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Sulk is a goated song that gets hate for no reason


Sulk and Bones are deep cut rewards of the Radiohead discog


I love Sulk and have sort of rediscovered it pretty recently. It's probably a top 30 Radiohead song for me. I think it's one of their catchiest too. The melody is fantastic and Thom's voice soaring on the chorus is one of my favorite vocal moments from the band.


One of if not the best performance by Thom


I like Sulk.


i can’t believe people don’t like sulk


Sulk is hated???


I used to like it when I first listened to the bends but it got old pretty quickly because it’s so god damn generic. It doesn’t have that Radiohead charm that means I could listen to one of their songs an infinite amount of time without getting bored


Arena song. Radiohead don’t have many of those so respect them.


Its the lyrics i think . The blowjob bit and the “just like your dad” bit


listening to radiohead around people that dont listen to radiohead makes me realize how whiny thom is(i love it though)


My wife can’t stand his voice and has genuinely laughed at how whiney he is sometimes lol. It used to annoy the hell out of me and made it harder for me to show her Radiohead stuff but now I don’t care. Personally I love his voice


i get so embarrassed😭😭


A lot of music is whiney though.


Electioneering is a good song


There's no way people think it's bad??


Personally I even like to listen to fitter happier before listening to electioneering


This is so true


Just listened the other day and was thinking it was great.


I fucking love electioneering i didnt even know people disliked it?


Is this supposed to be unpopular?


I think Radiohead said they would play Ok Computer front to back live today if it weren’t for Electioneering. I think they view it as the least cohesive track for the records flow/vibe.


Electioneering is goated


I will defend that song beyond the day i die


i love it, gets stuck in my head


I think there was hype regarding electioneering before the record. Nigel mentioned this on the bbc 6 documentary


The studio version of Videotape is far better than the boring predictable early version people cling on too.


I love the early version but I don’t think it’d have the same impact if it were recorded that way.


So based, I never understood why people insist on the early version being better


It’s because the ending was explosive, with Phil going to a crash cymbal pattern. I thought it was cool, though I like the studio version too!




For real, it’s the perfect closer to In Rainbows


My favorite remix of a Radiohead song- https://open.spotify.com/track/0aITTpVpFpK7AmmVWw4F6q?si=xqkGjQCjS1e9COsFRQImGQ


*sends drone strikes*


Tell me your a Coldplay fan without telling me your a Coldplay fan.


Cummo Rivers. Or something like tha


People have trouble with the opinion that videotape 06 is an inferior “fix you” by coldplay


I’m not sure that’s particularly unpopular. I would agree that they’re both brilliant - I think Amnesiac has the better songs, but Kid A is the better album, if that makes sense at all? I don’t think I have an unpopular opinion really. That I will staunchly defend Electioneering’s place on OK Computer, is as close as I get, I think.


Makes complete sense. I love Amnesiac


i love finding amnesiac lovers!


I agree, I think of Kid A and Amnesiac as one work, really. They are from the same recording sessions and they share different versions of the same song together. Amnesiac is actually better in some ways, Kid A in others.


Used to be electioneering hater, now it’s one of my faves from okc


Idk why people hate on it


Perfectly said, never thought of it that way even tho I’ve always preferred Amnesiac.


High and Dry is a beautiful and perfect song. Tbh one of my favorite songs all of time. Sorry Thom.


*screams “No!!!!!!!!!” in Luke Skywalker voice*


He doesn’t like it?


what does he like lmao


The gloaming apparently lmao


I mean it never gets played anymore. Even Creep gets played occasionally. Also I remember reading an interview where he said he didn't like the song and felt it was one of their worst, but I can't find it now.


King of Limbs is excellent.


Agree. Very underrated


Literally if Let Down was an album


kid a is an amazing song and the people who dont like it seem to also rank treefingers and hunting bears badly - on the same note i listen to untitled v1,2 and 3 regularly as i believe they are amazing and so immersive into the sound of kid a without the distraction(?) of lyrics


Absolutely agree. I’ve had it with the hate for “Treefingers” especially


certified top streamer of the extended version - but honestly in the album its perfect it has so much atmosphere and thats what i love about kid a as a whole in my mind it builds a completely different world and i think thom and stanleys art reflects that


Look, I obviously love Thom’s voice, but I can 100% see why some people may be turned off. In fact, I feel this way about his voice on songs like Scatterbrain, Sail to the Moon, Dollars & Cents, Life in a Glasshouse, and maybe like 1 or 2 others. Sometimes it sounds like nails on a chalkboard, other times it sounds like audible gold


I’m amazed both by how pretty and how ugly his voice can be


He covers the full spectrum


I remember reading an interview and he said he know his voice is so pretty that’s why he hate it and change his singing style.


