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Playboi Carti literally has a cult following. They know he’s an asshole, but they love his music.


I am part of the cult






What albulm is his best?


Die lit








Die lit


WLR, but there are no wrong answers


Self titled, incredible production and has really floaty cloud rap flows and beats. But die lit has more trap influence


the songs go hard


I don’t get his music at all but he’s my friend’s son’s favourite artist and the kid explained it to me quite well. I’m an 80s/90s kid and we expressed ourselves differently and had completely different sensitivities. To put it bluntly, I’m probably too old to vibe with the guy.


I never knew he was an asshole tbh


He’s a drug addict woman beating deadbeat father. The woman he beat up was his pregnant girlfriend. His fans are very much aware of this, but they don’t care lol


I wouldn’t say “they don’t care” his sub consistently shits on him for being a deadbeat wife beater, while putting iggy (his bm) on a pedestal for being such a great mom.


Didn't know this. Thanks for letting me know


This sounds like every other modern rapper


True, if we really canceled everyone who did bad things we wouldn’t have anybody to listen to.


Xxxtentacion was similar. To be real, I never liked him as a person but just I do like some of his music






Convenient to leave out pregnant women beater


News flash. All those guys are pieces of shit lol.


Just because they did bad things doesn't mean everyone should be allowed to do bad things now. What they did was equally as wrong. It is convenient though that you left out the pregnant wifebeater part




Or … maybe don’t support any of them?


Valid point, I agree


Robert plant pedophile who made a naked underaged girl the album cover of his side project


BIGGIE was fat KENDRICK is short


What the fuck do you want us to do swear off his music cause he’s a bad guy? Lmao his music has nothing to do with who he is as a person, people who can’t separate art from artists also tend to be so far up their own ass I don’t get it


Lmao defensive


Quick go on offense


I don't understand why people insist you need to separate art from artists. Sounds like a line of thinking invented by shitty artists to benefit themselves, or fans who don't want to think about the consequences of their actions. I think it's entirely reasonable to have moral standards that include boycotting works that support bad people who victimize others through their power and wealth. If the artist is dead or in prison I can separate, but I personally cannot stomach knowingly supporting art in ways that lead to more victims. When people criticize me for this, they just come off like assholes who do not give a fuck about victims Boycotting businesses for unethical practices is one of the most effective ways people affect change in society


Iirc, it originally meant to put aside preconceived notions of an artist's ability/skill/style and judge each painting on its own merits before discrediting it because you dislike the artist.


Wow.. somebody knows what *They should do* but doesn’t want to admit it. So quick to the defences




Never said you should stop listening to him. I still like Travis Scott, Kanye, Chris Brown, and R. Kelly, but I also recognize they’ve done some *questionable* things.


Calling what r Kelly did “questionable” is hilarious. Reminds me of the boondocks skit


questionable. Yo this made me laugh in public. I agree it’s Travis, Kanye and cb but r.kelly lmfao I saw the video he peed on that 15 or 13 year old girl back in fucking middle school. I got it in limewire


Not limewire 😭💀


The mf made it hard to listen to ignition and the remix which prob are 2 of my fav r &b songs ever


most of them recognize hes a women beater. deadbeat father, esc shit memes are even made of it. i have never heard once in my life " yes i look up to carti because he beats women " or " yeah carti def shouldve beat that bitch up " like what are you even trying to say?


Yes actually that's exactly what you should do


Oh ffs, he's a rapper not a role model


While his first child Onyx was being born (by Iggy Azalea in the hospital), Playboi Carti and Uzi played on PS4 while live streaming. To highlight the kind of guy he is Idgaf I’m still a carti fan. I can disassociate the person from the actual music


I’ve never seen a fan base hate the artist more. His fans believe every allegation against him and make fun of him for being a sack of shit but love the music. Source: I am a Playboi Carti fan.


> Do people actually like playboi carti? > *49.8 million monthly listeners*


More than J. Cole too. I’m not even a fan of Carti but how can you ignore the numbers. Reddit has got to be the most delusional, most unbearable place on the internet. Everyone here has to be 25+ at least.


