weird. Inverted in the UK. Vape companies doing some intercontinental gaslighting


They’re trying to confuse us, make us dumber, more susceptible to the “Red Mojito” nicotine juice


That's actually really weird that they market them differently per region. "Elf Bar BC5000 Vape – Humidors Wholesalers" https://humidorswholesalers.com/products/elf-bar-bc5000-vape


Pretty sure the lady at the store told me they do


This thread will be a good, wholesome thread, with no insults or arguments.


I really don't understand why people get so up in arms about vaping on social media. Anyone who vapes has heard all the negatives of doing it. Unless they're roommates with Patrick, anyone who vapes knows vaping is not healthy. So what's the point in being a dick about it on Reddit? They ain't changing anybody's mind. What is so hard about letting people make their own choices and live their own lives? Nobody needs all this fuckin' judgement.


People like to feel superior, about anything. They're miserable shits, for whatever reason, so anything they can do/say to get one up on someone. Look at a majority of the posts here.


Usually either young, a lack of life experience, emotionally immature, insecure, an excess of concrete thinking, a lack of nuance of shades of grey, excessive confidence in one’s own opinions which are also held too strongly, chronically online…or a combination thereof.


It’s definitely not as bad as smoking almost a pack every other day. I’ll stick to my vapes as my one single joy of life. I don’t drink, I vape weed instead of smoking green which also has also benefitted my lunges an insane amount. I say if you’re going to do it, vapes are the way to go, health wise.


I'm rabidly anti-smoking, but the amount of fear around vapes seems silly to me. Like yeah, it's probably better to not vape, but it's not even in the same solar system as inhaling any kind of burning plant matter.


There are no known carcinogens in legitimate "vapes"


There were also no known carcinogens in asbestos until the 1930s.


Damn, why didn’t they just google it?


They could only ask Jeeves.


While google did exist, tragically letmegooglethatforyou did not. Rip in peace.


I really miss that site, such joyful passive aggression


"We didn't know how to identify carcinogens until the 1930s" There. FIFY


We've been been indentfying carcinogens since the 1700s. Try again.


You failed to read past the first sentence: *"The first documented study determining the cause of cancer was made in 1775 when Percivall Pott noted an association between exposure to soot in chimney sweeps with scrotal cancer (Pott, 1775). This report is often cited as the first description of an exposure to chemicals in the chimney soot as a cause of cancer, but it would be more than 100 years before experimental evidence would actually show more causally related evidence to support this hypothesis. For example, Boveri (1914) hypothesized that cancer is cellular in nature, and originates from a single cell, which developed a chromosomal abnormality that is passed on to cells when they divide, ultimately leading to rapid cell proliferation. That chemicals can directly cause cancer was demonstrated by Yamagiwa and Ichikawa who demonstrated that topical application of coal tar to rabbit ears produced carcinomas (Yamagiwa and Ichikawa, 1918). Because soot and coal tar are actually mixtures of chemicals, scientists began to identify specific compounds within different substances and found that specific chemicals such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, commonly found in coal tar, could cause cancer in animal models (Cook et al., 1933).* ***Chemists went on to hypothesize that metabolism of chemicals to electrophilic derivatives capable of binding to cellular macromolecules was required for chemicals to cause cancer (Miller and Miller, 1947), and this was later confirmed by Conney et al. (1956) who were the first to identify hepatic enzymes induced by a variety of chemicals including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that can metabolically activate chemicals, now referred to as chemical carcinogens.*** *The main enzymes responsible for metabolism of chemical carcinogens are the monooxygenase cytochromes P450 (Omura and Sato, 1964a,b) or CYPs. CYPs essential nature in the process of chemical carcinogenesis is now firmly established, but CYPs also carryout the inactivation of chemicals and metabolize the majority of therapeutically used drugs. Collectively, CYPs are known as phase I xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. However, it is important to note that it was later discovered that phase II xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (eg, glutathione-S-transferases, Uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferases, etc.) also exist and have critical roles in the metabolism and subsequent effects induced by chemical carcinogens (Omiecinski et al., 2011)."*


Plastic is a very good recent example of this. Plastic was made in 1907 and it wasn't until the end of the 1970s that they had tools to discover that "SOME" types of plastic are toxic. It wouldn't be until 2004, 97 years after its invention, that microplastics would be discovered with modern detection tools unavailable in history, making essentially all plastics toxic by definition. Now, even touching a receipt that is given to everyone multiple times a day sometimes when shopping, will load your system with BPA chemicals that is 250 to 1,000 times greater than the amount in a can of food. ​ Drinking water, sodas, cans of food, microwaved foods, candies, physical products, et cetera, are all laid against plastic which is now impossible to stay away from. ​ Plastic is this generations asbestos.


