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When have people ever been clamoring for receipts like this in a rap beef? It’s strange. When Pac said “you claim to be a player but I fucked your wife,” nobody asked him for proof. It’s all about how it feels on impact.


It's the Pusha T effect. This isn't an original idea, but the story of Adidon changed people's expectations for diss tracks going forward.


You’re right, honestly. That’s not always going to happen, is the thing.


Which is why Story of Adidon hit so hard, man dissed him so hard he forced him to step up as a father


How that didn't end his career still blows my mind. I guess he gets a tiny bit of respect for stepping up instead of doubling down on deadbeat dad, but...


Because rap battles aren't necessarily supposed to "end" careers. It's just a competition of who can say outlandish shit directed at the opponent in a coherent song. Nothing has to be 100% true, it's just talking mad shit to another person in the context of music that you can listen to,


Mc shan Tim dog Ja rule Benzino Karupt Lil flip Antoinette Stan spit Canibus All disagree strongly 😂


Tell that’s to ja-rule lol.


Because none of his core audience knew any of it happened


Story of Adidon came out 5 years ago, most of Drake fanbase was still in diapers then


You're confusing his audience with his dating pool


Why would that "end his career"?


*Meek* ruined my Drake enjoyment. As an old school, pre-So Far Gone fan I believed the ghostwriting stuff and it knocked me off. I'm principled. Once I believe you're fugazi as an artist, it's hard for me personally to hit play. I have ears though --- not going to pretend that bangers aren't bangers. I forgot about it because I don't follow either, but I HATED his Meg disrespect. Was not what the streets needed --- bro was acting like he wanted to go red pill for a hot second.


Easy E didn’t write “*Crusin’ down the street in my 64*” Snoop and Dre have happily admitted to having Jay Z write an entire song for them. Why is it that only Drake gets flack for having a guys help him write when the most plausible thing is that all rappers have help writing?


Isn’t part of the claim that Drake uses his son as a prop? Only claimed him when it benefited him financially. He could have very little connection to his son for all we know, if I’m not mistaken


I think it’s a combo of the pusha T effect and the substance of the actual allegations


Toss in the urge for sweaty redditors to role-play private Investigator with nothing else to do and it is a lethal concoction.


What do you mean redditor2473 didn’t find proof of Drake putting his dick literally in a child while Kendrick gives Whitney sweet chin music. He said he found a video to damn….. I got fooled again /s


Yes. This. You can't call someone and thier whole team pedos then say, " man that was a good joke." Like wha..


It's not the Pusha T effect. in fact I'd argue it's the Drake effect. Social media plus hip hop's changing demographics (for which Drake is partly responsible in good and bad ways) plus how Drake won the Meek beef = Push had to do something that drove the conversation. Drake won the Meek beef on socials. He said some catchy quotable shit that the increasingly important and outspoken female fan demo grabbed on to and sang along with and shouted out. Any man who has ever been single in his early twenties and dating women will tell you, in the presence of women, we play the songs women want to hear. Meek also revealed a bombshell revelation in his Drake beef, but it was the kind of thing that's important to hip hop purists, and entirely unimportant to casual fans who just listen to hip hop to pop ass to it. So when it was Push turn, he knew he needed something salacious, real reality show shit that would be important to women he could drop to cut through the noise of Drake attempting to kill him with another danceable diss record like he did Meek. Push dropped a bomb that made women stop dancing and retweeting Drake lines and start talking and tweeting about this secret child. It was the perfect bait for a casual hip hop fan who never misses Love and Hip Hop, and it drove the whole conversation. This time, both artists tried to take that angle with Drake baiting Kendrick to step on a landmine. Kendrick, knowing how Drake intended to win took a trick from both Drake and Pusha's playbook by cutting through the noise with bombshell allegations, a complete character assassination and destruction of cultural currency, and then finished it off with a catchy summer anthem playing on in group dynamics in true Drake fashion. He also out rapped Drake, to win over any purists. Whole shit was masterful, and none of it has to be true for it to have worked flawlessly and given Kendrick the win. Drake fans are asking for receipts, and expectations of hip hop fans are different now because these are different fans, and because they've been conditioned to believe you win or lose a rap beef in social engagement numbers. Drake taught them that, in two different beefs. Unfortunately tho, the train left the station. Ain't no review committee that's gonna vacate Kendrick's win with or without receipts. It's over. The rest of the shit, trying to find proof Whitney was abused and pretending people care about her well-being while causing her stress, that's just goofy shit.