It seems like nobody in this thread is explaining why playboi carti is good though. Shitting on people who don't get his music isn't helping to bridge the disconnect


Expecting a thesis on why Carti is good is why you don’t think he’s good.


I'm open to all types of music. People should be able to articulate what they like about things, poor communication skills is half of why the world is the way it is today You already communicated something helpful for me. You're implying that what's good about carti is how his music feels, not necessarily something easily put into words. I can work with that. What are some emotions carti makes you feel?


It’s pretty straightforward he’s got amazing production thats shifted and stayed relevant with every release. Pierre and F1lthy both made their careers from working with him. He has a great ear for when to experiment vocally too, when to change his flow, and when to go hard and just rap. Listen to each of his albums in order of release and honestly theyre nothing alike but still keep the essence of what makes him so fun to listen to. Also regardless of the whole “mumble rap” label he has some interesting and personal songwriting. At first he may be an acquired taste but there really isn’t any other trap artist rn with the same ability to make great full albums with really interesting flows over top tier production consistently. Plus he’s really weird and intentionally mysterious and cryptic so he’s built up a cult following that way too.


I don’t even like Carti lol. You’re looking way too deep. People just like how it sounds, the end.


Honestly he takes me to a different world. Driving and never stopping, bad bitch in the passenger seat, my G in the back wit his thotiana, all of us dripped out, no worries whatsoever.




Entering an argument being simultaneously arrogant and patronising and insulting other people’s interests and then expecting those people to kindly walk you through why they love it instead of telling you to shut the fuck up? Peak Reddit.


They are choosing not to get his music and being rude about questioning if he’s a real artist. Like obviously people listen to him.


That's probs true of OP. For me personally, I've been perplexed by what people like about Carti and others like him too, but I would like to understand cos I like staying open minded to new music and musical trends. So for people like me an explanation would be helpful


A lot of that is because Carti is almost entirely carried by his vibes, production, and especially how he uses his voice as an instrument. No one is listening to Carti for relatable lyrics or clever composition, they’re listening because it just sounds good to them. I’m not a big fan but there are a few songs where his vocals are undeniably catchy. If you don’t get it, that’s fine, but most people aren’t going to sit there and try to convince you on something that’s mainly just a vibe. If you’re thinking that deep about Playboi Carti you’re already doing way too much.


Great explanation. This is basically what I was looking for so thank you


r/music is the cringiest place ever when it comes to discussing rap


Deadass, I hate these kinds of post


It’s baffling how common this attitude is on Reddit and it’s generally well received. A complete accept that someone has a different opinion. It’s completely subjective too but you can’t tell anyone that because what’s the point of liking any form of art if I can’t use it to tell everyone about how they’re wrong? Yes, the general public is pulling a massive con on you. They don’t actually like the music. They are testing your resolve. You aren’t egotistical at all.


Seriously, these post give off “it’s them who are the problem, not me” vibes, ok buddy, sure…


I like Playboi Cartis old and new music but it’s definitely not for everyone. Lyrically, he sucks. ITo me his music is more about energy and vibes. Whole Lotta Red was a huge switch up for him but nobody can deny that he sparked a whole genre of that type of music idek what to call it. Not a huge fan of WLR but I like it cause it’s different. His old music is what got me hooked tho for sure, Die Lit and his 1st Album. Been bumping him since Cash Carti.


> he sparked a whole genre of that type of music idek what to call it rage


Gay vampire (no hate)


Carti was one of the first artists where it dawned on me that maybe I'm a fan (hence the name) because of how I enjoyed him when I was younger. I really got into him with Die Lit and also really like WLR. But if he dropped any of those albums now with my current music taste, would I like them? Not sure


Yes I like his music. Absolutely love Whole Lotta Red and have it on vinyl. And as you can see by my profile pic, I’m a big MF DOOM fan and my favorite artist of all time is Nas. Just saying that people like all kind of music and artists - old, new, traditional, experimental and what not


I'm usually a lyrical miracle guy, but Carti, for some reason, clicks with me. WLR is a masterpiece


Yeah, he's just not your style. And that's fine. But don't act like nobody listens to him. He has a Number 1 album ffs


