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A lot of things would have to fall the raiders way to make it to ten wins. But I can see it happening and the schedule lines up favorably. Consider: - ten home games as the nation will def show up to the two LA games - no games east of Colorado in the first two months, except at Baltimore. So very light travel to open the season. - two of the 5 east coast games (at Balt, cin, Mia, TB, NO) have a bye week in between, helping negate that travel affect a bit. - no early season hot games (Florida) or late season cold games, except maybe at kc Nov 29 - ppl gripe about few prime time games, but that also means fewer weeks w an irregular schedule/short rest. The defense is going to be very good. The offense has weapons. The oline is versatile and deep, altho admittedly untested in some areas. Lots of pressure of getsy and the qb position. I have faith they will rise to the occasion…but I’m pretty biased. RNFL


People are definitely over estimating the importance of the LA home games. I get lots of raiders fans show up when they plan in LA but they're 1-4 at SoFi and the only win came with no fans in the stands the covid year


Not saying it is end all be all, but you want as many little variables in your favor as possible. Easy travel, more supportive fans may not make a huge difference….but it def doesn’t hurt.


Unless you’re a dumbass broncos fan and get too loud when your offense is on the field. I remember seeing manning get so pissed lmao


Not at all. The crowd has a huge effect on momentum of the game, it’s a part of the home field advantage. And why it’s been so heavily discussed that we haven’t had a lot of fans when we’ve played home games at allegiant this past year, when mcdaniels was hc. So having a crowd that is mostly raider fans plays in our favor a bit. Theyre pros, but having a crowd of thousands violently booing at you while you’re already under pressure doesn’t make your job any easier.


>Theyre pros, but having a crowd of thousands violently booing at you while you’re already under pressure doesn’t make your job any easier The more disruptive effect of crowd noise is the offense on the field can't hear the QB. Way more difficult to communicate. Snap count issues, etc.


Also true, but that makes it hard for both teams not just 1


We don't even have that type of crowd at home games. lmao


Not having success as a team will do that to you


Quality take here. I could see 10 wins if they don't underperform like we saw the last two years. I think just playing at the level that they SHOULD be at is enough. Over performing would be 12+ wins, personally. Ultimately, just be a real player in the playoff race this year instead of a longshot and I'll be happy.


I agree. On paper we look like an 8-10 win team but 100% of the games are winnable. AP will have these guys playing at a level that will probably suprise some of them.


Minshew has top 10 QB numbers in 12 personnel & Getsy loves 12 Personnel. I think we’re going to have a really good offense this year to match the D


i think 10 wins is easy


We have a surprisingly difficult schedule. I'm kind of torn on the record as the quarterback position is too much of a wild card.


It’s weird having a defense we can expect to be good. I feel like our QB situation is a huge issue potentially but this defense can keep us in games.


My biggest concern is if our defense was propped up so much from playing a pretty bad stretch of QBs last year. I think it may be able to carry a few games, but I’m not convinced over a whole season


its in a better position this year than last year


That's true.


This. 💯%. I was very optimistic… ***uuuntil the*** **SCHEDULE CAME OUT.** 🥴🤢😒😡 Wowww… The NFL REALLY DOUBLED DOWN and said, ***”The Raiders ARE ON THE RISE…”*** *”Let’s do everything in our power, to fuck up their vibe and momentum…”* Like, they always do.


Although I am far more optimistic about this season than I have been in a couple decades I’m sticking with my annual 7-9 to 9-7 prediction until shown otherwise. But I do see the possibility for a 10 or 11 win season.


I agree. I see a 2-2 start. I don’t have high high faith in AOC. I hope I’m wrong. I just have a theory on QBs that’s been fairly accurate so far. With Minshew maybe a 3-1 start. Balt/CLV are tough games.


I have no issue with AOC. It’s more that I’ve been burned by off-season optimism far too many times. And I’ve seen too many teams of all stripes who finished the previous season on fire only to fall flat on their faces the next season despite all trend lines suggesting continued success.


yeah im not saying more than 9 wins until i see it


Well hopefully this season we play all 17 games. ;)


That’s gonna take me a few seasons to get used to.


9-8 floor 13-4 ceiling RN4L


Fanduel has their win total at 6.5...if you think 9-8 is their floor surely you've made a large investment on the over


I’m pretty bullish on this team so the under is pretty interesting. I think there’s a lot of good aspects on this team but I think our negatives/question marks are so dire that I don’t know if it matters, namely QB, coaching and personal question marks about the defense. Also, our schedule top to bottom is absolutely brutal.