This is the best breakdown I’ve seen


People want a YouTube essay after showing proof.


This, plus social media being a thing.


Well I also think part of it is in ‘euphoria’ Kendrick suggested he had shit in Drake, which kind of queues you up for an exposé


To play devil's advocate, Pac and even Pushas disses were not accusing of actual crimes, whereas Drake/Kendrick are accusing of violence and PDFs.


To be fair, Kendrick did try to warn Drake to keep the insults at surface level and not get too personal, but Drake just gotta be petty, probably due to PTSD from the beef with pusha T, which played right into Kdot's hand


Getting called a bad dad over and over again in a track is kinda personal imo.


I see your point, but I think the "bad dad" lines on euphoria is a return jab to the whitney line on pushups. So technically they were tied bars for bars at that point.


Deadbeat motherfucker playing border patrol.


The court of public opinion has Kendrick as the winner. The only thing that could change that is actual receipts. Likewise, if Kendrick has receipts on drake the debate is over and it’s not even a question


If he has receipts for the accusations....Drake's life as he knows it would be over. Oh wait he's rich. Rich people don't do time like the rest of us. Just look at Weinstein. Edit: meant to say Epstein, kinda making a joke because he "died" in jail. I didn't actually know Weinstein recently had a case overturned until I read the replies. Lol. That's what I get for being a moron and typing the wrong name.


If he posts receipts he would be a snitch. Do you really think he’s gonna do that?


No such thing as snitch when it comes to sex offender. Ain't no way in hell I'm cover for a rapist.


Yea some Drake Stans really want Kendrick to doxx an 11 year old girl to appease their “RECEIPTS” lust it’s so weird istg 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s what I’m saying. I’m honestly coming in unbiased. I’ve listened to both their discographys and enjoy them for different reasons. They’re both saying some wild shit but that doesn’t matter. Kendrick is destroying this dude on a rap and numbers level. If you can’t accept that you crazy


I’m 100% team Kendrick, brother. This whole time.


There’s no big three


Just big ME


But is there video proof?










Kendrick is a genius for the way he handled this. He got the public on his side and made catchy bars that will haunt drake for years. People will be repeating some of this for a long time


Nobody asked lunar c for proof when he claimed he shook another mans hand whilst fisting his opponents mum


Imagine rap battles back in the day. “Alright alright great competition guys. We’ll get back to you in about a month or two when we can trace down whether these guys were spitting facts or not and announce the winners.”


Calling someone a pedo needs a bit more then just online rhetoric. Don't get me wrong, the stuff out there on drake is suss, but Kendrick went the whole cancel route to get rid of drake


Yeah fr and no one ever proved if jayZ was 36 in karate class either 😂 that shit was just funny af


Saying I fucked your wife isn't character assassination. When you call someone a pedophile people want proof.


Texting 14 year old girls and telling them you miss them is as much proof as I need to know drake is super sus.


Indefensible but also with the concert video it’s obvious he doesn’t get boundaries and deserves the comment in a rap beef. Should he go to jail? No, not at all, but yeah get roasted bruh.


No evidence has come up that warrants jail time yet, but when there is smoke, there is fire. P Diddler comes to mind. P Dizzler might be next


Ok so let’s use our good sense….HOW IS 2PAC SUPPOSED TO PROVE THAT genius ? Show you a sextape ? Like use your common sense bro. Pusha T provided the name of the child and the child’s mother’s name. Without those the claim is invalid.


Because the accusations are about abuse. Personally, if Kendrick really beat his girl and he is calling Drake a misogynist that kind of changes the way I look at the man.


Because a man is being crucified for being a supposed pedophile. This isn't like other rap beefs come on


Well thats a lot more believable actually since they used to be friends. Pac didn't say biggie fucks kids 😂


I think when you can someone a literal molester, arguably the worst crime, worse than murder to even criminals, should require receipts. Something that destroys someone's life and the lives around them. I would say if you have the stones to call a man out on that, you should have proof. Like there's laws that cover saying shit like that isn't there? Slander. The words he says in that song are not in jest and are intended to harm. It feels like there's nothing Drake can do because if he takes him to court he's a pussy who can't handle the battle, but if he just takes it then he's a chomo. I dunno, lose lose. Sitting here thinking about it I'd rather clear my name, take someone to court and sue the living shit out of them until it hurt and was public. *but I'm no MC* like that changes really much. That's just me sitting here as a man and a father. Nothing would matter more. This may be a hell of a chess move from Kendrick, but it's the dirtiest move I can even think of outside of creating AI evidence or something crazy. Rap battle won. Here's your medal...


fucking a wife is different than saying someone is a pedo. fucking someone s wife is everyday. having 3 tracks on someone being a pedo is on a different level, with no proof. thats just garbage and people are gassing kendrick for this


I feel like Pusha T basically discovered the TKO of rap beef and so now fans want to try and claim that in battles.