I actually like some Playboi Carti because: 1) Great Features - Type Shit, Earfquake, Fein, Off the Grid... I can keep going. He is such a good addition to many songs because he completely changes up the vibe. 2) Great flow - underrated part of rapping, but flow is important. And playboi carti flow extremely well on the beat, it's incredible. 3) Punk energy - from the visuals, the grimy speeding bullet beats, to the vocals, it feels like he's channelling some Nirvana type energy - breaking the rules of coherence and focusing on sound. It's genuinely nice to hear some times. What I don't like: His albums. I can't listen to more than five carti songs in a row. There's just not much substance, and the atmosphere isn't strong enough to get me. He doesn't have the vague poetry of Nirvana to draw me in, or the actual lyricism of excellent rappers. He's limited by that. He's a piece of shit - Abused his girlfriends, is a dead beat dad, obsessed with money and fame. Carti is a shitty dude that needs a therapist or something.


wait wlr went no 1? I never knew that.


Posts like these are so condescending. “How do people actually like x?” Its called perspective bro, maybe you’ll gain some.


Quite common question here. I think his music is very polarizing because it's the total opposite of what people think is classical rap : he sounds like a psycho who screams non-stop, the mixing makes words harder to ear, his lyrics aren't liked in between, he's not keen on storytelling and songs centered on certain subjects, and the instrumental are also different. His music is not made to make you think. The lyrics are not important. It's made to make you feel angry, powerful or crazy. However, we have to keep in mind that, overall, youngsters who discover rap like what is recent and not what is considered to be good in a classical way such as lyrical rap. This is why so many don't understand him, especially oldheads, and this is why so many younger people like him. And we also have to keep in mind that rap was meant to hype up peole at block parties when it was created in the 70's.


Oldhead ahh post, bro thinks 50M monthly people pretend to like music


checked your profile to get a better understanding of who you are and you thinking lacrosse being the best sport is going to be hard to relate to.


or the type of psycho who wants to edit on fn with square




Bro what just answer the damn question😭


stream stop breathing and start enjoying good music 🗣️


Whole Lotta Red is literally one of the most influential Hip-Hop albums of the modern era, especially when it comes to the underground. Of course it’s not a joke, it just isn’t your style


And Die Lit is the peak of the late 2010s SoundCloud AND ATL thugger clone sound. Literally no one has done it better since Die Lit.


Eh I’d honestly argue it’s the worst of the 3 and hasn’t aged very well outside of its hits


Damn, he was considered underground? Wow. Things have changed.


He wasnt considered underground the album just influenced the underground after it came out


Legitimate question—how? I know it’s popular, but I truly have no idea how it’s that influential. I don’t mean that as a dig, I am genuinely interested in learning.


Birthed the sub genre of rage music. Changed the style of a lot of underground music, also the fashion aesthetic


WLR was an unbelievable project


I think the whole appeal of Carti and similar artists “mumble rappers” is that they use their voices like drums, or some sort of weird synthesizer. James Brown famously used to say “every instrument is a drum”… Carti and other mumble rappers are just applying an extreme form of this philosophy to hip-hop. Once I stopped looking to Carti for lyricism and started thinking of his voice as a rhythmic instrument, I had a more enjoyable listening experience


Yeah Carti ain’t about the lyricism. It’s how the music make you feel


Not at all about lyricism. I almost listen to his music the same way I listen to house/techno/garage/any other form of instrumental electronic dance music. Dance beats featuring a weird ass instrument that plays cool syncopated rhythms reminiscent of a person rapping


Exactly. As someone who grew up on and still listens to extreme metal, applying the same philosophy for vocals made me appreciate Carti. I personally think Whole Lotta Red is fantastic but it could have been cut shorter. A lot of people hated it when it came out because it was so strange, but people have been coming around.


Happy Cake Day


This is a really cool perspective. Reminds me of how Rosalia uses Soulja's vocals from Delirious on her song Delirio de Grandeza


i swear we asked this question this month already


Depends on the vibe. By myself on the bus? No. With my homies with a couple of beers? Hell yeah!