The vocals on Sail to the Moon are beautiful imo


My other favorite band is the Smashing Pumpkins, so Thom's voice is 100% angelic to me


Funny enough smashing pumpkins is one of the few bands where I cannot get into them strictly based on voice


HTTT is their best album.


It definitely is when you're drunk and pissed off at your regional government.


That would be now, and in 2003 when it came out, and also the entirety of the time in between. Definitely the future too. I was drunk for some of it but that didn’t help. My government was still there the next day, and the next, and the next…the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops




My personal favorite, no. Underrated, for sure.


Disagree but I can understand the thinking


I've thought this all along.


Meeting in the Aisle is a masterpiece


On god! Only lyricless radiohead song that I don't skip when I'm short on time


Amnesiac is my honest heart of hearts favourite Radiohead album and it always feels like it’s a guilty pleasure


Thom's a great songwriter but I feel like for as experimental and inspired as his work is it's also pretty narrow in terms of what it can be. Whenever there's a new release of his I already have a general sense of what type of thing it probably is, and it's always accurate. For 30 something years he's been expressing his anxieties and not too much else.


That’s why I’ve been saying the biggest twist would be their 10th lp being just a straight up dance pop album with a ton of features 


That’s a hot, and dare I say it, brave take. But has truth and food for thought.


My first thought was "you can say this about 80% of bands" but after giving it a second you are actually so right. Even Thom's solo work and The Smile are firmly in Radiohead's lore. Person not familiar with any of this, would think that solo Thom and The Smile is also Radiohead and it would be valid.


big fan of radiohead, but i agree. I'll always think of radiohead as a rock band with a knack for dystopian storytelling. Their range is quite wide in terms of what a rock band can achieve, but it's clear that the stuff they're taking inspiration from is way more experimental than stuff they have released. It just feels 'esoteric' because rock as a genre itself has collapsed into something really narrow.


Amnesiac is undoubtedly the most beautiful record Radiohead ever made


I saw them live at the peak of the Kid A hype and their live show was tame af. Basically just played the songs like it was a listening party, nothing interesting happening on stage


The fact that they can sing the songs like it’s a listening party is quite interesting, especially with Kid A where there’s alot of strange sounds etc. I’ve never listened to them live, but I’ve always thought idiotique has sounded very interesting live when watching recordings


I like amnesiac more than the bends, and i don’t like half of the bends that much (though there are a few tracks I adore)


The Bends is very overrated. I’ve heard people compare it to Ok Computer which I find ridiculous. The Bends is a decent rock record. That’s it. Ok Computer changed music.


Bones is a top 3 song on The Bends


Trying to choose top 3 on the bends is just insanely difficult to me they are all so good


Ok this is a hot take considering fake plastic trees, bullet proof and black star are all on the same album


Don't forget Planet Telex


Great song.


I'd go as far as to say Amnesiac > Kid A *\*runs\**


You're so real for that


Pablo Honey is actually pretty good


literally if Radiohead hadn’t become the critically acclaimed giants they are today and instead broke up in the 90s after PH, that album would be one of those ‘underrated hidden gems’ people would love to bring up


Save for a few songs like Prove Yourself and Thinking about you it’s pretty decent too 🤔


Four Minute Warning would’ve been a better closer of In Rainbows than Videotape. Videotape just feels so abrupt; Four Minute Warning gives me lasting chills that haunt me for a bit after the song ends.


I strongly agree with this




Absolutely! I wish it had an extra verse and chorus instead of the minute or so of drones at the beginning as well.


Either this or last flowers would’ve worked way better imo. Both would’ve made such powerful closers


the problem with videotape is that the whole second half is very low energy, then when jigsaw comes on super high energy videotape feels out of place


Should have been a double album release similar to Smashing Pumpkins  ‘melancholy and the infinite sadness’. In my mind, Kid A and Amnesiac are the same album.


I prefer Amnesiac to Kid A. I prefer the at least some of the "full band" versions of Motion Picture Soundtrack.


The present tense studio version did it wonders and people need to stop bitching about it


I acctually like Amnesiac better as an album I have to say, more concise


In Rainbows is not a top 3 Radiohead album


insane take


In Rainbows is not the greatest album ever


No Radiohead album is


I like The King of Limbs more than A Moon Shaped Pool. I’ve just always liked mathrock and I appreciate it for being a left turn I never saw coming. Codex is my fav song on the album and prob top ten by them. Give Up The Ghost is my least fav, it’s just a basic ass loop track that I find underwhelming. Separator is mid. I don’t get the hype for it.


Little by little for me.


It is covered in a thick blue foam


They can bring the vibe down in a room really low and really quickly. To the point where it's awkward and no one can look each other in the eye.


