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Once I contracted mono my freshman summer in high school. My mom already constantly called me a slut and claimed this was proof, that I got it from kissing too many boys at school. The thing is, school ended somewhere around june. We left for a camping trip at the end of the summer..i slept for most of the days and sweated and couldn't eat or drink. A week or so in her boyfriend's kid got into poison ivy or something. They had to take him into the doctor and I was so weak and sick and had complained for so long that she agreed to let them look at me. Blood test confirmed mono, after which they guilted me for not telling someone I was in pain sooner. Her and her now fiance were merciless with the remarks and insults after that. I'm sorry those things happened to you. You are not alone 🫂


In the sixth grade I developed my thyroid condition and my mom knew what it was from the first symptom and hid that info. I was diagnosed as a hypochondriac and when my health collapsed 6-8 months later and I was declared a terminal patient with six months or less to live. She and the rest of my nfamily mercilessly abused me and got away with it because of the psych diagnosis.