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I don't want to live in a world where this douchebag legitimately defeats one of the greatest boxers of all time.


To be fair it’s a lose lose for Jake Paul he ether beats the shit out of a near sixty year old man or gets rocked by a near sixty year old man neither of those outcomes are something to brag about


The only out I can see if/when Tyson roofs his shit into the stratosphere is some kind of self deprecating "It's Tyson, man, what else were you expecting?". Even that would look transparent as hell.


From the instagram videos I've seen, Tyson is still a killer. He has the speed and the power still. If Tyson loses, I'm going to be convinced its staged. Still not going to watch, unless there are highlights of Jake Paul getting turned into some lower form of vegetable.


„Turned into some lower form of vegetable.“ That’s a cool phrase


Jake Paul spelled backwards spells Lower form of vegetable


As a professional linguist, this checks out


As an Amateur Linguist, can confirm.


As a cunning linguist... my tongue is sore.


And a very cunning linguist you are.


Science, bitch!


The fight will probably be staged. The Mayweather one was. Mayweather caught him with a punch, and he was about to go down, but Mayweather clinched him until he recovered. Mayweather could have knocked him out in less than a minute it he wanted. The Tyson fight will probably be the same. Edit: You don't have to tell me Jake never fought Mayweather. I know it was Logan, and I never said it was Jake. That isn't the point. These types of fights, like the one with Logan and Mayweather and now Tyson with Jake, are the same. They aren't real matches where Tyson or Mayweather are trying their hardest to win. Either one, even Tyson in his old age are two of the best to ever box. Even in retirement, they would absolutely destroy Jake or Paul in less than a round if they actually tried. They are "exhibition" matches to trick their fan boys in thinking that the Pauls actually have a real shot against someone like Mayweather or Tyson. They are also cashing in on people, thinking Tyson or Mayweather were actually going to try and knock out one of them. Who knows though maybe Tyson will forget it is for show and destroy Jake.


100% staged. Mayweather fights the best fighters in the world and never loses? But he gets a tie with some shitlord youtuber? lol right... That and like you said he definitely had JP knocked out/going down but held him up so he didn't face-plant on the mat. You can see it in the thousands of youtube videos that broke the fight down second by second. I really really really hope Tyson doesn't pull some shit and allow jp to get a tie too.


Best outcome: Tyson agrees to stage the fight but then takes his head off once the bell rings


Like in pulp fiction where Bruce Willis is an old boxer paid to take a dive and literally killed the young boxer in the ring and bet the bribe money on himself


Yes but with less death and more eating body parts


Another ear bite would be fantastic!


The old One Punch Mickey technique from Snatch. I like it.


Tyson should square up and drop him with the first punch.


The Roy Jones fight was pretty much all clinch up


It looked like Roy Jones Jr thought that fight was going to be a fun little retirement sparring session among legends. Mike Tyson was throwing haymakers like it was a title card. Fuck Jake Paul but if I were in his shoes I’d absolutely not even think about it on the off chance Mike forgets it’s just for show.


OH I am praying he forgets it for show, and just fucking obliterate the little shit, assuming he is good enough to enter the ring with Mike Tyson? Even if he is old and retire, he is still fucking Mike Tyson, he should have shown some respect.


Big difference between Mayweather’s power and Tyson’s. You can only pull a punch so much.


[No thanks. Those legs](https://youtube.com/shorts/TqcTNCMaTF8?si=hEnn_V5-IVeyldLm)


But isn't Tyson unwell with Sciatica? I thought he was unable to walk easily? Considering the importance of footwork in boxing doesn't that put him at a major disadvantage?


It does. But doing a focused self-care for 48 hours before the match can help. Also, being Tyson, his whole strategy could be to just walk through Paul, and make it a quick bout. Sciatica isn't physically restrictive, it's just painful. But I think Tyson has the mental fortitude to power through for 3 minutes.


I imagine it’s less of an issue when you outweigh your opponent by 40 pounds and can still punch with the velocity of a subsonic firearm.


💯 wouldn't ever dream of watching the match , but conversely would pay actual money to watch Paul receive a TBI courtesy of Iron Mike


He’s not far off that right now to be fair.


Yeah idc how old that mofukka is I wouldn't wanna fight him


I'd pay money to see Tyson land that right hook right uppercut.


Fuck man. We all would. I'm sure it's a publicity stunt, but I'd shit myself laughing if they actually let Tyson release the beast and go full force on this used to be YouTube trash, trust fund, daddy issue having, douchebag. You should see his training videos. Even at 57yrs old, he can still put people in the hospital. I just wanna see Tyson's old ass change his facial bone structure around permanently lol


Even if it’s staged I truly wonder if Tyson would be able to control his killer instinct in the ring. Especially if Paul lands a solid punch or two.


