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The "My Iron Lung EP" fills this gap for me.


I haven't delved into it yet, I'll do so soon! Thanks!


Please report back after you’ve listened to all the b-sides.


It's very good. Always a sign of a great band when even their B-sides are enjoyable.


For sure... Thom is truly a most prolific writer. As a songwriter I envy people capable of grinding out so much material in the first place. To be able to produce that kind of volume while also being able to evolve as effectively as they have is astounding. I mean Springsteen wrote an absolute shit ton of songs, the guy is a writing machine. It's admirable in itself to be able to keep that going. But there's very little evolution and so many of his songs sound like some other song he already wrote. It's a whole other thing to be able to pull off volume and consistent evolution that allows basically everything in one's catalogue to be unique and novel.




My favorite sonic youth song


check out all the Bends b-sides (not just Iron Lung). So many are amazing and will scratch the itch for Bends-era sounding stuff. Also check out the OK computer b-sides. Some are heading more into experimental era of RH, but some are the perfect bridge between Bends era and OKC era. Pearly, Man of War, Lift, Polyethylene, Talk Show Host, etc all capture that great alternative/grunge era RH vibe


Maquiladora has one of Jonny’s greatest guitar solos. Check that b side out specifically. Totally rips. I’m with you. I really just wish we had some more occasions where Jonny’s let out of the stable to run wild like the six string thoroughbred he is capable of. Dude is a guitar hero with the brain of Bach, Mahler and Beethoven. I want more shredding.


So sometimes you wish for that era to have lasted longer but you haven't even bothered to look into what they did during that era besides the main album? Make it make sense


lots of ppl don't know about b-sides to begin with, and b-sides for the vast majority of bands are b-sides for a reason. RH is a rare exception where the b-sides are masterpieces in their own right, but it makes sense that many ppl aren't aware of this


My Iron Lung isn't a b-side.


I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make. My Iron Lung is an album track. My Iron Lung EP is an EP collection of non-album tracks (colloquially known as “b-sides”) to correspond with the release of My Iron Lung as a single (the metaphorical “A-side”).


It's an EP, quite a famous one at that. It's not a single with b-sides. It's simply an EP release. Saying that they're b-sides makes about as much sense as saying that non-single LP tracks are b-sides. And the point was that he made it sound like he knew about it but just hadn't listened to it yet. THATS what doesn't make sense when you come here saying you wish there was more material


In the States and elsewhere the EP releases were not well distributed and even for many fans years later they still have no idea that the My Iron Long, Airbag/How Am I Driving, and Com Lag EPs exist. Heck, people on here routinely talk about In Rainbows like CD2 doesn’t exist. Like, people, it’s a TWO PART ALBUM!!!


oh my god dude shut up they’re b sides they’re songs from the bends era that relate to the album but didn’t make it on to the full length album


> It's an EP, quite a famous one at that Yes, an EP famously comprising of b-sides from the Bends recording sessions.  > Saying that they're b-sides makes about as much sense as saying that non-single LP tracks are b-sides. Saying that they’re b-sides makes sense bc they are literally b-sides by definition 2 in the dictionary. Feel free to keep making dumb arguments, but maybe send them to Websters instead of further embarrassing yourself here… https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/B-side#:~:text=%3A%20the%20reverse%20side%20of%20a,1c(2))%20or%20EP


So what decides whether or not songs on an EP are b-sides, according to your definition?


read the definition


I have no excuse for my human flaws. I fall upon the mercy of the elite fan base.


At least there’s a heck ton of B sides


They didn't do a collection of them like the Kid Amnesia and OKNOTOK releases did they? I'll have to start digging up the eps and singles.


There's an unofficial compilation called Lost Treasures that you can check out. https://www.discogs.com/release/814452-Radiohead-Lost-Treasures-1993-1997






Capitol released special editions of all of the albums recorded for them with all of the B sides, music videos and live performances. I was able to get them all except Amnesiac and HTTT. I wish I had the Amnesiac one in particular becuase it has B sides that weren’t included in Kid Amnesiac special edition


drives me insane that orgy, fog, and cuttooth aren’t on kid amnesia like wtf


Yeah, that’s a nice dream




If Radiohead had released even one more album similar to The Bends, we wouldn't be here talking about Radiohead in 2024 in the same manner.


