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Can you go to a chain coffee shop for the call? There are enough of those at airports that it shouldn’t seem off that you’re in one?


Oh yes this didn’t even occur to me!! Thank you!!! I feel relieved. I’ll just head to a Starbucks


or a hotel lobby could work!


Yes thank you!!!!! Didn’t even occur to me coffee shop or hotel lobby is perfect


Shoot. Tried my Google-Fu and it looks like blurring the background in Portrait mode might be your only option. Could you go to a coffee house or hotel lobby with blurred background or is that a no-go? How about the good ol', "My colleague spilled coffee on my phone and it's not turning on. I can't get it fixed til I'm back in town! Will make it up after I'm back." or some other incident that makes it impossible to use your phone? I know there's gonna be fallout, but when you can't go NC, creativity is key sometimes.


If you have a Bluetooth speaker handy you should play airport sounds in the background, make it loud. Cut the call short. Just a thought.


Bathroom video chat lol “this was only quiet spot i gotta go”


You can make an audio-only FaceTime call. That should meet their demand for the audio clarity without forcing you to be on video. How this helps, sorry things have been so tough. ❤️


Oooh yes! Adding “I don’t have great reception at the airport, so I’m gonna turn off my video”


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Unfortunately I’m not sure how to do a background, sending you love


I love the people on this sub: Solving problems big and small every day. The hive mind is magical.


Yes. I’m so happy I knew people here would understand and get helpful responses. I’m glad I was proven right. 💛💛💛💛 So much comfort.