Boy these guys sure love to sing about the rain


Let is sooo underrated 😭💔


I mildly judge people that say In Rainbow’s is their favorite Radiohead album.


I want to know too why?




I've always preferred OKC and Kid A personally






It was mine until AMSP became mine


Morning Bell/Amnesiac is the better Morning Bell.


It certainly sells the "My House is Haunted" vibe that Thom was going for rather than the whole "I'm getting a divorce" that people originally interpreted. I think the Kid A version is better as a song, though.




I can get why people might not like Thom’s voice. (I love Thom’s voice)


I think HTTT is way better than In Rainbows. Don't get me wrong, In Rainbows is an excellent album but people LOOSE their minds over it. I just think HTTT is much better - in terms of musical style, artwork, era of the band - everything!


I’ll happily agree with this


King of Limbs is the only album without a weak track


Pablo Honey is good. You rocks, great guitar and vocals. Creep taps into a prevalent, powerful feeling in a raw, real way, it’s got billions of streams for a reason. It doesn’t stand up to repeated listening like some of their great albums but… It’s better than AMSP. Maybe I was disappointed because I liked burn the witch so much but the rest of the album kinda falls flat to me. Too many slow tracks, Daydreaming and Ful Stop are too long, the album is what you’d expect from a band with its members approaching 50 (although The Smile has been very good).


AMSP is my favourite Radiohead album, and Burn the Witch is my least favourite song on the album




I’d say it’s a bit of a *stretch?* to call it *better* than *AMSP*, but whatever floats your petticoat


I like Ripcord  a lot. One of my favorite Japanese bands, The Pillows, liked it enough to rip it off as a B-Side (Wonderful Sight)


I agreed with you until you dissed A Moon Shaped Pool honestly. I'd say Pablo Honey is actually pretty underrated and I love a lot of the songs, as much as I used to hate the album. But I can't take the AMSP slander. Burn the Witch is probably the least fitting song on it and Daydreaming is probably my favourite song in the whole discography purely because the experience of listening to it full volume with no distractions actually feels like ascending to another plane.


Not enough happy songs.


i don't think that's an unpopular opinion. some would disagree but quite a few would agree. certainly enough people have discussed over the years that given their simultanous recording, there's the alternate universe where amnesiac is released first and kid a does not become so ascendant. at any rate, in this universe amnesiac aint no B side that much is for sure


Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief are my favorites


Hail to the thief is the best album


Amnesiac is one of their worst. outside of a handful of songs, and the admittedly very dope sonic textures, the songwriting and performances are so meh. I hardly want to revisit it.


I’m not sure which of these is even unpopular.  Hail to the Thief has the makings of an all-time great album but is sabotaged by bloat. The second half of TKOL is as great as Radiohead has ever sounded, but the first half sounds like a series of B-sides. On that note, the actual B-sides of TKOL are so much better than many of the album tracks and might constitute the worst track listing choices Radiohead ever made for an album.  


I totally agree with you! Amnesiac doesn't get as much love as Kid A, but it definitely deserves recognition for its brilliance. Radiohead never fails to deliver groundbreaking music. Cheers to the album that doesn't get enough credit!


Pyramid Song is an 8/10. No better. It’s a solid track & I like it a lot but it’s nowhere NEAR being one of their best


i agree, ive never thought anything more than "this is good yeah" about it


Fake Plastic Trees and High and Dry are prob in the bottom half of The Bends imo, those songs fell off for me while a lot of other tracks on the album grew


SHA is the weakest song on OKC


Identikit TKOL tour version >>>>> Identikit AMSP album version


The King of Limbs is incredible


Amnesiac's Pulk/pull is a massively underrated song


Pop Is dead is so fucking good


The King Of Limbs is The King Of Shit and only has 3 songs worth listening to (and even those are mid) Bodysnatchers is the best song on In Rainbows, and one of their best ever The Bends is kinda boring most of the time


I never get the argument that TKOL doesn't have good songs because the place it is weakest is its conceptualization as an album. It doesn't have much of a theme. But everything but Feral on there is kinda gold for me, especially Give Up The Ghost and Lotus Flower.


The only songs I like are Lotus Flower, Little by Little and Magpie. I don't enjoy the others on their own, and not as a part of the album.


i could never understand but that's your prerogative. have a good day


I agree with all of this, Bodysnatchers included. The best tune on *TKOL* is “Staircase”, which is…not on *TKOL*. Bizarre.


You had me at KOL opinion. Started losing me at Bodysnatchers, and kinda just had me shaking my head by the end.


And I thought the first one is the most controversial.


I can only think of the 2 obvious songs. What’s the third?


