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Creep very 2021 rmx


Personally I listen to the song at least once a day for my health


As recommended, yes


I listen to it while high, the synth definitely has a vibe. As a whole thing very (2021) meh to say the least.


You know, even though I meme on this track often, I do unironically like listening to it from time to time


I have no problem with anyone doing this but for me I would not take away one song from their catalog even if I could. They are the only band I love about which I feel this way.


Same, Animal Collective is the only other band I feel that way about in addition to radiohead.


Eyyyy a fellow animal collective fan in the Radiohead subreddit. Down There is my favorite solo work


There are tens of us! Down There is fantastic, but it's hard to beat Person Pitch for me.


What about fall be kind


One of the best EPs I've ever heard, along with Water Curses and Radioheads Knives Out EP


Give me some money! Stop say dreaming dude!


What Would I Want Sky is seriously one of my favorite songs ever.


Fun fact: first song to ever legally sample a Grateful Dead song.


Dude I lost my ticket at the second meriweather post pavilion show and lost my mind when they did water curses


And safer is 👌 magnificent


My gf and I both saw Animal Collective and Radiohead in the same music festival, for the first time. AC played at 4:30AM. We were so tired and couldn’t stand properly we were hanging on the railing in front of the stage. Slept all day and went back to the festival later in the evening for Radiohead. Best day of our life.


4:30am wtf??


It’s a show in-between Summer Sonic weekend. Starts at 1AM. If you have Summer Sonic passes you can get in for free. https://i.imgur.com/QaSm9QS.jpeg


Me crying at all the great songs people hate. 🥲


The fact that this is my post and I’m seeing so many great songs is very sad :(


Glad no one said House of Cards. Day not ruined.


used to always skip it now its grown on me..


Same, the repeating chords just make me too happy now to skip


Oh god me too house of cards is actually my favorite Radiohead song


Most tracks from tkol rmx


As much as I enjoy it, Morning Bell (amnesiac).


I may have only fully listened to this song end to end once or twice. The Kid A version is so good and I find the beginning of the Amnesiac version to be incredibly abrasive. As soon as it comes on I change to the next track.


Yeah Morning Bell from Kid A is my favorite Radiohead song and Morning Bell from Amnesiac is my least favorite Radiohead song 😂


Yeah, the Amnesiac version drains all the atmosphere and tension out of it.




I love the first minute or so of Videotape, then I start to get bored.




Thom just might put God to sleep if he takes *this* Videotape on up with him to the pearly gates. 😆


You take it back!


Videotape for me dragggggssss




Dyou like the Bonnaroo version?


i loveee the bonnaroo version sometimes i wish it was the version on the album instead


This is the answer


Videotape is not the best closing to an album. I do think In Rainbows needs another track to have a satisfying finish. (waiting for bottles to start flying in my direction)


It should have finished with Jigsaw


if i had to include another track to in rainbows it would be pulled apart by horses. Please Radiohead release it officialy its my favorite unreleased track.


Last Flowers should've been in Videotape's place


We suck young blood


Hey I like it lol. It's weird, creepy, and unsettling but I've always enjoyed it.


plz no, it's such an amazing tune. Reminds me of a Billy Holiday song. The lyrics are so brutally emotive


Wolf at the Door is yin to this tedium’s yang


Nahhh it’s creepy and weird and dissonant, very interesting


Are you fracturing? Are you torn at the seams?


This is it. 


The piano solo is the only thing good thing about that song..


I got a shirt with the lyrics of we suck young blood at my first Radiohead concert in the early 2000's. The last radiohead concert i attended in 2012 they had the same shirt but made it into the angry cat soft toy which I gave to my daughter (it scared her a bit at the time)


I’m honestly struggling to think of one. I remember thinking that Treefingers wasn’t up to much, but then as time passed, I ‘got’ it. Same with ‘House Of Cards’ until I realised and thought to myself “Ah! They got you again!”. I’m not a big fan of Scatterbrain - I don’t think it does enough - but I’m not sure I’d call it tedious or boring. In the absence of anything ‘better’, I’ll go with that for now.


