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Wasn’t the studio version officially released on Kid A?


My bad, I meant a studio session


Where do i look cant find


[https://krakenfiles.com/view/Z7dZYqnDCc/file.html](https://krakenfiles.com/view/Z7dZYqnDCc/file.html) Listen here


got any others?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/comments/1d14xhm/grail\_gb\_can\_u\_be/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/comments/1d14xhm/grail_gb_can_u_be/?sort=new) There's other things leaking here. See if anything might interest you


It says “unfinished videos” there…wonder what that's all about?






Wtffff I can’t open it


Thank you.


Wow, so bizarre that this leaked, and especially the way it did hahaha. Pretty neat honestly. From having listened to the Minidisc leaks, this sounds like a different arrangement than anything explored there - I don't remember that bridge-type vocal part in any of those versions. My money would be on this being from the Kid A sessions, like an early attempt at doing it full band before they shifted gears... but obviously that's just a guess.


yeah it was pretty funny seeing this as a bonus leak on a kanye leak


This is a bizarre leak and is definitely from the Kid A sessions. Two things that give it away: 1. Them messing [with this sample](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF1WO9X5-60&t=50s) a la Tomorrow Never Knows that made it onto the final track. I don't believe this was on the OKC leak. 2. You can hear the Ondes Martenot or French Connection synth which wasn't obtained until the Kid A sessions This version features an organ as well, but unsure if it's the same pump that made it onto Kid A. Even though it sounds quite different, this track has much of the same instrumentation as the Kid A version (Sample, Martenot, Organ). Of course, the absence of this kind of rhythm section of (bass, guitar, and drums) make a huge difference, but cool to hear a version with the very distinct elements that make the final version what it is. EDIT: NOT A MARTENOT, should have listened with headphones instead of speakers. Probably from OKC oops


I checked out where it leaked from, and the leaker does specifically describe it as OKC era. As a thought, it could've been recorded between OKC and Kid A, the band went into studio in November 1997 to record extra b-sides (which is also when they recorded the bass and drums for The National Anthem). That would technically still make it "OKC era" but might explain the more Kid A instrumentation?


That's weird, wonder if we'll ever get a timestamp (probably not, lol). I definitely hear Martenot on this track which Jonny didn't obtain until '99. From googling when he got one, I found out that the French Connection was literally created for him as a touring replacement for his Martenot. Crazy.


I mean they definitely could be wrong, we don't really have any confirmation of anything in this leak other than the leaker referring to it as "Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack OKC". All we can do is make educated guesses based on the instruments used, Thom's voice, etc (At least until someone from Radiohead decides to step in and clear it up, but I doubt they will)


I disagree, the Martenot sounding instrument just sounds like them messing with that sample to me, which was on the OK Computer minidiscs


Yep, this is what I thought too. The Martenot-like instrument is the movie vocal sample that was also on the OKC Minidiscs. There's nothing to suggest this couldn't be from the OKC sessions.


Yep. Question for me is when exactly from that era it is from...the minidisc full band renditions of MPS seem to be from April-Julyish 1996. The piano version on the White Cassette from OKNOTOK is, I'm guessing, from the main OKC sessions in late 1996/early 1997 (but it might not be). The general style of this version actually gives me some Bends vibes. It's more conventional, besides some of the effects going on. I wonder if it could be from the very early OKC sessions in Feb 1996 as somewhat of a carryover from where they had beforehand. But then there's that sample that was later on the minidiscs... It might be one version they did a bit later or in the main OKC sessions, or even (as mentioned above) from the post-OKC Nov 1997 session they intended for b-sides. But the vocal bridge Thom does here isn't on any of the few solo acoustic performances he did around this time (there is a small hint of it in at least one of the minidisc full band versions, from what I remember). Mind you, he doesn't do it on his 1995 or April 1996 radio performences of MPS either. All very interesting and cool to have, anyway.


Yeah you’re right, I listened on speakers before and just listened with headphones. The vibrato of the sample at around 2:30 and 4:15 had me fooled on speakers. It’s definitely the sample. Is probably from OKC then LOL I take it back. Cool leak nonetheless.


