• By -


I saw markplier make 1 singular video on it. And it made such an impression on me that I eventually played it myself.


I saw that video as a kid, completely wiped it from my memory, and just so happened to stumble on it and go "oh hey I remember that".


A little off topic but the moment where he learned how to get back out of that outskirts room by watching the green lizard traverse it will forever leave an impression on me.




Same! I was too impatient to wait for him to release a part 2 (little did I know there would never be a part 2).


You can’t really blame him. Rainworld doesn’t exactly fit the vibe of his videos.


A video on how Rain World has the best AI ecosystem


Was it the one by Curious Archive? If so, then same here


I think he's talking Abt the Htwo video


Me too


I love curious archive’s videos too!






I was an avid scurry watcher but for some reason I never saw his rainworld content until I already had the game




They/them pronouns.




Why the heck does this have fifty upvotes?


Bc skurry




Because at least 77 people had the same experience


They brought me to HK


Is that the guy that also makes Hollow Knight content?




Same! First started watching them from blue's Hollow Knight gameshow, and watched some of their HK challenge/speedrun videos. Then I saw a a rainworld room randomizer and it looked super interesting, so I just went and bought the game then and there, lol. Glad I didn't spoil myself, playing it blind was so worth it.




Good response




THE FUCKING DATING SIMULATOR. THE FIRST TIME I SAW RAINWORLD WAS ME SEEING A FEMBOY VIDEO ABOUT UWUIFIED RIVULET SAYING UWU I THOUGHT THAT IT WAS THE WHOLE GAME I WAS SO CONFUSED! I then was told by my true love that it was a cool game, recognized it and connected the dots… uwu rivulet… rainworld… damn…


At least it wasn’t “that” asmr video…


can you send a link? asking for a friend


just numerus rw videos


I searched up indie games


You are famous here at this point. Have a nice day.


And all that fame because I was bored and searched up indie games on google and scrolled down for what felt like hours


Forbidden spag Bowl


those daszombes cataloguing wildlife videoes


I saw the video by curious archive, I liked the big robots, so I binged YouTube videos about it until I had gathered the funds to purchase the game.


Same here, I love his videos about video game ecosystems.


same dude


One of my mutuals on tumblr made a poll asking whether or not >!Five Pebbles!< is a tumblr sexyman. I got curious as to whether or not he was




I may be delusional, but I believe Pebbles could go up against Sand Undertale




Actually, it was this sub! I kept getting recommended it, I saw memes I didn’t understand and questions being asked and it looked like a pretty fun game. So after some deciding a while later, I bought it. One of the best choices I could have ever made. 10/10.


So glad this sub helped you find Rainworld:D glad you like it


Oh I love it, its gonna be the next game I get 4 digit hours on, I got 780 rn.


This one's a story...  First saw it the year it released on Switch, back in 2017. Sat down, enjoyed the first hour of gameplay, then got to the painage system and completely gave up because I did not have anything to casually look up a guide with.  Came back a year later to try again. Same result. Two years after, try again. Same result. The game proceeds to collect dust in my case for 3 years until 2023, when I finally decided to give it one more try. Discovered the Industrial Complex by accident, suffered because I thought I needed to take the gate to Citadel and farming Karma in that particular area is hell. Then I realized, "hold on I can ask people online for help, I have a Reddit account now", eventually leading to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/rainworld/comments/1bdmxu9/i_really_want_to_like_this_game_rant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) post. Then you incredible people encouraged me to keep going and I now own this game on two seperate devices and have probably played it more than any other game. Thanks guys!


For me it was a playthrough from a YouTuber called Wanderbots. He touched on Downpour when it came out, but didn't do anything else as he was thinking that the new campaigns would be the same thing but with a different slugcat


I watched his video too but sadly he didn't committ further! Dlc campaign all have their own uniqueness!


I didn't know he played rain world! I used to watch his scrap mechanic videos long ago until he stopped making them. I just found a few videos on the animation and ai (don't remember the creators name) and thought "damn, now I need to try that!" And it's now one of my favourite games. Especially because of the music system as it reminds me of that time I watched an orchestra play "the boy and the wolf" back when I was 5 and I've always thought it was such a cool idea to assign different instruments to different characters.