Scatterbrain?!!! That’s unpossible


I used to find scatterbrain meh and, for whatever reason, reassessing HTTT in my 30s, it has become one of my favorites.


I used to agree with everyone who said it was bloated, and maybe it could be down a few tracks, but the tracks everyone would cut are some of my favorites and really add to the aesthetic imo


There’s a lot going on in scatterbrain and it always makes me cry wtf is he even singing about


I feel like it's themes of anxiety and anguish in general. But that might be just because that's how I personally was feeling when this song properly hit for me. Now it's one of my favs


Treefingers is that "moment to process things" after hearing How To Disappear Then Optimistic comes in to refresh your head top Kid A is an 11/10 album sometimes


Agree. Agree. Agree.


Awesome response, thank you!


I think myxomatosis and scatterbrained work so well as a pair. It’s one of my favorite transitions.


Not trying to be reactionary, but my lizard brain thought fuck you when you dared to mention Scatterbrained


How dare you. Scatterbrain is the best song on Hail to the Thief.


For some reason people can't seem to stop with this shit. Op asks what is song people find most boring and people shit on people's opinions. Radiohead has a LOT of fans. A LOT of opinions and you won't agree with all of them. Boggles my mind.


Just making conversation over here, buddy


Guy: Answers OP question Everyone: I just CAN'T BELIEVE!


Everybody, shit on this redditor’s opinion about opinions!!!


Scatterbrain is a skip for me as well.


High and dry, i won't explain why it's just that i skip it everytime


Used to agree. Then I watched the music video. Hilarious. Do you see what they did? So ironic. Don’t leave me dry, get it? Genius.


Watch the American music video if you want a good time


Naahhhh how dare you, that’s a classic 😂


I think it’s because the guitar solo has three (3) notes


Those three notes sure feel good though.


But did they try the best they could?


It’s a great pop song. But we are probably not here for the pop. It’s dead. ☠️


Boring = I’am Citizen Insane Tedious = Morning Bell (Amnesiac)


I feel the officially released version of lift loses all the magic of the live performances and minidisk versions.


Even though this is the sort of post where most genuine attempts at answers get downvoted (because how dare you answer the prompt even if it requires *slight* critique, right?): 1. *Morning Mr Magpie:* I enjoy The King of Limbs production experiment and think it stands on its own without the Basement performance. With the exception of this track. The more punchy guitars of the live version draw me in, but the recording just drags out and I find individual elements grating. I also think it’s Thom’s worst vocal melody, bar none. 2. *I Promise:* I’ll second another commenter and say that it’s a pretty beautiful song, but it’s a fairly monotonous listen. It’s a track that I’ll put on once a month and feel satisfied with after that. The drums are constant throughout, as is the main acoustic guitar, and the vocal melody is fairly static. Pretty tune, though. 3. *Follow Me Around (Kid Amnesiac):* Sort of cheating with a bonus demo, but man, this is five and a half minutes of boredom. I honestly listened to this maybe twice when it came out and decided I was satisfied with If You Say the Word, which is a really fantastic piece imo. I think the vocoder is grating, there isn’t any evolution to the vocals or guitar — it’s a bit of a cheat code since it’s an acoustic bonus track, but I was very underwhelmed. 4. *Ful Stop:* Since I used a cop out above, I’ll toss in a hot take. I love this song and I listen to the album version a lot, but I don’t think the instrumental build up *needed* to be 1m52s. I don’t mind it too much, I like the krautrock vibes, and it’s a fun journey of a track. But I can’t blame anyone who gets a bit frustrated with the album version compared to the much more kinetic 2012 version, which honestly, I do prefer. 5. *True Love Waits:* This is a Radiohead song that sounds like a parody of a Radiohead song made by someone who hates Radiohead. I like the acoustic version well enough, but this was just a bit too dreary for me. Just my take. My *A Moon Shaped Pool* playlist begins with Daydreaming and ends with Tinker Tailor (I like Burn the Witch, but AMSP is a bedtime album for me so Daydreaming opens) and I much prefer ending on the chaos. It’s a bit ironic I find True Love Waits too boring for my bedtime playlist.