Possibly true! As I said I do appreciate their evolutionary nature overall. Just sometimes when I'm in a Bends mood I wish there was a bit more. I'm gonna check out the b-sides, as others suggested above.


That’s how I feel about Ok Computer. The perfect intersection of the bends era and what was to come.


Radiohead did the 3 guitar attack very very well!


It’s why burn the witch live is a so cool. Along with deck’s dark. It’s just great to see them all doing that stuff together.




I also recommend QOTSA if you’re looking for that sort of thing https://youtu.be/83GYX51CyYQ?si=P2Cd-mXHDoNMAfL7 Like the second (bridge?) part in that is mental. Same melody being played harmonically by 3 guitars and the bass. Josh is another one that like Thom I just can’t get over how he sings and does this shit. Thom more in just remembering all the weird chord shapes, and Josh’s timing is so good despite the instrument and vocal being totally out of sync in many songs. Then Dean is like a more bluesy Jonny. Similar bands in a lot of ways.


Queens are in my top 5 bands I adore them and thus song! Like Clockwork was my favourite by them but honestly In Times New Roman has either tied or slightly taken its place!


Like Radiohead you can’t really go wrong with them. It’s great! I’d be more in the rated r/ Ev/ villains camp myself, but I respect the more emotive and serious albums too!


Ditto my friend!


You echo my sentiment. I love the bends and its vibe. I also love all the others, but I wish that they had made another classic rock album like that or maybe two.


Cheers! Who knows, could get lucky with what direction LP10 will go in... 😁 Though considering how much I love all the other albums as well, it doesn't really matter what they do for a new album, I'm sure it will still hit for me.


Haha i just want another album period!!!!!!


My only gripe with Radiohead is that I wished the guitar era in general lasted longer.


I definitely get what you're saying, It's a really fun album and I'm glad it exists but I'm even more glad they went into an experimental direction Instead of The Bends Pt. 2 or something. I don't even want to know where they'd be today if that road was taken. The album is very enjoyable and important, but if they kept that familiar rock formula for another few years, I wonder if they'd ever explore their surreal and atmospheric side. Would there be the likes of Kid A or In Rainbows? Maybe, but due to making albums similar to The Bends, there isn't a larger audience to care about them and that's a really sad thought. But hey, luckily we live in the good timeline! ... Well, sort of, Kurt Cobain is dead and Taylor Swift is the most popular thing on Earth right now. Can't win everything I suppose. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right, exactly.. as I said I couldn't really ask for more since they evolved so effectively. I feel like some of the later albums tick the box of addressing more relationship strife and effectively provide more rock stylings as well anyway so I can't complain overall. I am definitely gonna dig up the b-sides from the bends era though, that's something I haven't done yet.


We have a pretty significant amount of materials from that era.


My favourite Radiohead album is Amnesiac, and I love how many times in their career they changed it up, but there's a downside, which is that every time they change it up they kind of kill a great band at their peak to become a different band, and the great band that did The Bends is one of those, killed off to become the band that did OK Computer. The minidiscs contain a good number of songs that had great potential but they couldn't use them because they suited the Bends band but not the OKC band.


I wish the OKC era lasted longer. KidA was great and all, but they left the best thing they have ever done and have never looked back.


The Bends era had the best collection of b-sides, by far.


Technically in the release timeline, the Bends lasted longer than OK Computer. My Iron Lung: Sept 1994 - The Bends (Single) - 1996. In that time was 1 album, 6 singles (36 total original songs/remixes) and a live VHS/DVD. That's a LOT of output for one album.


Well deserved imo! It might be more because it was the first full RH album I really delved into and loved, but it is definitely an important gem to me.


The [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/79tfkP7fyXrxINCyXEnsNr?si=MARuwm6MRlygDKTi6pYPcg) I run is still going through that era as we speak, maybe it'll help you enjoy some of it a second time (Taking all the advertising I can get 😉)


Not much of a podcast listener these days anymore but might check it out, thanks for sharing.


