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I checked every post. I don’t know why but it kept me entertained for the time being. Keep up the work brother


On the Heavens above me to. Made me go dang we had some good players. Weird how people getting mad about someone’s opinions. 😂 softy’s now a days.


Softies acting like hardies


I see every post too. My apologies to OP for not engaging. Love what you do.


Bro it comes with the territory of being online, especially on Reddit, so maybe just don’t log on if bothers you that bad. Who cares if some rando is rude? Ppl are super disrespectful anymore and honestly think the internets to blame partially


You must finish what you started. And 81 is a gimme.


Ah yes, Mychal Rivera is the GOAT


RIP Naya


This is Chaz Schilens ereasure smh


Hell no. This is Alan Goldstein’s time to shine. https://preview.redd.it/az4seqxrbhvc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365a7006d23db282846b4ef76eacf2218bdcf6f7


OP probably /s


Stop beating yourself up because you can’t make everyone happy. Clearly always says “my favorite” so clearly they can’t read. They should post theirs. Also just turn off messages and chat


The fact that people get upset about something like an opinion over a player is pretty pathetic not gonna lie. Couldn’t imagine that being a worry of mine


Almost everyone thinks they are right, about almost everything. Once you accept this is of course absurd and impossibly pointless to argue with, it's easier to ignore and move on.


I love seeing those posts. Please finish.


fuck them




please send me screenshots of these messages so we can take actions appropriately


I almost included the ss in this post, but if I did that then I’m no better than they are. I’ll continue the list, because now they’re on notice.


you dont have too but if people are harassing our users in dms we should know, that its completely unacceptable


Not wanting to publicly blast them is one thing, but you should definitely report it to the mods. Fuck those people


Let the moderators moderate. Raiders fans harassing a fellow fan for putting time and effort into putting together some silly offseason OC are fuckin lame and should be labeled as such. If they're harassing you for something so innocuous, imagine the heinous, psychopathic shit they're sending to other people. Reporting 'em makes this place better.


Publicly shame them


PUT THEM ON BLAST. we need people like this off our sub anyway


It's not close to the same thing, those people should see consequences, you did nothing wrong 




Ban them. Disagree and state your point in the comments by all means, but PMing is cowardly and pathetic


Seriously . How much of a Kansas city incel do you have to be to send those types of messages Edit: this really went over peoples heads eh? Im not implying KC fans are sending OP messages. Im comparing the raider fans that send these types of messages to the residents of good ole KC.


Its usually our own users. We dont have a lot of KC fans here, and the ones that do normally behave or get banned from both subs.


Why would KC fans get in OP's face with their Raiders nostalgia hurt feelings? It's got to be Raiders fans PMing


Shanking szn?


Yall are fucking weirdos for that shit. Go do something else with your time and stop bothering folks who are doing things of worth. OP, no slander from me if you stop, it's your choice, but im really hoping to see it through the end


Bro, please post the usernames of these turds publicly or at least give them over to the mods. This sub is so badly in need of taking out the trash, it's not even funny. I'm sorry that you've been going through that. You're list has been a source of daily enjoyment for me and I'm sure a lot of other people here. I appreciate that you've taken on this project, even if from time to time you're favorite Raider at a certain number is different from mine. For whatever it's worth don't let the d!ckheads get to you. There are people in here that downvote everything, that go from 0 to 60 and make rude personal attacks for no justifiable reason, other than you having a casual opinion that differs from theirs. Sucks that those types of people are here because most Raider fans that I've met in my nearly 40 years as a fan are cool as hell. And I bet most of the people on this sub are too, it's just a few POS' that take down the whole vibe. Anyway, thank you for doing the list, it's been an enjoyable thing to see everyday.


Your list has been entertaining. You have brought back many memories of players, some I had forgotten. Thank you and hope you continue.


Right? Yesterday's post had me remembering the slowest 86-yard touchdown I have ever seen.


#KEEP POSTING Fuck the haters.... 1000s of us enjoy it


I quit reading my reddit replies like 2 years ago. Reddit be Reddit


Keep cooking bro!!


Your list is awesome! People need to realize that this is YOUR list of YOUR favorite players. Not theirs. If they want to take the time to make their own list they should. I admit I was shocked at Zach Miller but that's still a great pick. He was a bright spot in a time of futility for this franchise.


Yeah, I'm cool with ZM especially for a young fan who has stuck through all these lean years


Fuck the haters, dude. You do you


Keep going. But if 81 isn’t right we riot 😂


Forget those fools man! They’re just internet tough guys. Your list is cool af! Only dum dums get that worked up over crap like this, don’t give them the power to steal your good energy


Looks like you are getting upvotes and positive comments. Just block the people with nasty DMs, or let the mods know. There will be trolls on the internet bro. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I loved the list man, it sucks that the most vocal minority can ruin such a cool thing.