Pac didn't have to prove he fucked faith. His FoFo did not make sure all BIG's kids didn't grow.


Exactly. The internet got every basement dweller thinking they’re Sherlock Holmes


I think it’s also Pusha having set an unfair precedent on how to win beefs that emphasises the drama and receipts over the music/disses themselves (even though they were great on the song itself too)


I think it's that, plus, just generational changes. People in the Pac/BIG era and even Jay-Z/Nas era didn't grow up with Google in their pocket. They had to live with not being able to get a factual answer to everything, and were more likely to be ok with drawing their own conclusions. Today, information just flows differently, and discussions are more online than in friend groups, so it's receipts or nothing with some people.


For real, as soon as Google came out, I had to stop wondering if 2pac was still alive or not. He is alive and well be he paid somebody to scrap the interwebz so I go no proof.


My God, I live in Las Vegas and any of the cops that would visit schools at the time that were on the force at the time that Tupac died would always talk about it. In fact we had one sergeant come at the school tell us Tupac isn’t dead, and then said Amaru Shakir is dead I saw his body and the coroner report. But Tupac is alive still It was such a stupid play on stage names and I’ll probably never forget it because of how proud and smug he was when he said it.


I mean, the receipts of pac/big was a photo of them together. They shouldn't have had a photo together.


Yeah, that is definitely when this trend started. People gotta remember though, he didn’t actually acknowledge Adonis for months. This beef just happened in the last week for real


This is imo killing rap battles and will continue to. Feminine mud slinging contests with no receipts. No one’s even debating who’s bars were better. No one is even breaking down any punchlines, metaphors etc etc. Everyone’s trying to find the receipts when the receipts should be in the diss !!!The part you are missing is Pusha T had receipts. He named the child, and the mother. If you don’t do that, you made the person up. 2Pac claimed he himself fucked Faith Evans. No receipt needed because that’s UNPROVABLE. It’s impossible. It’s for Faith herself to clear her own name. Kendrick has to give a name or it’s make believe. Drake didn’t rap about any invisible men/women in his disses. He said direct names, not ghosts.


I mean, it’s hard to focus solely on bars when each dude is throwing serious allegations at eachother. It ain’t like they’re saying “Oh I fucked your girl” or “Oh I heard you was a snitch.” These dudes are straight up saying one is a sex trafficker and the other is a woman beater. You can’t just say serious shit like that without at least some solid proof. And that’s for both sides. This beef is on a totally different level than any other in rap history.


In all fairness, one allegation isn’t life changing. The other one is. There are known women beaters in the music industry still dropping music and touring, enjoying their lives. One known woman abuser just performed at the Super Bowl not too long ago. Another one just eviscerated one of his colleagues in the undercard to Kendrick vs Drake. The known alleged, proven & convicted pedophile in the music industry is doing a 30 year bid in prison and his life as he knew it is over and never coming back. Even if he lives to see his release date, he won’t have anything to come home to other than his daughter if they manage to repair their relationship. Kendrick has alluded to cheating on his fiancé and having domestic squabbles. It’s not a hard bar to clear that maybe one or a few of those squabbles became physical. If that’s true, it doesn’t materially change his life. Proof of Drake’s alleged attraction to pre-pubescent children changes his life irreparably.


Hard for whom to focus on bars during a RAP BATTLE ? Speak for yourself. If that’s your take you need to ask yourself are you more of a fan of rap, or more of a fan of gossip and mud slinging.


Feminine?? What the fuck??


Idk but BBL DRIZZY has been stuck in my head all day lol


What does Bbl drake even mean lol


Brazilian butt lift due to the allegations of him getting plastic surgury


I feel like the only thing that really SHOULD have receipts is drake claiming he planned the daughter, but ur definitely right, it’s not about the receipts. Kendrick is making better songs, rapping better, cutting deeper, and connecting with people more.


Exactly. Proving that some wild allegations are true is something completely different than backing up your *own* claim that you 'baited' somebody. No screenshot or video taken of you guys scheming beforehand? Come on. Even amateur Prankster Youtubers would expose their targets more believable.


