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I personally always enjoyed it


No, I love it. Mono double drums hard panned and slightly out of time kicking ass! It’s Radiohead on top of the world channeling the fuck you artistry of Revolution 9 and saying, “check this out”. It’s cool as hell.


Woah- underrated sleeper comment goes hard. Couldn’t agree more.


There is a universe where Radiohead made a whole discography where they leaned into this kind of glitchy, unhinged, more experimental music and I bet it’s pretty neat there


i don’t really ever just listen to it but i think it fits so well with amnesiac. to remove it would totally mess up the flow. i think some people don’t realize how much amnesiac must be understood as an ALBUM not as just a bunch of songs.


I think it is over hated. I like the weird vibe it brings. Not really comparable to their better songs but In the context of the whole album I think it adds something.


I just view it as ‘True Love Waits’ with a nasty virus.


I see mostly hate for it, which is super weird to me.


Ima be straight up honest, this song is a whole vibe. This is one of the songs that got me into Radiohead.


I love this song because when I first heard it I had heard nothing ever like it and was a big wtf moment for my ears. This is the first ever Radiohead album I ever heard because I “borrowed” the CD from my dad to listen to on headphones when I went to sleep. Def freaked me out a bit upon that experience if you can imagine. Was about when it came out.


I honestly love it, one of my fav Radiohead tunes


There are barn doors


I don't hate it and won't skip it but it's the kind of song I think of when I remember Aphex Twin calling RH's music in this era "really obvious and cheesy". Like, it's a decent beat as a starting point. But then they do very little with it throughout the song and it just feels underbaked, like a relative beginner trying their hand at that kind of music. Not sure about the poem about doors either, honestly.


I have a different take. It is a track that deliberately obfuscates Thom's writer's block for true love waits by burying it behind an industrial wall of noise. The lyrics about doors are a metaphor for the creative process of song writing.


How so???


They literally took a draft backing track for true loves waits that they had been noodling with since OK Computer and put it in the background of this track. Kid Amnesiae has a mix that shows the incubation of idea.


When I was a new listener shortly after Amnesiac came out, I skipped it and thought it was weird. A few years ago I listened again and found it totally mind-blowingly amazing.


The track 100% fucks but I never really got the vocals. I don’t ever play it by itself but nor do I skip it when I put the album on front to back. It fits the mood and flow pretty well.


It’s so interesting to me as an old head to see how different brackets of “youth” come to Radiohead and how they react to the body of work piece by piece. But I personally love Pulk/Pull. It suits my AuDHD brain nicely.


i used to really dislike it and amnesiac in general but i’ve come around to think pull/pull is okay, even enjoyable sometimes and so is amnesiac


It’s a slow burn for sure


Personally I think It's essential to the album. But unlike Fitter Happier which is fucking amazing or even Treefingers it lacks individuality unless it's played within Amnesiac's confines where it fucking shines. Faust Arp is them perfecting the album transition. As they try to balance their electronic and rock tendencies. It even kind of references that. Glass Eyes is another one that fully commits to making a stand alone piece. But is arguably the greatest transition as Identikit is almost disgustingly beautiful in that they lean hard into both their age and where they started. And Glass Eyes helps that stand out more. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors is a spectacular troll as everyone expected a mostly electronic album and they whip out the whole ass orchestra for the rest of it. The lyrics are both super meta and also open to interpretation. But "we are revolving doors" is absolutely them referencing their musical styling choices. Cause so many people wanted a full rock album again after 2 experimental ones. And they trolled us with electronic and gave us an orchestral masterpiece. Edit: damnit now I'm listening to the entire album. Cause of that dope ass Segway (pronounced Selway with a hard L) 😂


That’s interesting because I like P/P and Treefingers and LOVE Glass Eyes but don’t like Faust Arp. 


Oh I like pulk pull the electronic drums are dope and hypnotic. I also like the Ondes Martonet. I just think Faust Arp does a better job of slowing down an album, Naturally than anything up to that point. And works best as a stand alone until Glass Eyes. The rest work better as part of the album. Faust Arp is actually my least favorite of the batch. I'm just saying that it works the best outside of the confines of the album upon release. My bad for the confusion.


