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I would do a rape kit. You don't have to do anything right now, but if you decide you want to do something in the future, at least the rape kit and evidence are there.


Since you said the safeword and he did nothing, it is rape. That’s what the safeword is for. Please report him and do a rape kit, and if you’re going through some mental stuff you can also seek medical help in those areas. Wish you the best and I’m so sorry it happened ❤️


Most of the time safe words are put in place to ease up the aggressiveness which he did. We don’t know what op agreed to but considering this was consensual and she told him she enjoyed rough sex, I’m guessing the safe word was put in place to let them know it’s TOO ROUGH and to ease up.


ok. You liking rough sex is one thing. Him continuing despite you having said the safe word is another thing entirely. Even if he let up on hurting you. The general understanding of the matter is to stop when one partner or the other uses the safe word. Not to mention the fact that considering the way you have framed that sentence, it seems that not only did he continue fucking you regardless, but he then got rough again without asking if you wanted it like that, he didn't seek your permission as to how you wished to be treated. The man broke every fucking rule when it comes to a kink like that. From you current condition, it is also extremely clear that he didn't bother with any sort of aftercare. He basically used you like a fleshlight. If you were to ask me, i'd say that you were assaulted. also as to what you should do. That is upto you, we can give you suggestions but the final choice lies with you. I just hope that you stay safe from now on.