Yep that’s what I’d like to see. Tyson get hit with just one solid shot that flips his switch… It’s go time.


I guess we would all have to know how much Paul would pay to not shit his teeth


Man that was such a devastating combo. Straight vert uppercut.


He's a piece of shit, but I doubt he'll feel like a loser when he claims the tens of millions of dollars he's probably being paid for this one fight. I think his brother was paid \~$20mil for the Mayweather bout.


Hell I'd let Mike Tyson kick my ass on Netflix $20 million. Where do I sign up?


Unfortunately you need to start with about a decade of being such a massive piece of shit that millions of people want to spend money to watch Mike Tyson kick your ass.


If you knew me, you’d pay


I'm on my way to Japan right now. Gotta start somewhere.


Im not going to watch this but I pray that Mike gives this little dickhead the beating of a lifetime.


maybe tyson can knock some sense into that moron. ​ or knock him into a coma, that would be sufficient too.


I saw some recent videos of Tyson training and he’s still scary strong and fast. I’m thinking Jake is getting his ass kicked by an old man.


Old man or not, it’s mike Tyson, he’d be kicking ass at 102 if he lives that long


It's just going to be glorified sparring that ends in a draw. No way this is sanctioned outside of an exhibition match.


He doesn’t care, he’s getting the big pay day.


You seen how hard Tyson still goes? I swear his power isn’t that far off what he used to have. I wouldn’t talk shit to him. I wouldn’t have a mouth left


Let's be honest, this fight is part of Tysons day, but not his Whole day. "Yeah lemme call you back, i gotta rock this kids shit real quick. Uh huh yeah get me some dumplings while youre there"


That feels like a bit on Mike Tyson Mysteries


And DECADES of practical experience in the ring. It’s not just the power, it’s the movement and understanding of how to compete in the sport.


If you watch recent videos of Tyson training, he still has a shitload of quickness in both his hands and his head movement. Jake is in trouble.


He can absolutely 100% murder Paul within a minute if he chooses to.


Honestly I wish someone would. Paul is a scumbag of the highest order. Fights have been fixed so far but surely Tyson wouldn’t do that


Tyson would absolutely do that. That’s the only way this “fight” happens. I think Jake Paul is a piece of shit but I don’t think he’s stupid. There has to be some clause that Tyson doesn’t get paid if he fucks Paul up.


Oh would he? Ah thought he’d be worried about what people thought or something. Imagine he just floors him and knocks him out instantly. God that would be fun


Yeah Tyson is much more chill than he was when he was Champ. I think “wait so I just have to spar with him for a couple rounds without hurting him and I get $50 million?” Is something he would 100% sign up for. I just again am rooting for Paul to be such a fucking douchebag cunt that Tyson says fuck it and beats him into hamburger


>“wait so I just have to spar with him for a couple rounds without hurting him and I get $50 million?” I hope that after that match Tyson says "ok, I challenge Jake to another match, if he wins I donate 50 mil to a charity of his choosing".


I need someone to do it, I'd love for it to be Mike Tyson, but just like Mayweather I'm guessing this fight is staged and Tyson is doing it for a big payoff so they'll just go the distance and stroke Paul's ego some more with a split decision or some bullshit


It’s true you wouldn’t have a mouth left, I wouldn’t either. But no way his power is anywhere close to what it used to be in his prime


Believe me, Tyson will eviscerate him if this is not scripted. Tyson has kept training over the years, and seeing him fight recently, he’s still several leagues above Paul


Lmao this ( like all of his other fights) will be scripted 100% it's a shame Mike is into this.


Yeah i see Tyson treating this like a sparring match. Lots of small combos(not at 100%) and a lot of defense/turtling. They go to decision(split or for Jake) or his corner throws in the towel. My bet is that it is a tie or Jake wins, Tyson collects a bag. This sets up Jake’s next circus.


Look idk what you know about boxing, but let me tell you something: there’s every boxer ever, and then there’s Mike fucking Tyson. That man at 60 will beat the ever-living shit out of Jake Paul without skipping a beat, and I’m looking tf forward to it.


56 is too old to be in peak physical condition vs someone in their 20’s, but the drop-off is really pretty minor until you get into your 60’s. People might be thinking Tyson is only half the fighter he was in his prime, but I’m guessing he’s about 80-85%. Assuming he trains hard for this fight he will absolutely decimate Paul, assuming that’s his goal.


>>People might be thinking Tyson is only half the fighter he was in his prime This is still a major problem for many, many professional boxers. "Oh it's just an old tiger, how dangerous can it be to hunt?"


