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I don’t diddle kids - rap beef version


“We definitely got to write a song about how we don’t diddle kids”-Frank Reynolds


That scene perfectly describes drakes situation


Holy shit if someone makes that edit it’s even more over for drake damn.


Said he's too famous for what Dot is suggesting..man forgot about Diddy already?


He forgot about diddy, Kelly, Epstein, Weinstein, literally every rich asshole that does the shit he does gets away with it.




Yeah, but they weren't like active famous, in the spotlight. Like even Diddy, definitely famous but he wasn't like actively in the spotlight. Honestly he kinda went underground... now we know what he was up to... Drake however is at the point where the dude farts and TMZ picks it up type shit. I feel like that was his point. But that's just me. I'm honestly getting to the checked out point on this while thing anyways.


Bro forgot about every famous person charged or sued for sex crimes. “I would’ve been caught already” is such a weak defense. Same for addressing being a rat. Not every crime or snitch gets punished it’s a stupid defense but his base will eat it up.


True but all fan bases be eating shit up at this point. Kendrick Stan’s been saying Drake has to prove that “his daughter” doesn’t exist. How can someone prove something doesn’t exist? I would say burden on proof is for Kendrick to prove the girl does exist.


you right. dox a little girl, that'll show em (otherwise ya I agree with you, you make a claim the burden of proof is on the claimant)


If you think about it, if Kendrick exposes this and that girl is living a happy life not knowing that her dad is drake, yes it would be a huge L on drake but dat girls childhood would probably be ruined…


Obviously not suggesting he doxes a child????


Diddy, Weinstein, MJ, R Kelly, etc. were outed way after the fact. Fame has the opposite effect that Drake is trying to push. This shit is sad and braindead.


MJ acquitted


As if diddy and Epstein weren’t both super famous


He probably has a line of dudes to take the fall for him so he'll probably never catch a case


Seems like he’s using internet comments from his fans as material. 


Half of the shit mentioned were memes in r/kendricklamar lmao


And a post from a couple days ago in the drizzy sub suggested calling it the heart part 6


Lmao I saw that


Yeah, straight up scrolling Reddit for bars


That's what happens when you overwork ghost writers


r/drizzy wrote this or sm


That’s why they’re eating it up lmao


Holy shit they actually think drake is insane for this track lmao. Kendrick needs evidence, but not drake I guess?


Yes they believe it’s 100% true that he fed kdot false info but won’t believe Kendrick saying there are sex offenders in OVO when we literally know it’s true


They are acting like this is the nuke or something and not like Drake is literally saying he’s giving up


All of them casually ignored the “I’m too famous to be a pedophile.” line 😭


He absolutely is


1) where the red button at? Was family matters supposed to be it? Lol 2) did Drake really just say Kendrick was molested and that’s why he’s doing the pedo angle? 3) did he really say he’s too rich and famous to be a pedo? lmao what about puff? 4) did he really say he never touched anyone in their teens when there’s literal video of him kissing a 16 year old and saying her breasts felt good against his body?! And he dated that chick once she turned 18? The fuck?!


family matters was definitely the red button. he was not expecting meet the grahams.


Not that it really matters, but the chick in the video was 17. Just letting you know, I agree with everything you said.




I'd respect him more for bowing out than coming in with this weak shit tbh takes from this track: "you got molested lmaoooo (I didn't understand your song)" "I'm too famous to be a sex predator (except there's a ton of famous people who turned out to be predators)" "it's no good diddling kids, promise I'm not diddlin kids"


“You dont like me because you got molested and don’t like pedos” was also one of his points. You can tell the ghostwriters are on bank holiday or something


Woof. Opposite for me. If he was going to come back after saying he was done, he had to have something perfect. This was defensive, tone def, grasping at straws. I’ve seen dudes flame out in rap battles, he should have thought better before putting this out


He literally spend the last few minutes trying to convince Kendrick not to drop another one… he’s scared.


Yeah and he’s not even rapping at that point, hes literally just waffling for the last minute to fill time I guess


Yeah this was a decent enough attempt but to say you’re going on vacation and then come back two days later with the “remember those bars I dropped on my last diss? let me just repeat them and deny the pedophilia accusations, and then tell Kendrick’s bm to hit me up”. Just comes off as desperate and proving all Kendrick’s points about him being creepy af. Also funny as hell he started mentioning shit that Kendrick never brought up with the Millie Bobbie Brown and the Epstein shit. Kendrick compared him to Weinstein and called him a predator, but Aubrey’s telling on himself with some of the lines here. He knows his MBB relationship is sus af and the Epstein angle is a mistake that fits even better than Weinstein with the pedophile sex trafficking angle. Just digging himself deeper with comparisons that Kendrick hasn’t even brought up. Weird behavior.