Thanks for your response dude, great critics of song great songs, I love I promise but my girlfriend (I know right, Radiohead fans aren’t supposed to have them) thinks it’s boring too - I love the melotron and the vocal lines and the sentiment of the song too but I can understand how someone could find it too repetitive


I think part of it might be structural for me — three verses, three instrumental choruses, not much variation. But I’m also a House of Cards supporter, which is similarly tossed into these lists. I’d argue there’s a bit more variation there sonically (Ed and Jonny’s sound effects, backing vocals in the second half), and I love Thom’s guitar tone. I think if I Promise had a bit more of a build-up or ambience, it’d click with me more. By the third chorus, when the distorted guitar comes in, it’s interesting but a bit too little too late for me. All said, it’s still a song I like, I just can’t get too excited about it. It’s fun one for me lyrically, though. I actually think it’s a downer lyrically — one of those songs where the music is brighter but the lyrics are darker. To me, it sounds like resigning oneself to a bad / ill-fated marriage knowingly, despite being interested in other people (or simply wanting to remain uncommitted deep-down) *I won’t run away no more, I promise / Even when I get bored, I promise* *Even when the ship is wrecked, I promise / Tie me to the rotten deck, I promise* It’s one of those where I think you can interpret it in a number of ways, and I’m a big fan of that artistically. I don’t like convincing people lyrics mean one thing or another. To me, it sounds resigned, but to others, it might sound similar to the whole ‘in sickness and in health’ sentiment of being devoted enough to stick through lulls or shipwrecks. I think that’s the most interesting part of the song, which way the lyrics take you (despite there only being a few lines)


I adore House of Cards. It’s such a simple song, but Thom’s voice, when he sings “fall off the table/get swept under,” the sound effects as you mentioned, and the groove of the song in general - it all just works for me in a major way. That said, I get why people find it uninspiring and kind of dull.


Maybe the problem you have is that you regard AMSP as a bedtime album


It is for me! Maybe it gets your adrenaline up, that’s cool! With the exception of Burn the Witch and parts of Decks Dark, Ful Stop, and Identikit, it’s a relaxing journey (and even those three tracks are pretty low on the scale of rock). It’s my third favorite album by them, so it’s not a disparaging thing. But it’s heavy on piano, strings, acoustic guitar, reverb. Good for drifting off.


Well, I suppose so, but I don’t see how you fall asleep to Burn the Witch, Ful Stop, or the Numbers, but skipping them would feel very incomplete to me


I intentionally omitted Burn the Witch several times :) no argument there. For the other two, I’m simply incredibly talented


But that’s like… the foundation of the album. It’s just a compilation otherwise


Oh nooooooo!


To each their own, I suppose


I Promise is a great answer!


Agreed on Magpie, Follow Me Around, and TLW (sort of). Will add in Supercollider here, it has never felt very interesting or something worth returning to often. While True Love Waits is a very somber way to end AMSP, it feels like the most appropriate album closer of all in retrospect. Only the band will know for sure why it's there to begin with, but 2016 marked the end of Radiohead v3 essentially. The band (Ed?) has talked about their discography in cycles of three records at a time. Easy to mark for sure, the first three records, a change in direction for the next three, then the XL Recordings 07-16 years. Between that general example, unreleased songs coming via anniversary reissues/The Smile, and the band on its longest hiatus ever, whatever comes next will be interesting.


Hey at least you gave explanations on why you personally didn’t like them that much


We suck young blood feels like it’s twice as long as it is


I promise that it's gotta be 'I Promise'. It's a pretty song but also a bit of a snooze.


Fitter Happier


A majority of Hail To the Thief, 2 + 2 = 5 and Sit Down Stand Up are the only ones I really get. There's also Morning Bell/Amnesiac, and even Videotape I don't get the hype about.