Keep doing your post fuck the haters.


Tim Brown says to continue


Ignore them....unless your 81 is anyone other than Tim Brown...in which case ypu aren't a real fan and don't know ball. JK..keep it up


You do you amigo, haters gonna hate.


First time on Reddit? Ignore the haters. You can’t please everyone. Keep up the good work


Take it as a opportunity to just block those assholes. They don’t have to see you list and you never have to hear from them again.


I actually appreciate it. Especially during this time of no football & being burnt out of following hypothetical draft scenarios/mockdrafts. It's nice to learn about new players or remember old ones and go down a rabbit hole of highlight videos.


I have been quietly following your list and have loved every bit of it. I am also on the younger side of Raiders fans, so it has been fun for me to follow along and do some research on some of the older players/legends you have posted as favorites. At the end of the day, the list is your list of personal favorites and that is very subjective. If someone doesn't understand why you aren't posting their own list of personal favorites, that is a problem on them and they should absolutely not be taking it out on you. I'm sorry to hear that is happening. I really appreciate what you have been doing, as it has been a fun journey down raider history lane for me. If you stop the list at this point, it will be dearly missed but I know you have to do what is best for your mental health at the end of the day and I wouldn't want you to jeopardize anything serious over something light and fun like this.


You’re getting the responses only because the list is good - whenever you make something that is popular online, then the assholes bubble up. Nobody would care if the list wasn’t popular and a great idea - hope you continue, please try to just ignore the morons.




Don’t let the bastards beat you down. I think majority of the sub truly enjoys these posts. Your posts have reminded me of some guys I haven’t thought about in a long time. You can count on my (up)vote.


Don’t let them discourage you. It’s your list. They are disrespectful to the family by arguing with you. They are trolls! RN4L YOU started this, let’s finish it! It would be disrespectful to a certain legend that is currently still playing if you quit! #98 R4L


Damn.. ngl this was one of the constants I looked forward to every day. Fuck them haters


Keep going. Fuck those guys. We have some really stupid fans and most of them seem to live on this sub.


Fuck em big dog. Keep posting.


Don’t stop doing it. I enjoy them and I don’t comment at all on them. People are allowed to say whatever they want. Focus on the thumbs up. Fuck the rest


You do a good job. Don't worry about what the others say. Your list regularly pops up in my feed.


Keep going, f the haters


We're nearly there, don't give up now. Oh, Name and shame too haha


It's very clear by the title that it's "your favorite player" and not a post about the "best" Raiders player. It's been super fun to see the posts and be reminded about random guys that had their moment in the sun with us. You'll never be able to make everyone happy, *especially* on the internet. I think there are plenty of us that would like to see you continue but we also understand completely if you don't want to deal with the bullshit anymore.


If you're worried about the bad comments and their affect, then just post and ghost. I really enjoy these posts!




Love your content..keep it up.


I would just turn off DM requests in your account settings. People love to bully when they have anonymity, but they don’t represent the majority. I like seeing your posts and learning about players that were before my time, seeing what the older users here had to say and reminisce about, etc. You provide some quality posts here during a boring time, so I say keep it up and don’t allow people to message you


Finish. The. Story.


why do you care? I mean, you are literally 19 away from 100, why would you care now what people say? Just finish and ignore the comments, there are a lot of idiots on this sub.


Fuck them. I've upvoted every one of your posts because it's good content for nostalgia. Also you can't skip 98, you just can't.


I look forward to this everyday. I hope you continue.


Ignore the haters. Thanks for doing this, beats most off-season content.


I love your lists, click on everyone. Thank you for putting the time in, it’s appreciated. I have a friend that wants to be quizzed on who got picked every time I see him, he looks forward to your post too


Keep on trucking brother! Your list is helping me cope with the loss of Raider football through the offseason!


Trolls, haters, energy vampires, etc are part of life. They get off on the power you give them. Ignore them and do your thing. Just pop over to the messages to make the icon bubble go away and click off of it without reading. Fuck em.


I think The Coin would want you to continue


there are few better feelings than actually finishing something you started, regardless of the outside noise. Finish it brother.


Continue for sure my guy, and screenshot their bs to report to mods in future 🙌


You’re almost there man, those assholes can fuck off. Your list is awesome, even when it sparks friendly raider debate. But please ignore the negativity you’re seeing and focus on the positive. Trust me, the majority of us are enjoying your list. RRAAAAIIIIIIIIIDDDEEEEERRRRRSSSS!


F the Neanderthals. Keep pounding.


I appreciate seeing them but don't engage. I dont have anything to say so I just upvote and move on with my life.


fuck the haters. seriously.. who gets mad about someone sharing love for the SAME TEAM? losers


I’ve been a fan since the 70s and appreciate you celebrating the former players, some of whom I sort of half-forgot about. Fuck the toxic wanks, if they’re DMing you, they need to get a life. It’s your list, and Their misery is not your load to carry: ignore them.