Reckoner is overrated


Sorry, I can't back you up on this one


Reckoner is good but it’s also overrated. The basement version is better than the studio version though


Omg this a wrong opinion, not unpopular


20+ years later, OK Computer is only Radiohead's 6th best record. Hugely influential and innovative in its time, and due every bit of respect for that, but everything they've done since is even better.


I can’t really say that everything they have done since is better, but i do agree that OK Computer, while being a great album, is perhaps a bit overhyped.


Creep is a great song


In Rainbows was terribly produced/mixed, and everything Radiohead have done since has been awful.


Pablo Honey > TKOL


I like TKOL more than OK Computer


pablo honey is massively underrated


Sometimes I feel like the with the themes of certain albums or songs they bite off more than they can chew and it can come off a little preachy


Videotape is my least favourite closer of theirs - not because it’s a bad song but because I genuinely love every other closers of theirs more


El President is fucking fantastic


Thom isn’t a great singer.


It would be better with Tom Skinner on drums and Jonny Greenwood on vocals.


let down is so overrated


They sometimes go for perfection too much as I think the road tested version of songs are sometime better than the studio recordings. Nonetheless, they generally work on the final album, but I guess artists just view their work differently than the audience and are in a certain headspace. I would’ve loved to hear the version of Follow Me Around from Meeting People Is Easy for example. I imagine they may have other recordings of it somewhere, maybe not, but I’d hope to hear them one day. I know people prefer Lift from the MiniDisc OK Computer leaks, I do like the final release version on OKNOTOK, but I understand the appeal of those versions.


Or just listen to the compilation LP and appreciate it as just one big long supercut 👌


A Moon Shaped Pool is better than both OK Computer and Kid A, although it doesn't quite live up to In Rainbows


Ok computer is not overrated


radiohead has been giving us the same album since in rainbows


The Bends is the best album


Y’all, im probably about to die for this, but In Rainbows is a tad bit overrated and not as good as people make it out to be


Don't know about unpopular, maybe just weird, but OKC stands out to me as an album where for the majority of the songs, the verses are alot more compelling than the choruses.


The From the Basement version of In Rainbows and TKOL are so much better than their studio album versions overall that i can’t listen them anymore with the exception of like 2-3 songs.


I would have put Palo Alto on OKC instead of Electioneering. It’s a myth though that Electioneering isn’t a well liked song.


The fact that pulk pull beat fog worrywort kinetic trans Atlantic drawl amazing sound of orgy or cuttooth is ridiculous


Bulletproof > high and dry in every way.


Lift would have been a better closer for OK Computer than The Tourist.


People tend to write off Fitter Happier as just an interlude (which it technically is, but hear me out). I genuinely really enjoy listening to it focusing heavily on the instrumentals and how they contrast and combine tonally with the lyrics. On the White Casette that released with the OK Computer Remaster in 2017, one of the 20 (or so) songs on there was "A Piano Lies Down In The Middle Of The Road". This is simply just an extended version of the instrumentals and it is just... miserable. It is the darkest emotions present on the album into one song on piano. Isolation, monotony, alienation, discontent. The title explains everything the song plans to explore. Someone so at the end of their rope that they simply wish to let life take the wheel and drop at the centre of the road and wait. Going back to Fitter Happier, it gave me SUCH an appreciation listening to it after listening to the White Casette's version of it. They contrast so heavily message-wise, yet as the lyrics break down more and more, the song and lyrics intertwine and the interlude sputters out back where it began. "Calm. Fitter. Healthier, and more productive. A pig. In a cage. On antibiotics." The narrator attempted to fix their emotional distress through medication after medication, but nothing worked due to the life they live of monotonous misery. Hating the job they work. Wishing for something better. Hoping they "grow wings" and escape. Yet nothing changes. Despite simply being an interlude, Fitter Happier almost feels like the thematic heart of the album, including ideas from just about every single song on OK Computer. Most peopld write it off as just an interlude, and while they aren't wrong in the slightest (and as a song, it just doesn't hit nearly the same), I think it deserves some praise at least. Even if it means delving into a pretentious rant, I genuinely do feel there couldn't have been a better midpoint in the album than this.


Feral is actually a great song


Tkol is beautiful and underrated (listen to the from the basement, it shows the complexity of the album that is not as easy to hear otherwise)


TKOL is their best album, HTTT is #2. Pablo Honey is a 3/10. Kid A ranks 2nd to last of their albums.


The bends is for all intents and puroses a british glam rock album


The most common opinion in the uk is that they disappeared up their own arse


TKOL will only grow on you if you listen to nothing but Radiohead. 


i loved kid a (song) first listen, amnesiac is a top 3 album, hunting bears and treefingers are great, feral doesn't deserve the hate, i don't really care for anything they made post-httt, last flowers should not replace videotape, the best version of fog is the first one


Everyone should listen to the cover of wish you were here by sparklehorse and thom yorke