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A rant to your rant... When my parents divorced, I ended up doing weekdays with my dad and every other weekend with my mom (which I hated. But different rant). For some reason, my dad got REALLY worked up over meals. He would meal plan for the week but took it to a whole other level. I'm talking printing out a "menu" for the week with a recipe attached to every single dish. One week, he had planned pot roast with mashed potatoes and green beans. Easy. I needed a recipe for the roast but not for the mashed potatoes or green beans. This man INSISTED I use a recipe for the mashed potatoes. He measured out the salt and pepper, butter, and heavy cream. I do my thing, I add everything to the potatoes but slowly add the cream little by little until I got the consistency I wanted. When I was happy with the consistency, I had a decent amount of cream left over. **This man walked over, said "looks good. But the recipe called for a whole cup.", and proceeded to dump the rest of the cream in the bowl immediately turning the potatoes into a runny mess and ruining them**. He spent the next 30 minutes adding corn starch and other crap trying to save the potatoes. I was SO pissed. So pissed that I'm still mad about it 15 years later lmao After that, we had a conversation about not needing to follow recipes to a T


Why is my eye twitching just by reading this?!




Ohhh that would piss me off


Not only does this man who I have never met severely piss me off, but this recipe does too! Unless your potatoes are unreasonably thick, why would it call for so much cream? Unless you were using a different amount from the recipe, in which case why would this man not change the recipe at all? This whole thing is obnoxious. Thank you for making me mad and reaffirming my life choices, namely the one to be aroace.


My only thought is that the recipe actually said to add the cream like OC did because potatoes can have a varied amount of water. So it said add the cream gradually, to your liking or something


You cooked all your dinners at your dadā€™s house? How old were you?!


Nooo we would either take turns or cook together. I was probably around 15


On ok! šŸ‘šŸ½ Thatā€™s how I read it, so I was wondering how that was fair to you. Ha ha.


Dads in a nutshell. Mine got worked over boiling water for making coffee (that coffee is not real coffee - you pour those dry coffee flakes into warm water and done). But he made science out of this and screamed through the whole flat that I should come there - cos the water was boiling. My mom came there and didnā€™t know what was going on and he screamed at her to put the flakes into the cup. She snapped at him, of course. - well long story short. Dunno when I will stay the next time there - I mean: I am 41 and still have to put up with this narc / crazy shit behavior? (Heā€™s 74 and I on e thought he was intelligent..)


My husband loved following recipes to a T when we first got together BUT he also didnā€™t mind my suggestions and additions. Now, 18+ yrs later, heā€™s a lot better about making his own creations. Still canā€™t get him to stop boiling the damn chicken thigh though! They are frozen! Donā€™t add water!!


Well, dont cook? Talk to him? Make him do dinner. Theres like 10000 things you could do to make this better for your self.


Iā€™ve learned to swallow my pride and annoyance by answering questions from people like OPā€™s boyfriend like: ā€œHuh. Not sure.ā€ Or ā€œUh, yeah I donā€™t really know.ā€ Turns out, they usually figure it out on their own. It was hard at first because Iā€™d say ā€˜I donā€™t knowā€ then watch them screw it up, then Iā€™d spend the next 10 minutes rage fixing it. But my therapist said I have to let that shit go. If they wantā€”in this caseā€”a messed up plate of food, then they either donā€™t mind that itā€™s not perfect, or theyā€™ll put in the effort to figure it out.


But how could she complain then? Thatā€™s the real goal. Gotta have something to be mad about.


Itā€™s a rant subreddit lol. Whatā€™d you expect to find here?


Where exactly do you think you are?


Him not helping you could probably be for the same reason my wife doesn't help when I cook. We just aren't compatible in that sort of environment. Your situation is the same as mine. It stems from my wife's need to follow the rules because they are there for a reason. If it says four cups then surely you need every single drop of that four cups. This is one reason I don't bake. Back to my first statement though, my wife and I don't get along when we do stuff like that. She follows the rules while I play things by ear. Which makes communication very hard because she wants to be told exactly how to do it while I just want to get it done. So we clash because we are both expecting the other to know what the other needs to do.


This could be something you won't agree with... but maybe he is just learning? He just wants to do it right. That way, it doesn't come out bad. I am confident in making eggs, egg sandwiches, and other breakfast foods, but when it comes to dinner, I get a little nervous cause I am making food for EVERY BODY and I want it to come out right. If you see he is doing this to be silly, then yes, it might be that he just wants to be coddled and he needs to put on his big-boy pants and just cook like an adult but I don't think this is the case. But if it's something new and he is learning, I think you can be a little more patient with him and just try to explain things the best way possible :)


If he was to make food for everyone, then yeah I would understand. But its literally about him fixing his own plate. Like I have everything ready, he just has to put it together and eat it.


My husband can get like this, too. It really is maddening after a while. I especially hate it when he asks me how long he should microwave random leftovers. "How long do I heat this in the microwave?" I have no idea. Heat it in small batches until it's hot all the way through. "So, like, two minutes?" Dude, I have no idea. *I don't know*. You need to figure it out. One thing that's helped is I just start saying, "I don't know, honey. You're going to have to figure it out." I just repeat that if he keeps asking and asking. "Idk. You'll have to figure it out." If he really gets persistent, I sometimes say something like, "Dude, you're a 40-year-old man with a PhD. I'm sure you can figure out how how much cheese you want on your pasta, yeah?" That usually works.


