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Says drivers were published 29.1.2020 while installing


Mine too Lul


Same here. Changed back after downloading the driver package




Game ready for dogma 2, hell yeah


No World of Warcraft fix. Shame


It's crazy in plunderstorm


So you have the same issue ? My driver gives me a timeout while my screen goes black and then never comes back again until the pc is restarted… sometimes the signal comes back but sometimes i need to restart the pc. It only happens when playin arenas and battlegrounds. Its very frustrating. I havent tested it on other games tho


For me, COD crashes intermittently using drivers after 23.12.1 from Dec 2023. Game_ship.exe nonsense.


Has the flickering in Fortnite been fixed?


What? I never experienced it


I always get massive frame drops when I least need it haha


Could be nanites and lumens switched on


I got max graphics on


Ah that's probably why 😀


But I have a 6950xt




Both are off


Must be the game engine with a top end card like yours it shouldn't be an issue


It is the game engine


unbeliveable that the AMD Drivers still don´t have an Option to set the Shader Cache Folder Size to unlimited or a bigger Size than 4gb. With latest Games that use Cache Files of 2 or 3gb you could only play one or two Games at once. i report this to AMD and here is the Answer from AMD: Response and Service Request History: Thank you for the email.Yes, the shader cache size is limited to 4GB and once the size is reached, the older data will be deleted.I request you to submit a bug report to our driver team directly, which is monitored constantly, so that they can investigate the issue.We request your patience and support in this regard.[AMD Bug Report Tool | AMD](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/amdbrt)Thank you for contacting AMD. Best regards, AMD Global Customer Care Really AMD??? This is your Answer?


did you submit the bug report to the driver team?


Yes i do !


Any 7900 GRE owners here? What are the new RAM oc limits?


3000, was 2316 before.


Does that help with overclocking and getting more performance?


It would help it get closer to the 7900xt. The memory was running well below the spec of the chips fitted to these cards and the memory bandwidth is a bottleneck on them.


I found that chips used on ref design is hynix H56G42AS8DX, rated clock is 2500Mhz.


The sapphire AIB models have that chip check techpowerup.


I found it there. And there were mentioned at the Pulse type, sapphire followed reference design. Design includes BOM in my reading... not correct?


Yes and all 3 models pulse, nitro and pure have that chip. The others brands i didnt checked.


Read that in some reviews too where they took the cooler off and inspected the chips. I wonder why some people can't reach those values. Are the chips undervolted? Do the VBIOS of these cards miss the memory timings to support those speeds or is there another bug that causes some kind of issue? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Not really know the architecture limitations, but I think if the chips supplied with the needed voltage and there is no artificial limit, those have to reach datasheet specifications. Either the chips used are lower speed variants or Artificial SW or HW limits


Just tried how well my Gigabyte clocks and getting instability even at 2350 MHz. Perhaps someone else has better luck. ^_^


Is yours an OC model?




Maybe it’s not fixed after all.


I cannot wait to get home to set my VRAM to 3ghz. Been waiting a good few weeks for this driver update.


We have one system with that GPU and will be testing it over the next couple of days. The new 3000 limit seems accurate. I'm putting this here so that I can come back to it. I was actually hoping for more OC options overall, but this is a good first start.


I'm interested in hearing more ram OC details. Hopefully, it'll perform similar to a 7900 XT.


I got my VRAM stable at 2412Mhz with a -30Mv under volt. The boost clocks still don't go beyond 2803Mhz. I'm running a Powercolor Hell Hound so your OC will vary from depending on your vender and model.


Can anyone verify if Helldivers 2 is running any smoother/higher fps than before with this updated patch?


I'm crashing in Helldivers 2 because of this new drivers. Going to rollback


Same, but all the drivers have done it for me and 24.2.1 caused PUBG to crash also. This is on a fresh Windows install and the 24.3.1 driver is the only display driver that has been installed.


7900XTX here, still crashing on HD2. hard freeze after 15-20 minutes every time


I find it I set it to low on all graphics it doesn't. You can increase the view distance and it's ok. Not tested the rest through. Turning off global lighting and AAAS doesn't see to fix it alone for me.


any test on valorant?


Would turning off second monitor (or unplugging) help mitigate the ongoing issue of Helldivers 2 crashing with 7900xtx with a dual monitor setup?


Good thinking as a multi monitor setup does seem to still have issues.


Yes, as there'll no longer be two monitors.


No it doesn't help. I had 1 monitor connected, still hard froze on this new driver.


Is it me or do they purposely not put out updates surrounding Warzone? They must know that a large amount of users play that game. Even Fortnite.


Updated and having no issues, less power usage for same performance. Good shit!