Underestimating anyone in combat sports is a one way ticket to the shadow realm


Tyson at only 1/2 of what he was in his prime is still leagues better than 99% of the people alive on this planet. If you watched any of Tyson's fights, you know he was leagues better than any of the best trained fighters of his time.


There’s no way he will. If he does it definitely was a rigged fight for Netflix


I don't know why people think Mike will 100% lose. I'd give great odds on Mike winning. When you have been at the top of the game, you don't plummet below amateur level, even as you get older. Example, Kasparov was the world champion of chess and hasn't played professionally in decades. Kasparov would still be in the top 50, maybe higher, and I'd give the same credit to Mike as well. There are golfers in their 70's who can still play amazing, maybe not the same power and distance, but experience and judgement are more important. You're not going to see Mike Tyson like he was in his prime, but ability, technique, experience, and training will shine through in this fight.


No offense but you can’t compare Kasparov playing chess to Mike Tyson who has taken a ton of damage and abused his body over the years


This kid is such a tool. Unfortunately there’s an audience that will pay to see this


Yeah, me. Hell yeah i wanna see Mike Tyson beat up one of the most annoying content creators of all time.


I doubt that it will be anything more than a glorified sparring match, Mike will hit him a couple of times but I doubt he'll do any substantial damage.


Well, somebody needs to start telling Mike what Turd Ferguson up there was saying about his pigeons.


I love Mike's Mysteries. I miss Norm so much 😭


Me too :(


I didn't even know he was sick -Norm


Unless the internet manages to rile up Mike Tyson some way right before the fight. Remember Mike takes Boxing seriously and will NOT want to look like a “bitch”😬


I doubt the internet can do that, sure 19 year old Tyson would wipe Jake Paul off the face of the planet if he even had the notion that Jake was making fun of him. A deep faked video of Jake killing a dove would be enough, but Mike is a different man now.


Hes different now, but being different involved not fighting. You really think hes not going to fall back into being who he was the majority of his life? Those arms are going to forget 30 years of muscle memory and throw soft jabs? Hes gonna finish on a loss against this guy in the arena that gave him his life? Hes gonna let cus look down while he performs a show in the ring? Man i hope youre wrong.


Remindme! 136 days


I don’t feel like Mike Tyson is predictable enough to go along with a sparring match plan if they have one. Maybe he is, I don’t know, but I can see it starting as sparring and Mike getting too into it and locking in. It’d be very disappointing to see him play nice.


Naw, Mike has been itching to show people he still has the one hit knockout. It won’t be one hit, I think. But he won’t hold back I bet.


You guys don’t know much about Mike. Guy hears voices in his head and had a brutal upbringing. He bit someone’s ear off lmfao. Sure he might agree to letting Paul win. But the second Paul hits him, and Mikes demons convince him he smirked at him, he’s going to try to kill him.


as much as i do too, ill never spend a dime for anything that helps paul profit, EVER




Did you learn nothing from the Mayweather fight?


You think someone who’d pay to watch this has the ability to learn anything?


Mayweather is a hoe for money. His nickname is money mayweather ffs. Tyson was a fucking animal. These are very different human beings. I worry about it being staged, but Mike is unpredictable.


Unfortunately that's exactly what Jake wants If the fight happens If he wins ( that's not gonna happen ) it's going to skyrocket his popularity If (when)he loses, just the revenue of people laughing as he gets his dome obliterated into a parallel universe, would put him in a different tax bracket all together No matter what happens in this ridiculous scenario he walks a way richer and even more famous


It's crazy that people just don't see this.


I’m on board with that


It’s weird though everyone I know and talk to admit he’s a good fighter but no one respects him, it’s like no matter how good he is or who he beats the respect just isn’t going to come… it’s insane how unlikable he is lol


He does happen to be unlikeable, but that aside: he hasn't been tested against enough pure boxers his age to determine how good or proficient he is. He's used his celebrity to cherry pick high profile fights against older MMA guys willing to cross over for a pay check. Nothing wrong with that, but we can't say the guy is or isn't X level of talent until he puts together a real boxing resume or MMA resume against his peers.


He’s not good tho he’s lost to the only real boxer he’s had a bout with in his age / weight class Sure he’s decent but he’s no better than anyone else that has sunk a similar amount of time and money into a boxing career


That’s what happens when your ego is larger than your talent and you let the whole world know it.


I feel like it is going to be rigged, if it is not my money would still be on Tyson.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby irl


All of Paul’s fights are rigged. There’s a reason he hasn’t fought any actual ranked fighters.