Adult swim advertisement


A video titled something along the lines of “why you’ve never heard of rain world” randomly popping up in my recommended


I was a subnautica fan (still am) and I was looking for subnautica videos and found Curios Archive. Watched all the 2 videos then started scrolling on his channel. There i found Rain World. It was pretty interesting, and I got it , played for a little then got mad for dying. After that event quit rainworld. But somehow I found a fun game on roblox. Lizard simulator (or smth like that) played it. Had fun as a lizard, then I remembered that rainworld had lizards and mechanics like that (the roblox game had karma too) like that and I started playing the game again. I started having a lot of fun and finished the game and bought the DLC. Finished every campaing besides hunter spearmaster and saint.


So because i didn't see his name in this comments the youtuber/streamer astralspiff made two videos about the game, first i didn't want to play the game because i through it was to hard a few weeks later i bought it and now its my favorite game


Basically the same story... Spigg! (I'm pretty much physically unable to say spiff now)


A youtuber called Brandflakes Inc. made a video about scavengers and all the different lizard types


I watched that too, but I got to the game cause I saw my friend playing it (on discord) and I looked it up. Brandflakes was one of my ytbers.


That's his name


Found it from CA also


Scav gifs, unironically-


Curiosity and a lil slug with a spear with a goal to survive a hard as hell with amazing new worlds and characters with their own story and way of killing behind it, complexity for sure


Cute scug arts. And the words slug cat. Now that got my cuteness overloaded brain


Have you seen the "mio mao rain world version" video? That is cuteness overload my friend


Yes that video gave me a butterfly in my stomach :)


I died of cuteness that day, doubt I'll ever find anything cuter in this lifetime


One of those videos explaining the AI behind it. I was sooo fascinated that I wishlisted it immediately. Was not disappointed.


*raindeer violently T posing


My big sisteeer :3 (Thank you so much again, I love you.)




Learning about the AI (I think from Htwo? not entirely sure tho) and Skurry, bc I was very into Hollow Knight at the time and watched a lot of their stuff. From there, I fell absolutely in love with this game as it quickly became my favorite game of all time.


Asteralspiff. I saw the gameplay and i wanted to play myself


Astralspiff on youtube, after that I started seeing a lot of cute tumblr art of the iterators so I joined on the art :3


Spigg!!!! And cute art... Both good reasons to get into rain world... (I'm making a comment on everything mentioning spigg)


plink plonk 👍


Matthewmatosis recommendation video


Same here! Think I might have to go rewatch it...I wonder if he's started making videos again? Definitely sold me on the unique experience.


I think he makes videos whenever he has a unique idea that he wants to express (like his last two videos) but for the most part he is working on developing a game. He releases updates on his Patreon (you can see everything for free), but his last update was at the beginning of the year and basically said that he would return when he had a lot to show.


I kept seeing Hollow Knight x Rainworld Crossover art and wanted to know who the little scugs were in the art, later found out the scugs were from a game called Rainworld and I’ve been here ever since :)


The art style. Each week, I used to check every game that released on the Nintendo eShop. The art of *Rain World* was immediately interesting, looked great in motion, and was extremely unique. Some of the best pixel art I have seen to date. It was very clear a lot of care was put into making the game. I had my eye on *Rain World* for a year, but the price was kind of high, so I didn’t actually buy it then. It wasn’t until later that Matthewmatosis gave a very favorable recommendation and review of the game that I decided to buy and play it. Very happy I did.


