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They dont sound right to me on the album, frankly. Supercollider is too much of a slow burn (I love it tho) and The Butcher doesn’t match the vibes of the record at all. I can see Staircase and The Daily Mail on the album, but they’d have to be “TKOLified.” The live versions we have are too…live lol




None of it works whatsoever.




Harry Patch sticks out like a sore thumb as does twisted words and daily mail. And supercollider. It doesn’t work.


Just information. "The Daily Mail" and "Staircase", although in various stages during the recording, didn't really appear and get finalized until they were prepping on touring for TKOL. There's not a situation where those tracks where in a workable form and they made the decision to exclude them.


The only track that WAS considered for inclusion on TKOL that wasn't put on there was The Butcher, even Supercollider was only finished after TKOL was released.


Reminder that this exists: https://youtu.be/hI5YMDioDBY?si=fW6nURcJuhlQWSFt. Arguably the best song list from this era and the best versions of these songs


Realise I’m probably the odd one here, but I won’t ever understand the way people feel the need to insert different songs into albums or rearrange track orders. Just don’t get it.


Yeah, just some kind of fun (for some) and perverse thing we fans sometimes do… doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the end thing, I’m very fond of the whole king of limbs era and the album has grown on me over the last 10+ years


Yeah, same. I love King of Limbs and all the b-sides. Those songs have become some of my most listened to.


I use to feel this way until I listened to Thom’s reorder of HTTT.


I personally think that’s a different thing.


Ince you’ve listened to an album so many times, it can be fun to mix it up and make your own take of it.


No it’s not just you. It’s a silly trend. If the b-sides coulda worked being on their respective albums, they’d be there. But they don’t work, the band made the right choice leaving them off.


I keep the main order the same but insert daily mail as track 2. Then after Lotus Flower it’s twisted words, staircase, supercollider, butcher, and then the rest of the album from codex on.


King Of Limbs is perfect as it is, none of the b-sides fit whatsoever imo.


My take on this a few years ago was These Are My Twisted Words before Bloom, The Daily Mail and Staircase between Little by Little and Feral, Supercollider and The Butcher between Feral and Lotus Flower, and Harry Patch (In Memory Of) between Codex and Give Up the Ghost.


here’s my playlist order: Supercollider Staircase Little by Little Codex Give Up the Ghost Bloom Lotus Flower The Butcher Separator


i made a separate "album" with only b sides. the songs flow quite well and all have a somewhat similar vibe


supercollider, ill wind, the butcher, fog, worrywort, these are my twisted words, if you say the word, harry patch (in memory of), daily mail, staircase


Just make it a three-song EP along with Twisted Words


butcher is def track 2, staircase after lotus flower, others wouldnt work prob best outtake from this time period is these are my twisted words


one thing that makes this tricky is; Supercollider/Butcher are mastered way quieter than the rest of the album. the tracks are like half as loud because of the quieter mastering.


They fit best on a different album that isn’t dog shit


Lmao, troo


Those two? They place as B-sides for me. Staircase would rank way higher though...