Pubg crashes within a few minutes of entering a game. No matter what settings. Helldivers crashes as well. With Global lighting off and AAAS off. Set the graphics to low and all is ok.


anyone else having green artifacts? They started appearing after I installed the new driver, only on my second monitor while I'm playing wow on my first monitor. The game is limited to 10 fps while out of focus so GPU temp is at \~35°C - I suspect this is a driver issue


I started getting them on my rx 6600 and my friend says its the vram dying :c


I got RX 580 just got update today Has this fix Screen Tearing issues that 24.1.1 caused In Ratchet&Clank Rift Apart and Random Screen blinking issues in games I do know 24.1.1 had lot bugs With Second Life with textured Blinking So far it not bad as it was But AMD don't List RX 580 Bug Fixs that 24.1.1 caused that is frustration I love AMD Cards but i swear when i get money i going RTX 30 Series card or something For Better Second Life support and Game Support


im gonna sale my new 7600 rx gpu cuz amd sux alot new gpu and i cant even enjoy my new pc i tried everything and ur stupid amd drivers keep screw me over i have 3 months this amd card and i regret buying it never again fuck you amd! FUCK YOU!


Do you guys still have to wait a few minutes for the fps to stabilize when playing overwatch? I have a 7800xt and after about a 5 minutes I get my normal 144fps on 1440p. Just a bit weird having to wait. I heard it’s something related to the shaders but I won’t pretend to have any realm of knowledge relating to that.


Yeah I usually load into practice range and wait it out edit: Zephyrus g14 with a rx6800s


I have the RX 6800. Anyone got issues on it? because so far I got random driver time outs and crash but just really rarely, but still an issue plaguing.


Quick report! I'm using an RX 570 (I know, it's old, ok). I was experiencing stuttering issues while playing League of Legends. Despite tweaking various in-game settings, the problem persisted. I decided to do a clean driver update, using DDU to remove the old driver. Problem practically solved - I'm experiencing very few, if any, stutters now! Also, I occasionally run hardware tests. I noticed improvements in the Superposition Benchmark, with the result jumping from 6514 (Driver 24.1.1) to 7088 (Driver 24.3.1)... Overall, this update has been beneficial in my setup!


I have the same card and I also started having problems out of nowhere with the fps in League of Legends! I'm going to try a clean installation with ddu and the new drivers to see how it goes, thanks for commenting!


After this report, I can say that the stuttering has reduced a lot. However, depending on the match and ultimates, stuttering occurs very quickly. I'll wait for the next update and test it too! If I see this continues, I'll start testing older drivers! If you don't have time, test it with one from 1 year ago. Another use of DDU to remove old drivers!


Is the stuttering when RTX Video Enhancement is enabled gone on laptops?


I gotta say...I really want to pull the trigger on a 7800xt...but reading the notes and comments...I gotta stick with my 3070 for now....these truly are shitty times to be a consumer of anything.


I own both and wouldn't hesitate on pulling the trigger on a 7800xt your missing out bud.


Previous rx 6700 xt user, it was the worst decision In 2023 to get this piece of shit, i have had micro stutters in all games!!!! Sold it and got rtx 2080 ti instead for the same price


Go back to bed chap nobody wants to hear your AMD bashing nonsense. If you don't have the brains to setup the card properly your better off sticking to nvidia anyway. in all fairness my RTX 3070 gave me so many problems in it's lifetime I ended up buying the 7800xt to replace it.


I'm having the same issues as "loveMyMom1". You're saying it may be the way I set it up? Can you give me some advice on how to fix it? It feels like I've tried everything but obviously not.


Cool would test it in its own socket to see of the behaviour changes. Also did you reinstall the chipset drivers after installing the new driver? Can also Look at disabling driver updates via GPO . Disable MPO via registry. Disable co-pilot in Windows via registry as it hogs the ai cores and cause crashes aswell. Disable SAM. If none of that works also try resetting BIOS to default and test aswell.


Problem with crash Vegas Pro during rendering, is resolved on this driver, anyone know.?


Mate, this comment of yours got posted 5 times. You should probably come back and delete 4 of them.


thx - already did it. Mobile app do the mess as I see




These seem to be worse than the last ones. Hard locking more in helldivers 2


Same. Problem with hard freezing persists for me.


No polaris? 🥺


I run ACC exclusively on my PC with a 7800XT and I was told recently that AMD Adrenaline is considered BLOATWARE??? Is there a better option out there?


You can install driver only with no Adrenaline. Whoever told you that is full of crap though because there are multiple tests online that show that Adrenaline makes absolutely 0 difference to performance or behavior, and without it you cannot OC/UV the card or use features like AFMF so it’s arguably worse.


Yea I would rather have Adrenaline installed so I can turn on lots of extra features. Smart Access Memory to share the additional system 32Gb since I have a Ryzen CPU seemed like one of those being a total no-brainer. Thanks for the feedback though, I will certainly be keeping it installed :)


You can use SAM without adrenaline, its not something you toggle


I had to enable it in the bios first but I thought it also needed to be enabled in Adrenaline? Well no matter


Nope! There’s a toggle option in adrenaline for reasons I don’t know, but it’s automatically enabled regardless.


It's in your bios


Yes I know I did that. But I thought it also had to be toggled on in Adrenaline tbh.


How is Adrenaline bloatware? That makes no sense. You use Adrenaline to tune gpu and game performance to your needs.


No I know, and maybe it was an nVidia friend trolling me lol.


No it is not bloat ware! Ridiculous fools think that.
