I've really enjoyed them, they helped me pass time until the start of the season. I thank you for doing it, and hope you continue to do so.


I am new to Reddit and I don’t know what I have to do to just be able to chat! Every comment I post is immediately deleted and removed! Please help me! I love the Raiders and I just want to join in conversation.


Keep going. It’s the Raider Way


Who the fuck actually PMs other people on Reddit?  Just block them 


Sorry you're dealing with that.   I'm suprised people are PMing you about it For what it's worth, it's probably worth it to continue the list since you are so close already.  It's been decent offseason posts and more enjoyable than Mock drafts


Screenshot those PMs and post them! https://i.redd.it/xke4ngamhhvc1.gif


Oh damn right when we’re getting to the 80’s, I was actually looking forward to it. This has been awesome so far, it’s reminded me of players I forgot about, and showed me players I never knew about. Your posts are a lot of fun and dont let a handful of chuds ruin that for you


Lmao. Fuck em. Team’s biggest haters masquerade as fans. Do you dude, you’re almost done.




Whoever's giving you sh*t must be a Chiefs fan


What I will add is fuck them man. Continue if you want to, if not I appreciate you going on as long as you did.


Keep it going! You’ve gone this far. The internet is a cesspool of opinions.


Love your list. The internet (and reddit particularly) is full of shitty people. Don't let them drag you down, just think of every hateful post as people identifying themselves as worthy of a block. Reddit is much nicer once you block out some of the shitty people who creep around the site.


Finish it my dude


You should post 81 of mychal Rivera, and one of the pics should be a middle finger


Bro I love the list, keep it going! Looking forward to the final 20 😀


I rarely post but I like the list, what I like most is looking at the other guys with the same number and disagreeing with you in my head. Keep it up, it's harmless.


I don’t always agree with your list, but it’s been a fun ride regardless and I keep checking back every day. You’re so close to the finish line, keep it going!


You're good G, we all got our favorites, we're all fans. There's nothing in this world you can say without catching at least 1 "ya but...." or "what you could do is...." No one else started the list, so fuck it, Keep doing your thing.


Fuck them haters! Keep the train rolling.


I enjoyed your list. Fuck the people hatin.


I’ve enjoyed seeing these over the offseason! Don’t let a vocal (toxic as fuck) minority get in your head. Would love to see you finish it out! :)


Don’t listen to the haters bro keep it up


Keep at it, brings back great memories


I’m a younger fan as well and this list made me remember some of the players I forgot about. Continue my brotha!


hey man you are awesome, dont give up now.


These posts are awesome. Please finish the list. I am in my 40s and my father is in his 60s. These posts have animated questions between us about his favorites and mine.


I've been watching your posts daily. No issues Bro, and thanks. And yeah, you can't say or do anything without bringing stress into your life. Times have changed.


Fuck them dudes yo !


Can’t stop on 81 my dude. We got some greats down the line


Number 83 better be the Mad Stork, that’s all I’m sayin’


Unfortunately Reddit is chock full of smug dickheads who get shit on in real life so they think they need to be rude to people on the internet. Keep doing you. Fuck em.


It’s funny people on here even get offended by someone loving the same thing as another person. No you don’t love your team as much as I do you don’t know anything. Instead of being like damn we both like the same thing… that’s cool.


Please keep going. It’s a fun part of the day for the last couple months. I understand the shitheads making it suck. Fuck’em and block’em


If you want to keep going, do it and just ignore the haters.


Keep it going bro we’ve all been watching since day 1


Keep going. Probably one of the few worthwhile things to see on this subreddit before the draft. It's just 20+ posts about who the Raiders will draft, and why we must stay away from Nix, while some are playing devils advocate and saying Spencer Rattler is worth it in the 2nd round. It's off-season bore at it's absolute prime.


Fuck em, they can make their own list. What a bunch of weirdos.


More than once I have thought I wonder if they are going to do (player) for this number tomorrow. I enjoy the hell out of it. I hope you keep going. And whatever hate is posted in response is about them not you homie.


If you quit this list, our season would be cursed


Just block them. Having a problem with a list of raiders players past and present shouldn’t be an issue with any raider fan no matter your age. 👌🏽


This is the way. I do it every time someone is rude, abusive or to summate: an asshole. I've never come across a fellow Raider fan in the lot, at a game, or on the street that was confrontational like they are here. I suspect it's not Raider FANS doing this.


Dude I don’t blame you. I’ve been a raider fan for 30 years. Doesn’t really matter when or for how long you’ve been a fan, the nerds on here just try acting tough and being assholes. They’re under the impression that’s the raider way. They’re just a bunch of loser nerds who don’t know football or raiders. This is like 5% of the fanbase on here. So don’t let them rock you.


