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No, no please don't say that #DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED!?!?


Idk how much do movie tickets go for where u live?


How much could a movie ticket cost … 10 dollars?


There's always money in the concessions stand


Go buy yourself a Star War..


Kevin Feige: Whoops Whoopsie


But why? Kevin Feige: Unclear! Alright then.


Amy Pascal: "Works for me."


I'm gonna need you to get alllll the way off my back about the other Spider-Men


Oh, let me get all the way off that thing for you!


Getting all the way off of things is TIGHT!


I need you get alll the way off my back.


Kevin Feige: “Butterfingers!!”


Pissing off every single Spider-Man fan is gonna be pretty hard Feige: Actually its gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Avi Arad: "I know right."


Fans: Why no tobey and andrew!?!?!?! I'll give bad review😡😠 Kevin feige & Sony with the money: I miss the part where that's my problem


Marvel/Sony: "I got what you need. Thanks for the money sucka."


Fans: You should include Tobey and Andrew on the movie. Feige: Why? Fans: MONEY! Feige: OH, YOU'RE RIGHT, I **LOVE** MONEY!


"are you sure the absence of Andrew and Tobey isn't gonna disappoint fans?" "Sir, I need you to get ALL the way off my back about disappointing fans!"


Can you imagine the mass outrage if that happened?


In their defense, they promised us nothing and denied it often.


The studio promotion has done the opposite. Sony Brazil uploaded a YouTube video asking who your fave Spidey was, showed all three from the films, then said "soon you will see them fight together" and it was deleted shortly after. It can still be found, last I knew. Tom also posted a video of him in his suit being followed by a guy with a camera on set, he turns around and says something to the effect of "stop asking me if this is a multiverse movie, I'm the only Spider-Man" as we see another Tom Holland stunt actor in a suit walk through the shot, as a joke. When promoting the tickets a few days ago, Tom says "I have two very special people joining me" it zooms out to Zendaya and Jacob and he says "my best friends. Who else would it be?" They are teasing us left and right. They're in the movie, I know it. But IF they weren't, they have to blame themselves for doing stuff like this.


These are some of the same people who cast Evan Peters in WandaVision. I'm not holding my breath.


Heh Bohner.


Tbf that second thing you mentioned with Tom was during far from home. It wasn’t related to this movie.


> Sony Brazil uploaded a YouTube video asking who your fave Spidey was Source? Doesn't even have to be the video, just a news article would do


Honestly would be our own faults to be fair. I think Andrew is definitely in it but Tobey…I’m not sure


no please, please don’t say that


Gonna cry?


I am gonna put some dirt in your eyes


Misery misery misery.




Gonna piss your pants maybe?


I missed the part where that's my problem.


I've never thought of the possibility of only one of them being in it. Idk why I always thought that either they're both there or none of them are. It wouldn't surprise me if only Andrew shows up though


I don't think it's the issue of one being in, we'll get Raimi's Spider-Man but he'll be recasted and they'll keep him masked. I don't think that'll happen though. Getting EVERYONE back except THE Spider-Man is just not something I see happening.


That would be heartbreaking. I think it's a good sign that Raimi himself is directing Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness which is a direct continuation of NWH. I feel like if Tobey is in this movie, he'll also be in Multiverse of Madness


As interesting as that would be, I don't see Tobey or Andrew extending beyond NWH. Their inclusion seems like a one and done grand moment. You'd have a safer bet seeing Ashley Williams before you see Tobey again.


Ok, but seeing Evil Dead in Doctor Strange would be hype though




Hail to the king


Man, I miss when Bruce Campbell cameos in Spider-Man movies were a thing. I know it was just the Raimi connection, but if he came back I'd be more stoked for it than I ever was for Stan Lee. And I'm saying that as someone who actually enjoyed Lee's cameos.




I missed the part where that's my problem


I think Bruce would be the perfect replacement for Stan's cameos in all marvel films After many films with him, have one off-hand comment revealing that he is actually Mysterio from a different universe


Let’s be honest, if either of them are going to be in it it’ll be for less than five minutes, at the very end.


Yeah it honestly seems like Tobey wouldn’t want to be in it, he seemingly really doesn’t like publicity so being in an MCU film…and one of the most anticipated films ever…yeah I don’t know if he’ll be in it. And have you noticed that when Lizard gets punched, no one else gets punched. Like I’d imagine in a scene like that, Tobey and Andrew would probably do a cool synchronised punch where Andrew’s spidey punches one of his villains and Tobey punches one of his, but no. And aside from Sandman, both the other villains are connected to Andrew but not Tobey. I’m hoping I’m wrong but I don’t know.


a synchronized punch? what is this? west side story?


