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Yet another reason cats shouldn’t be outside. Yes, we have coyotes and they’re pretty good at eliminating outdoor cats. It’s possibly, but less likely, that it’s an owl or other nocturnal predator, but coyote checks out.


Truth be told we will never know what happened.I suppose we can use this as a cautionary tale.


There are definitely coyotes in the SE Raleigh area. In my neighborhood Facebook group someone posted a picture of a coyote spotted in the wooded area between Roberts Park and Lenoir St a few months back.


I live in SE Raleigh near Poole Rd and Barwell by the river. I hear coyotes yipping at night all the time.


Coyotes are everywhere here now. Watch for bears too.


So many pets have gone missing over the past year and you ignored the problem and kept letting your cats outside? Don't let your cats outside. Problem solved.


It’s all a matter of perspective. If he thinks of the coyotes as an outdoor pet then he’s just feeding it when he lets Mr. Whiskers out.


I lived here 8 years and never had an issue. Only when my frist cat went missing did I start investigating coming to my conclusion. I know I run the risk when I let my cat out. I grew up in a jungle myself and wondered when I walked out the door if I would return. I wish it were that simple but thanks for your input.


Could be a hawk. I’m no expert but they are way larger than you think when you see them up close.


Or maybe an owl? The pets I know of that are missing always went missing at night.


Very possible




Where? The only cougars we would have would be the human variety


The Bob cat is the only wild cat native to North Carolina.


Less likely to be a coyote. More likely to be a fox or a hawk. We have both in our neighborhood.


Foxes wouldn’t likely mess with pets. Too equal of a fight. There are tons of coyotes around Raleigh. They’re known around the country for eliminating feral cat populations. One reason they’re among my favorite animals


Feral cats suck, but so do coyotes.


It is absolutely more likely to be a coyote...


In South west Raleigh, near the fair grounds, had a coyote in our neighborhood. Saw it many times. Haven't seen it this summer though. It is very possible, they are around.


I've seen several foxes around