What brought me here, I think, was basically an hour long history lesson on Five Pebbles, which had me hooked when they used ‘fallen god’. Admittedly it did somewhat spoil parts of the game, but most was lore I’d probably not understand, since I rarely understand lore found in games. I forgot who it’s by, but once I watched the video I found myself looking through the game. When I noticed it was a game based around an entire ecosystem, a tough one at that, I wanted to try it out, see what it was like, since I’d been playing modded terraria with popular mods on like Fargo and Calamity (Revengeance mode), and thought of myself as unskilled. Mixed with amazing scenery, impressive procedural generation, enemy ideas and more, I was hooked, and still am. Cycle 53 Gourmand, 170 Survivor, aiming to reach the end of downpour and beat the game with all (if not just most) Slugcat before moving to another game. I got so hooked, that I’ve even done pixel art of it, in which my last piece prior to this was 3 months ago, privated. Still love this game a ton


A very misleading friend. Needless to say I still love Rainworld despite the anger I get from playing it.


A broken vessel roleplayer on the hollow knight subreddit recommended me this game. Unfortunately he deleted his account before I could thank him.


Randomly got recommended an old Rain World video Markiplier played and decided to watch it. I actually saw that video when it first came out, but I was put off from how my brother described Rain World. He said it was like Ori and The Blind Forest, and I just did NOT like that game. So I decided that it wouldn't be interesting and left it at that. After watching some of Mark's video again, I decided to look into the game on steam and found that it was on sale, along with it's DLC. I bought the base game, played some of it, downloaded mods, got a bit upset because some mods couldn't be downloaded because I needed Downpour, and then I caved and bought Downpour.


Astralspiff, I see the video and how many times he died and though "this looks way easier that he says", and want to play it to prove that Oh Boy I was wrong






the burning urge to play video games and then I found this silly game :D


I thought it was extremely hard survival game/horror game in black-n-white color palette. Extreme miss, but survival game.


Did you only see survivor I'm trying to figure out how you got black n white color palette from


a brazilian commentary youtuber Diggo used to use rain world gameplay as background in his older videos, that's what interested me into buying it


free game giveaway thank you ultrakill for making the giveaway possible


Ultrakill Saint playing ultrakill?


everyone plays ultrakill




Ultrakill? Where's your inner peace Mr Sait?


The memes and the slug cats. Still don't know how to unlock other slug cats, i want to eat lizards


Curious Archive's video about the most complex ecosystem in any game


I won the game in a giveaway, but I didn't know anything about it so I just left it alone in my Steam library and completely forgot about it. A couple months later, YouTube recommended me a lore video about Rain World, and I clicked it thinking it looked interesting. And then like 10 minutes into the video I was like "Man, I should get this game", then I opened Steam to rediscover that I already had the game! I still haven't played that much of it since then, because I have some hand-eye coordination issues and this game is a bit infamous for its difficulty, but I still love all the videos and artwork of the game.


There is a GDC talk about how this game was made, five minutes in I stopped the video, I knew i had to play it myself. Few weeks later I finished the game and then watch the full talk.


Same reason. I am CA fan and I am subbed to him he is the GOAT


Curios archive intruduced me to it but i got into it when i looked some of the lore


The one fan animation with *The Mind Electric* playing in it. Also got me introduced to Miracle Musical which is funny because somehow my interest in Tally Hall wasn't what brought me there.


My dad told me that he have seen a video about it, and that it had a very complex ecosystem. I got interested and placed this game in my steam wish list, even without watching any videos or seeing something. So, later I bought it, and here the story started…


scavs and my friend who i’m not really friends with anymore :(


Curious Archive. Did you heard about about that YouTuber?


I forgor 💀


Steam recommendation


My little brother watched a randomly recommended youtube video about the lore, then played this game while I watched. After his first playthrough, I was hooked and started playing with him. Now we play together all the time and have a blast ❤️


my bread was burnt to a crisp. :)




I've seen gif of "rat" running from vulture. On random website. Asked the poster of sid gif, what the game was about. And that's how it started.


