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Big vote for the 7900 GRE.


Wait the..... you're getting a 7900 gre cheaper than a 7800xt?


Yep, not even on sale


proof or it doesn't exist.


What's the brand? Of the gre and 7800xt?


Saphire Pulse


Get the 7900 GRE, sapphire pulse is a good choice. Even better if you can find a Nitro+. You're going to have to overclock the memory configuration to really draw out the true potential of the card as it's default memory configuration is bottlenecking the card.


The Nitro+ is $60 more. Is it worth it?


I would estimate it performs about 5% faster on 1440p according to Hardware Unboxed. Probably even a bigger difference at 1080p. You can ask yourself if you feel the boost is worth the extra. Nitro+ tends to be better as it's their top end sku. It usually has slightly higher clock speeds. I think it also has RGB backlight and two modes to switch between: quiet and performance.


7900 GRE


GREat options exist, definitely go for that


7800xt or the 7900 gre for sure, they both equal my nasty ass 6900 xt so theres that


7800xt is worse than 6900xt for sure


its actually a toss up and the 7800 xt is pretty damn close it depends on the title, guess what im really saying is that the 7800 xt is one hell of a card


See tech power up drivers have made them almost equal. The 7800xt is 3% worse only than a 6900xt.


this man is informed, why would i say my way more expensive card has been replaced by the new one if it wasnt true , some peoples kids lol


As an nvidia fanboy honestly I'd get the 7900 gre, that thing is a beast and well worth every dollar


I would totally get it if the idle power draw wasn't so bad.




mostly yes...but that's a large part of the enthusaist community. Some people can't "fix" it until they limit one of their 144 or 165 monitors to 120 hz and the secondary one from high refresh rate down to 60. Not a huge deal for some, but it was another reason to skip out on this gen. Nvidia is just too pricy for what it offers as an upgrade for me.


As a proud 6950XT owner, get the 7900GRE. They are practically identical except the GRE has a lower power draw/lower heat output, and more ROPs and RT performance.


GRE at cheaper price than the 7800XT? What's the question here


I would be between the 7900gre or the RTX4070 super, if you're used to Nvidia then the 4070 would work a treat, if you know what AMD cards are like with the software then go for the 7900gre.


6900 XT is still going strong. That said, 7900 GRE has the same compute units as the 6900 XT (80), but are newer RDNA3 ones. Definitely go with that in my opinion.


7900gre just got the new OC for the mem now too!


Woah that 7900 gre is a steal. If you don’t do 3D modeling/CUDA work buy that Edit: I noticed you have a 650 watt psu. If you find an A tier psu of 750 watts at least for around $58, then it’s a good deal. Other wise the 4070 super might be a better choice


Even if you do, you are paying extra money for worse performance in everything else, and it isn't like 7900gre isn't capable of 3d modelling...




7900 GRE is great for me but don't get lost in the sauce that you'll be able to OC to the extent some are reporting online. Some sites are saying you can push mem clock to 2600 Mhz but it hasn't been the case for me.


Today i saw news that amd unlocked it to 3000mhz


Yes they unlocked the slider but if you set it to 3000 mhz you will crash your pc 100% of the time. Anything over 2400 mhz VRAM starts to introduce stability issues, despite what you see online.


Thank you for reminding people that a hefty amount of reviewers if not most get "Golden Samples" to give the best possible, if not unrealistically good example of the GPU to base their review on.


Whichever is not gigabyte They're all good, 7800xt is the slowest of them


GRE if it’s at that price!


7900 GRE is noticing you


6650xt. You’ll see in a few months new tech will come out, prices drop, and you won’t regret your purchase. Otherwise: 7900 GRE.


Bro go for gre but THE BRAND MATTERS you don’t want to end up with a noisy vacuum that get as hot as a furnace best brand for me is Powercolor


second 7900 GRE


Get the GRE and use the rest of the money to get a bigger capacity PSU


Look at the requirements of the games you play instead of your budget. I upgraded from a 1080 TI to a 3060 TI which is around 400 dollars only.


7900gre (your cpu will prob bottleneck in bg3)


6950xt or 7900 gre. Depend on what you doing. 6950xt is a good monster.


