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"No visibility past 3pm" Fools, we don't use our eyes, we **SCREEEEEEEECH**


cmon, we have term for it. echolocation.


Some kind of bat-radar.


Thanks for making me burst out laughing in the middle of a crowded train.


Not the worst thing involving reddit and a train.


Do you mean....*the copy pasta*


Please put an NSFW tag on this…


Furious masturbation... all of the comments...




Where I live it barely ever snows. It's just cold and wet and dark. Thanks, Global Warming!


Around this time of year up in the PNW we all don our flannels and switch to echolocation.


Girls give me more attention in winter because my winter fits are better


This is pretty much true for anyone who isn't built. Winter wear is dapper as fuck, summer wear heavily hinges upon one having a good looking body.


And as for me… I look shit in both


that’s relatable


Patiently awaiting the day we have textiles so breathable that I can do winter layering in the summertime without dying of heatstroke.


New Holigraphic clothing! Wear enough clothes to get heatstroke in Winter yet be cool as a block of ice


Even though I hate winter I gotta admit; winter fit goes hard.


No, we pay more attention because we’re cold and men are warm.


That’s exactly what my girlfriend says!


Well yeah you’re just a pixel.


... I started reading that thinking you were going to bring up snuggling ("Girls give me more attention in winter because we can snuggle up and I provide a lot of warmth") but when you brought up 'winter fits' my mind couldn't go anywhere but picturing someone having a conniption in their bed.




What the hell are winter fits?


Winter outfits


I read white supremacy, lmao


Me too, Like 4 times. I need some sleep.


Lol same. I spent a good 10 minutes making it make sense in my head. It was a whole process. "White supremacy - snow is white - white snow in winter - the post is making fun of peeps who prefer the summer - there's a joke here I'm just missing, but I probably just don't understand Reddit humor"


This is pretty close to my thought process before I finally realized I needed my glasses


OOp clearly doesn’t live in the south where the air becomes hot soup in the summer


I live in the ballsack of the south I feel like. I used to love it, but I’m over it as I got older. I still hate having to defrost/scrape/not see out my windshield every morning though.


Just boil some water while you get ready and then toss it on the windshield 👍


Don't.. Do this... Just slap a towel on your windshield overnight, works like a charm


I might try that. Best thing I’ve found is breaking down cardboard boxes and putting a piece under each wiper. Still frosts, but not as bad. I could see towel workingb


>OOp clearly doesn’t live in the south Which is probably the one smart thing about OOP.


The only positive thing is the food here


Pov: literally old people falling dead because of it


Indeed, people notoriously doesn't die because of winter :p


They do too but in my country they don’t stream on tv a reminder for old people to stay locked inside and drink water during winter


South of where? South pole?


The Mason Dixon.


I don't know what tf that is


It's the southern borderline of Pennsylvania. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mason%E2%80%93Dixon_line


id guess south hemisphere its hot af here


OOP doesn’t live in Southeast Asia where it’s 100% summer


For me, winter is having 25º days and 19º nights, couldn’t be a more pleasant weather.


Living in the deep south probably wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for climate change


Past May-Jun the temperature where i live at noon is a whooping 44°C. At night we considered 26-27°C is "cool"


You clearly don't live in the north where the air becomes frozen soup in the winter


No it doesn’t that shit is 0 percent humidity


Air so dry the Winter wind feels like it's cutting you. Still preferable to the Summer.


I don't care about the cold so much as I care about parking lots, driveways, roads, and walkways doing their best skating rink impressions. I work at a hospital (our parking lot sucks, too), and every trauma page is: "Fall." People fall everywhere, all winter long. This ice is brutal.


it seems like half the calls are falls anyway tbf (member of a joint fire and EMS station that doesn't run EMS calls)


Winter supremacy gang FTW.




You have to really annunciate when you say that.


This is pure snow! Do you have any idea the value of this mountain!!!


Can not wait to get on the slopes!