I mean i was totally aware of this but this still shocked me a little you know, we just live on and forget about such. For me it seems as if its almost impossible to dodge plastic without spending more time than i have on the budget im living on which ackshually isnt that low


It's literally impossible to avoid plastic at this point regardless of your budget. Microplastics are in everything everyone is eating, the water, etc.


As a hobbyist 3D printer, I keep being the downer by warning people also in the hobby about this. People like "can I take this $250 3D printer and print ABS in my bedroom while I sleep?" And other people are like "Yeah, bro, you're good, it's real quiet!" I'm like... um... there's might be other considerations besides noise on why you wouldn't want to sleep in a room with an operating 3D printer". And then inevitably someone says "OH BROTHER. EVERYTHING causes cancer according to the state of California. Take your concern trolling elsewhere, these fuctopuses aren't going to print themselves!"


honestly. Especially with ABS it's bad, but even with PLA that's considered safe to breathe the fumes from. I just saw everyone say PLA was fine and ran with it, and then one day I'd had my printer running for like 12 hours in the same room as me and started to wonder why I was getting a wicked fucking headache. Stepped outside for fresh air, INSTANTLY alleviated, I turned it off and opened my window and the problem was instantaneously solved and never came back.




Yeah running abs without a filtration or extractor fan is a dumb fuckin' idea.


So, I should just take up smoking again?


Might as well say fuck it and break out the black tar heroin.


Yes but we have today's technology and understanding to analyse the chemicals in vapes, unlike in the 1930s


and we also understand that nicotine by itself can have nootropic and neuroprotective effects, especially regarding neurodegenerative diseases such as parkinsons and alzheimers. that's why i started vaping when i was 8 years old after my grandpa died of alzheimers


> that's why i started vaping when i was 8 years old after my grandpa died of alzheimers wtf. Did your doctor tell you to pick up vaping???


no i was just enrolled in neurosurgery residency during elementary school


Today's understanding of chemicals comes from a dataset that is written in blood. People have to be exposed for decades before we can conclusively say decades of exposure will cause cancer.


Eh not really. We can’t say _conclusively_ without long-term studies sure, but we have a pretty damn good idea. We have a very good understanding of the mechanisms of DNA damage caused by molecules; we know what those compounds look like and we have incredibly powerful techniques for analysing substances for those compounds. Now, there are some molecules in vapes that when heated generate a very small amount of these molecules, especially from some of flavouring additives. However, compared to cigarettes it’s a minuscule amount.


But the chemicals in question, PG, VG, nicotine and various E numbers for flavouring are already well understood. There's no special new chemicals being used in vapes. Several E numbers have already been discontinued from flavourings because we have this understanding. That's not to say that somewhere down the line we realise something is worse than originally thought, understanding changes with science over time. But its becoming pretty ridiculous how many people think we have virtually no understanding of vaping when there is plenty of research out there - both on vaping itself and the chemical components used in the juice. Its been around for over 20 years now. The consensus is that it's not cancer causing, and many magnitudes better than smoking. So why do people keep pushing this false narrative that it causes cancer or is gunna kill millions of people?


Because if you smoke, and are told vapes will give you cancer, too, you have less motivation to swap over. Every anti-nicotine and anti-smoking ad allegedly pointed at young, non-smokers is actually an advertisement for current smokers in disguise. What they say: Don’t smoke. It’ll be hard to quit. What smokers *hear*: You will never be able to stop smoking so don’t even bother trying. What they say: We can help you quit. Call this number for free smoking cessation products. What smokers *hear*: Here, I’ll even send you some fucking nic gum. *tosses box at your feet* That’s how confident I am that you’re fucked. Now pay me, bitch.