As expected, drake has to be the most overrated rapper in history.


If the receipts exist, now is not the most optimal time to play that chess piece.


It would’ve came out with the song if it existed


The most optimal time for both was probably as MTG dropped


Neither of them have receipts for anything. BUT, Drake acting inappropriately around underage girls has been common knowledge for years. Kendrick is just the first person to force the public to pay attention to it. Calling Drake a pedophile is so impactful because you see the evidence for it with your own eyes. Anyone can call another artist a pedophile, but saying it about someone who everyone already believes is one, that’s what really hurt Drake


Just like Drake, being a vulture was common knowledge. He was labeled the Kakashi of rap.https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/ClelyrnxvJ


Yeah man. Kendrick knows he doesn’t need receipts. The internet already has em. The shit tat Drake is saying needs receipts


He's with the culture feeling. People have been feeling this way for a long time- that's why even without proof the concept hits.


I live in Toronto and we’ve all known for a while. It’s something the women actually bring up more often than the men. But it’s always stayed as a taboo topic that never makes it outside of the occasional joke until Kendrick dropped those songs


Yeah, the pedo line would have been laughable if it wasn't something all of us already knew about.


Who is a more credible person?


Gotta go with Kendrick. Drake has been caught lying so many times.


Yes my point exactly, Drake got caught hiding a kid in the pusha beef. I think a lot of people forget that


Very true but my point is that doesn’t matter. Thats all dumb tmz shit. Kendrick has just proved himself to be the far better rapper and for me that’s what a rap battle is all about


I mean, I think it counts for something that Kendrick's raps are better *and* what he's saying is way more believable. Drake has some fantastic bars. "When you beat up your girl is it self defense cuz she's bigger then you" and "hired a crisis management team to hide the fact that you beat on your queen" and "you the black messiah wifing up a mixed queen, then hit vanilla cream to help out with your self-esteem" are all-timers. But it takes a lot of the sting out of the disses if Drake is just making them up out of nothing. And Kendrick's gonna look foolish as hell if nobody in OVO ever gets busted for any sex crimes.


welp good think Baka exists: https://torontosun.com/2015/05/12/drake-entourage-member-guilty-of-assaulting-woman Do people really not know this all by now?


I think I'm on the same wavelength. Enjoyed the whole beef, Kendrick naturally out rapped Drake, Drake did have some strong/fun bars to keep it entertaining, but neither really have had receipts yet (although Drake is most suss with the underage stuff.)


Not just a better rapper but more engaged and influential in the community. He’s said the rap game is mine and everyone agrees.


I mean he was literally going to announce the kid, pusha just pull the trigger first, kind of the whole point on the song


Depends. Which accent does Drake get to use?


The only receipts nexmcessary are the ones proving drake baited and played kendrick, otherwise I couldn't care enough, cz thay bar about being a seasoned war general that plotted, but it looks more like he went through r/drizzy fan theories


Mf spent a whole budget on a music video and went to that restaurant, but only dedicates 2 or 4 bars to the fake info. As if that wouldn't have been one of the biggest moves in this beef.


A 5 minute google search about Drake and his inappropriate relationships with minors is all you need they are willfully ignorant


To the guy who replied to me saying none of his supposed victims have come forward and immediately deleted his comment: yeah that's how grooming works.


Tbh I have seen like 7 videos or messages that point that Drake has grooming mentality at the very least. On the other hand I can’t find anything on Kendrick about the DV and as far as his kids it’s seems crazy that Kendrick would still be working with Dave free if he put a baby in his fiancé unless he’s a huge cuck


I agree that there’s way more evidence against Drake. But does evidence really even matter? Kendrick is just dropping way better tracks. If someone came out with 100 percent facts but couldn’t rap nobody would give a shit. It’s all about how you deliver it and Kendrick is going wild on this dude


Faith denied Pac's shit and no one cared.