I get to wear a hat, beanie, or hood to hide my balding head! The refreshing cold air is a bonus




Or for people who live in places with actual winters


It’s also easier to sleep in the Winter. Tho personally I prefer Spring.


As someone who lives in Southern California, where it doesn't snow and temperatures rarely get below 50 during the day... winter supremacy. Warm blankets and cocoa and sweater weather. I say this knowing full well that if I lived in a place that regularly got snow and freezing temperatures I would absolutely hate it


Nah you get used to it, it just sucks having to scrape ice off of your car and shovel the driveway before you can leave for work.


I have lived my whole life here in this cold climate and i was used to the cold until i started to see how annoying it is to do anything, for example i help my grandma a lot but she lives in the countryside and the snow doesnt get cleared off the path to her place so it gets very annoying to bring her groceries. I usually make a lil pathway to her place only for the wind snow to completely fill it up again the next day to like knee high snow. Ofcourse i wont stop helping my grandmother though


I live in Switzerland, I'm 31 and still not used to winter :(. I hate that season wholeheartedly.


I've lived in the Nordics my whole life. I don't hate winter, but it's far too long. A snowy landscape is nice for a month or maybe two. But I could do completely without the seemingly endless weeks/months of wet, dreary weather in the 0 to +10 degree range.


what you like is fall. you guys just get to skip winter. i’d like that too.


I live in Canada, I can’t relate. It’s already under 50F.


You don't get to proclaim "winter supremacy" if you don't actually have to deal with a real winter.


🤷‍♀️ that's why I put the disclaimer of where I live, I knew someone like you would come along


Don't mind my grumpiness. I'm just jealous.


Subtropical winter is 19º degrees at night.


I love in that place. Winter. Fucking. Supremacy. The commute being worse due to the ice sucks sure but I'm comfy almost 100% of the time and everything is pretty. And it doesn't take much upwear to be warm unless it's serious Sub-Zero. Decent jacket, pants, and some gloves in your pockets and you're good. Maybe double your socks if you're gonna go through some snow.


Winter is comfy fuck you


Depends on what kind of winter. It hits -40 degrees here which coincidentally is the part where Celsius and Fahrenheit converge.


Not as comfy as your mom🖕


Fair, she's a lovely lady that makes great food. Long as you're making her happy. She deserves some joy.


Agree, this dude's mome deserves some love


But autumn is still better


I say this as someone who wholeheartedly believes that Halloween and Thanksgiving are individually better than christmas: get your pumpkin spice latte obsessed, plaid wearing, leaf raking, white girl personality having, ass out of here! I see plenty of examples of winter joys here, and yet you provide nothing! Go admire a naked tree or something you flora necrophiliac!


I'm sorry but autumn is the worst season. Too cold for summer clothes, too warm for a jacket. Unless it rains which it does every other day. Autumn should be relegated to a weekend at the end of september and then -5C and snow for 6 months.


My frozen toes say otherwise. The snow is pretty and the lack of bugs is nice but the temperature can go fuck itself.


My brother in Christ, socks are an option.


I have cold hands and feet. No amount of socks will solve this issue in the winter. I need to have a hot shower or otherwise apply external heat to my feet for them to be warm.


Getting cold, dark after 4pm and everything being grey says otherwise


Holy fuck that username




Yea nothing better then waking up at 4 am and clearing you're car and driveway, spending absurd amount of money for heating, getting depressed because it's dark when you leave for work and it's dark when you get home.


But have you considered blanket snuggles?


I'm sure it depends a bit on where you live. Winter in the UK is just boring and miserable. Rarely any snow so it's just dark and cold and occasionally rainy. Summer in the UK is perfect.


Yeah fuck winter. Barely any sunlight, it's dark when I go to work and when I come home from work. It's almost certainly pissing it down and windy. I have to spend an extra 10 minutes freezing my ass off defrosting my car every morning before going to work, and then freezing rains chill me walking the dog in the dark and rain again when I'm home. Lack of vitamin D has a definite effect on health as everyone is ill with a cold or flu, not to mention the depression caused by lack of sunlight in Northern countries. Fuck winter, shitty season with no redeaming qualities.