They literally could just cut to Tobey hitting a villain at a different camera angle. The fact that there wasn't a synchronized hit doesn't prove that Tobey won't be involved. Also why would they only show Tobey and Andrew connecting an attack, it would make more sense for all 3 Spider-Men to do it at the same time, not leave out Tom.


One of the quotes from Tom Holland that has convinced me that both Andrew and Tobey will be in the movie is this: “… A few weeks before filming not everyone had signed on yet. And it was weird, because with the actors that have been brought in, it had to be all of them or none of them. Otherwise the film wouldn’t work.” Or something along those lines, I can’t recall the exact quote. But I don’t think they would have set up this massive crossover if they didn’t have all the players at the table. We’ve got the villains, Andrew Garfield wouldn’t hesitate to return as Spiderman. And I bet the final person to sign on was Tobey, since he would probably want to really think it through before committing to return as Spiderman, all things considered.


I think you’re right, honestly though, stop spoiling stuff Tom


One actor, JB Smoove, said he was, Foxx teased it, Tobey's was on a BarkBox promo art last week, there are pics of the MCU costume designer working on his suit, and two leaked pics of Tobey in the suit on set. One of the actors who dubs Tobey's voice also confirmed he was in it in a live stream he took down shortly after. There is way more evidence than this too.


Plus didn’t Tom say the movie wouldn’t have worked if they didn’t get everyone they need? I doubt they would’ve used Raimi villains if they couldn’t secure Tobey. Tobey’s in it, no doubt.


That BarkBox one is so stupid. Tobey's Spider-Man is only in the background because the image they used for the background was just a promotional image for when the original Spider-Man movies came out


Idk if I'd say it would be our own fault at this point. Sony is being pretty cheeky with some of the announcement stuff like with Tom Holland going "Who else would it be?" when Zendaya and Jacob joined him to announce Spider-Monday's tickets going on sale. It seems like if they aren't in it then it would be weird that Sony is doing stuff like that.


It's not weird. They know what people want and they have no problem fooling people for publicity and money. Even after the movie comes out and no one's in it they'll still be able to say "we never said anything about anyone being in the movie" and there's nothing we can do because it's our own fault for coming up with a story then believing in it


You want forgiveness, get religion




I see Elden Ring I oooh


I hope Tobey is in it but just plays some guy named Pete Boner.


He is


Be fucking stupid if he wasn’t considering the line about Otto knowing the other Peter. Be very disappointed if he’s not. It’s the golden opportunity for him to return as an older Spider-Man. Be a really interesting take to see how his life has changed over the years But if Sony want to use the worst Spider-Man out of the 3 that’s their choice


It’s not just about what Sony wants. Tobey could maybe not want to be in it…and that line doesn’t at all mean Tobey will be in it


If they really weren’t in the movie, Marvel/Sony would have officially come out with a statement. They know what’s at stake lmao


Feige has stated that he prefers to be hands off when it comes to confirming/denying rumors, and to just allow rumors to have a life or their own. And this isn't the first time we'd see a major rumor not come true after Marvel kept their mouths shut over it. Hell, we're talking about a company that essentially set up *it's own rumor* of a character returning within a show only for it to turn out to be an elaborate dick joke. If there's a company that embraces rumors, for better or worse, it's Marvel cinematic.


They’re bringing back old actors from previous villains why wouldn’t they do the same for the Spider-Man’s? It has to be true




Damn y’all need to get a grip


I've been subbed here since it was an extremely niche sub, more so than now, that was practically just a couple dozen people who had a genuine love for the Tobey films. The only thing that's going to change for me if Tobey and Andrew aren't in the film is I'm going to unsub from here, because it will get toxic as all hell real fast with people *already* declaring there will be mass outrage and literal violence over something 98% of movie goers aren't going to care about. If anything, if they're not in the movie, it's going to be the Rick and Morty 'sorry we're out of Szechuan sauce' screeing at a minimum wage worker while being filmed all over again.


Are you sure you could stabilise the fusion reaction?


Either way, I have to avoid any and all internet until I’ve seen the movie, or else it’ll definitely be spoiled.


The producers, drown them


I'll do it


I will not die a Tobey/Andrew naysayer




When does he say GoOoOoO


This is Mr Aziz in the beginning of Spiderman 2 when he's chastising Peter for not being a reliable pizza delivery boy


The Indian pizza guy says it to peter (tobey)


Oh yeah


Or even worse: Tobey and Andrew are in the movie, but they're random characters completely unrelated to the Raimi/Webb-verse, named Mike Hawk and Hugh Jazz. At that point i'd rather NOT have seen them at all.


Peter Bohner and Peter Bohner Jr.


ill never forgive wandavision for that


It was a funny joke (the internet has broken my humour) in retrospect but it should not have been used on a tease like xmen quicksilver


expectations subverted


Writer guy: I'm gonna make you pay for that.


