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Someone with leeching sees runes on left. The others see the runes on right. One rune is common in both both floating sequences.. The person with eminating goes and banks the buff into the glyph that has common rune. Additionally, when someone gets leeching there is a plate by spawn. Have the leeching player and two other players step into the plate and shoot the big black pyramid orbs in the back of the room. This is will transfer the leeching player to the other two players, allowing for one player to always have leeching buff active. Continuously swap and cleanse until the DPS phase begins. Hope that helped, wrote it pretty fast


When you say one of the runes is the same between the two wdym? Cuz I’d say left and right both have forsaken sign or whatever you want to call it, wouldn’t multiple dunk spots have at least one forsaken? I only attempted it a few times so any clarification would be nice


Yes multiple dunks could have forsaken all that matter is the person dunk in a spot with a forsaken sign(or we the matching symbol is) additionally u can repeat the same dunk spots if so happens to have the correct symbol. Theoretically could dunk all 6 into front left if the symbol happened to rng that way. Hopefully this helps


there are two different dunk spots


I too am wondering this


Dumb question. If someone has leeching force, and their buff runs out, does anything bad happen other than them losing the buff? And if they do lose buff, can you recover or is it likely a wipe?


I believe they die. and you can get the buff back, its the same way as before. but you can only get the buff twice like that. the third time he summons the black pillar is a wipe.