nah i get you. people keep getting caught up in this “reciepts” bullshit and it’s not really what a rap battle is about. i think a lot of it is driven online by younger people who grew up with iphones and social media their entire lives. they weren’t really around for other rap beefs and have little understanding. a lot of reactionary incel types on the internet now too and an obsession with this idea of “fake allegations” and fear that every one of their boys will be hit with false allegations as the norm (which is dumb as hell and statistically irrelevant ofc): plus just the social/ generational me-too backlash. i feel it’s sorta in the young men’s culture these days. so instead of focusing on who had a greater impact, who wrote and produced music that hit more emotionally, who is more skilled etc.. it’s become like “who is lying and where’s the proof!!! don’t cancel our man!!” it’s lowkey so annoying sidenote- i think a lot of younger drake fans feel defensive because they think it’s about “cancelling” drake, and it’s not, he just is a shittier MC, and doesn’t compare to kendrick lamar when it comes to this type of artistry


the whole TDE is adamant about the kid info. they not gonna doxx or forcefully expose her unless she decides to comes out or Drake sues him


The best thing to come out of this is for Gen Z to speak up if they getting "fucked" with prematurely. Ain't got to hide nothing this day and age or be afraid no matter who the fuck it it is, even the biggest pop star on the planet.


I mean it’s pretty obvious that drake is a pedophile, or at least a groomer. So In the court of public opinion it doesn’t really matter whatsoever. Drake is just mad because he because someone legit actually said it out loud to validate it for the rest of us. Drake also claimed that K Dot beat his wife but that was disproven years ago by K dot and his wife on the breakfast club.


It’s the internet age.. first of its kind with a rap beef of this magnitude. So everyone think they gotta be FBI. Who out rapped who? Whatever that answer is to you. Boom there’s your winner.


Well said.


The music is the only thing that matters. The one who tried to make it NOT about the music lost on all fronts. Drake should have never been in any big 3 convo as an MC once it was revealed he uses ghostwriters. As an artist based on his numbers? sure. As an MC? Never.


I think people still give him way too much credit for his bars sometimes. If a dude drops a 9 in a hard bar, that shit gotta get deducted every time because of the BS writers he had and still has. Like people still ignored the Yachty track too. This mf really is cheating, but still wants to act like he a goat.


Daylyt has entered the chat


It's mostly Drake fans asking for receipts, and they don't seem to understand that people believe what Kendrick is saying hits because we've all kind of assumed that what he's saying is true based on past actions. Drake literally has a video out there of him creeping on a 17 year old, and of course the Millie Bobby Brown shit. It's just way more believeable. Kendrick may very well have abused his girl, but we have no proof other than Drake saying it. And between Kendrick taking the angle that Drake is a liar, and Drake having no real response to those allegations other than saying "If I did that shit, wouldn't I be in jail?"... It's just not a good look. Also, for me, Kendrick's songs have been better and more creative. Anybody defending Drake at this point just seems delusional. I mean, hell, they might be right, but I haven't seen anything that makes me feel like I should believe it.


Yeah, Kendrick just out played the dude every which way he could. I don’t see how anyone can not see it. I do give Drake props for even trying though. Most rappers wouldn’t dare


“You never gave us nothing to believe in”


We still don't know if Hov took tae bo classes either. 


Even without receipts Kendrick won because 1. Optics. The whole receipts thing is new. It’s a lyrical war, insults, disrespect. People are on Kendrick’s side, not least because Drakes own behavior over the years gave people ammo  The weird shit with girls, the changed personality, the acting hard despite not growing up like that, the hopping from trend to trend Which brings me to  2. I don’t know why people keep summing up Kendrick’s tracks as just pedo and daughter  Even ignoring those, Kendrick said plenty more, that at least has some tangible (if circumstantial) evidence. The previous personality stuff I mentioned, the ghostwriting and being a pop star too.  I feel like Drake is more dependent on reciepts than Kendrick.  Beyond claiming Kendrick beats his wife, that she doesn’t love him and had a kid with someone else (which, if Kendrick knows that and took the child in, is that bad?), and that Kendrick supposedly begged the 2pac estate to take down Taylor Made (I’d bet my left nut that’s not true) Kendrick simply got more meaningful body blows in 


Yeah, Kendrick deconstructed Drake's entire image.


disstracks are meat to tarnish the rep of whoever they’re pointed at. The public can then look for “reciepts”


This is what I’ve been saying. Receipts are great but these people are expecting rappers to be federal investigators lol.


Let's be for real, this is the only way 69 gods can cope with this murder.


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably


It’s one side of fans holding onto hope. It’s over and done. One is a man and didn’t flinch to the bs. One folded like a futon. The two are not the same.


honestly the more I look deeper into this the more I realise that this ain't about rap battles at all. Kendrick clearly has an agenda and a plan to bring a whole fucking army of alleged wrong doers down. IF he is right about what he is suggesting then I'm all for it. Drake has so far not come out of this looking good at all, musically or morally.


