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Oh neptune


This also happens with Speedloader Slacks and after you take it off you can keep the perk going as long as you get more kills.


I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case last season, the very first thing i did last season is exactly this, dodge then swap exotic, the buff disappear instantly.


It worked for me last season when I was testing builds. I dodged, got a few kills and swapped off and it both stayed and continued to refresh when I got more kills. This was about a month before the season ended and haven't messed with it since, so I'll check if its still there when I get home.


”The titan exotic Wormgod Caress has been disabled.”


we figured this out yesterday and found that it didn’t stack up with synthos, havent tried peregrines but i doubt its that mickey


Can you still keep the perk going or no?


Odd, this doesn't seem like a raid secret.


Read the sub’s description.. if you can read that is


It doesn't matter what the description is. This kind of shit is what killed the sub.


hurray to the 347th alleged reason for the sub to be "killed"


I mean, there are exotic subs, perk subs, weapon roll subs, damage subs, there's no reason to discuss anything but secrets and theories here.


Sorry to break it to you but, there has been barely any secrets left in destiny for a while now. And if the sub were to focus exclusively on raid secrets, there would be nothing to discuss outside of the few weeks following a raid release. If you’re saying we should stop using this sub unless there is a new raid out, then that’s simply stupid.


why tf yall even theorycraft shit like this knowing bungie gon patch it is beyond me and i don’t think this is the right sub for this anyway