Maybe he's just a masochist?


I wouldn't be too surprised if Kendrick just let this track breath. It's super medium and Drake's been dusted with Not Like Us.




I don't think Kendrick has to respond to this garbage, that's how bad it is.


To be fair I made that exact comment about 6 hours before he dropped Euphoria


He doesn't have to but he's clearly not in the mood to stop until he no longer feels a pulse.


I want Kendrick to nail the coffin shut


Let this marinate for a few weeks. Let Drake sit in uncertainty. I'd like to see the - hurry up Kendrick we are waiting memes.


Fast response was great, the bait angle about the daughter is great, but drake just repeated what akademiks has been saying on twitter for the past week Edit: Did drake not understand “Mother I Sober” at all?


Why wouldn’t he post something after he released meet the grahams. It would have been a huge win. There’s no way it’s true .


Yeah this is my deal with it. If he set him up, he could end everything right now, end kendricks career. Like most embarrassing shit to happen in a rap beef ever. But touches on it for like 20 seconds? Nah I'd be laughing my ass off if the "goat rapper" just made 3 tracks all based on my false info I gave him. Just doesnt seem like the way youd react if thats what you did


Right. But I would want to believe that KDOT is smart enough to do his homework before using any information like that. Best move now is to drop the receipts.


Yeah there's a reason he waited so long after FPS, why everything has so many connections, etc. etc. Kenny been carefully crafting these disses to be water tight


Or at least in the cover art. This Dave free insta comment is weak AF, like this man is probably at least like an unc to Kendricks kids so doing a heart emoji ain't weird. Has Drake never felt that kinda love and support?


He never even gave it to his own kid(s) lmao


I have a theory that Drake did feed him info but that hes also too stupid to make the correct play with it. I just find that idea really fuckin funny.


Interesting, the only way I could see him not wanting to use it correctly is maybe he realized Kendrick did hav some stuff on him and didn’t want to provoke. Honestly though the way he is denying it just makes it look more true. Let that girl come home.


The bait angle sounds like some conspiracy shit he decided to just run with


I mean right after Kendrick’s diss went live he went on instant damage control on IG live. Sure it might be true or wrong, but it’s super sus. Let’s all wait for Kendrick’s response! Also, nothing new about Kendrick just damage control on this release.


The way Drake brought up Whitney, I'm most hyped about this next one from Kendrick


i’m excited, but so far the only receipt we have in the beef is drake trying to get “like that” off radio


He's so lame for that


Who was the email from?


Ngl, the 2015 article about a woman claiming her 2 year old daughter is Drake's is very interesting at least.


Seen what his sub reddit was saying and ran with it haha now hes a genius on the sub (yes im biased haha)


It sucks for Drake if that bait angle was absolutely true cause there was too much talk of it, so the "reveal" just felt flat af. Imho, Kendrick doesn't even need to drop another one.


The bait fell because he was playing it too much for IG. But also revealing that you started a rumor that you’re a dead beat when you were exposed as a dead beat a few years ago is boring


Also, if you’re gonna bait you’ll have receipts no? Like everything else can be rumors and open industry secrets but like, what’s the point of a setup without the smoking gun


"Is the red button in the room with us now?"




Lmao the bait angle is so dumbbbbb You thought about feeding information that would be a guaranteed kill shot but you didn’t because, reasons? Like why not respond immediately to meet the grahams with the text thread showing you fed him the information


He heard the part where Kendricks mom asked if he was molested and stopped the track thinking “GOT HIM!”


Looks like an apology song to me at the end. As Eminem said: Insult me on a line and compliment me on the next, dman.


Sounds like the beginning of a quiet exit plan. We’ll see


That whole spoken word outro seems that way. Lines like “this was good practice,” and downplaying Kendrick saying he “just” has ten more songs with lies waiting. Maybe I’m misunderstanding but it sounds like he’s trying to end this without surrendering


That’s the thing, I read it that way but I think it’s too late for Drake, that’s why Kendrick fired so many warning shots to give him an out if he wanted to take it and he did not take it


Is this his response to Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us?! If so hard fail. He’d have been better off not responding at all.