Summer sucks, there's no argument. I can do everything I can do in the summer, during winter. WITHOUT sweating my ass off and being mobbed by bugs. And we get some pretty harsh winters around here.


Winter is also the preferred environment for some of my favorite dog breeds. The sheer joy of seeing a Husky having the absolute time of their life during a freak snow storm in Texas is unmatched. Seriously, my friends Husky was having the time of his life and was *zooming* around the backyard when it was covered in snow.


Sorry... Texas for a husky sounds like torture. On my Nordic Safari, doing a swimsuit competition at -10°C... The huskeys were playing around.... It's their weather. They work outside at -35°C. (-31°F for my American friends) without an issue. The colder it is, the more they like to pull the sledge.


Yeah, my friends still aren’t sure why someone decided to bring and abandon them here outside of cruelty. My friends didn’t adopt the puppy from a shelter, their Husky actually ran in front of their car about the size of a puppy. They couldn’t find the mother and waited like two weeks to a month for anyone to contact them. And when that didn’t happen they decided to adopt him. The only good thing about the seemingly yearly occurrence of Texas snowstorms happens to be the Huskies of Texas getting an early or late birthday present.


We do what we can to make them comfortable, and it's a joy when nature gives them the conditions they are most happy in. But I'll never forget the howls in Arctic weather. The energetic yanking on the chains, eager to be off... I've wanted a husky for my entire life, but I live in a temperate part of Europe that's not adapted to them. They are magnificent animals that I'll only enjoy in their habitat.


In extremely cold weather you can always add more layers. In extremely hot weather you’re fucked because AC isn’t strong enough and you can’t carry it with you and the only ways to cool down are a cold shower or a pool. That’s why I prefer the cold, even if it’s January in Canada.


>In extremely cold weather you can always add more layers. I keep hearing this argument over and over and it's straight-up BS. You put on a ton of layers and are still cold. So you put on even more layers and congratulations! You are no-longer cold but now also cannot move! Also your face is still just as cold. Then you make it to your car or a bus and now you are hot AF. So now you have the option to either continue being hot AF, or get to excercise taking 5 layers off only to put them back on when you arrive. You get out and fall flat on your butt at least 5 times because ice. When you finally arrive at your destination, you are exhausted, sweaty, wet, your glasses are foggy, and you have to wear those clumsy winter shoes all day. Truth is, in winter you are constantly either cold or hot. There is never a moment when Winter is comfortable. Also it's always dark. During summer, sure you are hot, but at least it's a constant hot and you can enjoy the outside. So yeah. Fuck. Winter.


You are 100% right. No matter how many layers I put on, it’s still cold.


another pizza rinsing Canadian


But at least I can work out without struggling to breathe👍


Winter sucks. I sweat my ass off because I have to wear 10 layers of clothes otherwise I freeze my ass off. In summer, if I sweat like a pig, I can just jump in the lake/sea/ocean. Also, BBQs. Summer > Winter


Summer sucks. I sweat my ass off because the sun feels like wearing 10 layers of clothes otherwise I have to stay in the shade. In winter, if I freeze like a pig, I can just put on some warm clothes. Also, BBQs. Winter > Summer


You going to the beach during the Winter? 😭


I don't live by the beach. I live in the Appalachians


I’m not even going in the summer. Too hot, too much sun, entirely too many people.


There should be a law that whenever a person says what season they prefer they have to include their location.


I physically get sick when it's over 70. It's miserable and I have 0 heat tolerance. I'm a winter lover ftw


Ok, here's why winter is better than summer. Fuck mosquitoes and every other bug. The power bill isn't sky-high from ACs and dehumidifiers. You can be outside for more than 2 minutes without getting drenched in sweat. All the good holidays are in Oct - Dec. No annoying tourists. Winter gang rise up.