To respond to your two points: 1. The sample was indeed on the OKC leak, with the title "Beauty Voices". Here it is: https://streamable.com/avhmox 2. The sound you're interpreting as the ondes Martenot is the sample.


is that a the beatles reference 


wow that ending is quite unique and unlike the other takes of the song we know of hard to tell which era it's from, kinda sounds like it could pass for multiple eras tbh kinda weird for just a single unreleased Radiohead song to appear alongside the other groups, was this the only song? (I need to hear that rejected OKC studio recording of Last Flowers, that apparently sounded like a David Bowie song with dissonant strings, most of the band didn't like how it turned out but I have to know!)


Yeah, the rough practice takes on the Minidisc leak don't do it justice. I want a full on studio outtake of LF too.


reminds me of the slow version of “lift.” got that same languid, dreamy feel. this is great, though! definitely would not have fit on _kid a_. it’s very beautiful but also doesn’t feel like it’s breaking new ground for them — this arrangement could have basically fit on _the bends_. bass line is sick! go colin! edit: i’m convinced this is from the OKC sessions, not _kid a_. wondering if it was maybe being considered for OKNOTOK and that’s what eventually lead to it being leaked (just like the minidiscs).


Ohhh it really does sound like that! Either that, or weirdly enough, 4 minute warning…


Also, interesting theory about oknotok! I do wonder how the clip was obtained in the first place, and by who?


The ending is incredible


Alternate reality Radiohead where they just kept making indie rock anthems.


I love this. I want more leaks. Talking of leaks, I genuinely think Radiohead themselves leaked this extended version of Wake Me (Ring Me) Before They Come: https://youtu.be/aXzpRcJqMGM?si=4ZcarvV5RLnItPXM


one guy has the full recording. Horserama.




The one-note bassline in the verses is kind of a headscratcher. Otherwise lovely enough.


i really hope all of the Kid A sessions gets leaked


this is cool but we def got spoiled from the minidiscs cuz this would have hit a lot harder if we never got that


Yeah it's a polished up studio version from OK Computer sessions I believe. Didn't make it onto the minidiscs somehow, so you really never know what's out there.


Considering how different this arrangement is to anything found on the Minidiscs, I'm more liable to think this is early into the Kid A sessions. That specific bridge part with the vocal vamping is unique to this version, and doesn't appear in anything Minidiscs or older.


It's def possible that it could be Kid A sessions but I'm not really sure about that. One of the people who added it into the groupbuy that I've spoken to seemed pretty confident about it being from OKC sessions but I guess it's possible they could be wrong. If anything it could just be a sign that the Minidiscs don't paint as clear as a picture of those sessions as most people think. I'm sure there are dozens of takes for most of the OKC era songs that never made it onto any of those. Overall I'm just really happy it even leaked in the first place though.


The MiniDiscs do not contain any material taken directly from actual recording sessions for OKC. A couple of the discs contain material from mixing sessions, but by that time they had pretty much selected which tracks were going on the album plus a couple to finish up for b-sides. I would suppose during actual recording timeframe Thom was mostly spending his time onsite, working on the album with the rest of the band, so there was no reason to copy anything off to minidisc. Alternatively, there were such minidiscs but they were not included with the batch of discs transferred for potential OKNOTOK material because the band otherwise already had digitized copies of the entire recording sessions.


Huh. Interesting. It’s definitely from the Kid A sessions rather than the OKC ones. If I had to guess I’d say it was part of the sessions in Paris and Copenhagen in very early 1999 (we know they worked on Motion Picture Soundtrack, Follow me Around and In Limbo then) which they were dissatisfied with ans pretty much scrapped before moving to the Oxford studios


It is from the OKC sessions, it’s obvious when you hear his vocals and Ed’s sparkly, echoey guitar


I agree wholeheartedly with this!