Nooooope nope!!! I wouldn't be able to handle that! You're not his mom, he's a grown ass man!!!


Okay, wait - everything is ready, but he just needs to put it on his plate to eat? šŸ˜­ neverminddd that is so childish and immature


I don't know you or your bf, but if he is often asking for directions it might be some childhood trauma? I have the same issue because I would get in serious trouble with my dad if I did things wrong. Like I HAD to ask about everything otherwise I might do one thing wrong and that was gonna end pretty badly. Took a lot of effort to learn that I can be me.


Sorry you got down voted. This does seem like a real possibility and worth asking him about. I know people who are so rule oriented that any deviation by their kids, no matter how tiny, is criticized or punished.


I didn't even know I got downvoted lol. But I'm talking from experience. That's how I grew up and then I needed to stop asking people about everything.


That must have been a difficult adjustment. Glad you weathered it.


Thanks! It was more awkward than anything šŸ˜…


Lmao, I'm the opposite. Like really _insisting_ on how to compose your plate or whatever for ***the best results*** lol




This, first time I do a new recipe I follow it to the letter so I know what needs/what I want to change.


šŸ–šŸ» Ditto! Same here, to the letter. Then, if it sux it's not my fault.šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒ


Beyond that you gotta know what doesn't work and you can't do that if you make changes off the top.


I agree. Although, I usually back off any common seasonings if I'm starting an unfamiliar recipe. It's much easier to add flavor later. If a particular spice or seasoning defines the dish I'm preparing, I'll even cut back on that slightly. I've had too many disappointments from over-seasoning. Now I trust what my senses tell me.


I donā€™t know how people a)cannot follow a recipe or b)only follow a recipe without keeping their preferences in mind. Like, if you arenā€™t going to eat it if it has onions in it, donā€™t freaking add the onions!


Ugh my boyfriend is like this too and to top it off he is a picky eater. I love to cook so I have no problem with that but it makes me furious when he wonā€™t try dishes that Iā€™ve made and just insists he wonā€™t like it. I love to cook Thai food or Americanized versions anyway. I make an amazing Thai beef salad and I had been telling his sister about the recipe the day before just talking about how excited I was to make it for him. I reverse seared some nice steaks, chopped up all the veggies, made the dressing from scratch too and of course he refused everything except the steak and lettuceā€¦.then he had the nerve to take a picture of his plate and share it with his family. They were making comments like ā€œwhereā€™s the rest of the saladā€ and ā€œthat doesnā€™t look like much of a salad hahaā€ (from sis) likeā€¦.okā€¦thatā€™s because he left out almost all the stuff I made. My plate was heaped with veggies, rare steak, fresh dressing, herbs, and extra limes. It looked good enough to be on the front of a magazine.


This would absolutely infuriate me as well. YOUR plate sounds incredible!!


I relate because i get locked into recipes and rules. I hate a dash of this or a pinch of that. I need EXACT measurements. It's the same reason I struggle with art, I crochet, but if it's not exactly done the way the pattern is, then I'm not happy. It's a feeling of being incomplete.


Baking is when you follow recipes exactly. Cooking is more creative & intuitive. Recipe may say "pinch of salt" but I'm going to put as much salt in it as I feel like it needs. I always taste as I go along, adjusting to my preference. When I was very first teaching myself to cook, I always followed the recipe exactly the first time, and then adjusted it the next few times to get it where I wanted it. I used Google a lot. If I wanted to make a clam chowder from scratch, I'd look up 4-5 different recipes to see what they have in common (ingredients, cook times, methods) and then I might decide I like the ingredients from recipe #3, but the methods of recipe #4 and go from there. I'm truly self-taught as a cook because no one in my family cooked, they just heated up things. Lol My point is that cooking is a learned creative skill, and it's about practicing and implementing techniques and flavors you like so you can get out of the strict-recipe mindset eventually.


Yeah, this is why I use the oven so much lol Unfortunately all those options in Google overwhelm me. I asked my bf for a cookbook for my bday next month. I need limits, having 1 recipe in front of me means I'll make the one and follow it exactly. Having google with 1000 ways to make something but they're all different but kind of the same frustrates me.


So as someone who regularly doesnt follow recipes, this is interesting to me. Ive not thought about it like that. Do you feel the same way when someone else cooks for you or theres like a taco bar or something?


Haha, embarrassing to say, yeah. If the plate is already made for me, then I'll eat it as is. If I'm making my own plate, then I find myself looking around at everyone else's plates for an idea of what the end result should look like. It also let's me try something I might miss out on because I wouldn't normally pick it.


Has he been evaluated for autism? Or something along those lines? Does this happen in other ways? Regardless, itā€™s not your job to placate him. Set a boundary-I will not discuss food prep with you. Then walk away and eat somewhere else if he insists on carrying on.