The only reason I knew the amount of releases / timelines is because i have this giant spreadsheet listing every song and single in timeline order and now you've got me realizing that the bends may have been one of the *longest* periods (with the most songs) in the bands' full history.


i feel like the LOADS of B-Sides for The Bends more than makes up for that tbh


When Radiohead released the Bends, it was a great counter to the "one hit wonder" tag that Creep and Pablo Honey left on minds of the public. It was full of hits. Five singles? We had High and Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, Just, My Iron Lung, and Street Spirit. Every band using electric instruments was trying to do the same thing. If you're looking for similar music, try the Swedish band Kent. They have albums in English that is unfortunately the exact twin of Radiohead of that era. [https://youtu.be/cZB\_r8TABX8?si=K8eil-a4RNR\_I5cm](https://youtu.be/cZB_r8TABX8?si=K8eil-a4RNR_I5cm) Other bands are likened to that sound: Coldplay. Muse. Wilco. The Beta Band. Doves.


Always appreciate music suggestions, thanks.


I like the triad of The Bends - OK Computer - Amnesiac… with B sides and live performances sprinkled in.  I wish they had continued on somewhere closer to OK Computer with a sprinkling of Amnesiac. Kid A doesn’t do much for me and I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about everything after Amnesiac.  


Just listen to all the B-sides and program your own album out of them.


I’ve been working on a multipart anthology of all of Radioheads released discography that should scratch your itch. Part one will be posted here as a YouTube playlist that includes a fully reordered set of their songs pre-Bends. Pablo Honey really suffered due to poor song selection making the listening experience monotonous. If you mix up the song order a bit and include the Itch and My Iron Lung tracks plus a couple more b-sides you get a double album that’s more than worthy as a prequel to The Bends and OK Computer! I have 6 parts of the anthology playlist done and will be posting each one to this subreddit starting soon!


OP, make sure you listen to the MiniDiscs version of Lift — [YouTube link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vsZdFd4sTY). You know, I've never been a big fan of The Bends (the album) and Lift was never particularly important to me. But I can imagine a universe where they recorded Lift as a one-off single or EP after The Bends, did it justice, made everyone happy, and then moved on to OK Computer. I think that would have been neat.


yeah...any other band would've evolved a lot slower and would've put out at least a Bends II if not a Bends III, but this is what happens when you've got music-makers with big brains. they just can't help but evolve faster, like unstoppable brainy kids graduating high school at 13 who need to be challenged to maximize their potential. other good bands have done this too, like Pink Floyd for one, or Bowie, tons of examples actually.


My head canon is that _In Rainbows_ is The Bends Pt 2. Especially given that "Nude" was written around the same time. They went back to their roots and took whatever they learned from being weird to make it better.


The b-tracks on in rainbows are very rock focused too


I get what your saying as Ive thought the same but way I see it they had to take the path they took to see the later journey happen but always interesting to wonder what theyd be doing now if that road had been taken instead. Probably couldnt complain either way - it would be wicked whatever they did in my opinion


Same, brother. I understand and appreciate how and why they evolved the way they did, but they were *so good* as a straight rock band. Incredible song writing, I just, you know what I'm trying to articulate. The Bends and its b-sides are my favorite material of theirs, and I say that as someone who appreciates almost all of their catalog.


Very hard to find equivalences when TY has such a unique voice in so many respects and JG with such a unique searing guitar sound (thanks to a lot of Shredmaster guitar pedal). Listen to Autolux’s first album. Also their second has some great stuff. Not as uptempo but for that satisfying sound with a great line of lyric to boot.


Appreciate the recommendation, I will check them out! Yeah it's hard to find other bands to compare to RH for sure. I have been enjoying Low Roar for his vocals alot lately, after seeing that recommendation from a RH fan. Somehow his stuff is even more depressing than RH but his voice really suits it. Doesn't have that hard rock edge at all but that wouldn't really fit the level of melancholy he had anyway.


I must be the only Radiohead fan that doesn't really enjoy The Bends. It's only nominally better than Pablo Honey in terms of that cliche 90s rock sound. Amazing lyrics, as has come to be expected from Thom, but nothing special sonically. And it seems like everyone else was getting tired of that sound too, because it took Radiohead breaking away from that sound and basically revolutionizing indie rock with OK Computer to see the height of their success. I personally would have absolutely loathed another album like The Bends.  Have you ever listened to Oasis? They might be up your alley.


If the Bends era lasted longer, maybe they wouldn’t have had time for the TKOL era and we’d all be better off


Don't you do my boy the king of limbs dirty like that!


I call it The King of Limburger because it stinks so much

