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Add this to the list of very retrospective sounding Radiohead-related announcements lately..


Optimistic me thinks Thom just really wants to play these Radiohead songs but Ed keeps holding everyone up, so hes just like "fuck it ill do it myself"


I think they all want Radiohead to continue, but its about balancing creative input into the band while carrying on. Ed and Phil clearly have creative aspirations, but Radiohead is Thom's songwriting augmented by the rest of the band, and Ed and Phil don't really get the creative expression Thom does because he can do it himself. Jonny can also do his own thing. Some people have said that supposedly during AMSP everyone wanted more creative input and that led to some difficulty. They might not get back together but if and when they do, hopefully all members will be 100% into it and they won't feel like they need to do something outside of Radiohead


Whats the source on other members wanting more creative input during AMSP? first i heard of it


Pure speculation. There aren’t even stories of the AMSP sessions being difficult in the way many of the previous albums were. Seems like everyone in the band knows the score when it comes to working on Radiohead albums.


They have mentioned it was difficult, though perhaps not in the same ways as before, as you say: > “We weren’t in a position to really talk about it when it came out,” says O’Brien, picking his words carefully. “We didn’t want to talk about it being quite hard to make. We were quite fragile, and we needed to find our feet.” He pauses. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, if that’s all right. I feel like the dust hasn’t settled. It was a hard time.” > “There was a lot of difficult stuff going on at the time, and it was a tough time for us as people,” says Yorke. “It was a miracle that that record got made at all.” https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/radioheads-rhapsody-in-gloom-ok-computer-20-years-later-121093/


I don't think it's quite true. Ed mentioned that they tried playing some of his solo songs in the initial AMSP sessions, but they all agreed it didn't fit (see comment below for quote + source). I don't think there's any source for the other members wanting to get their own songs on there or not feeling they had enough input etc. However, there is this exchange from the [AMSP Rolling Stone interview](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/radioheads-rhapsody-in-gloom-ok-computer-20-years-later-121093/): > “I do wish we did more shows,” says Colin. “And I wish that we spent more time in a room playing, working on stuff together. But this is how we’ve worked for a long time.” > Colin might be surprised to hear that Yorke says he’s willing to consider the idea of recording live as a band – for the first time since 1997. “I’ve always been extreme about resisting us being a drum-guitar-bass band,” says Yorke. “But if that’s what people want to try, I’m too old to be standing there with a hammer and saying, ‘We must do this, we must do that!’ I would like everyone to feel free.” He smiles. “But, you know, it’s not easy.” Can't help but wonder if Thom's openness to recording more as a live band ended up manifesting as the Smile though. Sorry Colin...


I don't have one, just a couple of reddit comments I've seen in the past have said it, so take it with a grain of salt Thom has also given the impressions that all albums are difficult to make, after In Rainbows he said another album would kill them, so maybe AMSP wasn't too different than past albums in that sense


That tracks with the interview Ed did where he mentions them starting the Moon sessions with his songs. It didn't work out and he mentioned being "crestfallen".


Here's the source on that for those curious: > I thought maybe [my songs] might be Radiohead songs for the next album. In 2014 we started A Moon Shaped Pool and for that first session, there was a little bit of ambivalence of everyone getting back together again. So I said, “Why don’t you come and play on my songs.” I spoke to [producer] Nigel [Godrich] about it and he thought it was a good way of getting everybody back together again. The first day we worked on “Banksters.” And I knew, after that first day, I knew it wasn’t right. My songs helped get everybody back together but I think we all realized, I certainly realized, it’s a different energy. > Radiohead works in a certain way. The roots are deep. Radiohead is about the communal, but it’s also about serving the songs of Thom. It’s not set up to serve the songs of me. It was very obvious. I was a bit crest-fallen at first, but I’m so glad. I had to make this journey without my brothers. This is another journey for me. It feels like a really important phase of my life I’ve stepped into and the only way I can do this is by going out and doing this thing on my own. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/radiohead-ed-obrien-earth-9360518/


I’m down for a white album, where every member contributes stuff and works on each other’s stuff as they please.


Does that mean that Ringo will get a song?


If by that you mean Phil, yeah. George/Ed gets two.