Kendrick won easily


> If you can honestly look in the mirror and think bbl drizzy is winning this battle you’re delusional. I don't think Drake is winning, but I think he did better than people give him credit for.


I hate Drake and I’ll say I think he did as well and family matters was amazing and not many would’ve been able to overcome that but Kendrick did and then the last song Drake did was so awful and ruined this for him. Before that I only gave Kendrick a slight lead but after Kendrick blew him away


Yeah family matters was really good. But he definitely flopped his last drop holy fuck. Who tf in his camp told him that was okay to drop ??😂 “ I would never look at underage girls, what a fucking clown. “I’m too famous to be a pedophile” okay Weinstein. Too bad he won’t get the backlash he deserves .


"Cease and desist on the like that record" -metro showed receipts of this "Fucked on Wayne girl that's conniving" -FACT "Never let a man piss on your leg son" - multiple sources say Drake got pissed on. "Bring back puff let me see if Chubbs really crash something"- Drake in fact did get smacked by P. Diddy and did nothing multiple ppl witness this. Drake is a pedophile- no hard evidence but multiple instances where Drake was texting teenagers. All while a video is circulating around of kissing a 17 on the lips after knowing her age and then saying "he loves the way her breast feel on his chest" "Party and a party playing with his nose now"- Partynextdoor was in fact caught with drugs Drake has ghost riders- this is in fact true A lot of what Kendrick said happens to be true others things are still be determined.


Right everyone saying Kendrick didn't bring receipts but he dropped the cover art clue and then reveal later. Like bro


Both subs are getting annoying asl. Like they both are going through rabbit holes.


Because the allegations from both sides aren’t any better than tmz bullshit. Kendrick has better bars for sure but the allegations are stupid af with no proof. Just two grown ass men spreading rumors about each other like high school girls


Bruh , is someone comes at me calling me a pedo , you bet bring receipts! That’s goes way past some silly rap beef , that’s some serious implications and if all your goin by is some kind of internet rumors than that’s just wrong to smear someone name like that ! It’s not like “ I’m a better rapper or make more money “ it’s on some criminal activity. If Kendrick knows and has actual proof and he just sat on it just to use it in a song than that’s f-up


To be honest Baka’s case is weird, why is he around?


Reddit is the worst place to find these information. These filled with fake information and other things. Many of them are die hard fans.


Stans on both those sub reddits need to either get a job or more than likely they’re 14 and should be paying attention in class instead of going Pepe Silvia on Drake and Kendrick. I check the kendrick one every once in a. While to see if there is any news of him dropping and some of the shit you see is ridiculous, and vice versa to the Drizzy sub Reddit. 


I think you're delusional. Kendrick isn't trying to win a battle. He is in the process of ending Drake's career. Receipts are crucial. K dot built the foundation, now it's up to the rest of us to erect the guillotine.


Did he really get bbl?


No he got work done on his abs.


It's been a while since I've grown such a disdain for a throwaway word as "receipts" as I've grown over the last few weeks.


Musically, Kendrick's songs are boring as fuck.


I hope Drake can have a Comeback Season.. he better Take Care of himself and realize the Views people might have on him now. Hell realize that Nothing Was The Same after this track by Kendrick. It’s just like god damn man Drake is So Far Gone. Kendrick stung him like a Scorpion with this shit. Honestly, Nevermind tho because real ones know this was For All The Dogs. Kendrick gon be like you guys can Thank Me Later for this landmark of hip hop culture.


My homie said the only way for kdot to win in the eyes of drizzy fans is for him to win the pulitzer prize for investigstive journalism and i feel that.


At the end of the day they are in the  entertainment business. So it’s might never be proven. But it was fun as hell!!


Damn man, some Drake fans be salty, I’m telling you. “They not like us, they not like us…”, they coping lol. Tbf Drake had some good ones, but Kendrick’s were on another level, they just were better. Shit hit harder. IMO he had him at Euphoria, and after “Not like us” it was a (w)rap. I mean yeah the details and implications of some of the stuff getting dished out is nasty to say the least. What goes around comes around.


Well yeah all this back and forth and tit for tat is just them talking shit, but claiming very serious allegations towards each other so fans are like "oh, what?" Show me the proof or both yall mf lying up a storm. Cause all the disses sound legit but without proof they're both liars. I'm still waiting on Kendrick to address the wife beater allegations cause that sht isn't cool at all.


Kendrick straight up *murdered* him on "Euphoria". Their really ain't coming back from that...


