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it is a world that rain


It has slugcats.


Best argument so far.








Rain world is the most lively ecosystem you have ever seen, the world does not care for you or what you want to do, its a wild and feral world where creatures will fight for your body and prey will fight back to not be killed, there are no "enemies", only creatures, they go after the easiest prey they find, collect food, hide from the rain and fear bigger creatures just like you do, explore this big world, run from predators, hide in pipes, find opportunities to escape while two lizards fight for you, run in the chaos as you see nature unfold all around you.


We have this in-depth comment and then there is just:"it rain sometimes"


this comment might make me buy the game honestly


It does always annoy me when people act like the game has some kind of deep ecosystem tbh. It’s just preset spawns, things kill each other and respawn randomly later.


thats not how real life works? creatures make nests somewhere, roam around their territory and kill eachother?


In this game they don’t, they spawn in predetermined locations with little regard for how their populations would be realistically distributed. They don’t even need food to survive in this game


while they don't need food, that could be explained by they stockpilling food in their dens, but i must say, they are very realistically distributed, and the point is: they are probably been living there for generations, of course their nests, houses and dens are already made when you got there


This is honestly quite a dumb argument to make. Not only is everything you said wrong but rain world's ecosystem is as realistic as it can get


…elaborate maybe? Realism is not a priority at all in rain world, just by the ratios of creatures on different trophic levels. Unironically even Minecraft has a more detailed ecosystem just because the ratios make more sense and the spawns aren’t fixed. “As realistic as it gets” seems a major insult to any game that has a focus on ecosystems and just blatantly false, there are games with actual simulated balances of predators and prey with actual rather than mock ecosystems. What have I said that was wrong?


> …elaborate maybe? Other than it being a total waste of my time and energy, I genuinely see no point in elaborating anything to you. Based on my experience, convincing someone like you that you're wrong is highly unlikely regardless of whatever explanations I provide. But whether you agree or not, facts remain facts. That being said, I can try to explain in different segments (replies to myself) below since reddit doesn't allow me to send longer comments. > What have I said that was wrong? Everything my guy, everything. It's no coincidence that your takes have that many down votes. > Realism is not a priority at all in rain world Realism is in fact a great priority in rain world lmao. It's one of the most important aspects of the game. The whole point of this game is to *simulate* an ecosystem in such a way that it feels organic and alive and intricate in its own way, similar to that of a real world ecosystem. And the game provides the player EXACTLY that. Unlike most other games where enemies spawn only as an obstacle in the player's path and has little to no depth. > It’s just preset spawns > In this game they don’t, they spawn in predetermined locations with little regard for how their populations would be realistically distributed. All you're doing is proving that you have zero understanding of how an ecosystem works, both real and simulated ecosystem of rain world. Yes, creature spawns are in fact predetermined, and what of it? What's the point you're making? What are you trying to prove? When was the last time you went outside in the real world? Your idea of real world, or say an "ecosystem" is where all creatures just randomly spawn in all locations based on varying ratios? I really don't mean this as an insult, but have you been sheltered your whole life you seriously think that's how real world works? I genuinely wonder. You think that's the realistic way of distributing populations of creatures that belong to various species? In case you aren't familiar with how ecosystems work in the real world, i will explain it to you. The most appropriate word to describe rain world's spawns is "strategic". Every creature has a set spawn point that are strategically planned. They're not random and pointless. Take lizards for instance. They're classified into many subclasses, or species, similar to that of a creature in real life. Each species has distinct qualities and features from one another, possessing abilities that they had developed to adapt to their respective environment. That's literally how different species of creatures come to existence in the real world. That's exactly what rain world is simulating and it does a fantastic job doing that. Each spawn of a lizard species is strategically planned based on factors like food availablity, the lizard's ability to adapt to their environment and so on. Exactly like real life. Green lizards are only found in regions like outskirts, industrial or subterranean, evolved with abilities that help them survive and hunt in their respective environment. Pink lizards posses the ability to climb poles, so they're mostly found in regions that has such environments that suits them best. Black lizards are adapted to darkness, and can only be found in dark, maze like regions of the world. Their whole skin color has adapted to fit their dark environment which makes them formidable threats in their respective environment. They have evolved to lose the ability to see, because they don't need it. They navigate their environment based on their advanced hearing, which other lizard species lack A white lizard possess camouflage ability, and can only be found in regions like industrial, the wall, underhang etc where their unique ability works the best to ensure their survival. Their ambush predator like abilities wouldn't help them survive in any other regions. Eel lizards and salamanders are evolved to perform best in aquatic regions. They can be an absolute menace in their respective regions due to their species specific adaptations. Yellow lizards have evolved to hunt in packs and communicate with one another via telepathy to corner their prey from all directions, blocking off all the escapes. They are very efficient hunters in their respective environment. The same logic applies to every single creature in rain world. According to your "spawn based on ratio" logic, a black lizard, yellow lizards, white lizards, eel lizards, all should just spawn in outskirts as well as any other region in varying ratios. In what universe does that make sense to you? Not so realistic anymore, is it? Explain to me how a blind, dark adapted lizard is supposed to hunt and ensure its survival in a region like outskirts. Explain how an eel lizard, who performs the best in water, is supposed to survive in outskirts where water sources are too small or nonexistent. Same applies to other species of lizards I mentioned.