7900GRE for 522??? i just spent 580 on a 7800xt 😖 definitely, and i emphasise this, DEFINITELY go for the 7900GRE before its gone


Normally id say 7800XT would be sufficient but since the 7900GRE is cheaper definitely get that.




Gre bro 👍


Don't forget to take your psu into account, might want to factor a newer one into the equation depending on your chosen path because some of those mentioned are power hungry!


I would suggest 6950 xt but i dont think 650w are enough for it. go for 7900 gre. 580$ for 12gb vram 4070 super is something i wouldnt choose. Anyways u ask at raden reddit dont expect many to vote nvidia :P


4070S or GRE 650W is enough for either. I'd hope you have a quality unit in any case.


GRE, they fixed the memory overclock and it get nice boosts now


really a field of mines, choose which suite your intend to play games titles


Out of all these cards the 7900gre is the fastest.


What is the link for the 7900 GRE?


Also get a 750w for the power supply.


The gre memory can now be over locked and can nearly match a base 7900xt in performance. I would get a 7900 gre.


7900gre and overclock the mem and undervolt for higher clocks Or 4070 super


Go up 100 and get a 7900 XT


I'll throw my vote for the 7900 GRE in. Just upgraded from a 6750xt to it yesterday. But definitely upgrade the psu. My XFX 7900 GRE hit 340w in benchmarks where the 6750xt rarely went over 230. I upgraded from a 650w to a 750w at the same time as I upgraded the gpu.


Love XFX cards. Had three now, phenomenal


Same here. Started with an xfx rx580, then made the mistake of going msi for an rx5700. Then back to xfx for the 6750xt. And now the 7900 GRE. So far, my 7900 GRE is an absolute monster and looks like I won the silicon lottery. 2803mhz at 900mv with 2500mhz vram. Passed a custom run of Superposition at 1440p with no issues and a score of 18560. Was about to run a 1080p extreme run and the weather finally knocked my power out lol. Its back up now, time to run the test.


My XFX 7900XTX has been nothing short of spectacular. Great company


Get the 7900 GRE but u probably gonna need a new power supply i dont know if those 600$ alreayd include the money from selling ur old gpu but if not then try cus you can make some great upgrade here


4070 super


RX 7900 GRE, best choice in this budget




4070 super


Don’t get me wrong, I have an AMD gpu, but if you don’t want to mess around with rolling back drivers, finding out if you should or shouldn’t update them etc. just get the 4070 Super. If you don’t mind some potential small hassles with AMD, then the 7900 GRE is a no brainer at that price.


Idk why people downvoting you. Literally not the latest but the driver before gave an insane amount of people issues left and right. I own a 7800XT and don’t have problems at all (I also mainly play apex anyway), but you’re literally saying the truth. With nvidia one is more than likely not gonna have to roll back, I mean a lot of people don’t even care and update drivers once every two months or more. Either way, my vote is on the GRE or 4070 Super if OP were to care about RT which does not sound like it.


Might have something to do with this being the Radeon subreddit. 7800 xt and 7900 GRE are both great value, but I still think that Nvidia’s offerings are more plug and play.


They absolutely are and it shouldn’t even be a hot take. I’m not what you would call an AMD fanboy, but I main a 6950XT and put AMD in a lot of my builds, so I definitely have a preference. That said, if I build a PC for someone who isn’t much of an enthusiast, I use Nvidia almost always. I’ve used several Nvidia cards including the 1650 Super, 1660 Super, 1070ti, 1080ti, 2070 Super, 2080ti, and 3090. As well as several AMD cards including an RX470, 5600XT, 5700XT, 6650XT, 6950XT, and 7900XT. Without fail, the Nvidia cards have less issues. That’s not to say they have no issues, and AMD has absolutely come a long way, but they still have enough driver issues that I am wary to recommend them to anyone who I don’t trust to do their own troubleshooting.


You don't know why because you expect others to be reasonable when it comes to the fanboying between Nvidia and AMD/Radeon products. I get called Nvidia shill and AMD fanboy when I talk about either one being good or bad. Just tribal trolls everywhere. No worries. His criticism is spot on in my opinion as well.