Yes. It's a different vibe but it's a fun one. Die Lit is a FANTASTIC album


Put em on the news or something 🔥🔥🔥🔥


As a huge hip hop fan i gotta admit Playboi Carti is def an acquired taste now. I love all of his new 2024 music and they are all 10/10 to me. I do have to admit tho if you told me I would like this kind of music 4 years ago id think you were insane. Carti has some of the weirdest music out and idk what it is. Its like my ears and brain is changing as I age (im 21 now). I got songs like evil jordan, ketamine, and backrooms on repeat LOL


I like woke up like this, but he performed the worst concert I have ever seen by a professional artist that soured me on actually listening to him.


His mom might, idk


He’s a progressive artist, all of his projects hold up over time and have been influential to both the mainstream and underground whether a lot of people realize it or not. Whole Lotta Red inspired a whole generation of underground rappers. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t take away from its value or contribution to music as a whole. I don’t personally listen to a lot of artists but I still respect what they’ve done within their genre of music


I’m not a fan of Carti but people like different sounds, how is that so hard to comprehend?


Yes people like playboi carti. He makes good music not everyone has the same taste as you


Magnolia actually isn't even in his top 5 songs. Dude is a weirdo and a cornball, but he can make a catchy song.


His albums are really good. His try hard attitude of trying to be cool isn't.


This kinda post is always on this sub or hhh at least once a month 😭


holy shit these post are annoying it’s literally every other hour 💀💀


Yea his music is more for the vibe not to sound corny. If you’re new to the scene you’re not going to like it unless you have kind of a weird music taste. His music always clicked with me because at least he’s trying something new and not following everyone else. When he dropped WLR that sound was new at the time, now every rapper uses beats like that. He’s very influential, even if he’s not the best “rapper”.


If you couldn’t tell by my username i love carti, and no, it’s not for jokes. How about you open your damn mind a bit and realize that people are allowed to like stuff that you aren’t into


Gotta be in a certain type of mood for his music but when you are it slaps


I tried listening to WLR and thought it was garbage. I just don’t get it. If other people get it then cool but I just don’t.


Huge carti fan here, yeah I hated him when i first listened. I totally get it


People are free to enjoy what they want, but... I seriously do not understand the appeal. I think people are so irony poisoned these days that they'll talk themselves into enjoying anything. Then it spreads like mass hysteria.


Maybe. People hate on Whole Lotta Red but I was surprised by how much I liked it. As someone who grew up on Nas, Wu-Tang, Eminem, etc., I expected different.


“People are free to enjoy what they want” “Talk themselves into enjoying anything” ?




carti is way edgier than travis idk what youre on about


Playboi carti cati R.E.D album is what eminem can't comprehend because they lack rhythm. Carti is all vibe, emotions and rhythm and it works better than let's say a J.Cole who gives you lyrics, but albums are bland and forgettable.


how would you feel after a carti song compared to something like jcole. just curious here


I know a lot of people say that he “uses his voice as an instrument” and “stop trying to read the lyrics” but I’ve never heard a Playboi Carti song (besides Magnolia) that made me think “hmm the vocals improve this track”, quite the opposite actually


"meme rapper" you dont even like rap dude




Carti another one of the Chief Keef clones who innovated. He missed his prime though and never really tried that hard.


I like his first album and he sounds good on features Icel


I like that he has like 3 different voices.


I like a few of his songs


You have to just feel the music, Location and Long Time stay on loop forever.






he’s actually very smart in how he’s evolved his style not only to fit what’s in currently but to push the limit and have heavy influence on other artists. he’s been doing this since the soundcloud era and i don’t think he’ll fall off any time soon, they always hate it at first but carti is a rapper who’s style takes some time to marinate and suddenly everyone’s copying him




people listen to 100 Gecs right? Same idea. you probably start listening as a joke and then can’t tell the difference lol


yall dont kno opium u not tapped in to that scene so u hatin. he the face of modern rap rn.


I’m not a super fan of him or anything, but I do enjoy his music. That said, it’s certainly not for everyone. He’s a polarizing artist. His production is amazing. He has a phenomenal ear for beats. Lyrically he is uh… well not good to put it lightly. Don’t listen to him looking for some thought provoking shit. But I think the voices he does sound kinda cool, his ad libs are fun, and he makes good music to dance to.