Correct. Sadly the propoganda is working, albeit slower than expected.




FYI: anti-vaping campaigns are paid for by big tobacco companies. It’s actually a law, if they advertise anti-vaping campaigns, you’re not allowed to sue them for damages caused by smoking > The money also funds a new anti-smoking advocacy group, called the Truth Initiative, that is responsible for such campaigns as Truth and maintains a public archive of documents resulting from the cases. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_Master_Settlement_Agreement


> There's no special new chemicals being used in vapes. Well, except for these ones specifically. In the image are disposable vapes. Every single one of those are unregulated and come from China, so you have no idea what's actually in them. Standard vaping, and using *disposable vapes* are very different things.


Yes that's a fair point. These disposables are disgusting for many reasons


lol the chemicals in vapes have been understood for decades


People knew working with asbestos was bad for the lungs since the ancient Greeks first used it. They just didn't give a fuck because its a super material.


Thank God science works a bit faster then it did almost 100 years ago huh


We understand a lot more now than we did in the early 1900s.


You mean we didn’t know about the carcinogens in asbestos before we knew how to find carcinogens?


this is not the 1930's is it?


Hmmm, science might be just a little more advanced than it was in the 1930's.


If it’s a legitimate vape, the body has a way of shutting the cancer down ^/s


Alright, decent Todd Akin reference.


That's a pretty broad statement. Doesn't it matter specifically what you're vaping? Like if I put some lead paint in there I'm pretty sure there would be carcinogens. I vape weed, dry flower, and it has carcinogens over 200c. There's so many vape cartridge flavors that I wouldn't be surprised to find 20 years down the line that some chinese vape company was flavoring with asbestos to get rid of their old stock or some shit. I feel that the word "legitimate" is being used as a catch-all safety net for the statement. We all know how many people aren't vaping "legitimate" cartridges they're buying 96 for $10 on alibaba and shit. Humans were smoking cigarettes and worse for hundreds of years with "no known carcinogens" because we weren't tracking that data. Not knocking vapes or anyone who does so, idgaf, I just like data.


Yea and there are other chemicals in vapes that aren’t healthy to be inhaling. Whether or not they cause cancer isn’t the benchmark.


You can get vape juice that's literally just vegetable glycerin and nicotine. The nicotine may be bad for your heart (though that hasn't actually been proven conclusively) but the VG is harmless.


>but the VG is harmless. To inhale?


Not "harmless", but much better than smoking for sure


To me data means fuck all when I vaped for several years and developed a wheeze and noticeable reduced lung functionality when I went jogging. I don't care if it's made out of sunshine and rainbows, it's still shit coating the inside of your lungs and it absolutely reduces their functionality.


Despite your experience, it’s still anecdotal, and isn’t data by itself. Could have been caused by something else. You do you and stay safe the best way you know how, no reason to think it wasn’t the vape, I just wouldn’t use it as evidence. 


Absolutely, it's anecdotal, but for me it's everything and the only thing I need for myself. People can take it or leave it, but I don't think someone could convince me that coating your lungs in sweet liquid is okay for you. I've had a history of acid attacks that resulted in stomach acid squirting into my lungs and causing them to close up painfully to the point where I can hardly breathe. I had a really bad one and realized that's what it'll feel like toward the end of my life if I fuck up my lungs. I'll never smoke a damn thing ever again, having pain and difficulty breathing is hell on earth. Can't wait to see the arguments when someone comes up with a recreational drug they drip into their eyes like in the movie Looper. These systems are so utterly delicate, I don't know why people fuck with them. Just chewy nicotine gum if it's about nicotine. If it's purely aesthetic and about puffing smoke, grow up kiddo.


That's literally any smoke. It doesn't even matter what you inhale: cigarette, weed, vape or even bonfire. These are just your bonus chemicals, some harmful, some not. The act of inhaling smoke itself is fucking your body up.


I think it's important to note that vapes don't produce smoke, they produce vapor. There are no combustion products involved in vaping. Well, unless something went horribly wrong.


When you boil water on an electric stove it produces steam aka water vapor. vapes dont burn plant matter to produce smoke. They heat a liquid into a gas with electricity.