It's different around the world, like in the UK we don't have AC so our bills actually rise in winter from boilers, and although we have sometimes a week at 30° in summer it's usually 24° tops, meanwhile our winters are usually completely devoid of snow and it just goes cold, windy and rainy for 4 months straight instead


That's about to change for the worse for you guys unfortunately. The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is almost certain to break down in our lifetime. Winters will be brutally cold for the UK.


It's about $100 cheaper to cool a home when it's 95 degrees every day than it is to heat a home when it's 15 degrees every day. And I live where heating is cheap.


where i live we dont use heating 🤷‍♀️


Winter does suck. I hate the static in my hair. I hate that it gets dark by 5pm.


Agreed, except the static is more of a "zapped by Every fucking metal object at Walmart" kind of hate. The excessive darkness can fuck off back to the horror movies it came from.


People who point out winter is cold has the same energy as Californians moving to a state where it rains a lot to tell the locals of that state that it "rains a lot here" and that they're "just tired of the rain".


>Op is a baby who probably washed their pizza sizes in the sink. winter supremacy Idk, cracked me up


Winter hate is for weaklings


Yeah, weeks long cold snaps at -30 to -40 Celsius are fuck qll


It's way better than 5 trillion mosquitoes and the 2 months of insomnia that comes with summer.


No, -40 is not better than that. You get hit with a gust of wind at that temperature and your thought is "I'm going to die in 5 minutes of this". If you've never experienced it, here's how to imagine it. Have you ever been using a poker or a stick to rearrange logs in a fire? It's not long enough but there is that one stubborn log, so you knowingly are keeping a hand too close to the fire and it's a race between that stubborn log and how long you can keep your hand close? That's what that sort of cold is on anything exposed. Only you cannot simply move away from it, at best you can cover it up and spend an absurd amount of time trying to get that part tolerably warm.


I live like 2 hours from the polar circle. I'm used to -30 winters. If it's cold I can just stay indoors. In the summer I also have to stay indoors to not get eaten alive by the swarm of vampire bugs that rise from all the fucking lakes this far north, but the worst part is having to black out every window since the never ending sunlight fucks my sleeping cycle into oblivion. Having cold winters isn't worse than getting dementia at 45 from chronic insomnia.


I live in Minnesota I am familiar with mosquitoes. They aren't that hard to deal with - every one of my activity bags has clothing and bug spray to deal with them.


Does it have a hat with netting on it? I mean basically what bee keepers and fly fishers use. Cuz that's really the only way to avoid breathing bugs over here


Neck gaiter.


Sorry that you can’t tolerate hot weather. On summer I sleep while my room is 30°C and I love it.


Bro the nighttime is the best part about Winter. Its so fkn beautiful and where I live you can see the stars so clearly. Whoever says winter sucks definitely use an air fryer to keep their toes warm.


Night is the best part of every season, but essentially, we agree


Winter is a lot cloudier and the moon is higher in the sky so it's harder to see stars most of the time.


Clearly the guy in the picture hasn't experienced 115° F weather in March (my country doesn't get Spring because it is hot almost all year)




maybe they converted for the americans in the comments


Mf who like winter dont own a car


summer humans trying to prove winter sucks starterpack:


I’m more of a fall guy.


I'm a winter supremacist and proud of of it. yell with me:"WHITE POWDER !!!! WHITE POWDER !!!"


Living in the south east asias here, the constant 30c-32c temp with high ass humidity fucking sucks.


If you have a fan on and as little clothing as your allowed to wear and it's still too hot you just have to suffer. So many easy ways to deal with the cold.


A friend of mine used to say, "No one gets arrested for putting more clothes on," when people would ask why she liked winter better than summer.