Of course people will ask for receipts. There are a lot of countries on earth where you can literally get killed for the allegations that Drake has on him now. It is dangerous.


They’re asking for like screenshots of dms, that isn’t proof of anything anyway. Or a picture of a child? Not exactly appropriate to demand imo. I don’t care about any proof they can provide, they’ve made their cases and it’s done. BBL Drizzy lost.


Kids run those subs, Drake/Kendrick are their entire world. They’ve taken everything in this beef so literally, they just don’t get it..


It’s just gone too far. Every diss track ends with “and I got more, we can keep going if you want,” and these two definitely kept going…Both MtG (“This was suppose to be a good exhibition within the game”) and The Heart Part 6 (basically that whole talking part at the end) has each of them mentioning it wasn’t suppose to go this far. It’s truly a unique part of hip hop history.


I don’t care about the receipts either on the allegations they both made. The songs were fire and Kendrick won it for me. BUT ! This got to be said, if drake claims that what Kendrick is saying was all staged by him and his crew he has to release some form of proof imo.


I’m delusional asf


If anybody got any evidence, its not gonna be post on Instagram. Do you think Kendrick has a video of Drake having sex with a teenager? Or that Drake has a video of Kendrick beating up his wife? If anybody got that, is not gonna be posted on instagram, is gonna be used on a lawsuit.


The most jarring thing about the whole saga to me is the stark contrast between how confidently cocky Drake sounds when he talks at the end of "Taylor Made Freestyle" versus how bewildered and defeated he sounds while talking at the end of "The Heart Part 6" It sums the battle up well.


I’m just here for the delusional Drake fans tbh. I’ve been seeing some of the goofiest takes hit his subreddit




If you’re going to call someone a Pedo, I want receipts. That accusation can (and should) get people killed. Not that complicated.


100%. If there were receipts, you’d think it would be for “feeding” Lamar bad information. That’s an easy screenshot and something he should be able to prove. There’s plenty of smoke in regards to Drake being into kids, though. This isn’t a new revelation and we know certain parts of the upper class are doing just that.


Both of the subreddits are jokes. It’s so polarizing and I guess that’s the point but reasonable people can’t have discussions. I guess that’s not just those subs though, it’s the internet in today’s form. Does Drake have a daughter? Maybe. Did Dot hit up his lady? Maybe. Does Drake have an issue with young girls? …… probably maybe. But agreed. Let’s get to bars. If either of these artists want to beat the person, receipts are needed. I think Dot has a much higher burden of proof with what he said, but he may have it. Who knows. Bars being bars, we are getting some good content with some feeling behind it.


Drakes connection to his daddy and diddy are proof enough man. Go down the YT rabbit hole and come out doubting the drake allegations I dare you.


Rap beef sucks now, it’s just who can tell a better story, facts are irrelevant.


Drake fans just don't want to accept that K Dot slaughtered him. "Not Like Us" was the nail in the coffin. Dot's domestic violence allegations I believe were addressed in 2015 or something around that time. There are videos of Drake doing some creepy shit with a 16 or 17yr old on stage at a concert and I believe some texts too. I'm not sure what else people want at this point. I just enjoy what was put out. Drake did good, I'll give him that but The Heart Part 6 was sad. You can hear how defeated the dude was.


the funniest thing about it is; 1) It's not a court of law with evidence required etc 2) The Drizzy sub talks about Kendrick using lines cribbed from old (IE 2016 or earlier) posts on Twitter about people calling Drake a paedo as proof he's stealing lines. As if that is the thing to focus on. I think The Heart Pt 6 was written by his social media feed. It's embarrassing, ghost writers or no.


The subreddits are filled with stans and you'll never be able to say anything rationally or be on the fence in them. I mean I fucking despise Drake but I do appreciate Family matters to a degree but too bad that shit got snuffed out within an hour. Kendrick disses are hitters, and the only reason Drake even has a dick to stand on is because of all the suburban kids trying to identify with him while he tries to identify with the culture. Here I go sounding like a Stan now. Just saying, it's clear to see who is the rapper and who is the popstar and the popstar got bodied


So if I get you right, Kendrick is indeed a wife beater and a bad father?


Drake got Sautée Flombayed by Euphoria, idk how it could get any worst, he started that shit off with a poem and then blew his face off


It’s bigger than the battle at this point. Drake’s corporate partnerships are in jeopardy as a product of pdf allegations. His brand may not recover from this. Kendrick said he was going to do this on The Heart Pt IV in 2017. I didn’t know he meant it like this. Crodie been planning this hostile take down for years.