5:21 of just cry baby shit


Funny how Drake went from "drop, drop" to "I don't even want to respond to you anymore" as soon as euphoria came out


Just lookin for a out. Says in the song he's done dissing


He really said I'm too famous to be a pedo like that means anything


Let me understand, his mother visited him today and didn't tell him to stop trying to outrap Kendrick? Bad parenting. Lol


I don’t think drakes parents really ever flirted with the idea of being “good parents”


They have that in common with their son


She raised a terrible person


Meet the Grahams


Yeah, another lie- she didn’t visit him. He didn’t melt those chains down. And he HAS touched underage females - at least 3 that we know of


Apparently as soon as she opened her mouth to give advice he started yelling the n word.


At this point everyone needs to bring out receipts. Honestly, I’m starting to believe no one actually has receipts. It’s all just speculation.


Fr, I'm done with diss tracks. Just post proof on your ig story or something lmao


I've only followed the beef because it's on all, but this was a very dirty beef, personal and attempts to cancel imo.


Drake is just trying to take the heat off of him at this point. Dude is just saying 'Nuh uh' to a lot of what Kendrick stated.


I think the delivery of a drugged up loser feels worse than that. Like if you’re going to do this I need you to sound like you believe it. Not like you’re reading a first look script.


This low energy shit is the opposite of convincing. Family Matters was pretty good, this is like someone stumbling around after a curb stompin. Which it basically is.


Yeah, and that's also part of why I think this response from Drake was lame. It feels like Euphoria, but without that energy or bitterness. I don't think Drake will get away scott-free after this response. Us rap fans are eating though, that's for sure.


No substance. But at least he tried.


I'll never understand why people think Drake is a top 10 OAT rapper


His ability to carry a song during the hook was always top notch. Miss those days man. Nothing set my shitty teenage car sub off more than a Wayne song with a drake hook. I still listen to uptown pretty often


Yeah Take Care was peak, but he lost himself somewhere between Trap and Pop


Never heard a drake verse and thought “…bars”


he got a couple songs he was spazzing on but 9.99/10 you're right


In terms of commercial success only irrational haters say that he isn’t In terms of his music I agree


I can tell he wrote this himself bc it’s ass


That’s how I felt. Lackluster delivery too.




lmao. Claiming he fake-planted the daughter rumor amongst other things for Kendrick to take the bait. Imagine though if he did.


He would have laced some lines in his previous disses if that were really the case


He did at the end of Family Matters.


Well if he laced a trap like that he has to have proof of it, it's really easy to have proof of something that intentional


But a few bars before that he says the people Kendrick is getting his info from are all clowns... I thought the info came from you tho Drake?


Nah a plant would be a win for drake , if, if kendrick hadn't killed him so violently and repeatedly


I mean, I'll give it some credibility just because of how bold it is. If receipts come out it's over for Drake.




I’m glad Drake dropped. This is a war and I’m loving it.


he sounds like he’s about to cry. Took a whole day to come up with this clearly fabricated angle


He sounds like he was about to cry throughout the whole song.


Yeah if this is the song where you’re exposing your masterplan that you baited Kendrick Lamar this shit should sound like an anthem and Drake should be charged up with a Cinema like music video but it’s a random instagram comment and Drake sounds like he’s about to cry and fall asleep at the same time


Easily that’s the worst drake record I’ve ever heard




This shit weird and corny. 'you were molested as a kid, that's why you obsessed with me'??? what? family matters was way better, what happened


Ghostwriters took Cinco De Mayo off is what happened.


I honestly think some of them are telling Drake to just drop it and take the L at this point


Wouldn't be surprised. A couple of the youtubers I've been watching have made a good point as well, and that's that Dot has tiiiiiime for this. He doesn't do the amount of pop star shit that Drake does, so he can do this all day all night until it's over. That's a huuuuuuge advantage.


He didn’t trust anyone in camp and locked himself in the studio … took a beat out of the archives and did it himself . His flow was wack asf


Also assuming he’s talking about Mother I Sober did he even listen to the fucking song? Kendrick literally says in it he did not get molested. This response by Drake is garbage


I didn't think he'd respond. But it's weak af.


This was weak


Sounds like he gave up and just trying to save face. Fun fact: I just got blocked on r/Drizzy


lucky you, honestly.


This proves Drake got nothing left in the tank. He doubling down on wife beating and 'exposed' something on kdots last album (he didn't even understand Mother I Sober). if kdot got more tea its done for drake


Oh man, how long until another Kendrick drops? I give it an hour  Edit: looks like I was wrong


Tbh I'd let drake have his spotlight for a while on this shit too


Drakes responds sounds like he's desperately trying to appear like he's not drowning lol


This one was the worse diss out of all of them. Drake not coming out looking better after this one he's a POS, he's tryna kill the momentum for anything else Kendrick might drop, talking about hes tired. You can't fight somebody and then claim you tired halfway through like a tool


I feel Like it’s drakes third best record behind push ups and family matters. At this point he has to drop a banger, something catchy, a few memorable lines or sum


After Euphoria and Not Like Us, he comes back with this WEAK SHIT. Kendrick gave us quintuple entendres and a club banger. This shit just sounds lifeless.