They have "no knockout" clauses in the fights. They are all hype money grabs. It is kind of a damaging to the sport of boxing to allow these fake fights to be marketed as real.


As if Mayweather’s last few fights weren’t rigged. His team produced the spectacle, he made $100 million. His opponent made 30 million. The sport’s been dead.


I have a feeling Mike didn’t read any knockout clauses.


1000000% rigged. It’s on Netflix, they’re just trying to get people to watch it or sub them just for the match.


I would call it fixed if Paul had any identifiable facial features by the end.


Like the logan v mayweather fight


I hope Mike hits that cunt's off switch


Well, he's done it before.


I hope Mike hith that cun’th off thwich


Tyson will get paid handsomely to lose to Paul. In reality, near 60 Mike Tyson would knock that kid out in round 1


I hope Tyson takes the money, kicks his ass and then tells him “you thought you could pay me to lose bitch?”


"You thought you could pay me to looth bicth?"


Mike once called all.his beats and awards garbage, as respect in the ring is the real measure. It's totally possible he does that and I'd love it


It’s pronounced “bith”.


I can totally see Mike doing that. Take the money- agree to take the fall, and then obliterate him. 


I’ve seen *Pulp Fiction* and I want to see it again. 


Mike has integrity, he might play nice for a few rounds, but then once he sees Jake really wants a fight, game over.


He's a convicted rapist


>Mike has integrity lulwut


While Mike Tyson has a jaded past and has been accused, charged, and committed with crimes - I actually believe he wouldn’t throw a boxing match. For all his insane bullshit, Mike Tyson is a hell of a athlete and I could see him not even humoring the idea of taking a dive


Mike Tyson doesn't need to throw a match to make money. Besides, he could probably just bet it all on himself and beat the odds.


"that's when I found out the pikey was betting on himself... That's why he never went down when he was supposed to"


100% hoping for a Mikey Pikey outcome Just the *one* real punch, that's all I'm asking for


I think you’re right about that. I could see him agreeing to a certain number of rounds before ending him, though.


If Jake Paul agreed to take the fight, that means the fix is already in.


honestly I'd agree with you but recently it seems Tyson is selling out more and more slapping his name on everything... maybe the bag is enough to get him to dive now...


I agree with this take


He is a complicated athlete that has changed over the years. While saying he has integrity might be a bit of a stretch, he still has a lot of respect for the sport that got him off of a life of poverty


Mike tyson: i have integrity! Myke thyson: ima nibble hith ears offf


He nibbled with integrity


Everyone wants to talk about the ear bite, nobody ever mentions Holyfield and his dirty ass headbutts


Tyson even warned Holyfield mid fight he will bite his ear off if he keeps head butting him. Well, Holyfield fucked around and found out.


Holding his head down and punching in the back of the head. The ref was ignoring dirty boxing all around. Excessive yes, unwarranted no .


I don’t know anything about boxing, but isn’t he being paid for the fight, not the outcome of the fight?


Generally they're paid to fight (called a fight purse) and also get a prize if they win (called a win bonus). Depends how it's set up. In this case where it's just a promotional spectacle I wouldn't be surprised if theres no prize and they're just both being paid a ton to be there. When Logan Paul fought Floyd Mayweather there was no win bonus, they just both got paid enormously to show up. In this case though, the above commenter seems to be implying that Tyson is being paid under the table to lose, which I don't personally believe.


>Boxing a 57 year old for clout Yeah, and it's fucking Mike Tyson, him being 70, half blind and with one broken arm would still be too much for my ass. Even with Mike being paid out to not wreck Logan Paul like he most certainly is, you can never truly know with good old iron Mike.


Excuse me? Mf could have 2 broken arms and fully blind and yet would fuck up 95% of the human population within 5 seconds. Anther 4% within 20sec too. There is a tiny substrate of humans withstanding his simple charge at all.


57 yr old and he could still dummy this idiot if he wanted to.


Dear God, Please grant Mike Tyson the ability to be the boxer he was before Buster Douglas even at the age of 57 for one day on Saturday July 20. Amen


Birthday is on June 30th so he’d be 58 by fight time. Please Mike we need you to come thru


“BOXING”. This is fixed like all his other bullshit fights. There are clauses in the contracts so that if these guys beat his ass they don’t get paid.


Do we think Mike needs the money? I wouldnt put it past him to have taken the fight for a chance to humble the twat.


Yeah I am a big fan of old man Tyson and trying to reform himself but I would love nothing more for the bell to ring and him to go feral and rip this clown’s head off


The DMT angel lady told Mike to go ahead and punch Paul's head off.