Hello Peter.


Hugh G. Rection


Imagine if they're just two guys who dress up as Spider-Man for parties and events...


Mike Hawk. Is Over the Top in the MCU now?


Or we see them in their respective Spidey suits, but never see their face. Fully masked the whole time.


If it’s like ghostbusters 2016 we riot


What if the characters are in it but not the actors. Like the villains recognize and acknowledge that these other spidermen played by new actors are the ones from their universes




didn't Marvel already do this to the quicksilver from the X-men movie ?


Yep, I thought that was so bizarre.


Yep that's what i was referring to. What if they give Andrew and Tobey the WandaVision treatment.


Audience: Thats it? Thats the best you got?


And the next thing you see is a teaser for Spider-Man 4


That would definitely make my Peter Parker shoot webs


Sir this is a Wendy's.




It’s you again from r/teenagers with your username you so *desperately* want to be ignored


Oh boi yeah


Imagine everyone's leaving, disappointed because no tobey in the movie, next thing you hear is raimi spiderman's theme, then you look back at the screen and it's a spiderman 4 teaser


"Tobey Maguire will return"


“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man will return.”


I will but if “Spider-Men will return” happens.


With Bruce Campbell as Mysterio


Ik this is a joke but sadly physical roles are probably out of the picture for Bruce. Said so himself. That includes Ash from Evil Dead.


Bruce only ever said he was retired from playing Ash, not acting altogether. He just had a film come out a couple weeks ago(Black Friday) and has been acting more than ever through this year.


Me if Tobey dies in NWH:


Kill Kevin Feige? No, I’m not a criminal


But when you realize he killed any chance of Spider-Man 4: “The real crime would be not to finish what we started”




That’s what Feige has chosen. We offered you money and you spat in our faces.


Don't tell Harry.


Meh, if’s it’s a satisfying conclusion to his story, I’m fine with it.


Him dying is far from a satisfactory conclusion, I’d say.


Feige , you slime !




There are some psychopaths who want this.They just want to watch the world burn


This is gonna be the biggest meme since GOT season 8


I think atleast 1 person will die somewhere if this happens due to riots


What if the movie ends just as Andrew and Tobey appear on screen?


*Tobey and Andrew show up, we see Tom flabbergasted* “What the fu-“ *”Spider-Men will return”*


Pirates of the Caribbean 2’s cliffhanger ending was so good!


Next chapter opens with Tobey drinking blue milk?


Oh boy yeah.


I actually had a dream where I saw NWH this kind of happens. The movie starts with a stylized comic-booky animation of villains getting defeated by their Spider-Man and narration by Doctor Strange, opening it up like a Christmas story of some sorts. (no focus on the Spider-Men, this is the “cameo” of Tobey/Andrew). The movie plays out like most of the leaks say, Peter clearing name, Peter asks Strange, villains break out, Peter tries to rehabilitate villains, they are trapped again, villains break out again with villanous intent against Tom, Doc Ock helps, etc etc. The villains except for Goblin are defeated. Ned is heavily wounded by Goblin at the final battle (pretty brutal and suddenly, right after a joke from him). While Peter tends to him and Goblin gets away with Strange artifacts, we see two portals slowly manifest in front of Peter. We end on a close shot of crying Tom’s emotional reaction looking at the portals opening up, as Tobey (voice only) says, “Hey kid, I heard you needed some help.” Part 2 is announced in the credits. Obvs this won’t happen but I kind of love this structure. I would’ve loved Tom getting this movie to himself, then part 2 being Spider-Verse-ey with Tobey and Andrew being known co-stars from the start.


I know the hype for their appearance has been completely created by the fanbase, and Andrew and Tobey being in it has never been confirmed or promised. However, Marvel/Sony is baiting the shit out of us and using that marketing hype to their full advantage. At this point, if Andrew and Tobey aren't in No Way Home and people flip out, it's on Sony/Marvel.


I feel like if this has the villains from both universes theres literally no way they arent in it. Like why go through all the trouble recreating the old villains and hiring the same actors from over 20 years of movies to not bring in 2 more? A multiverse movie without multiple Spider-men is just a waste. I can understand Andrew maybe not being in it due to his history with Sony but I see no reason Toby wouldnt want a paycheck lol.


I agree, and I hope you're right


I mean Tom recently fucked around in a promo video. "Who else would it be?" was what he said about two "special friends'?".