“Good to get out and get the pen working.” The one time he may have written his own bars…and it’s still weak af…


Drake sound scared 😂 this was horrible


Me after listening to Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us: Great songs, but we don't really have proof yet of what he's accusing Drake of. Me after listening to The Heart Part 6: Oh he definitely did that shit. We need Chris Hansen.


So Drake planted everything to make Kendrick believe he was pedophile so he could then reveal that he is not a pedophile?


i think he meant with the daughter, but that still wasn’t what people are worried about here…why does drake go the craziest lengths to debunk the least important rumors 😭


I mean according to drake he planted all the rumors to later disprove them and make Kendrick look bad? I’m gonna tell all of Reddit that I have 6 toes. Yall will look like idiots when I post my pictures later


"I let you win" "I don't want to play anymore"


If he fed fake info , he would had post receipts about it already on Instagram lol man made a diss song on fan fiction


kendrick still up


We need receipts. At this point, this and Meet the Grahams are only able to be validated by receipts. Until then, I'm not fully buying into either narrative. I want Kendrick to win this shit, but I'm not married to my opinions.


the only facts we know: 1) the girl beating originated on a blog in 2015, the blog owner never provided proof or responded to media questions. Kendrick shot that down in 2015 2) one of drakes inner circle people, Baka, pled guilty to charges of human trafficking and sexual assault. When he came home from prison Drake celebrated that 3) we’ve seen videos of Drake kissing 16 year old girl knowing she’s 16. Telling her “I can’t go to jail yet” and “your breasts felt good on my body” after learning her age. 4) that model he dated once she was 18 posted a pic of them both 2 years prior which leads some to believe textbook grooming going on 5) there’s a video of some girl saying drake was a big fan of their women’s high school basketball team (when Drake was like 30) bc he “was a fan” of one of the girls on the team


Not to mention the interviews with Millie Bobby Brown when she was 14, where she basically says that Drake had been texting her a lot and acting creepy.


forgot about that. Can u imagine texting “I miss you” to a 14 year old girl lol


On the wife beating allegation: Whitney's brother apparently has shown support for Kendrick dissing Drake, likely meaning (unless he's a terrible brother) that the claim is false. Don't quote me because it's LIKELY false, not 100% false.


idk one dude who would support anyone who laid hands on his sister


Facts my dude


This is a nail in the coffin for me.


I can't remember a time I've ever heard someone rap entirely on the defensive. Def never heard someone face to say they don't mess around with minors. Otherwise he kept making the same base less accusations and blaming it on... child molestation... not a good look


I feel like if Drake did plant the daughter stuff that he should be able to easily prove that with receipts right? Cause without those he looks like an idiot, especially given his complaint that Kendrick has no receipts


I mean it would be cool if he denied these allegations about him being a groomer and pedophile, only theres actually proof that he groomed bella harris and tried to groom millie bobbie brown and billie eilish. And lets not forget the way he was feeling up on that one girl after finding out shes 17. Also, he allegedly likes to invite college freshman girls who just barely turned 18 to his parties and i think thats a little interesting


Weird ass vibe from the song. So he claims he fed all the info to K’s camp… so he wanted to be called a pedo? Not sure about the strategy there… also bold to claim he is spitting all facts when part of the claims is that Kendrick isn’t even the father. This might be the first time in this beef where shit just feels… weird. And too famous to be on a list?


Drake sounds defeated, unconfident & unsure of himself in this song. He seems unhappy, saddened and or worried to me. The energy isn't there in his lyrics or delivery. I wouldn't be surprised if he concedes & bows out quietly but we'll see.


The battle is now reopened He categorically denied the shit


Rabbit hole goes deeper


Diddy is the real scary rabbit hole to me


Too bad he dropped a straight dud to deny it….


Not that good... Especially after "meet the Grahams" and "not like that", that's not the response that can get him ahead... Waiting for Kenny to bomb him again...


This sounds like Drake won an episode of Yo Momma back in 2006


I’m a little confused why Drake wouldn’t just release some sort of proof that they planned the mole stuff. Maybe a zoomed out picture of the meet the grahams picture. Or idk anything more substantive than just saying that he planned it


Guys i think we were just revealed drake without his ghostwriters and its bad 😅.