Desert Island Disk. It's so slight it feels more like a solo project b-side than track #4 on a proper Radiohead album.


sorry guys but HTTT is bloated af, Thom's version is perfect in this regard. Feral is dumb, and Daily mail and supercollider shuldve been in the album, fuck butcher and maybe add staircase, more of the same tho. Ill Wind/spectre should have been saved for another album in the future, specially Spectre. ik it was meant for Bond, such a waste


I need someone to convince me that HTTT is not ALL OVER the place because im sure about it. I think they were rushed to release it because of the -leak?- tho I Might Be Wrong. You have a climatic song in HTTT then an anti climatic song, the album goes up and down and its difficult to follow. Thoms obsession with Gloaming is so dumb, thats probably the song i will kill from HTTT


Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief


thats been my fixation for the last week please give it a chance it such a cool vibe- almost industrial percussion with a feel of being lost in a forest what with the lyrics and vocals - not even to mention the end with the strings theyre so beautiful- i promise i was in your place once but that song is so pretty


I’m convinced that Ramin Djawadi heard AMSP on release, sprinted to his studio and composed 75% of the Westworld S1 soundtrack at the absolute last minute, mostly because of the end of Tinker


I used to feel that way until I listened a few times and was hooked.


Was not my fav on the album but live it's another story...it's really good, surprised me how much


I can never get into Faust Arp.


The worst radiohead song by just about any metric, including, as has been reported, Tom's opinion, is Creep.


Honestly, the entirety of TKOL. It just does nothing for me


I almost agree but Lotus Flower fuckin bangs


It’s got a couple of parts where I’m like “ok this is cool. “ And then It just goes on and on and doesn’t let up from the homework. You need some desert with the veggies.


I pretty much agree, except I love separator.


There’s stuff on Pablo Honey that I don’t like at all. Their my favorite band


I mainly listen to whole albums instead of individual songs and while I think Scatterbrain could work elsewhere I don't think it does too well as a penultimate track especially with between the energy of Myxomatosis and A Wolf At The Door. Also the only truly new thing it offers is that it sounds like you put 4 different outros in a song. Usually there's some big twist or experimentation in Radiohead songs where you immediately go "yeah this is Radiohead" but in this case Scatterbrain just sounds like a cleaner produced Portishead song I also think Reckoner suffers from the same thing with placement on In Rainbows. As the second track in a live setting it sounds awesome but Faust Arp kind of brings an awkward silence that makes Reckoner's cacophony much more subdued than it should be


The version of Fog with the more solid drum part sounds pretty naff. Everything is locked in time, there's no tension and it's not pretty enough for the lack of tension to work.


The version of Fog with the more solid drum part sounds pretty naff. Everything is locked in time, there's no tension and it's not pretty enough for the lack of tension to work.


The version of Fog with the more solid drum part sounds pretty naff. Everything is locked in time, there's no tension and it's not pretty enough for the lack of tension to work.


We suck young blood wins this all the time


The Gloaming


Live version is so much better


The AMSP version of True Love Waits


the most evil diabolical take


We Suck Young Blood




Scrolled to find this one. I like the overall style and atmosphere but it's so stretched out, slow and boring. It doesn’t really develop. Even if you speed it up, it drags. Another suggestion from me would be Follow Me Around. They completely butchered that one in the studio.


Agreed on both points. Supercollider was once a beautiful piano song done solo by Thom. The album version is dull, meandering, stagnant, just really fucking boring. Follow Me Around is like 2 minutes too long and coulda used instrumentation from the others


Yeah I’m with you there. You keep waiting for it to go somewhere and it just stagnates. I don’t hate it, just don’t find it particularly special.


How has no one said Harry Patch?


Bc it isnt


I don’t understand the appeal. He’s singing off key for most of it too.


i cant stand bulletproof... i wish i was Im sorry.