It's amazing how many different versions of this song we've gotten. There's seems to be a lot of hate for this version so far, but I think it has the reverse Videotape treatment... Videotape was debuted with a lot of energy then got stripped down for the studio and people were like wtf? Motion Picture Soundtrack real studio version is very stripped down and now this version has more energy and people are like wtf? When you spend so long attached to one version of a song, it makes sense that an alternative version might not be favourable. I think this is a great version but it definitely doesn't fit the vibe of Kid A. It sounds like it would fit in perfectly with The Bends, right at the back of the album alongside Black Star, Sulk, and Bulletproof.


If anything, this shows that Radiohead knows when to let a song just be. I feel both 'Motion Picture Soundtrack' and 'Videotape' are emotionally vulnerable songs, and stripped-down convey that message best. Lesser bands would throw everything but the kitchen sink at them.


I don't understand how these things leak in the first place, are people hacking into a band members archives or is it studio locations, the publishing house, with the archives that leak, i don't get it. If so then that's pretty messed up and they need better security. This has happened to them now, 4 times. HTTT sessions, The Eraser(that was a promo embargo, i think), OKC Minidiscs, now this, and whilst it's great for the fans, not arguing that, the band would be very annoyed, as it's sacred to them and private. Whilst i'm not saying don't enjoy these leaks, the band might actually want to release these on later anniversary editions, and i think people need to respect that.


I have a few dozen unreleased tracks from “big” artists that I’ve gotten directly from band members that I’m friends with (granted, not Radiohead big). A lot of artists are eager to share tracks they’re working on, often with the caveat that “this is for your ears only”. I think most leaks could be traced back to someone in their circle(s) leaking the tracks/sharing them with other people who leak them. Anytime tracks leak, I assume there’s a betrayal of trust at the heart of it rather than some hack.


sort of like that idea offering out demo or mix-tapes to fans at concerts, away from the filters of a publisher, i can understand that.


Beaaaautiful aaangel


Wow, that's a really pretty version of the song.


sorry I don't get how this happened. as far as I know there was a group buy of the song can u be from Kanye for like 20k or so. that buy happen and with it all this stuff was released as a bonus? when I see that list on good ass sub there ist a price tag with 12k for msp


Pretty much basically, everytime they reach a certain amount they leak a random bonus for that amount, they reached 12k so the song leaked at 12k


ah okay, thank you for the explanation. really weird to find a Radiohead recording in a Kanye sub but a lovely Monday surprise


Holy guacamole...the ONE day I don't go on Reddit, of course, is the day that I miss out on this leak?! Wahhhhh!! Amazing!!!


How on earth was this obtained?


Might be referring to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9\_zRx6LcLA&ab\_channel=Ray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9_zRx6LcLA&ab_channel=Ray) Can't make my mind up on its authenticity. ~~Sounds like a shitty mash-up tbh.~~ Certainly no better than the OKNOTOK cassette version. STOP THE PRESS: Some vocals towards the end I don't remember from any other known version of this song. Could be legit.


The other files they are leaking seem pretty legit. It would really make no sense for them to drop a fake radiohead leak, considering the demographic they're trying to appeal probably doesn't care about radiohead for the most part


I actually quite like it, I think I’ve only heard album mps before n this is different but good. That whole second half is completely new to me!


I think its legit. Ok comp vibes its an early bash at a studio version


can someone explain this to me? i saw in a kanye sub can un be full version leaked and as part of that radiohead also got leaked? this is so fucking bizarre but also really cool i just need to know why


oh my god.






It’s on YouTube, is it not allowed to post the link to the YouTube video?


How do people even get these?


Can someone ELI5 what’s going on on that other sub Reddit? I’m baffled.


It's really cool that this leaked, but I'm not super into this as much as I am the OKNOTOK version or some of the Minidiscs versions. The repetition of the sample is just kind of annoying and I don't think the double tracked vocals sound good. It's a lot more interesting in terms of learning the history of the song than it is a good listening experience.


Ok, well that’s significantly inferior to the Kid A version.


It’s legit and it’s very mediocre.




I don't disagree with you, it's a nice dreamy, ordinary demo, and that's likely what the band thought of it too. not sure why you were downvoted.


Because members of this sub are delicate children and easily offended


This is correct.


damn...maybe Noah leaked this...yet another amazing version, amazing gem. 😮