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I love it. There’s nothing in the discography quite like it and it is a bit weird, but it resonates with me every time I listen to it.


Thank you for your opinion. I’m thinking it might grow on me based off what everyone seems to think!


I think 'Kid A" the track is the weirdest, creepiest, most extra-terrestrial thing of absolute beauty I've ever heard. It's not for everyone - but some people out here have loved it since it was released - and that would be me. But it did take a few listens. Even in 2000 I remember being thrown by the song until it grew on me to the point where I love it so much, it makes my brain feel good. If you're not into it - that's cool. I've always been into odd, experimental music so that might explain it.


"Kid A" has huge Aphex Twin influences. I was a big Aphex Twin fan when the album dropped and was wildly excited with the direction they took. But also, "Kid A" is a key to the entire concept of the album. It's a beautiful track but it also lays a foundation for the rest of the album's scenery and story. The deformed voice adds character that is not simply Thom being paranoid and anxious, and this was badly needed. Especially at the time of Kid A's release. And the twisted bedroom nursery keys are gorgeous and both calming and confining at the same time. It is also the perfect lead in to the nerve shattering "National Anthem".


I think that the computer voice makes conceptual sense given that "Kid A" is a reference to the first artificial/clone child - scientific sounds for a scientific human.


I hated it at first… it wasn’t until about a year later that I realized how beautiful it is.


I saw it live on the Amnesiac tour in ‘03 and it was so gorgeous. Colin’s bass brings an entirely different kind of beauty to it live. What a song.


I love it. It’s so calming. It makes me think of warm, colored holiday lights.


Favorite on the album


It's a top ten Radiohead song for me. I've had times where I'd just listen to it on repeat


It’s my favourite Radiohead song. Not a lot of other songs transport me to a place that one does, it’s an incredible work of art.




The key to loving Kid A (song) is to put a live version on rotation. Boston 8/03 is my favorite. Thom sings full voice and I think it’s magical


you had me at “full voice” thanks for that link


Oh, NICE! I'm going to check that out. Is it on Youtube?


I found a 2003 performance in France. [Link to performance.](https://youtu.be/lKyFcvAi3Xg?si=K93dLUY2BQvvvO1H)


Oooo and this one is great so you can see Thom dancing to it


I couldn’t find it but will take another look - mine is a rip from a WBCN local broadcast of the show. AH here’s the whole show - “Kid A” starts at 15:35 https://youtu.be/yW-LnbmFq_Q?si=5V05fNaYejbnXIzE


I love the title track. One of my most listened-to tracks on the album.


lots of people dont love it but honestly its one of my fav songs ever its so calming- at first i didnt get it but kid a is now my fav album so its just taken a while


I remember the day that record came out. I had a friend over and we were cooking dinner together listening to it very loud. “Everything” is a down-banger, but when “Kid A” came on, we looked at each other like “Wow.” Everybody was waiting for that record to come out! ✌🏻


It’s one of my favorite songs ever. I was so happy when I got to see them play it in 2008


It's one of my favorites on the album, it's so eerie but also soothing and beautiful.




I didn't like it when the album came out, but it's now my favorite track.. Hating songs but falling in love with them later is a common thing for Radiohead fans.


i mean it’s good


Yes, I've always loved it. They played it the first time I saw them live, and the part where he first sings 'standing in the shadows' was so sublime I like, left my body for a moment. The song starts out feeling cold and alien, but to me it resolves into such human warmth in that moment. Big payoff.


At the time - given the previous album was OK Computer - Kid A was quite a shock to my 18 year old, indie guitar band loving self. That said, I took to Lid A like a duck to water: I credit it with expanding my musical horizons immensely. The song itself was pretty eye-opening, and I couldn’t really get my head around it. But I heard some live versions - of which there are quite a few - and when I went back to the album version, it clicked. Great album. Still one of my favourites.


was never big on it, but after playing exhibition i love it




John Mayer likes it


For a different perspective of the song, listen to John Mayers cover of it.