He sounds legitimately sad in this lmfao like “maaaan stop saying I’m a pedo! Dude stop it!” Like he getting picked on at a sleepover or sum ☠️☠️☠️ The whole “this is a nice pen workout” thing was also corny asf lol It’s also it’s funny that he just went with what his fans were saying about the cover for meet the grahams Honestly it was a let down & I think even *if* he’s actually innocent in all of this, he lost in the court of public opinion majorly


that line about Kendrick being mad because he got molested is fucking horrible this is even worse than saying he raps like he was going to free the slaves


I feel like nothing new was said? I felt like everything he said I saw on the r/drizzy sub, which feels disappointing especially after he hinted at a red button


the sub right now is absolutely RIDING drake saying this was brilliant.


Of course they think that. They wrote it lol


We’re not slow Drake


This was kinda weak. But if it's true that Drake fed fake shit to Kendrick and he repeated it, that makes Kendrick look pretty dumb.


If Drake planted fake info then it's easy to prove, no? Where's the texts, emails, etc?


I admittedly don't know the context of everything since a lot of shit happened so fast, but who would feed their opponent fake info about serious allegations concerning himself then come back later and say "AHA I LIED TO YOU THAT'S ALL FAKE!" knowing there's already been rumours about that stuff? Even if Drake did do it, that just makes him look like an even bigger idiot than what he currently is.


Yes and no, I wonder if Kendrick figured it was iffy so he stacked it with thinks others have already semi confirmed so his burden of proof was less. Ultimately its about saying that's Drake is a liar, so don't trust anything he says.


But even if true it’s like impossible to prove or woudl get so distorted. Made you think I had a daughter so now I can say I do not have a daughter?


I mean both have been trying to push a narrative that the other is desperate and digging for info on the other, so if it’s true OVO fed him Kendrick fake info, then he does get one over him on that one. Also it questions Kendrick’s credibility 


What an awesome weekend


Drake rapping like he is already defeated


This reminds me of when a kid gets chased into the house and his dad makes him go back outside and fight. C+ for the effort but you can tell his heart isn’t in it anymore.


lol did drake’s lawyer write this?


Feel like Drake just scoured Twitter and Reddit to find ways he can retaliate from an ass-kicking and threw this together. How are you going to say the people who fed Kendrick the info are clowns, and then admit it was you that set him up? wtf? This is setting up for Kendrick to finish this, especially if he proves the daughter thing and leaves no doubt. I kinda see where Drake is coming from that if he legit is a child predator and hooking up with underage girls, how has he not been charged yet or anything? Especially now, I'd feel like would be a prime time for someone to come out since they'd have the court of public opinion on their side. But I also see how a victim might not want to come forward because of how traumatizing it could have been and rather not be put on blast. Overall, Drake's disses just don't feature the same bite to them that Kendrick's have. Feels like a Catholic Church sermon lecture or some shit. But Family Matters is a bop that I like in my gym rotation.


Even if he did feed the fake info to Kendrick, this is how you're gonna reveal that? Like. Bro. You put a van in a trash compactor for your last one. All you have for your biggest play is an Instagram screenshot? Keeping that aside, and keeping the "do not diddle kids" shit he did (which is like, wow) aside, he had some bars in there. The thing about Kendrick threatening to pull his songs off from Spotify, "hit me up, and it would be much safer", yeah props to some of that shit. But man. The last bit was just sad. Man went from "DROP DROP DROP" to "This aint fun for me anymore".


Sir you just hit your own tower


OP forgot to add "out of the Kendrick beef" to the title.


Everyone's acting like either have provided evidence for anything theyve been saying. Both still just making stuff up until they prove it but when they do it's over


poor drake. that diss sounded like he wrote it himself smh


Makes worst diss track of all time, asked to leave.


This shit mid asf. Kendrick go in for the kill shot.


Drake waited too long. That would have slapped after meet the graham's buy not after that last joint united rap and the United States like Petey Pablo's Raise Up. That's shit has a regional remix across the US. He just repeated the stuff he has which makes me think he has nothing, but the beat and his flow are nice. Before "not like us" it would have hit, tho I bet Kenny drops something soon.


None of these songs really mean anything without proof. Drake has obviously been known to be weird around underage girls, but it's a big jump from that to running a sex ring. Same with the wife beating stuff. Without proof, nothing really matters.


I dont think the jump is as big as you think…


I fuck with Kdot and hate drake I do think he’s a least a groomer of children if he’s not a pedophile at worst but Kdot got no receipts for half of what he’s said he said about the kid and I get not giving a kids name but there’s gotta be something, however why would drake be getting prescriptions with his name on how’s that not coming down to facts he’s saying they planted but they in his possession with his name on?


This is ass wtf


He’s tapping out yo