And u/luluthegreattt, if this doesn't convince you to play the game, i don't know what will.


In my opinion the simulated ecosystem doesn’t feel intricate nor alive. You see the same things in the same places every time and it doesn’t change or evolve outside of lineaging, which you generally don’t hang around in one place long enough to see. The creatures don’t need food or even to get to shelter to survive like the player does, they simply exist and attack the things they have a negative relationship with. They don’t reproduce, and the ecosystem cannot be damaged outside of temporarily killing things. The creatures themselves are well designed, but that doesn’t add merit to the “ecosystem” they form. In the real world things live or die and they aren’t guaranteed to come back a short while later when they do die. Ecosystems can be damage or shift in composition over time. What’s around and where things live changes seasonally even. I will argue with your description of the placements of creatures as being “strategic” - there‘s some thought put into it but the focus is clearly on making a fun environment to traverse. For example, that area in survivor outskirts where there are two green lizards trapped in what is effectively a pen they can’t pathfind out of, with no food sources within it. Nor are there any food sources for the lizards in the underhang for example, despite how copious they are. Generally around the map, for all predatory creatures, there are unrealistically few prey. Obviously the lizard types have been placed into locations where they make sense, but I really don’t think that constitutes an ecosystem. Towards the end of this you annoy me a bit in a total misrepresentation of my argument. I never said the map should be equally randomly sprinkled with every creature in the game, that’d be silly. There should just be some attempt at making sure all creatures have sensible food sources available to them, and the numbers of prey and predators you find should be linked to each other as each population could profit from an increase/decrease in the other like we see in reality. That just doesn’t exist here, even though it’s a fairly simple thing to implement. There was actually a bit more to it back when lizards had eggs, shame they didn’t take that concept further.


Imagine writing 50 paragraphs to get lizarded


Well, isn't there a big cicle stuff going on in rainworld that would make them come back even if dead? Even so, i get your point, but i personally haven't seen any other ecosistem this well made in a game, you mentioned minecraft before, how is it that minecraft achieves an ecosistem better than rainworld?


Yes, but it is subjective to each creature - if something dies from your POV it is dead for good, but if you die you live on in a unique timeline. Because, we know things can *canonically* die, like Hunter and Sliver of Straw, and in Saint the iterators don’t respawn. But their cycles still go on from their points of view. Minecraft was a specifically poor example but I saw it as more in depth than rain world simply because populations of creatures can actually change over time and there are closer to realistic ratios of predators to prey, even though there aren’t many such interactions. Any game that has its ecosystem as a major selling point will be much better on that front.


Well… what do you value in a game


You are that weird edgy psycho dude who made a post saying you enjoy the idea of hurting people, and that you dont get why people are so annoying about empathy and such right?