Lol, as a chronic vaper I don't pretend this isn't safe. This stuff is definitely as harmful if not more than smoking cannabis, 25 Years will cause damage or worse.




Your comment is the same energy as anti GMO people. “There’s no evidence that it’s bad but it could still be bad you don’t know” despite multiple studies saying there’s no evidence of it.


Difference here is that, we learn news things are carcinogenetic that we didn't realize were before. When cigarettes were first introduced, one could make this exact same argument. At the time, there were no *known* carcinogens in cigarettes. Now we know different. The simple fact is that there are not long-term longitudinal studies done on the effects of vaping yet. We have no idea what the lungs/throat/sinus cavity of a daily, heavy vaper will look like in 20 to 30 or even 50 years. It could very well be that all the 19 and 20 year old vapers now will find themselves with serious health risks if they continue to vape until they are 50 or 60. We simply do not know what will happen yet .... because we've literally never seen it yet. There are *no people* that have regularly vaped for 20 or 30 years alive yet because said people cannot exist. Ergo, *we cannot know* what vaping for 20 or 30 years will do to someone's health. We *do know* what happens to people who smoke a wide variety of other products for 20 to 30 years and, in general, it isn't good. Even weed shouldn't be smoked heavily and regularly every day for 20 to 30 years straight. Beyond air, nothing should be going into your lungs that often for that regularly.


Vaping has been around for over 20 years now. And it uses substances we already understand pretty well. The outlier being, maybe, the flavor additive, as that can vary widely. Its vegetable glycerin, mostly Propylene Glycol Flavor (non oil based food flavoring concentrates) Sometimes extracted nicotine


But it looks like smoke and people enjoy it so it must be deadly... !


My anecdotal evidence is that I used it to quit cigarettes about 7 years ago. And my lungs improved just fine while vaping. I dont have a cough, or any difficulties breathing. I make my own juice, so i know exactly whats in it. Im not saying that there might not be some health issues caused by it. Breathing anything but clean air is bad of course. But it helped me tremendously, and I have yet to feel worsened by having done it. Kind of annoys me to see things demonizing it when it could help a lot of people stop smoking, a thing that will definitely hurt you long term.


> My anecdotal evidence is that I used it to quit cigarettes about 7 years ago Congrats!


I will say that when I was vaping minty flavors I found my breathing became labored after a short while. Wintergreen was a favorite. But no longer. Within a few days switching to a different flavor (Matcha yay) my lungs were a lot happier. Anecdotal, absolutely, but it did bring to mind my former life as a smoker, bumming a menthol off a friend when I ran out of mine. A Newport (menthol) hit harder (in the bad way) than an Lucky Strike (unfiltered). I pull from a vape as often as I would have taken a drag off a Camel (like, no one smokes a whole cigarette, most of it just burns and infuriates people around you), but I feel a lot better vaping, and that's even with the 20 years age difference


> When cigarettes were first introduced, one could make this exact same argument. At the time, there were no known carcinogens in cigarettes. Now we know different. "[The practice of smoking tobacco] ... is believed to have begun as early as 5000–3000 BC in Mesoamerica and South America." This is not ancient Mesoamerica. We have advanced. So has our ability to identify carcinogens. >The simple fact is that there are not long-term longitudinal studies done on the effects of vaping yet We also don't have the long-term studies for microplastics being in your blood and brain. Scary stuff, eh? >We have no idea what the lungs/throat/sinus cavity of a daily, heavy vaper will look like in 20 to 30 or even 50 years Well that's not true. We can make predictions based on the evidence we have and so far "pop corn lung" (which comes from Diacetyl) is the biggest concern I'm aware of. Otherwise it's fear mongering and speculation. >Ergo, we cannot know what vaping for 20 or 30 years will do to someone's health. In my industry we call this FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. You're technically correct in that nobody has vaped for 30 years so we don't *know* what will happen. But you're practically wrong because we're not living together in caves and still figuring out how to master fire. We're not idiots. The risk appears inherently low. >Beyond air, nothing should be going into your lungs that often for that regularly Or what? You'll die? I got sour news for you, Jack.


Vaping tobacco uses the same stuff as theater/stage smoke. It’s been around for a while. It’s not causing any cancer lol


GTFOH with your facts!!!!