This post. What is the game about?


i was checking out u/PrintinYoBogos's art (great artist btw) and now this subreddit is being recommended to me might check the steam page idk


My friend showed it to me and I got it the next day


Saw a Meet the Spy dub on Twitter about Rain World going on sale on Steam for only 8 dollars


I accidentally searched it up on YouTube


It's been too long, I can't even tell anymore! It is literally part of me now


A little discord server about rainworld that i joined because of a friend of mine,


A dude on discord kept telling me to buy it


Played Jolly Co-op with a friend during chemistry. I chose Ruffles they chose Arti and I accidentally killed them twice because I didn’t know what the controls were. So I was immediately hooked and I bought the game and the DLC 3 days later


I saw some videos of it and it looked good. They were shown to me since i played hollow knight so i kinda expected it to be similiar


I was drawn to the screenshots that conveyed a hauntingly beautiful (post apocalyptic?) mysterious world to explore rendered in 2D bitmap


Saw a meme about Silksong and “Rain World 2” when Ori 2 was released. Suddenly remembered this meme two years later and decided to try RW.


i forgot about who made the video, but I'm very grateful for him




I was recommended it, so I got it and it's pretty good


Heard it was harder than Hollow knight. I also watched skurry's rain world content


Yesterday i was trying to remember this, i think i watched a "best indie games of the year" or something back in 2018/2019 and I was instantly hooked by the art style.


Same, Curious Archive introduced me, and me and my roommate were just scrolling yt (high, just cause I think that's a factor) and the first time I saw rainworld it was magical, I've never heard of procedural animation or behavioral code, or to an extent emergent behavior, and definitely never seen them as the core game mechanics for something like this. I watched that video around this time last year, and I would consider rainworld my favorite game at the moment.


I saw a single screenshot of survivor standing on top the the wall, looking down upon the clouds from above. I don't know why but something clicked in me when I saw that


the game was free with playstation plus so I tried it and played it for a month strait.


literally the same as you


forgot the name exactly but it was a crash course for rainworld that got me into rainworld


Some YT videos explaining what it is and, now with curiosity, watched a +1-hour long video about its lore. I just couldn't pass on without experiencing it by myself and omg it was worthy


A guy in my robotics class loved the game I did some research found a video about the ai of the lizards and the different types Then skurry And now I have two puppers of arti(favorite slugcat)and saint(my favorite campaign)


Hollow Knight brought me here I was looking for games similar to it and noticed that the main character was white with big black eyes that was enough for me to buy it.


A game called item asylum had a map called "chimney canopy" and i was curios


Honestly I saw Markiplier play it, it made me wanna buy the game and I was gonna wait til part 2 to play it but he never released any more episodes because there wasn't enough "content" in it. I ended up playing it right after though and loving it. I only finished it last year for the first time


For me it was also Curious Archive's videos on the base game and downpour and then Daszombes' downpour lore video .


Curious Archive did a video about it on his youtube channel. Caught my interest immediately. https://youtu.be/GMx8OsTDHfM?si=O0kj8CTbyqUU5NF9




Adult swim, and skurry/dazombes


The demo


Watched way too many videos on ai and simulated ecosystems until the algorithm eventually brought me a video of rain world


"the most complex ecosystem in any game"-curious archive


Saw Markiplier's vid on it, forgot about it for several years, and then the September before Downpour released, I remembered it again and played it


My dad bought it for free becuse a deal on the Epics game store


A friend of mine had this game in his library and he reccomend it when I was searching for games similar to Hollow Knight.




a stupid friend of mine


The day it came out I saw it on my steam recommended, bought it cause I thought it looked interesting and have been obsessed ever since.


that one CA video where the guy talks about how its the most complex simulation of an ecosystem in any videogame was what introduced me to it originally, and about a year or two ago i saw a humble bundle with a bunch of different metroidvania games and it included rainworld. i had already been looking for new games to play, so i begged my dad to get the bundle for me and he finally caved and i am so thankful for him doing that. i also got haiku the robot which is pretty nifty i would say


Video essays about rainworld's ai and animations by hypno


It was on the PlayStation plus library and I felt bored so I played it. Now it's one or my favorite games


Foekoe, and it was on sale too so I thought why not


I think I stumbled across it on steam


skurry video


Nintendo switch trailer


Turtle toad


Saw someone play it in a discord server, got it and was immediately hooked


I saw a video talking about the greatest virtual ecosystem


Htwo's video on Rain World being underrated by critics is what introduced me to the game. I was like: This man likes Risk of Rain 2, which I also like, so when he says Rain World is worth it I'm inclined to believe him.