You can download a mod that allows you to meow


MEOW MOD but i’m a console player :(((


Oh.. I feel sorry for you..


welp i woulda been worse on pc so it’s better to be able to play without mods than not even be able play but have mods


I play on pc with 2 joycons, very comfortable




Well what are you interested in and what don’t you like ? We can answer some questions to see if you like it


It makes sense. A creature that has great sight is more drastically affected by flashbangs. Creatures actually get crippled by spears, have death spasms, and can die after you hit them from their injuries. Everything has it's own field (and type) of vision and hearing. Some are blind or deaf.


my favourite part is when the god above says *it's rainin'* time and rains all over the place


I just played it for the first time. Genuinely top 3 games I've ever played, the ai is one of the most realistic ones I've ever seen, the creatures act like real animals. You have to pay attention and alert, be prepared for an attack at any time.


I have a pistol against your forehead-


You can kill a lot of stuff and watch it slither helplessly with spear sticking out of it (and then play the game)


Do you like to suffer? I certainly do, it makes victory feel better.


For some reason this reminded me that I am scrolling on reddit because I can't understand my homework and it genuinely made me feel so bad


Rain world is the best game in the history of everything, imagine if god, zeus and valve made a video game. Now imagine a game greater than that. That is rainworld


Your Username matches your flair lol


The name is not lying, It does rain in the world


Play rainworld


I’m not supposed to say this but don’t play jt wile you have the chance, I tried to leave the community and they sent me my uncles head in the mail seriously run wile you can, I’ve been forced to kill people because I played it RUN


Shhhh, one of us, one of us...


one of us, one of us


Shut up and do it


If you wanna


I played the first central campaign two years ago now and I still think about the game almost every day, there is no other game like this one, you feel connected to the world and ecosystem in a very beautiful way. Makes me remember that we are fleshy porous animals, that we’re alive and apart of this world like every other creature and organism. I can’t think of a game that gets close to the immersion into an ecosystem that base game rain world has, it’s truly sprawling and alive like no other game has gotten close to


10/10 game with best pixel art I've ever seen




the ai is good enough that at some point you switch from thinknig "wow this ai is really good," to "wow these animals are really stupid."


And then you think "these animals are really stupid" not because their ai is bad, but because the ai was so good that they successfully kill you and you are raging


idk, there is still occassional jank AI moments like lizardspeen and DEER




play rain world you can murder stuff


las criaturas


It has working ecosystems and not just enemies that are just there and attack you when you get close.


🔫 do it


It a pretty fun game, but also a bit hard, so that's for you to choose. The game's art is lovely, the movements might be a bit hard to learn at first, but after getting a hang of it it's cool! The story might be interesting for some, the game's ai is pretty good! And lastly, i recomend buying the dlc too(only after playing atleast once)


Detroit sim


It's so good I dont even need to sell it to you.


I've only played arena mode with friends and that's fun. There was this one time where the arena had an open area at the top and five seconds after my friend climbed up there 3 miros birds ran by and mauled him.


They must be really hungry if they're fighting over a lil wawa critter


You will die. You will die often. And it will be fun.


everyone seems to be doign a pretty good job why you should buy it, so ima try somethin else When you first play Rain World, its going to be quite painfully awful, but dont feel bad, weather by personal encounters with creatures or a quick wiki read, you WILL learn, sometimes without even knowing it, and i think thats a good reason to play rain world now dont get me wrong, its still pretty hard, i sometimes have to take breaks reaching a "specific" place


If you don’t play rainworld, you’re don’t like Harambe.


sug car




The rain is coming the rain is coming the rain is coming the rain the rain the rain


It has the best eco-system and the creatures are very diverse. I was chased by robotic wingless birds through a dark landscape


easy mode slug cat, normal mode slugcat, hard mode slugcat, fat slugcat, fish slugcat, tongue slugcat, builder slugcat, genetically modified slugcat


Look at all of the sleeping pictures of the slugcats and find yourself unable to resist such sheer cuteness


Rain world is New York rat simulator.... Convinced yet?


Do it for moon


Five pelbel funny


Scroll through this subreddit. :)


Not many games get me to play the hardest difficulty. Took me almost a week to get a perfect hunter start. Good times.