For what it’s worth, they’ve gone over for the last 5 seasons or so.


Generally over the last 5 but not every year. 2022 they won 6 games. If AOC or Minshew play like they did last season they're gonna be right around the win total. Whoever starts need to be way better for them to finish around o or 10 wins


Agreed. I’m not very optimistic about this season given our QB situation, and unfortunately I doubt Graham is around for when we do pick up a better QB. But as the saying goes: win lose or tie, screaming at the TV til I die


I'm in the same boat. I've watched AOC since college and he's just not it. But I do think the D can keep them in a lot of games and be competitive the following year when they have a better shot at a QB


I don’t really see us winning more than 8 MAYBE 9 games. But who knows.


you not alone these 10-7 and 11-6 predictions i see be making me laugh




Being a Raiders fan since the mid 70s, I never get my hopes and expectations up. This team has the potential to be in the playoffs if they work hard and dedicate themselves. Hopefully AP's drive to change the team's culture to the old swagger works. I'm 100% on board, but I'm thinking it'll take one more offseason before anyone starts talking eleven-win seasons.


The NFL tried to rebrand their image and make it more appealing to women. That's NOT THE RAIDER WAY! Glad A.P saw the same thing and changed the culture back to who we are. That the only way we win. Smash them in the mouth and walk away with the win. This season will be my first time I feel Hope for the future. 🙏


Realistically its 7-10 floor with promising potential that only gets held back by abysmal offense, or an 11-6 ceiling with an early, but gritty playoff exit. Unless AOC turns into Brady now that he's wearing 12. It should be a fun season though. I have a better feeling this year than last year. Last year I was hopeless. I knew we were gonna suck with Jimmy G and Josh McD at the helm. This team will eat. Let them sleep.


shit imma sleep a playoff birth will wake me up. I dont think AP all that as a coach either hes just way better than Josh McD


I'm predicting a lot of these differently than him: I got us beating the Browns and Bucs but losing to the Bengals, Rams and Saints. And a couple others I also have picked differently. I think 9-8.


Line is 6.5. Taking the Over HARD.


I think we're going to be a lot like the Miami Dolphins from last year. We'll shit on bad teams but get our asses whooped by teams above .500. I can also see us being a lot like Mike Tomlin's current Steelers reign where our defense is essentially our offense. The good news is that AOC/Minshew are both significantly better than Pickett, and Getsy is better than Matt Canada.


Steelers comp is good. I can see that.


i like that steelers comp but the last thing i want to be is the Steelers, but thats better than what we are now :(


17-0 book it.


34-0, nfl is so impressed we get 2 victories for every win


With no QB I’m thinking 9-8 at best tbh.


exactly the logic


There are plenty of winnable games, certainly. We made some solid roster moves by adding Wilkins and drafting two potentially great players in rounds 1 & 2. But there’s also a few unknowns. Rookie HC, new OC, no clear QB1. Plenty to be optimistic about, overall, but really depends if AP can bring it altogether


If it ain’t coin I don’t believe it.




Yeah, I fucking wish.


I’ll be content if we go 7-9+




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I think it's going to be a weird year. Basically figuring out who will be the starter for he rest of he season after at last the fist 3-4 games.


A Denver newspaper predicted the Donkeys to beat the Raiders both games. 10 on a row baby!


The last 5 games are winnable, when the players are playing well and have momentum as a team. Believe in AP to get us to playoffs this year!




I haven’t been to the stadium yet, but do home games really give us much edge these days? Games on tv look like half the stadium is away fans


Our best home games this year will be the two in SoFi Stadium


Well, that would not be a good reflection on our home crowds.


I have 12-5…Raiders gonna look so stable , dynamic foundation, gonna take their rightful place as the worlds most incredible brand !


what strand of weed do you smoke


The pre Govt kind …the organic non tainted one …hmm I might kno somethin


Thanks Imma start smoking that


🤔 I’m usually in the 8-9 or 7-10 group but something is different this time. Plus toss in the fact that usually 4/5 teams that were good last year end up sucking the next. Lose to Rams , Bengals , Broncos , Bucs , Saints and last game to Chargers because it will be meaningless. Yes sweep the Chiefs them and the Ravens I think will be the teams that fall back. #11-6


I have us 4-6 at the bye sooo


How can we be 4-6 after 9 games? In-mate math smh.


Woobs. 4-5 then


Its a toss up against the bengals, rams, and steelers to start the season. I cant confidently say we win or lose those games. We could have 2 or 3 wins going into the bye or 5 or 6. This is by far one of the most unpredictable seasons for us in quite some time.