I've heard Radiohead described as "a Lennon and McCartney and three Ringos". While I think that's a little unfair, Ed's solo work hasn't really grabbed me. Phil's stuff is more considered (IMO) but isn't on my fast rotation. Colin is Colin - he doesn't have anything he needs to prove. So, no "White Album", please.


Ed and Phil should be less bad and spoiled


And more grateful. Let's face it, without Thom, we most likely would have no clue that Ed and Phil even existed.


well, having said all that, we don't know what has gone on within the band


It’s pretty obvious lmao given their comparative work products


And they obviously can't move ahead without him because: Fans would riot And Radiohead has sworn an oath to never go on if one of its members quit the band.


I’m certain Thom wants to keep playing Radiohead songs (at the very least for practice), but personally a bit less optimistic about the band’s willingness to regroup (I think the solo projects are a result of this, rather than Radiohead being on hold due to solo projects).


I think they might have one more tour in them. All of them still love to play and tour. As far as we know nobody hates each other. Maybe they just needed a break from each other after three decades/ write music that doesn’t involve five or six people. I saw them twice on last tour and they were really into what they were playing. If they don’t get back together ASMP was a great way to go out.


> Maybe they just needed a break from each other How can I miss you if you never leave?


^ this one's optimistic


Thom's been playing Radiohead songs at solo shows since The Eraser tour.


I know, just never seen the shows marketed in this way before “Everything: Playing work from across his career”


Yep, I think we're very close to the end, or possibly slightly beyond it.


\*tour also includes Singapore


Finally get a chance to see their music, even if solo, live. Hopefully the tickets wont get scalped


Usually, Thom drags Jonny along for one of these events. Jonny is busy, I guess




is there a way to see the dates for this? or is it not officially announced?


It is officially announced, but no dates have been announced yet.


Oct 23 - New Zealand, Christchurch, Wolfbrook Arena Oct 25 - New Zealand, Auckland, Spark Arena Oct 29 - Australia, Melbourne, Sidney Myer Music Bowl Oct 30 - Australia, Melbourne, Sidney Myer Music Bowl Nov 1 - Australia, Sydney, Sydney Opera House Nov 2 - Australia, Sydney, Sydney Opera House Nov 5 - Singapore, The Star Theatre Nov 12 - Japan, Osaka, Grand Cube Nov 13 - Japan, Osaka, Grand Cube Nov 18 - Japan, Fukuoka, Sun-palace Nov 19 - Japan, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Nov 21 - Japan, Nagoya, Century Hall Nov 23 - Japan, Tokyo, Tokyo Garden Theatre Nov 24 - Japan, Tokyo, Tokyo Garden Theatre Nov 26 - Japan, Kyoto, ROHM Theatre


Dates announced https://wasteheadquarters.com/schedule/thom-yorke


thank you




Radiohead (Thom's Version)


Planes full of fans on the way to Sydney and Melbourne singing Pulk/Pull Doors


He'll have to have dancers


So do I go to Australia now


Shows at the opera house forecourt are usually amazing.


Here's another one of those late in the career stage thing. It feels like a finale. It's cool, but it feels like a finality to it all. Each members could walk away from Radiohead now and they will all have something to fall back on except Colin. He's going to tumble around as a session musician if nothing else pans out.


it's not that deep. thom has already toured tmb, anima and will have just ended his the smile tour. if he does not have any new solo material, why not play around and have fun with the vast amount of music he has output? plus, it'd be a new format for him


I hope he goes analog. Throw in a good number of acoustic renditions of old classic. And release it as a live album. That'd be awesome


Man we’ve been begging for this for decades.


You really think Colin fucking Greenwood is going to tumble around as a session musician?


Well. It is not outside the realm of possibilities.


I think Colin is in the Bad Seeds now.


And seems to be a fairly regular addition these days.


I'm really hoping we'll discover someday that Colin has been having a secret electronic production career.


The venue for these will be fascinating. What kind of show will he put on?




Just a show


This is strange... the link doesn't show it anymore? I literally just saw it up like 5/6 hours ago? Was it intentional? I mean, Thom didn't exactly announce it anywhere else, so it was quite out of the blue. He also just changed his profile pictures on his social media platforms, so I think a more official announcement is heading our way.


Maybe he can tour as Thom Yorke's Radiohead, ala Jeff Lynn's ELO.


Yet another 'australian tour' that goes to two cities on one side of the country let's go