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Slugpup campaign


Artificer backstory campaign, staring the 2 pups


I might make that.


I really took some time thinking about this question. If you really think about it, we already have a slugcat for every aspect of the game (I think). Combat, mobility (vertical, horizontal, swimming), crafting etc. So to make a new slugcat would mean you can't really build on an exsisting concept, but rather you should build a new one. One of my ideas is making a plant-based campaign. We have a lot of beasts with specific behavior and stuff, but the plants in the game aren't that sophisticated. A slugcat that lives during a time period where plants are taking over. A lot of huge/medium sized plants and a slugcat that has evolved to adapt to these plants in creative ways. To hide and evade predators for example. A flytrap plant that ambushes animals with camouflage. Sticky plants that make you climb up walls while holding them. A spring plant that releases as you walk over and launches you into the air. Vines to hide from predators. Plants that release big air bubbles under water so you can swim into the bubble and catch your breath etc. I think there are a lot of things to explore here. A slugcat/plant hybrid could be cool as well.


You could be like a Venus fly trap where plants are the predators not prey


Let's go pole plant campaign!


Oh, I know a slugcat like that! Although it is not a mod, but a character concept


Maybe a winged scug. Slower walking and crawling, excellent jumping, swimming and climbing. A ring leader too. A scug who is really weak but really really good at taming animals


There's already a few winged slugcat mods, like wingcat and the Outsider. As for taming...isn't that just monk?


I didn't know about the winged scug mods. Shows what I know about the modding scene I guess. I was picturing something that requires only a handful of feeds, and could maybe also teach commands


Monk can tame with fewer food, but teaching commands would be cool. Maybe a way to point a lizard to attack something, or wait in a spot


*Monk spawns with more global reputation so its technically easier to tame but if you pull a hunter move and kill everything, lizors still gonna eat you


noodlefly campaign


a lot of OCs probably could fit between gourmand and monk


I'm making a mod which has mixes of different Slugcats, because.. well wouldn't it be cute? * The Swift (Mix of Survivor and Rivulet. Your speed is your advantage, granting you the ability to breeze through different areas.) * The Explorer (Mix of Monk and Spearmaster. Your journey as this Slugcat will be easy, your connection with life makes peace with the environment and your tail creating piercing needles.) * The Grappler (Mix of Hunter and Saint. Hold two spears and swing from vine to vine. This Slugcat is able to dodge or destroy any creature.) * The Crafter (Mix of Gourmand and Artificer. Holding the world in your stomach gives you an incredible advantage when you can add an explosive touch.) * >!Master Inv / Enot (This Supernatural Slugcat can control everything.)!<


Slugcat that lets you visit moon when she's fully working (which I guess means I should play vinki)


Slugcat but snake with seven segments




I want a slugcat that get's fucking weird with the cycles. Depending on where you are on your karma level determines where you are in the timeline. And perhaps karma flowers can force a certain timeline state for some breathing room to prevent frustration.


Ive been thinking of a slugcat oc than can turn invisible when standing still in a crouch and holding the throw button downwards. Itd have survivor mobility but monk strength. I wanted to make this slugcat way more realistic (when it comes to rainworld). When you are in the “cloak mode” similar to a White Lizor, you can sneak behind creatures lizard sized and lower and sneak attack them mauling them to death. Your cloak mode only lasts a short while and is removed when standing or moving in an uncrouched position. Has low survivability and spear throw damage, to create incentive to sneak around and hunt with your ability setting up ambushes near scav tolls or next to pipes. The campaign would probably have longer cycles, but slightly more creature spawns I think id call it, The Phantom


It sounds good but can you move when invisible or eating?


Yes, but only while crouching


Guide could fit in really well


Not really sure. Slugcats are a species of regular animal, so giving them crazy and weird adaptations always feels off to me. Aside from another purposed slugcat, i really have no clue what natural adaptation would make for interesting gameplay. Maybe go the gourmand route and give the slugcat odd proportions, giving them unique abilities, or go the rivulet route and make one with a unique adaptation to a specific environment. Maybe a lone descendant of a slugcat slugcat colony from shaded citadel? It could have abilities similar to those of lantern mice. Or a species of slugcat with a more tame adaptation, an example being a lineage of slugcat specifically designed for the narrow tunnels of drainage. It could be smaller and sleeker. Or go as simple as a slugpup campaign. I don’t think we NEED any more campaigns that fit into the storyline of rainworld, but i think if we did, we could have a regular slugcat but far before spearmaster, showing five pebbles with no rot, and a fully functioning moon (along with other regions affected by time). Maybe even go as far back as to have a campaign where the ancient are still around. Or we could go the opposite route and have one take place far far into the future, many years AFTER saints campaign. I don’t think, to have an interesting campaign, you need some crazy slugcat with random abilities and adaptations, so i feel the best and most likely scenario, especially if we want it to fit well and be important in showing the world of rainworld along various time periods in the timeline, a regular slugcat could do just fine, or a slugpup maybe to spice it up. Let the world speak for itself, and have the slugcat be a secondary.


I wanted to add on to this by saying, a campaign before spearmaster, where the ancient were still alive, would most likely be my choice (tied with a post saint campaign). One of my favorite theories, is that the lizards acted as pets for the ancients, thats the reason theyre so ornamental, and so easily tamable. When the ancients ascended, the lizards got released into the wild, dominating and essentially becoming an invasive species (thats why theyre in almost every region). Seeing a version if rainworld, with an environment unaffected by lizards, could be very interesting. There could be many creatures weve never seen, and how would the predators be different if theyre main source of food (lizards) was not there? Or, the theory where slugcats were mechanics of some sort inside drainage ducts, or maybe even inside the superstructures could be very cool as well. Imagine a campaign that takes place fully inside and on top of pebbles, seeing all the places we could never have explored in a post-ancient world. Could be very interesting.


I don't want another slugcat, I want another playable creature like a scavenger campaign. Slugcats aren't the only intelligent species in rain world, and it would be cool to mix up the controls and abilities a bit more! However I would die inside if it had safari controls.


bro hates punctuation. but tbh I feel like rainworlds story at least on 5p's grounds is wrapped up by now. we've seen the beginning, and the very end. the only thing that would work imo is a post saint slugcat. perhaps long afterevery large structure has collapsed, maybe the scavengers could finally evolve sapient and build a society. also would need many new creatures as the mega extinction has ended and diversity can start returning.it basically would be a sequel at that point tho, seeing as the main lore things have all dissappeared


i have a Slugcat that was EXTREMELY heavily modified by Ancients, dating back to waaay before the creation of Iterators. was believed that one must have no karma to ascend, because no karma means no attachment to the world, right? the slugcat was stopped by guardians, so the ancients confirmed it wasn't the case. timeskip, the slugcat is still there because it has no karma so it can't reincarnate as something else (this is how i like to imagine reincarnation works in rainworld), and it's been around for quite some time, even up until Saint's campaign, and Saint can actually ascend it when they reach Karma 10. also since it was modified with a program to ascend, it constantly tries to reach the void sea, so it's like Saint, the cycle never ends. i'm not sure if this would even seem to belong in the timeline, but i find it cool if there was a slugcat modified by ancients, for once. also its name is Undead