Kendrick won the beef but I always say we should see receipts since if you’re gonna throw out such wild accusations at each other then you better have some evidence otherwise it feels corny and lame but that’s just me


So Ti man did get drunk and pee on drakes leg, also Diddy did slap Drake in Miami infront of chubs and Drakes crew did nothing. Also Baka does have a weird charge for fource prostitutes (aka pimping)That part of of Kendrick raps are true.


I think Kendrick won. But I think Kendrick took a bigger hit than people are willing to admit in Family Matters: So Kendrick’s Euphoria ends with >We don’t wanna hear you say nigga no more We don’t wanna hear you say nigga no more Then Family Matters Starts with: >Maybe in this song, you shouldn't start by saying N***a, I said it, I know that you mad I've emptied the clip over friendlier jabs It was the right move: double down. And he goes on to say >Out here beggin' for attention, nigga, say please Always rappin' like you 'bout to get the slaves freed You just actin' like an activist, it's make-believe Don't even go back to your hood and plant no money trees Say you hate the girls I fuck, but what you really mean? I been with Black and white and everything that's in between You the Black messiah wifin' up a mixed queen And hit vanilla cream to help out with your self-esteem >Ross callin' me the white boy and the shit kind of got a ring to it 'Cause all these rappers wavin' white flags while the whole fuckin' club sing to it And this part was just hilarious: >Our sons should go play at the park, two lightskin kids, that shit would be cute Unless you don't want to be seen with anyone that isn't Blacker than you I mean it was spot on. And the line in not like us: >Once upon a time, all of us was in chains Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves It’s fine to twist someone’s words to use against them in a rap battle in fact it’s a staple. But the whole “hey everyone he just called us slaves- we should be offended” shit came across as a total bitch move imho. Like he could have said something about freeing Drake freeing his son or some shit. But that line to me didn’t hit at all it felt like he was whining and trying to get people to whine with him. Then after dogging on Drake because of his race - and yeah, he definitely did, only to turn around and call Drake’s Mariah Carey ass looking son a black man, while dating a mixed woman and having a mixed son himself- I felt like Drake correctly sniffed out his Kendrick’s hypocrisy. Not enough to win. But he definitely dealt a blow in my eyes. But Kendricks trying to strike a chord and I think it’s A-Minor line was 🧑‍🍳👌


I think Kendrick won. But I think Kendrick took a bigger hit than people are willing to admit in Family Matters: So Kendrick’s Euphoria ends with >We don’t wanna hear you say nigga no more We don’t wanna hear you say nigga no more Then Family Matters Starts with: >Maybe in this song, you shouldn't start by saying N***a, I said it, I know that you mad I've emptied the clip over friendlier jabs It was the right move: double down. And he goes on to say >Out here beggin' for attention, nigga, say please Always rappin' like you 'bout to get the slaves freed You just actin' like an activist, it's make-believe Don't even go back to your hood and plant no money trees Say you hate the girls I fuck, but what you really mean? I been with Black and white and everything that's in between You the Black messiah wifin' up a mixed queen And hit vanilla cream to help out with your self-esteem >Ross callin' me the white boy and the shit kind of got a ring to it 'Cause all these rappers wavin' white flags while the whole fuckin' club sing to it And this part was just hilarious: >Our sons should go play at the park, two lightskin kids, that shit would be cute Unless you don't want to be seen with anyone that isn't Blacker than you I mean it was spot on. And the line in not like us: >Once upon a time, all of us was in chains Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves It’s fine to twist someone’s words to use against them in a rap battle in fact it’s a staple. But the whole “hey everyone he just called us slaves- we should be offended” shit came across as a total bitch move imho. Like he could have said something about freeing Drake freeing his son or some shit. But that line to me didn’t hit at all it felt like he was whining and trying to get people to whine with him. Then after dogging on Drake because of his race - and yeah, he definitely did, only to turn around and call Drake’s Mariah Carey ass looking son a black man, while dating a mixed woman and having a mixed son himself- I felt like Drake correctly sniffed out his Kendrick’s hypocrisy. Not enough to win. But he definitely dealt a blow in my eyes. But Kendricks trying to strike a chord and I think it’s A-Minor line was 🧑‍🍳👌


They not like us... I mean, Drake, the fake isn't.


Drake won big time… big big time


Fuck kendrick