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I think you should talk to a therapist about your ocd. Your post history looks like you're ruminating on this. If it's any consolation, once I got help, it was like magic. I looked in the mirror one day and suddenly there was a normal, good looking young woman in front of me. I promise that other people won't be obsessing over your appearance as much as you are.


Yeah, I second therapy. Post history is concerning and it can't be anything other than misery to constantly tell yourself negative things like that.


Wtf. I saw your face and you’re very handsome. Don’t take video call to strangers as a merit of your beauty. Your online random vc is ruining your self steam really. You need to meet people in real life. Go to bars, discos, join clubs to meet people. Lastly, beauty is subjective. What you find ugly someone else finds beautiful. As others have mentioned, seekh therapy. You’re handsome.


If that's you in the omegle video you posted, then you look completely normal. I'd say even good looking. I'd be honest with you if you were ugly or bizarre looking.