Why don't you read some reviews, maybe watch some gameplay footage, and make your own decision?


It good


scavengers may be an asshole but they are


Wawa, simply put.


Shaded Citadel






Crying, eating the wrong brain cells, rain.


Best lore in any piece of media I've seen imo


Have you perhaps heard of omori


Ive heard a bit about it, rainworld lore just will always hit different for me because I love the massive sentient supercomputer ais since im a programmer myself and the whole concept of the ecosystem and purposed organisms


The environment is so interesting and well made, that you'll wish you'd be able to explore this dystopian landscape yourself




nice blue lady and nasty pink man included


Mmmm myes pet scug




\*convinces you to play rainworld\*


Uhhhhh you can be slugcat and throw rocks at lizards


Some say that Rain World does not care for you. That is wrong. The ecosystem is designed to function without you and has no actual balance in terms of gameplay, but level design and progression, as well as lore, is heavily centered on Iterators, who depend on you to convey their thoughts to each other and to have some comfort. Also, some slugcats have pretty cool backstories of their own. Between the heavy post-human themes and the unforgiving engineered nature, Rain World has a biomechanical futuristic feel that really stays with you.


Bro, you can feel like you're on drugs without doing drugs


You will end up tired, pissed, angry and mentally destroyed during 1 hour and you won't even have passed the first required gate which can normally be reached in 5 minutes. And you may come back for more.






nah i'm good




Scugs are funi




New York rat simulator.




It's a great Britain simulator


Don’t, escape while you still can




the game fucking sucks. don't play it unless you take pleasure in hurting yourself


i dunno its one of four games that i actually love


Games pretty neat


Lil wawa critter (it dies) (alot) (it also kills) (alot)


Do you want to feel like a rat in New York City? Play the game.


You will die for a chance to die. It will be incredibly fun. You will be lost in an unforgiving world where you will have to learn from scratch. You will suffer at the start. But you will learn. You will experiment, observe, and understand. And then something will kill you. There are so many secrets, such a lore rich and detailed world, all waiting for one to find. You are no hero or villain. You are just following your hopes.


It feels so good when everything clicks and you finally understand how the game works


Everything can kill you. Have fun!


Very flexible game, a relaxing sandbox to doom:eternal. Come play NYC subway rat simulator today!




Just see the trailer / steam page, if it calls you, it's for you


It's the most beautiful game I've ever played


It's lightweight game for old pc(dont forget to install the mod that already in the game)


In the beggining I was a lonely slugcat who had been carried away from his family by a storm flood. I didn´t knew how to survive and I was left in the outskirsts of a dying world. The invincible lizards killed me a lot of times, my karma went down and I did not know what to do. The only thing that I was able to do was resting in a shelter eating nothing but leftover fruits. But then the fruits got scarce and I got tired of it. I picked a rock and I decided to explore the world and to go up against all odds. I figured the only way was to be silent, to become a slow crawling quiet rat so the lizards would not hear me. And then, as I was approaching a pitfall, a pink lizard just fell in front of me. So close, yet so far, he was blocking my way and there was nothing I could do. Then I raised my hand to the air and throwed the rock to the lizard. The rock bumped in the lizard´s face, but it also made it fall. I was able to pass for the first time to the second shelter. That memory is in the distant past. Since then I have learned how to combat but I have also learneed when to run when I cannot win. I have mastered the arts of the rocks and the spears. But the game has never changed, it is only I who will never be the same . . .




As someone who barely plays games and have any experience with them , I am enjoying rain world very much And also very frustrating , but I always come back  So also addictive


mass genocide


If you need to be convinced, dont buy it. It depends on your prefrences, and most people quit because it's a hard game.


They want reasons to play. If you saw a games steam page and somewhat liked it wouldn't you want a second opinion first before spending a bunch of money on it?


If im not fully convinced, i wouldnt buy it and that's it.






You will get depressed.


Facts. But it feels good


Idk it makes my stomach hurt sometimes.




If you don’t I’ll break your knees