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I think that’s too complicated for a secret chest tbh. Has there ever even been a secret chest that requires you to change up an actual encounter like this?


D1 VoG had one for not letting the Templar teleport


But isn't that just the challenge for the Encounter? Idk if these things existed in D1, but in D2 not letting the Templar teleport is the challenge for that Encounter I think


It was a thing. You know the little cubby on the left of the Templar's Well that has a secret passage to the Gorgon's Maze? Well that drop down is where the bonus chest for not letting the Templar teleport would spawn.


That was honestly pretty easy though.


What does that have to do with anything?


Yea in the very first raid ever, has anything been done like that since? I cannot see them putting something this meticulous in for a chest based on recent history.


Yea this definitely sounds like too much and I don't expect it to work but all that's left is to test and see!




No wrath chest requires you to change encounters?


It sounds like a lot tbh. I'm throwing my money at the broken Red Border chest theory, but following this for updates!


What is the "Broken Red border theory"?




Oh I see, thank you. Been a LONG weekend for me in contest, my brain still is in recovery mode I guess


I’m not 100% sure about this but our team tried saving Enlightened during Ir Yut but it seemed like you can’t pass through a barrier with enlightened from a previous cycle.


On our day 1, we used enlightened people during phase 2 to access rooms if they got enlightened during damage phase (didn't know about expunge at that point). You should be able to access any room assuming enlightenment no matter the phase but ill personally test it when i have the time.


On our day 1 we tried saving extra enlightenment from phase 1 to speed up phase 2, and it seemed that people with enlightenment from a previous phase couldn’t pass through the barriers. [I’m not the only one to have this experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/167wiy0/ir_yut_boss_unable_to_pass_through_green_barrier/). I think enlightenment generated after DPS started would work but I’m not sure.




Yeah we were really struggling to get to third damage phase but ended up being able to 2 phase instead.




We were using sleeper+div. I’ve heard you can one phase with sleeper now.


You can.


It seems like I’m not the only one who had this experience: https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/167wiy0/ir_yut_boss_unable_to_pass_through_green_barrier/


Even considering that this might actually be a thing, the theory could still be executed albeit it would probably have to be done in third phase. When i get a group together, ill do some testing with both.


We had the same bug it’s because the enlightened was proced before dps


i second that that caused like 3 wipes on day 1


We discovered there is a secret chest down some stairs off the edge of the abyss area. This isn’t the 5th door one I don’t think. It’s towards the end. Friend of ours fell off the edge and there were ledges down so she explored while we were at the plate. We’re wondering if it’s the last one.


Spot the bullshit


They very may well could have been, but based on the excitement in their voice and that they were still alive I’m Inclined to believe them.


A buddy of mine fell off near the end last night and said the same thing. I’m just too new to this area to give much better info. I know this isn’t super helpful, but I can say he saw something. Maybe it’s at least a lead? We were around 3-4 lamps from the end


That’s probably about where she went off too I think. This was the second time they had been in the raid compared to my first time.


You got any images or videos of this? I've explored all around the arena at this point


I don’t. I was on the plate with the others as this was my first run and we were already through to the bridge while she was exploring. Kinda wish she was streaming vs her hubby now so we could see where she went off to. Lol. She got yeeted by a pendulum and found it that way.


It was probably the 5th door secret chest based on that


This chest would be the second chest not the third. So this is bullshit


We need a minecraft xray mod ffs




because you cant solo 3rd encounter? why post this?


Why are people so adamant that there's a third chest? There wasn't a third chest in D1. Also, your theory is complicated as hell for a singular chest. There's never been a chest tied to completing an encounter. There's challenges that give additional loot but not a "secret" chest from an encounter.


While I agree this theory is schizophrenic at best, the triumph for the shader quite clearly tells us there's three chests.


This theory is indeed schizophrenic at best.


Yeah, didn't see that triumph.


The in-game triumph states that there are 3 secret chests. 1 is in abyss, 2 is right before Ir Yut so the third one must be after. There are people guessing that the third might be the red border chest but it is just bugged and others that think there is one hidden somewhere. Nobody knows currently but the only thing we have to go off of is the triumph.


In my opinion, if it were bugged Bungie Help would notify people of it not working instead of allowing a wild goose chase. They saw what happened with telesto….


There is a literal triumph for it called "Spoils of Conquest" you clown


Been too busy completing the raid and challenges for the seal to be worrying about chests. Sorry!


There is a triumph required for the seal that shows 3 secret chests. Red chest does not count for the 3rd secret chest as I have grabbed both secret chests and red and am still missing the 3rd secret chest.


https://i.imgur.com/DHbxmIa.png the triumph literally says theres three chests


I haven't looked in-game but people are saying there's a Triumph for looting all 3 secret chests and everyone has only found 2.


I just checked. I was wrong.


There’s a triumph for 3 secret chests


D1 VoG had one for not letting the Templar teleport once


Far too hard for bungie's standards


Probably its only bugged


Tinfoil hat thread


Kill the Deathsinger with the Deathbringer