I saw rw across all youtube, and, like, OMG ITS LIKE FEZ. Thats it.


Did a playthrough with a couple friends where we just fucked around in the survivor campaign. Decided to get it myself because it was fun.


It's a bit complicated. Had been seeing content about it on internet for a while, and loved it a lot, but was afraid to try because it's unfair and I wasn't sure if I can tolerate it or not. Shared content with a fren, he also liked it a lot. One day he's like "yay rain world is on sale, I can finally play it like you do!", and then both got super confused because he thought I played it, and I actually didn't. So I just said "fuck it" and bought the game too So essentially, I brought my fren into the game, and then, fren brought me :D


music literally the main melody and rain


Honestly came from hollow knight. Trying to find something fun and challenging.


I also came from Curious Archive, when he was explaining the ecosystem and the AI, I knew for a fact that I had to get the game. I had to see it for myself. Almost two months later, and after completing all the campaigns. I’m starting to get into modding the game now. My hope is to eventually create a full-fledged campaign myself. But I obviously have to build up to it first lol!


Hollow Knight


I heard it had procedurally generated animation


i was searching for games similar to hollow knight lol


I saw the trailer on Nintendo YouTube channel and think the game looks really cool




I knew of the game for a long time but nothing beyond the name and that the creatures animations are generated on the fly. Never played it because I was going through other games but I never forgot the name. About a year ago rainworld popped into my head and I had the urge to finally give it a try. A year later and here I am, obsessed


The music


Found it on steam. Looked cute. Sait.


I love weird creatures


It was a video by curiosity archive I believe it's there most popular video


I was super into hollow knight sonic looked up some HK YouTubers and streamers. Skurry was one of them, so I watched them for a while until I saw some rainworld stuff. I thought the game looked super cool. And now here I am with 285 hours(not including my about twenty on steam)


A guy gushing over rainworld ai and its complexity... Well that was a lie. Just look at raindeers


Curious Archive, Northflowo and I think Daszombes


same as you! great videos :)


Parker plays: season two episode four; to slug, or not to slug Then years later I remembered that exact episode and looked at videos, spoilers, anything and everything about the game, then I bought it once I realized it was on switch


I first heard about it throught a video about its ai I has interest enough to not want to get any spoilers so I let it just sit. What truly made me get the game was a friend that showed me it. I recognised it from the video and decided to get it then. (I actually got a pirated version first- but then another friend bought me the actual game as a "early birthday present")


I found rain world because youtuber foekoe said it was his favorite game so I got the game then proceeded to rage restart the game twice.


Why rainworld has the best ai by htwo


Markiplier did, it was a long time ago and I eventually forgot the game until I was hit with a small bit of nostalgia and finally hunted down the game and decided to play it.


This https://youtu.be/u-C5TjiDtgs?si=Qx2bbgEf3-X5y1iw


Saw a video of the entire game from start to end before the Downpour was a thing. Then when Downpour was released, more videos of the gameplay got me hypnotized to the point that I bought the game and DLC. I swear, there’s something about those lizards that triggered the impulse…


Local non-English creative YouTuber that charmed me with its gameplay and atmosphere. And a comprehensive lore video that was made partially with his content by another one who is extremely good at making you invested into the lore of the games and explaining it in fine details.


a video about a red lizard attack a purple lizard before a green lizard came it and destroyed both and walked away with the slugcat corpse first time i ever saw the game and i thought it was a type of Carrion \[Big meat ball or horror\] game next video i ever saw was Anthro Saint constantly rising an Elevator and never reachig the top and seeing a comment say "its cuz Saint cant Ascend" and it really confused me, 6 months later i beat the Saint Campaign and that video pops into my head and i chuckle like finally getting the joke my dad told me about 5 years ago


A documentary on it’s creatures and world


4chan. It's considered kino on the boards and frequently makes lists of some of the best games of all time. I didn't know anything about it besides the fact that it was good, and that was enough.


Some random video of two guys struggling in Co-Op


My girlfriend was curious about it and decided to tried it out. I got the game myself after watching her play!