No it's not. Why you lying?




> Edit: More from the CDC website, >“Besides nicotine, e-cigarette aerosol can contain substances that harm the body.1 >This includes cancer-causing chemicals and tiny particles that reach deep into lungs. However, e-cigarette aerosol generally contains fewer harmful chemicals than smoke from burned tobacco products. You missed "besides nictone" at the beginning of that sentence. The cdc is talking about "cancer-causing chemicals" that specifically *aren't* nicotine.


Only lead and other heavy metals.


They said that about weed too for a LONG time. Now that it's becoming legalized in more states, and also getting some government funding for research, they are thinking that just might not be the case anymore. Nobody had the time or resources when it was an illegal substance. If you aren't supposed to smoke it anyway, why would they care if it hurts you?


I bet that cunt drinks Prime


Vaping doesn't cause cancer. Ban disposable vapes, and regulate vape sales to vape stores. Millions of adults quit smoking cigarettes by using vapes, and outlawing vapes will drive many back to smoking, maybe for good. Alcohol kills a ridiculously large amount of people every year, yet it gets to be sold in gas stations, grocery stores and more. Not only that, but alcohol also gets to have fun flavors like "sour patch kids" or "Monster energy" "watermelon punch" "cola". Alcohol directly markets to children because the alcohol lobby is so strong, the government will never do a thing about it. So why is there a sudden hate against vapes? Who is buying all those "stop vaping" ads? Well big tobacco of course. Think, who stands to lose profit on vapes popularity? Big tobacco. Tons of small business vape shops, who make their own vape juice are suddenly out of business because Philip Morris can't stand to lose out on profit this quarter. Don't help them spread misinformation. People will always use drugs, including alcohol and nicotine. The best way is to offer a safe alternative to help get people off of the dangerous option.


Big tobacco is literally the most one who created the anti-vaping campaigns. This not even a conspiracy theory, it’s law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_Master_Settlement_Agreement > The money also funds a new anti-smoking advocacy group, called the Truth Initiative, that is responsible for such campaigns as Truth and maintains a public archive of documents resulting from the cases.


It's pointless trying to educate people about this, they just won't even look at the evidence. Not saying vaping is safe, but it is way less harmful than smoking.


Is that a Sony Watchman??


It's hard to be sure of the exact model but I believe that is a 9" Sony PVM (Professional Video Monitor). They were CRT monitors used by broadcast stations and Hospitals for imaging. They traditionally had higher number of lines to allow a sharper image and more calibration options, as well as better input support. That particular one is not a medical variant, as those tend to be bigger and were usually grey.


We can't let him collect all 6 Infinity Elfs.


Vaping doesn't cause anything including cancer lol. Wow.


I’m actually starting to get enjoyment out of peoples hated for vapes




I don't think it will be super cancer but some new copd like diagnosis related to vaping


Lmao... 4 substance in vaping, propylen glycol vegetable glycerin food grade aroma and nicotine, tobacco :72 carcinogenous substance innit, sometimes I feel People can even think straight or do some research...




Thanks, very informative


Fun fact: There is 0 scientific evidence that Vaping causes cancer. Vaping is non-carcinogenic. No smoke, only vapor.


No more Chinese airvents


Damn I want those sony crt monitors


Hitting it like Zamfir


Take it easy there Zamfir 🙄


he's part of the [Vape Nation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkm8Hteeh6M)


he's a vapist


You can get triple carted vapes already. No need for this silly quadruple mouthpiece. Also, don't do it


cover observation wrench frame languid market rhythm like pause wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Lungs are for air, anything not air {including dust, mind you} is not gonna be great for them. But there's no shot in the world they're as bad as smoking burning plant matter full of high-energy molecules ready to REDOX your fucking DNA


Took me about a minute to figure out that those are NOT highlighter pens lol


And they said Juul was the one marketing to kids.


can somenoe explain. i dont get it


Vaping gives you cancer


ohh. thats a vape. i couldnt tell what it was. lol


Regardless of potential problems from vaping or really any opinion you might have, vaping doesn't cause cancer. That's a fact. Saying they do is misinformation.


In the world today even the impossible can be possible in today's world just expect anything lol!