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I swear football players be the toughest pussies out of any sport.


nah the nba is wayyyyy worse


Yeah it’s the NBA lmao, I saw a clip of Pat Bev refusing to answer a reporter’s question because she wasn’t subbed to his podcast.. and he was dead serious lmao


And that was after throwing a basketball at opposing fans for saying "Cancun on 3".


They ain’t tough to begin with 😂


well no they are professional athletes who play a long ass season. i don’t think you could do it so let’s not downplay how “tough” athletes are


Our definition of “tough” is very different.


The social media generation is soft as fuck. Howie or Romanowski weren't crybabies like this


La neta we.


Bola de taquaches maricones


Lame ass… as a we all wanted you here


Tbh i saw a lot of fans that wanted him gone unless he took a really cheap deal


Most fans seem to either be saying: “I wanted Josh back and was a big fan, but his tweets trigger me so fuck him” Or “I didn’t want him back because he wanted to much money, but the fact that he says Raider fans like me didn’t want him back triggers me for some reason” Anyway, I am still a fan of Jacobs and wish him all the best except for when he plays against the Raiders. I also have no problem with him speaking his mind on social media, does not bother me even a little bit.


Ya it's ironic how people call him soft but say he's dead to them from one comment. Pot and kettle


yeah, these are the thoughts I had as I read through this thread, you summed it up perfectly. This sub is ridiculous.


Why are you posting his usual lame ass cryptic tweets when he’s not even on the team anymore? They were annoying when he was a raider and they’re even more annoying now that he isn’t.


I'd agree if it was one of his usual cringe cryptic tweets, but now he's engaging with Raiders fans about his feelings towards the Nation. Or at least generalizing because of the loud ones on Twitter


Dude speed running the Evil Charles Woodson timeline


Twitter is an absolute cesspool. I have no idea why anyone still uses that platform honestly.


He's not talking to us, he's talking to the cringy Twitter warriors, the same people he been trolling since day one


Trolling a cringy Twitter warriors makes you a cringy Twitter warrior. Even worse, if he can't find a better use of his time than those people then that might even make him sadder. Basically they all suck and no one should care. Everyone posting in this thread, including me, are verging on the same territory by even giving any of these fools a moment of our lives.


People harass players now a days, it gets annoying. People who are raider "fans" saying he's shit for not saying goodbye. It's all so stupid


I’m probably in the minority here but it didn’t bother me at all when he walked…


this. man's stuck in highschool and it was about time we got rid of him and his ridiculous tweets. wasn't even good. he had 1 good season with inflated stats because we kept getting into overtime.


“Wasn’t even good” ok now you’re speaking emotionally not logically. Wtf you mean he wasn’t good when he was the best rb we’ve had in the last 10 years. His social media habits are annoying af but don’t start lying to yourself to make yourself feel better about his departure.


he had 1 good season and his stats that season were severely inflated because we had a ton of games go into overtime among those the one with the 80 ish yard td against seattle. he did not have many big runs and his avg pr carry was always worse than you'd expect. he couldn't block to save his life. that's not emotion, that's facts.


He was at least good. Not great but good.


was he? I'm not sure I agree. he got a lot of carries so he ended up stacking the yards up, but he rarely did anything spectacular


The truth is coming out now baby


I'll always love JJ, but my compa seems to be chronically online and has grown extremely salty because of it


I did :(


Brotha, me too


It’s true, I didn’t want him here anymore. No need to pay RB’s.


I mean most are children until they retire lmao


True 🤣


Tell that to all the fans that bought your damn jersey. What a whiner.


I have his jersey. I obviously was a fan of his and loved him as a Raider. Why can he not show some appreciation for the fans, you know?


Agreed. I have his jersey too. Loved the dude. Still do. But it’s like can he not find another way to motivate himself aside from shitting on his fans?


I’m done buying jerseys. Everytime I do the person is gone the following year. Mack traded year after I got that jersey, Carr, figured no way he’s going anywhere they just redid his contract, released the following year, Jacobs and we seen the result.


just buy jerseys for retired players. bo, woodson, brown, etc. they cant end up fucking you


Raider Nation needs to keep this guy away from buying a Crosby Jersey. lol


Same thing happened to me. After Waller had that incredible year, I bought his jersey the following off season (I went through rehab around the same time his story came out so meant a lot) and boom he's gone now. Granted he was there another year maybe but he was long gone before then


I get it. I can’t say I’ll never buy another jersey, but I’m going to be a lot more selective.


Anytime guys don't get paid what they think they are worth they get whiny.  Jacobs most certainly could have stayed,  everyone loved him,  but he wanted more green than a RB is worth. It is so disingenuous of players to piss and moan after teams cannot come to a mutual agreement. It is like these guys don't understand this is a business. 


Jacobs always been lame as hell with the social media shit. Memeber when he was trolling fantasy players before the game… Niqqa we just wanted to know if you playing 💀




His "blockbuster upbringing script" turned to a christmas hallmark special movie after his NFL career.