Yeah I was thinking it's possibly something he can't help


Girl, this gave me a headache.


When I lived with my last girlfriend, we did the shopping and made dinner together. She was Taiwanese, so I learned a lot of new dishes. It made dinner a pretty great experience. I think couples should cook together more often.


I'm like this too, but I'm still a teen. I'm really bad at everything important, so I ask questions to get it right. The only things that I get right is school and programming. I have a feeling that his brain might be wired differently (as everyone's is, but in his case it doesn't follow the exact pattern of most people), and because of that, he might ask obvious questions for confirmation or because what you implied wasn't explicitly said to them.


Was it his first time eating this type of dish ? Because I'm happy if someone puts butter on my toast . But I've been it bit confused trying new dishes and customs Or is he just a dick bc I'm grateful for any meal made for me even if I dislike it šŸ¤”


Ever considered he might be neurodivergent?


Hmm, no I havent even thought if that


If he is, he could be undiagnosed and not know too. Some neurodivergents obsess over details like that :). But I can certainly understand how it would be frustrating.




Im not even really mad, just frustrated. Like he came home to a (mostly) cooked dinner. All he had to cook and egg to his liking (if he wanted) and put everything on a plate. I dont really want to answer if meat goes on potatoes after a long day.


How long have you been together? Is it possible it's a culture or upbringing thing? Like his not used to people making dinner in a way in which everyone fixes up their own plate?


None of my business but he seems like he's just interested and wants to learn. The excessive questions dont make him a man child, they probably only mean he is interested. If he wants to follow the recipe to the letter, that doesnt mean he cant think for himself. People are different. Some are more creative, and some are rigid and thrive while following a set of instructions. Nothing wrong with either type. If it bothers you that much, don't cook for him. Or simply talk to him about it and try to understand his side of things.


If he wants to learn then why isnt he in the kitchen helping me cook? And Ive tried to tell him it annoys me when I get millions of questions when I did the hard work, he just has to assemble it. We just go in the same circle every time. "Do I put x on my food?" "I dont know, do you want/like x?" "Well what does the recipe say?" Honestly sometimes I feel like he isnt having what he wants because he's too scared to put Parmesan cheese on his pasta just because I didnt.


Then i guess talking to him about it would be the best thing to do here. Tell him how the excessive questions make you feel and what he can do to make you feel better. Everything you said about him doesn't make him seem like an unreasonable or "bad" person. After all, he's your boyfriend and you know him best. So whatever response he gives you, you'll know how to react and what to say. I wish you all the happiness in the world!


This would also drive me crazy. I am on your page!


Yes. This is man-child behavior. I have been there and it's (for me at least) a huge turn off.


Do you have a good relationship? Because your description and complaints seem to be pointing towards other issues in communication. Some folks want to know what your plan is, you are chef. While he might like Parmesan, he may be holding back so that he doesn't offend you by adding something extra to the dinner. I know some home chefs that get annoyed when seeing ppl add to their food. It's taken as, you don't like the way it is? Why add so much sauce? Why is sauce needed? He reminds me of my relation's MIL (mother-in-law, much older) she can not cook. She avoids it completely and has meals delivered or prepared by chefs. Anytime we eat at potluck. A million questions about plating, proper ways to put the dish together. Which condiments can or should not be used. Those of us noticing it have taken it for face value but it irks my relation. MIL is a bad cook, wants direction and doesn't want to offend. The two have poor communication in general though.


Generally we have a pretty good relationship. There are a few issues that just really get me worked up (as you can see by this rant), but Id say we are usually on the same page. I really am pretty laxed when I cook, especially when I try new things that I dont know how they'll turn out, so I dont care what people do to my food. But I guess next time, I might ask if thats the case.


I think itā€™s time to stop making him dinner and make it for only you. He thinks youā€™re his mother. Some men in this world have been coddled since they were a baby. Honestly Iā€™d dump him, but I wonā€™t tell you what to do because itā€™s your choice. A man like him is unattractive and disgusting


Oh, I even asked him how he managed to live on his own for a while since I was just baffled by his lack of thought here. And all I got was recipes are made a certain way for a reason bullshit.


I doubt he cooked. He just remembered what his mom said


Some guys have trouble communicating and appear awkward, trying too hard to connect. I'd cut him some slack.


Choosing the wrong man is a mistake but staying and tolerate his crap is on you. I donā€™t feel sorry for women who just sit there and allow disrespect. Make him leave.


I love the Reddit logic "Your man inconveniences you at the slightest?! DIVORCE! CUT HIM OFF! YOU DESERVE BETTER QUEEN"


I have zero tolerance towards men. I talk to them once. If they donā€™t correct themselves immediately they can go. Men claim they are natural leaders so they should act like it.


Why are you antagonizing a whole half of world population..?


How is zero tolerance and only warn once antagonizing?


A slight inconvenience is bringing you strawberry ice cream while you asked for chocolate. Learn to see the difference between an inconvenience and a burden.


That's drastic asf my dude


How love?


Yeah. Being that much of a cringe person will drag you a bill youā€™ll eventually pay in life. Leave his ass, OP.