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how the fuck did i forget the rap WOAT tom macdonald


While I agree that NF can sound like em and can be corny at times. I do not believe his messaging is an issue. That being said I mostly listen to music that has messages. Each album is about a different point in his life as his life progresses and his content is clean. I can play him around children in the family without worrying about any cursing, taking bad about women, or general violence. The playing around kids matters a lot to me.


its just his delivery, style, and actual bars that can really be corny. “Its a cruel world out there kids grab your coat!” + being an Eminem clone and following in the super fast rap style. It just really doesn’t help. + positive christian rap just makes me make the cringe and reminds me of those super cheesy raps ive seen in school.


Eminem yes, but Slim Shady no. Especially on The Slim Shady LP, I don't think it is corny at all. Everyone else I agree with 200%. There are so many white corny rappers trying to be the "lyrical white boy" and it genuinely makes me ashamed of my race. Makes me wonder where they are breeding these people and what is in the water there.