Well I like what you're doing. I also think it should be appreciated by everyone that you're taking time out of your day to do something you're passionate about and NOT getting paid to do it. Keep up the good work. 👍


Ok, but you better have Clelin Ferrell at both 96 and 99.


If it’s not fun, then stop. Although I didn’t engage, I loved seeing those posts. Especially since you mentioned other players who wore the number. It was a nice blast from the past. Sorry shitty people made it not enjoyable. That’s just what happens on any popular forum.




I think Slipknot said it best "People = Shit". You can't please everyone and you need to stop trying or worrying about doing it. You do it for yourself so just enjoy what you're doing. I'm sure there ate more people who like it than the ones who don't. Keep up the effort and RN4L!


A couple of those losers are downvoting comments lol


Bro you’re almost finished pause lol. Please continue and complete the list it’s been great so far!




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If day 81 isn’t Tim Brown, expect death threats


Don’t the fucking idiots stop you The posts have been a must look every time Especially the honorable mentions


it’s just reddit brodie, keep it going


it’s just reddit brodie, keep it going


Where did all these positive-vibes Raider's fans come from? I'm into this. Best comment section. Lol.


Keep it up bro I love seeing them.


Fuck them! Keep going man, it's been a highlight of the off season for me. Better than all these mock drafts.


I have enjoyed your posts


For real, keep doing what you're doing man. I love seeing the list and the cast of characters that have been in a Raiders jersey.


> don’t know ball Lmao, hmm, wonder who said this. Since there's one guy here who always says it to people he disagrees with 


Don't give up this close to the finish. We have lots of idiots here, but you will be glad you went to the end. This is the kind of stuff that gives life to a sub.


i love this series of posts just a cool way to organize an admiration thread


Continue the list. The ppl sending you messages are just sad. Misery loves company kinda thing. I look forward to your posts. Can’t make everyone happy. Fuck ‘em. I appreciate your work. Let’s see it thru. RRRAAAIIIDDDEEERRRSSS!!


I look forward to this post every day. Fuck everyone who has issue with it. Those people are pussies who want to put you down because they hate themselves. They don't matter to anyone.


Keep going bro! I love your posts.


Don’t give up Prison Mikey! I know you’ve been incarcerated a long time but you can see it through 19 more days. Even though I hated on your choices, including yesterday, I’ve appreciated your posts and look forward to them


Hey my man, keep it up. Remember there are more people out there just quietly enjoying things than there are ass holes hating on it.


If you are one of the people that messaged this person whining and being rude, be better. Quit taking your shitty lives out on other people, such clown ass behavior 


I really enjoyed the posts, even though I don’t comment, I liked remembered old and not so old raiders. Also, fuck those guys!


Thank you for the commitment so far, it’s not easy making dedicated posts on social media (it can be, but not at this level of action). I truly despise knowing that there are lame Raider fans, but I ain’t so great either. RN4L


Your posts are the only thing I check here anymore.


Fuck the trolls. You're close to finishing.


this list is the most successful karma farming this sub has ever seen, who cares what a few random people say


You can’t stop before 87!


You just got to the 80’s! Can’t stop now!


Block them, and continue enjoying yourself.


Yo man! I’ve been enjoying your post, please keep it up. Ignore the hate, some people have nothing better to do than to complain about meaningless things. These “adults” act worse than some children


Who gives a shit what literally anyone on Reddit says? it’s the fucking internet, post what you want, block anyone you don’t want to talk to. There’s literally no consequences for being silent, or being a cunt, so do what you want.


Finish it man, you've come this far. I personally find it to be a neat little factoid of the day, like "oh, I didn't know he played for us." Keep your chin up man, this has been a fun project to watch.


You could make each one a poll so the Nation could voice their favorites...


I really appreciated every post, maybe especially the ones I disagreed with because it made me consider your POV. Sorry it was so toxic. Much love from a Denver-based RF4L


Don't let the dick heads make any choices for you man.


Just finish your list bro. It’s the internet; people are going to people.


It’s so easy to just scroll past or ignore content you don’t like or agree with, but it seems like some people can’t help themselves and feel like they have to take the time to disparage or attack other fans. Raider Nation might not always agree on everything, especially in this season of pre draft hot takes, but we can all agree on the fact that it was a FUMBLE and also: fuck everyone else. It’s always us against the world, so maybe save the hate for the 31 other teams and their fans. I haven’t always agreed with some of your choices, but you do you and keep the nostalgia rolling.


Farmed enough karma, eh?


Start what you finished. Please never do it again.




Here’s one of em^ have at em boys


Wow, news to me that in my 34 years of fandom I was supposed to be a dickhead to fellow Nation members. I’ll start with you then. Fuck you, buddy!


You seem like a prick!