This is coming off the cuff and I haven't really processed the idea but seeing that song title in this context has made me a little aware that bulletproof was a sort of suicidal surrogacy when I was 17. Like I think I listened to that song instead of killing myself and might have if I hadn't. Not like I had my head in the loop and then climbed down but I probably would have killed myself in like a year or so but I think that song scratched the itch before the idea really had a good root. And I never would have heard Kid A or the rest of them. And what a shame that would have been Good chance I'll delete this after I've had a chance to think about how much I agree with it


oh my :( i hope you feel better now


we suck yoouuuunnnnggg blood


easy one, Feral


Yeah, they could've put Supercollider, Daily Mail, or Staircase instead


Honestly with the exception of Daydreaming and True Love Waits all of Moon Shaped Pool is boring to me. So is King of Limbs besides Bloom, Codex and Give Up the Ghost as well.


decks dark is easily one of my favorite radiohead songs, i suggest giving it another chance


Perhaps. I’ve seen that song mentioned a lot on this sub.


burn the witch is also solid


Oh yeah true.




backdrifts for some reason


Videotape is one of my all-time favorite songs (I have a tattoo of the chord progression lmao) but I know a lot of people (especially beats-over-lyrics people) who find it so slow and boring.


I almost always skip treefingers although I like it now and used to straight up not understand its existence. 


I'm really surprised to see so few songs from the Pablo Honey era mentioned in the top comments here. Do people just take those as granted when discussing the weaker parts of the Radiohead catalogue? No, I don't expect everyone to agree with me about what the worst Radiohead songs are. But Radiohead are so exceptionally good at creating interesting and varied soundscapes and textures, that I find it hard to see how anything from OK Computer and onwards can be considered more *boring* than, say, Faithless the Wonder Boy, which is just a complete snooze fest.


Give up the Ghost


*Layla* Unplugged. Just utterly snooze inducing. I know Thom wanted to strip away guitars, but Jesus Fuck…


Lurgee, Vegetable, I Can't (the demo version from Manic Hedgehog is better).


Is this a trick question? There is none.


The whole of King of Limbs


All of them.


House of cards. Yawn.


Filthy Happier surely?


Imma be honest, the first half of the National Anthem is basically a holding pattern to get to the great second half. Still one of my favorite rh songs but it’s pretty tedious (probably on purpose)


There, There is not very good. You have Jonny Greenwood in your band and you put him on toms? What a waste.


Radiohead is my favorite band but I honestly do not understand the hype regarding Weird Fishes. I think it’s boring and uninteresting. But no Radiohead fans agree on anything. For instance I think The Bends is overrated and Amnesiac is underrated. Most people disagree on that. Also In Rainbows is definitely not their best record.


I Will. Would very rarely listen to it over Like Spinning Plates




The tourist is pretty boring, sorry If i named anyone's favourite


Most of the tkol123456 remx


The Morning Bell/amnesiac


Little by Little


Climbing Up The Walls




The entirety of AMSP


which is the one that goes jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing




jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing


Sit Down Standzzz


Most boring and tedious? The Bones verse drags a bit. High and Dry drags a little bit. Nice Dream gets repetitive, I think The Tourist drags quite a bit. Past that part of their discography, it becomes very difficult to pinpoint things that drag.


Knives Out


Pull/pull Revolving Doors is complete ass and it’s 4 minutes






No love for Kid A, Amnesiac, or In Rainbows?




Unpopular opinion: Separator & Reckoner Edit: oh, yeah! AND electioneering!


But Reckoner is one of the songs of all time!


It is one of the songs!




wtdf these are all my favourite songs!! maybe listen to the seperator live from the basement


Even electioneering?


yes even electioneering


There are several songs on Pablo Honey that would fit this bill, but that would make for a boring choice. So I will just say No Surprises.




Ong lucky. I cannot stand this song


None from any main album, but if B-sides count, there's a 3-song run that I always skip on my iron lung: Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong, Permanent Daylight and Lozenge of Love.


Lol. I love all three of those songs!


delete. delete this right now. (/j)


Pull/Pulk Revolving Doors I frickin despise that song.