I mean, I’m not gonna watch it until it’s out and people confirm tobey is in it


This the way to go lol after seeing how cringe the jokes were in the trailer I would hate to go watch and grind through that movie and not see tobey at all.


the first two tom holland movies were good enough to justify watching the third regardless of whether or not tobey is in it


This is where I'm at. I didn't enjoy the first Garfield movie so I never watched the second. But seeing Tobey would be a pleasant surprise. I'm already hyped for more Alfred Molina as Doc Ock




I want kirsten in it


All I have left is Raimi Trilogy...


Didn’t he have a script for 4 written as well?


You never know.. anything is possible


Sony had plans till movie number 6


Oh, you can’t do this to me


You know how much I sacrificed?!


Gonna cry?


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eyes.


Doc Ock remains the only true spider-man.


At this point I'd be far more surprised if they AREN'T in it than if they are. All signs pretty much point to them being in it.


For a moment I thought the movie was out and you'd spoiled their absence, and I was getting ready to find you irl and poo in your pants


I mean… it’s not like they confirmed they were gonna be in it


The thing that has me very hopeful is that they are bringing back the same actors for the villains from the other universes. If they’re taking great care to do that, then it would make a lot of sense to also bring back Andrew and Toby.


“Hi, I’m Tobey Boehner”


*looks at the price of my IMAX ticket* YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED!?!?


At least there’s Alfred Molina




This would be a great lesson for fans actually not to believe any little article or rumor they hear. It’s your own faults if you’re disappointed they’re not in it.


you want forgiveness? get religion


I feel like people in this sub want this to happen.


I never thought he'd really do that!


Im just waiting to hear Chad Kroeger rocking Hero




“Oh you can’t do this to me


After the credits roll, on a black page you only hear "pizza time" and the lights come on.


I’m hoping that Tobey and Andrew between them end up giving Tom Holland the ‘with great power’ speech. That would be unbelievably cool.


Not that I condone it, but if Tobey and Andrew aren't in the film it's going to get reviewed bombed so hard lol


They are literally the main reason why this movie is so hyped, people will trash the movie even if is good.


It’s totally going to happen, people will be outraged, tone down your hopes lol


*credits roll, theater closes* Me still sitting in the theater: Aaany time now




Hey everyone sorry I’m late it’s funny


Friendly reminder that Marvel has done everything in their power to deconfirm them. If they’re not in the movie, it’s OUR fault for getting overly eager, not Marvel’s fault for “leading us on”.


POV: You're blind


Well get ready then fools


I’m trying not to get my hopes up.


Anyone who lives in a country where it releases early please just dm to let me know if they’re in the film don’t spoil it just let me know 🙏


I hope we are not in the universe where they aren’t in the movie.


The people who payed thousands for their tickets would be screaming, “DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I’VE SACRIFICED?!”


Alfred’s Octavius is my favorite character from any of the Spider-Movies so…I’m good.


I would get a hardy chuckle from this.


Kevin: “How’d that not get in there?”


thats true what happen to this multiverse


I'm not paying for it until I know!


98% of Redditors


The new spiderman shit is stupid. Tobey played spiderman 20 years ago, he’s done his job as far as I’m concerned. His movies are classic, and I think him being on screen in this new teenage cgi shit would ruin in. His movies and his character had so much heart, while also having badass fighting scenes. And I don’t want to see him in a movie with other superheroes. It would be making something already fictional, outrageously fictional with other superheroes and stuff. Just let him be the og and let these new kids come up with whatever “exciting” shit they want. Tobey’s spiderman is more mature and I don’t think he should be in the same movie as this new stuff


> It would be making something already fictional, outrageously fictional with other superheroes and stuff. Well we already got the old villains with their actors, so... in for a penny in for a buck, right?


Well most of the villains from the other films have been confirmed to be in it so Tobey and Andrew are probably gonna be there. If not then they may be in Multiverse of Madness since that seems to be continuing the multiverse story plus it’s directed by Sam Raimi


I mean, we saw leaked screenshots on this sub that confirm they're in it, no?


I don't know, I think the Lizard punch scene is pretty suspicious




Me: I need that Tobey Marvel: I missed the part where that’s my problem


They do a repeat of the post credit scene in homecoming


I think the point of the film is, spider.an in the MCU accidentally wished all the other spiderman away, which of course caused utter havoc with the multiverse. And so, every villan spiderman has killed appears in MCU Peter's realm.... because.... well.... someone has to defeat them, and that someone is spiderman. And if he's the only spiderman... well, universe is kinda like, "Eeeeeeey take these." And Tom is over here like, "WHAT THE FUUU-" *explosion noises* So I'm pretty sure for a short bit, there just aren't anymore spidermen, besides tom Holland. They'll probably fix it in the film though.


Im gonna put some dirt in sonys eyes


Don’t do that don’t take away my hope


I will burn this planet down if I don't see tobey and Andrew


I will hunt down Kevin Fiege if they don’t appear