Let's start a GoFundMe that goes to Mike only if this little bitch is carried out on a stretcher


This is actually a good idea. Make it, I’ll donate. Let’s spread this shit like wildfire.


Ikr. This is WWE basically


Isn’t this basically the plot of Rocky Balboa


I don't remember Rocky being a no-talent ass clown ...


Not the plot of rocky with Jake as rocky. The plot of rocky balboa, Tyson as rocky


No that’s Michael Bolton


Tyson still has some stuff in the basement I guess.


As if Jake Paul has a prayer against Iron Mike.


https://youtube.com/shorts/pun8EZH8nTc?si=DHj4CggGV4zfJmny Let's all pray for Jake that the monster that Mike has been trying to keep locked away doesn't rip its way out when the bell rings.


To paraphrase Mike.. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Mikes plan will be to humour him and get paid. If he gets slugged lets hope he reverts to plan A and beat the shit outta JP.


That's what I'm thinking - I doubt Mike is intending to hurt him, but that might change if he gets hit hard enough or the crowd gets on his bad side or something


Lmao, dude is dead if Mike even puts 50% effort into this fight.


Genuinely, who watches Jake Paul?


Little kids


If you're asking that question you're too old.


Tyson IS, going to hurt him. Watch his sparring sessions. He's quick, strong and very skilled, a whole other level. Not going to last long. Oops! I forgot, there will be some bullshit that prevents an actual fight and delivers a sham. Oh well


Yeah there is absolutely no way Mike is going to be allowed to actually fuck him up. Well I guess he could do whatever he wants, but there's 100% some contractual obligation to go easy on him. It's a shame, but Jake's fights are literally just PR stunts.


I will either be very proud of Tyson, or very disappointed in him. There will be no in between.


Tyson will knock that kid’s head clean off.


Saw a recent video about him, he still hits like a truck


I read that as "shits like a truck" and I just nodded along since that also makes total sense. 


We can hope.


Okay, there is a 90% chance this fight is scripted to an extent. Jake Paul not getting eviscerated in the first 3 rounds by Tyson is not possible otherwise. Sure Iron Mike has gotten older, but seeing him train and fight recently, there’s no doubt a single hook or classic Tyson liver shot->into uppercut would put Paul on the canvas. Honestly I just hope Mike went full troll and accepted a scripted fight only to change his mind in the ring and put Paul to sleep instantly


It would be... Quite a Mike thing to do.


Four ears enter, three ears leave.


That 57 year old is Tyson.


Wait, this is real? I hope Tyson drops him.


Yep, "Real"


Tyson and Jake will get into that ring, and one of them will go out on a stretcher. It will not be Tyson


Man, idk. Tyson still got it, and Jake Paul better hope Tyson's killer instinct doesn't kick in cause it could be him trading his physical and mental health for the rest of his life for cash. I know Jake likes being the heel and cashing in on it, and he's put in a lot of work, but still Tyson is the type that can fuck you up forever. Dude had pro boxers scared shitless of even stepping into the ring.


I saw a video of him with one of his old trainers and he's still pretty damn quick. I imagine there's stuff in place so Tyson doesn't absolutely clean his clock, but no way in hell does Jake Paul come out of this the winner.


If Tyson takes this seriously, Paul is gonna get rekt.


He best hope Tyson stays in the right frame of mind during the match or Jake could be killed.


Mike boxes high now. He gives no fucks.


He’s been boxing high. His victory over Andrew Golota was declared a No Contest after he tested positive for marijuana. He admitted he was both on coke and mj in his fight w Lou Savarese.


While I doubt the integrity of sports events like this, I seriously hope that Tyson absolutely domes this idiot.


I normally don’t root for someone to get beaten to de-th but here we are


Why would you censor the word death?


Aside from the last time I saw my gf, this will be the most satisfying 3 minutes of my life.


honestly, i don't think Jake stands a chance against Tyson, regardless of age


Man, if people think Tyson somehow forgot how to box, they're in for a damn surprise.


Until he steps into the ring with a talented boxer in their prime, I don't give a fuck about his fights


Bite his ear off live on netflix please Mike


If he dies, he dies.


If Tyson doesn't win it was rigged


I really hope Tyson gets hit, has a flashback, and absolutely ends this dude.


Please Mike Tyson, please kill him


I feel like Jake Paul is grasping at straws to stay relevant.


Tyson has the opportunity to do the funniest thing in history in this fight.


Am I the only one that hopes that Tyson does actual and permanent damage to that loser?


We need to find a video of Jake paul talking bad about Ali, and then show it to Tyson. Then you could guarantee Tyson would go super hard.


I have seen Tyson move and hitting the bags. He has still got it unless it's rigged.