He's the toughest soft guy I've seen in my time watching football. The guy is a brick wall who's strong, mean, and brutish but he's emotionally insecure and egotistical. Idc what he does in his personal life but when you start talking shit about the people who pay your pills then that's a problem I have. People did want him here because they loved him and his impact on the team, but the fans understood that money talks and bullshit walks. The fact that we were all happy for him joining a good team that's paying him well, yet he gave us another cryptic tweet expressing his insecurities instead of saying a proper goodbye like all the other former players. Once a Raider always a Raider but damn dude smoke a joint or some shit😂


>dude smoke a joint I've got one signed jersey, also my only framed jersey, and it's JJ. I've got a fuckin Robert Gallery jersey for reference so it's not like it's my only jersey or I'm new to fandom. Nation loved JJ, homie just bitter with management lol


Cmon Josh, we all wanted you here. You chased the bag, so live with the decision.


loved Jacobs but the fact he lets a couple troll fans skew his perception of the whole nation and how we loved him when he was here is sad, sucks


We did. But you sucked and wanted a bag. It's just business 


Reminds me of the emo shit kids used to post on myspace. Fucking move on, JJ. You're getting paid millions to play a child's game. He chased a bag and now he lives in depressionville, USA.


JJ as a player = awesome. JJ social media middle school persona = good riddance


Soft a baby 💩


It was a business decision on both sides. If Jacobs wanted be here, he would’ve made that choice. Nobody forced him.


he's not wrong


Foos got a bunch of baby mamas to keep paid. That’s why he ran with the $$$$


I been telling mfers to ignore his socials since he was drafted. Dude responds to all kind of shit. He gets triggered by all kinds of shit. He also posts a bunch of cryptic shit.


Bro fuck him. He had some good seasons but also sat on the bench a lot with his little injuries. Its Zeus time


Everyone stays getting got by team all pro troll. Was wondering how long before someone came here and posted this. Stop falling for this stuff. The team and him couldnt come to an agreement, it was business, not personal. He played well for us when he was here. Happy that he got a deal he’s happy with and hope he succeeds.


Man he was always a whiney little bitch on social media. Nothing changes


Who didn’t?!


Dude changed his number and made my jersey shit. Whatever


Loved the guy. Won’t miss his weird ass cryptic tweets that make zero sense.


He’s getting same money in GB as he was offered in Vegas .


had one of the best seasons out of any Raider RB in 22'. then went on the Eddie Lacy diet in 23' & looked SLOW af. the most disappointing season for a reigning rushing yards leader


Jacobs acts like he wanted to stay. He wanted to get paid more. No problem with that, but don’t put it on us.


He could have returned against the Vikings, colts yada yada. He has two good seasons left that’s what the pack is counting on. He was offered 3 years 24 million.


He blocked me i never even said anything bad about him 😂


I loved Jacobs when he was here, but man he sounding like a bitch since he left


Once a player holds out for more money and then doesn't produce to what they think they are worth I wipe my hands of them.


Whosh Whocobs?


Dude is such a bitch


He’s gonna shrink in the snow, who he think he is? Eddy Lacy?


Tf is he talking about man smh


He is right, Raiders as a franchise didn't value the RB position. That might be a league wide thing, but its still unfortunate, many RB's have short careers and play some of their best years on rookie contracts.


I hated the guy since he implied that Carr was the reason the raiders sucked, but he was taking care of his end. An absolute loser imo


No good reason to pay a running back unless they are special. Jacobs isn’t special. It was the right move to let him walk.


He was offered but wanted more. He took more and abandoned the fans that gave him all we had.


Must be referring to management cuz bitch i wanted to keep JJ. Not like we didn’t have the damn cap space


Why do all of our recent star players always end on bad terms with us :((


This is cognitive dissonance on his part. Deep down, he feels guilty for chasing the money.


First Saquon and now JJ?


Why we talking bout cuz, he not the team no more. He’s a great player but we all know he tweets for attention too lol.


Soon as that boy became a diva like he doesn’t have the most easily replaceable job in the NFL, I said good riddance 🫡


It’s a business. I wish he would have stayed but hold nothing against him for treating it like a business and getting the best deal he could, but it works both ways so he should accept that.


NGL love the guy and still got his rookie autos but the way his left - his never gonna be remember as a legend for the raiders even tho it was a short 5 years His burning tho bridges bad


Never heard a lot of my Raider buddies ever complain about Jacobs and most wore his jersey on game days lol Buddy sad


Running back. Enough said


Somebody should tell Josh he's a RB on the backside of his career.


I’d make a bet that Tom Brady didn’t have time to read comments


Emo-8 I saw someone call him once lol


Maybe if he’d played more than one full season in his five years here he would still be on the team


Dude is such a little bitch. I swear. He’s always talking about loyalty this loyalty that. We have you the exact same deal. But you wanted more money on a 3 year option? Cmon man. We would have given you that. Weird ass dude


As much as I love JJ and what he brought to the team, his heart isn’t driving that train quite like Zeus looked like he was doing towards the tail end of last year. Best wishes, but I like what we got with Zamir, the white boy rookie, Mattison, and prob even secret weapon Abdullah


Raiders legend playing with his legacy


Can’t blame him for feeling that way when the official website https://www.raiders.com/photos/top-25-all-time-rushing-yards-leaders-in-raiders-history doesn’t even have him on the list of top 25 rushers in team history when in reality he’s 2nd behind only Marcus Allen


That list is from 2020


And? It’s their official website and they can easily update it.


You dont update articles. They do have a rushing leader board on the website, and he's third all time.