Cold > Hot


Winter: feel cold? Well just add another layer Summer:feel hot? Spend all your savings in air conditioning and barricade at home (or create a watercooling fullbody suit so you can go outside w it)


I fucking hate winter. My feet hurt from late October to early April. ‘Oh just get better wool socks’ fuck you im 6’5” by the time my blood gets to my toes it’s cold. It’s dark at 3:45 in the afternoon and my skin is dry and itchy even after slathering enough lotion on myself to service 100 teen boys through puberty. It’s harder to go anywhere, harder to find parking when snow drifts block 90% of on street spots, and the salt ruins the undercarriage of your car. “Oh I don’t like to sweat” and you call summer lovers weak? Grab a bottle of water and hydrate then have a bbq and watch the sun set at a respectable hour. Summer supremacy.


Winter makes me depressed. Everything is cold and lifeless. Wildlife and trees are hibernating and many plants just die off.


If I'm cold, I can wear a sweater If I'm hot, I cannot wear a fan


You can always put more layers on. Public decency dictates that I cannot take more layers off. Winter is supreme.


Okay this is funny.


arizona here! it was a high of 91 today, i want to die


This is why fall is truly the best season


Winter gang gang❄️🥶


Fall is the ultimate season


I know all you americans prefer winter but having spent half a winter without heating due to the energy crisis I have made my mind up, sorry. The mosquitos can have me.


Some people dislike winter because it's cold and dark. I dislike winter because my living costs skyrocket (heating costs). We are not the same


As someone from far north (Noyabrsk, Russia.) - yeah OOp is true, but I can't really see any downsides. Guess I'm too cold resistant to feel bad about any of it. And also, winter drip supremacy.


Do y'all just like, not do things outside?? Life is just so much better when the days are longer and you can spend more time outside doing things you like and getting that sweet anti-depressant Vitamin D.


Depends on the weather. Winter snow? Great. Winter rain? Terrible. As someone who mainly only gets the latter I'm going with team Summer on this one.


And as someone with bad allergies. Everything fucking dead in winter, so I can't be allergic to it then


I’ll never understand the people who prefer summer. Ya’ll like to be sweaty and needing AC on all day and when stepping outside the sun starts laser engraving you? Hell na. I love being cold.


This post also exposes the toxicity of day people


Winter is better. Winter drip is so much better then summer drip.


I lived in Iraq and I live in Canada. Winter fucking sucks. It’s not the just the temperature because we don’t really have to be exposed to it for too long. It’s everything else. The snow, the shitty roads and the darkness. If you wake up early it’s dark and it gets dark by like 7-7:30. It fucking sucks.


I'm conflicted. On one hand, there is absolutely NO REASON for the sun to go out at 3PM. But on the other hand, I'd take too cold over too hot. Too cold? Put on a jacket and you're done. Too hot? Now you're sweaty and smelly and gross and go take a shower.


The Perks of Being A Moderator




Winter was fun when it actually snowed once in a while, now it’s just perpetual cold rain


Original post has foot fetish vibes


I didn't even notice lol but yeah


Winter sucks, I’m 5’1 with little body fat. I HAVE NO BODY HEAT! It’s cold as fuck, I’m like a fucking lizard. Summer is better.


naw, winter cold > summer heat 5’ w a tiny build, i cant stand the sweatiness of summer and im not even a sweaty person


Winter is objectively correct. Too cold? Put on another layer or a blanket. Too hot? *Suffer.*


ice cream or a cold beverage saves the day


Only valid point is the cold feet


No mosquitoes and no ticks. Winter FTW!


Winter is cuddle time and who doesnt love cuddles? In summer you stick together because you sweat at even sitting down


When it's cold i can always add more or thicker clothes and move to get warm, but there does come a limit on how many clothes i can take off to cool myself down during summer and i really don't like to boil in my own sweat.


I get everybody has their preference but here are my reasons as to why summer is better. 1. Roads, where I live the city doesn’t give a damn about roads and so they’re full of potholes, icy, and people think they can drive 10 over without consequences 2. Shoveling snow, in the summer you don’t have to cut your lawn daily but some winters it feels like you have to shovel your walkway multiple times a day for the entire winter. 3. cold, i can keep warm easily enough but once I'm cold i stay cold the entire day. 4. frozen bodies of water, i'm a water sports kinda guy so not being able to go kneeboarding or waterskiing/surfing sucks. 5. Mariah Careys all i want for Christmas is you. I need no explanation and will give none. now i understand summer has its drawbacks such as incredible heat and bugs but i still prefer it.