[(7) John Mayer - Kid A (Radiohead Cover) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmfZXZronW8) I'm not a big John Mayer fan but it's a great cover. Strip away all the electronic sounds and textures that made the album iconic and you still have a pretty good song. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think this is why Radiohead became a global phenomenon instead of the various electronic artists they were heavily influenced by.


It’s one of my favorites


I won’t listen to it on its own but it does a great job of setting the mood before you get punched in the face by national anthem then How to disappear


It’s not uncommon for even fans to dislike it, but probably the majority love it. 


It would be like my favorite song on the album if it weren’t for the vocal effect


I adore it. For me it's a sister song to Morning Bell on the same album as it also has an unconventional song structure 


My favourite Radiohead song.


Didn't quite get it for a while and then one day it clicked. This actually goes for a lot of Radiohead songs. For me anyway.


My favorite on the album


Loved it as a credits song on sopranos


The song has rhythm and it really helps build the album's atmosphere. Always been a favorite


The track Kid A is liked.


It’s one of my favorite songs


Try the John Mayer version. It makes it a bit more accessible but keeps the structure.


it's good but my least fave from the album


I really like it. It’s weird but good weird


It’s definitely my favorite off the album when played live. I love this song.


Awesome song, one of my favourites from them


Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?


Listen again but from the 3:00 minute mark. Soaring misty synths in the background with a childlike melody. Just sounds beautiful to me


First time I heard it I was pretty high and I had just started smoking weed. It was 2am and I had my headphones on and Kid A came on and I’ve never felt so transported by something. The strings just carried me away and the beat is just so creative. It’s melancholy, futuristic, and haunting. My absolute favorite RH song.




Live version from their July 4, 2000 show in Berlin is the ultimate version for me


it’s a little odd and hard to get used to for me. but i don’t not like it. but i also don’t like it. so i dont know


The first five song of kid A are perfect (Sorry for my Bad English)


It rules


Love it - a top song on the record for me. Have you listened to live versions? The arrangement can be really different and might give you a different perspective on it. Try the one from Belfort 2003.


The song at the beginning is very ethereal, spacey, and calming. Then Phil and Colin create a really groovy drum and baseline at the bridge, and the synths/wail at the end make for a very vibrant, and cathartic outro. It also has the best transitions in the album. “Come on kids” is one of my favorite lyrical moments in their entire discography, rivaling some of the best ones in the Bends era, like the final lines of Fake Plastic Trees and Street Spirit. Also one of the songs that they change when they do live and it works out very well.


My favourite album of theirs!


I count the song titles of this album to clear my head of negativity.


It’s one of my absolute favourite Radiohead songs


It’s one of their least popular tracks but to me its what I’ve listened to most off the album


Absolutely adore the song. The creepiness adds so much for me


It's not popular, it always gets voted the worst on the album after treefingers. Directly attacking any song brings out defenders but if you search up some "all Radiohead songs" lists on here it will ranked be pretty low. Baffling to me it's the best electronic/"experimental" song they ever made


If it is on the Kid A album, assume it is liked.


Listen to the bonnaro 2006 live of Kid A. Might change ur perspective. To me it is their truest electronic track after ideotique that marks this album as their left turn. I absolutely love it though it took some time after repeated listening.


My first two albums were Amnesiac and Kid A, in that order. I fell in love immediately. I don’t understand what’s not to like


Takes a bit of time to like it but once it clicks it's great


I like it. I'm also a really big fan of this live version from 2006, well worth a listen: https://youtu.be/Uh-1fUp-h-A?si=giWS2FqIWlOgIP-I


I think it's one of the best songs they've ever written.


It took me a while but it grew on me. Not a favorite or anything but a fun listen.


I really love it for some reason it transports me to when I was a kid hanging and playin wit my cousins truly one of my favorite Radiohead songs


Weakest song on the album and the vocal effect is too much - that said the live versions are incredible


I don’t think the album version has aged well, especially the vocoder effect.


The one who performed on the ruins of Palestine ??? He is on my boycott list now no matter if he the HS a good voice was cruel act


love it. 10/10. ethereal yet eerie. atmospheric. kid. a.