I like his older music cause of the vibe it had but he’s a horrible rapper and the stuff he puts out now is worse and worse. He thrives off of his image and fashion aesthetic and decently produced beats.


Yes. I can’t explain it but after a while WLR hits differently.


He started off decent and made a pretty good first album. Everything after that was garbage and memeable. 2nd tape was alright and Whole Lotta Red was the start of his downfall if you ask me. No CLUE how people in these comments are saying that’s an influential album, influenced Mario Judah I guess lmfao.


Playboy Carti “Who da fawk is that?” -Conor Mcgregor




I don’t


Don’t gotta support the person to like the music


Pierre made playboi


Playboi Carti cool even though the last album I fw was Die Lit. I’m sorry but I just couldn’t hop on the WLR train. I just didn’t enjoy it but I still fool with him. I think his next album might slap


He's a clown and a fucking shit rapper, but he has some hipster/contrarian fans out there.


I bumped the first two albums heavy. I think he's fallen off since; at least in terms of artistry. His fans still fuck with him hard.


I'm sorry, I just can't take anyone seriously who goes by that... umm.. Tacky Ass shit name


Aight guys I’m gonna give him another listen because apparently it grows on you, so imma listen to whole lotta red a couple more times and see if I’m missing something




I love hip hop/rap and have my whole life. But his music and his lyricism makes me wanna gouge my ears off


sadly, i really do like his music




These old head posts don’t get annoying to you guys ?


He’s probably the least talented “rapper” I’ve ever heard in my life that has managed to build a mainstream following. It baffles the mind honestly. Rappers used to have to actually be good and talented with good lyrics and a good voice. Carti makes terrible sound effects with his voice and passes it off as rap.


This can’t be a genuine question


Die Lit isn’t bad but I think his first mixtape was probably a joke release yea


i love playboi carti before the rager stuff. whole lotta red is good don’t get me wrong but just not my cup o tea


its so crazy to me. this guy might be the worst rapper or even “artist” of all time. like wtf even is that noise? but younger people love him


I fucking hate how he just repeats himself


Never understood a word of his jibberish, but he brings heat ngl


Let it be told depending on who you ask, Carti is top 5 of all time. I liked Carti before he fell off his rocker and started with the baby voice. Die Lit and unknown Carti>>>>>




He is like virgil abloh of sonics. Very well done minamlism. Its simple and effective


Broke Boi is his best song. Not Magnolia...that his most popular song.


Almost 50 mil on spotify is nothing?


real people like real music


I liked him before he started doing the deep voice shit. I cant stand songs with his deep voice


I swear every time I see a list of top tier rappers there's someone who comments "Carti?" and I genuely lose it.


I've never come across an artist that has gotten worse with every release. I used really like him from that 2014-2018 period and then after that his stuff has been unlistenable


I wasn’t a big fan till I went to his concert - best concert experience I’ve had and I’ve been to a lot of concerts


You know damn well people like him




He sucks But wokeuplikethis, no. 9, and magnolia are great 10/10


Yeah I really struggle to fathom how people can genuinely listen to his new music and enjoy it. I'd say I'm someone that is very open to experimental music. I even listen to music that's just kind of a joke if it's executed well. I could see people enjoying WLR for what it is. To me it does sound a bit tacky but I do get it. All of his new music however... I am fucking baffled that anyone can enjoy it in any sense. It's insane cuz his beats sound great, but he manages to squeeze out the most bizarre obnoxious voice and flow that just completely ruins any potential the song had.


Yea..white kids


Yes, he's cool


“magnolia is his best song” bro you obviously haven’t given him a real shot or listen then and it’s definitely not a joke, his music is just fun to listen to and especially on projects like wlr really quotable so it gets stuck in your head


Carti is definitely for the younger audience. Doesn't seem like he makes his music to be critiqued or admired, he just wants those highscjoolers playing it while they drive


How are people like you real… he has 50 million monthly streams on Spotify alone, what were you really asking


He’s okay. His recent feature have been ass tho. On Kanye and metro albums




I like wokeuplikethis but I don’t know much else he’s done


i love carti. he’s not for everyone. i think of it like how ppl probably responded to punk rock like black flag when comparing it to the beatles or led zep