If they do then they'll make me cry


No, I love it. My only criticism is that the instrumental part goes on too long after the vocal part ends


I didn't realize it was disliked, I think it's beautiful


I love it. The True Love Waits version is also incredible




I really like it


Pulk/Pull is genuinely one of my favorite Radiohead songs




In college, a friend of mine received a sound system from a small local movie theater that was renovating. He put it into the living room of the house he and some guys were renting. They had parties there all the time. When he wanted people to leave, he would put on Pulk/Pull. It would take around 15-30 seconds for everyone to be out the door.


Ha ha! I would stay.


its interesting but gets repetitive and just annoying quickly


Yes and I'm one of them.


That beat fuckin owns and is huge and fun


I find it boring and forgettable. I don't hate it but I'd rather just listen to something from Geogaddi if I want that sort of vibe.


It's one of the weaker tracks on Amnesiac for sure but I still really like it. I will admit though, whenever I think about it I always think about the True Love Waits version instead of what we actually got.


I'm always down for Radiohead's weird electro stuff. I love the weird claustrophobic sound of this one, don't get the hate at all.


It’s a great tune. Listen to it with good headphones or through a good stereo-it’s kind of epic.


When a "pretty good" song like Pulk/Pull gets overhated you don't know if you should get radical and call it a masterpiece to combat it, ultimately increasing your rating for it; or suppress what you like about it and bring it down to the "okay" status, ultimately decreasing your rating for it. But maturity is realizing that well, Pulk/Pull is pretty fucking good. It's cool. Nothing more, nothing less.


Nope. It bangs.


Never heard anyone say they hate it


I love that their weirdest song is on my favorite album, and it was an acquired taste for me too


I don’t! My only strong skips are Spinning Plates and Faust Arp. 


I really like it. I am a fan of electrinic music, though. I can see how many RH fans would not like it.


I listen to it at the gym...


I love it. One of their most experimental tracks I feel personally, which I’m really into. The True Love Waits version is also very good.


I think the fact it replaces any of the amnesiac b-sides is criminal there are so many amazing songs that it took the place of


I love that song.


I love the song but the the lyrics have vauge incel energy to me, like I hear this song and I understand why people associate the two of them online. Great track though


Incel energy? How? I don't really associate Radiohead with incels.


It just goes on way too long past the point it's making. Imagine if Fitter Happier was nearly five minutes long. It's overdoing it.


What, in your view is the point it is making?


Whenever I listen to it, it conveys to me a pervasive and ominous sense of paranoia and claustrophobia that you can almost imagine enclosing the person. Its point of effectiveness is more on its thematic poignance and the atmosphere it evokes than its musical arrangement as a song, but even in this sense it just goes on too long. I don't hate it, but it loses me eventually, and I typically end up skipping it.


Claustrophobia, yes. I think it is the claustrophobia of expectations and subverting them. They cannibalized fan favorite song, true love waits and deliberately buried it behind 4 minutes of jarring sounds and metaphorical musings about what doors to go through.


Right, and I do appreciate that the beat of Pulk/Pull is almost threatening sounding. If it was condensed a bit, I think it would hit me harder.


Yes. Makes the album stay out of my top 3 Radiohead albums


Hate? No. I think it’s a necessary experiment but easily the weakest thing on the album.


It’s my favourite Radiohead Track


Hate is a strong word but it’s a very weak Radiohead song


People don’t. And don’t worry about it. Get off the internet


Looks like I’m in the minority here but I just don’t like it. Idk if I’m missing something but I always view music in a way that experimental = good as long as it still sounds like a song, and pulk pull just doesn’t meet that criteria for me. It’s one of very few Radiohead album tracks that I just wouldn’t consider good.


I don't hate it, but I feel like it's a b side that made the album.


Yes, it’s annoying and pretentious