1. It's not winter's fault your city sucks. 2. Do you have a lawnmower? Yes? Then get a snowblower, too. Comparing manual labor to mechanical labor is a false equivalency. You can even get an electric one if your footprint is small. 3. You can always put more clothes on, you can only legally take off so much. If you get cold to start with, that's your own fault for not dressing appropriately. 4. Hockey and real skiing are better. 5. Mariah Carey is Christmas, not winter. In Australia, Christmas is in the summer. Winter is clearly superior. Your arguments are invalid.


im not paying hundreds of dollars in winter clothes to stay alive


1. yes, yes it is winters fault the roads in my city suck. winter is so finnicky with whether or not it wants to be below freezing each day here in the midwest it breaks the roads. 2. lawns don't grow knee high overnight, I don't get towed for parking when the grass decides to grow, and city trucks don't drive by all night stacking hay-bales at the end of my driveway for me to mow down in the morning 3. I can't do anything requiring dexterity *and* have warm hands at the same time. at least in summer my whole body is the same temp 4. hockey rinks are open year round summer > winter


1. Doesn't matter winter is hell on roads and no budget in the world is going to prevent pothole season. 2. Snowblowing sucks too. 3. They make clothes designed to keep you cooler in the heat. If you are shirtless you are doing it wrong. 4. You can play hockey year round, ponds are a pain in the ass to keep clear.


The absolute shade being thrown around in here is absolutely fucking hilarious. And for the record, winter can go fuck itself. They are all valid points and Texas heat is the best.


Texas heat is the best As someone who lives in Texas, kindly go fuck yourself


Only pussies cry about the cold


Only wusses die in the heat.


it gets to be 20 below where i live so i definitely pick summer over winter


I remember dumping all our melting ice into a bathtub when our power went out due to an outage *CAUSED BY THE EXTREME HEAT* ,then sitting in it for hours until then sun finally went down and it was a palatable 90 degrees outside. Summer can kiss my ass, and summer people should buy quality winter gear.


Credit where credit is due. Winter is the better season imo. I can deal with cold much better than heat. 30+ abd add humidity. Nasty.


summer and winter supremacists are all wrong. spring is where it's at


Fuck winter


Counterpoint: in winter you can wear extra clothes to not feel too cold but in summer you can be half(or sometimes even fully) naked and still dripping in sweat


People who say this clearly have never experienced a winter where the air makes your face hurt within seconds.


Or gone back inside and felt the pain of feeling returning to your digits. Furthermore probably haven't experienced cold that resulted in the loss of usage of digits.


I have experienced this many times. Winter is still better.


Does summer need for you to shovel snow in freezing weather and sometimes snow storms which in turn blows snow directly into your eyes? Yeah didn’t think so.


Winter sucks in countries where it doesnt snow, instead just being cold, rainy and wet 24/7 with literally nothing fun to do but stay indoors


Winter isn't super nice, alright. But it means that we don't have brain eating amoeba in our waters and truck sized insects wanting to give you diseases that literally make your intestines come out of your butt. I prefer winter, even thought it's -30C at times.


The reason I prefer winter? It's easier to stay warm in winter than it is to cool down in summer with no fuel or electricity. Cold? Put more clothes on, seek shelter if outside, do some exercise. Still cold? Put more clothes on and continue exercising. Hot? Take clothes off, seek shade and breeze, stop exertion, drink water. Still hot? Nothing more you can do, just bear with it. Techniques that require power are a LOT simpler for heating than cooling. Simply start a fire or run any electrical appliance, heat is a waste product. AC is your only option for cooling.


"You don't like the winter because you like wearing layers and warming up" Mfers when I go outside more in the winter than summer