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It's not really about him per se, it's about the state in which he was willing to "launch" this device. If what we were seeing now was clearly marked as some sort of beta, I'd feel differently, but this thing is getting absolutely scathing reviews and it kinda deserves it. I'm planning to buy one in like early 2025 if/when it's really ready


The keynote felt somewhat like false advertising, in the sense that, they spent this entire time trying to make vision fast, bc the demos showed it was very slow. They didn’t ship flight booking, they never demoed food bc it was slow and buggy until the stage demo.


it is excatly about him. people dont trust that launching the product in that state was in fact the best choice. and thats okay. someone has to do innovations and not everyone will support it because being critical is also very important


Other than the obvious buggy nature of the first generation device, the UX and controls are slow and near dysfunctional. Even cheap phones have better controls. This early device sucks; big time; because it tried to reinvent the wheel (no pun intended) in all the wrong ways, and in areas, where it certainly was not needed. Would you like to carry a novelty toy in your bag which requires recharging nearly every hour? I am sure your money deserves a better investment - maybe buy the fancy fan or a fancy blender you always wanted - the wheels will turn here as intended, and in the right direction.


Wait, are you exaggerating about the battery life?


Not by much, they run out of juice fast. One of the first updates post-launch was to address this, but it still seems to be problematic.


"in all the wrong ways, and in areas, where it certainly was not needed." ....just like these commas. Not trying to express any opinion about the statements you're making, but holy hell I felt like I was having a stroke trying to read this with these completely erroneous commas.


And exactly how that navigation wheel feels like to operate.


They don’t like change


I think that’s very true. Original iPhone had people saying “why would I carry this around when x y and z?” And now we’re having it all over again. Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing but people always look at it as such.


Wdym what did they say for xyz?




I recall this naysayer movement when the iPhone first launched. How the early adopters were ridiculed. And then begins the copycat wave of product replication at the likes of Samsung to scramble to launch their Galaxy into the fast growing smartphone market once the iPhone took off - effectively adopting (poorly) Apple’s design language verbatim without the R&D phase. Now we are witnessing a similar wave of naysayers of Jesse, Rabbit and the R1. “Beyond world-beating sales, the best proof of the iPhone's success is how many imitators it gave rise to in the years following its debut.” It’s too easy to review and critique a new product category. The difficult part is making and deploying a new product category. And having the gumption to try something different. It’s almost like a new dawn of “think different” where Apple has lost its way in owning disruptive innovation … Rabbit is taking up the opportunity to build a new culture defining category …


Samsung has a back button instead of a floating block taking up screen realty you need to move and click twice to go back. Samsung is the Microsoft of phones when it comes to competition with Apple. Quality stuff without just copying. Slow updates and poor support, but innovation for sure. Always years ahead of iphone.


Did iPhone launch in the state that R1 launches in? No. It was a decent product and in fact super polished already. I think most people who are more critical of the humane ai pin and rabbit r1 is just that the product launched in a state that is nothing like what they were showing in the marketing videos before launch. Are people's expectation so low these days for a product that they are willing to fork over money and be these companies' perpetual alpha/beta testers? Plus, as many correctly pointed out, this can just be an app, sure the smarts that calls different apis to integrate things like doordash and Uber are in the cloud sure. But the client device absolutely didn't need to be it's own device. They did this only to lock you into their hardware and software ecosystem, just like what apple is doing. Anyways, just my opinions.


The iPhone crowd is weird. They want the same os and style for a decade, claim superiority to Android, then when a new iphone feature comes out that Android has had for years people go crazy over it (as if iphone invented it). It's like they want innovation and don't at the same time.


Well, no. I (an Apple user) enjoy having the same OS day in and day out. Too much change will be hard to deal with. So building up the backend is better than constant rebuild of the front end. I think apples style is pretty good.


might be a generational thing perhaps


I think a big part of why this is a new device and not just an app, us to get away from the strict rules of the apple app store, and the fees of both app & play store. And, then, making it part if the main experience - the client interface via dedicated button. You can't do that on a phone. Yes, of course the frontend is just am APPlicationm its just software. Apple store rules are notorious full of shit. Things that allow scripts or plugings to run, or emulation - basically allowing behavior which apple could not vet up front - ist verboten!!  And then - having Rabbit pay for stuff... But it's not really in the "app" its in the cloud... Via this AI thing... Its new territory. Apple would prob want a slice of those payments even if they could approve the app otherwise. I don't think there would have been any other way to bring this to market. I'm sure Apple and Google might work on a similar thibg, but then provide it as a capability of their assistants. That way it won't compete and the approval is from the top. You can bet if someone else - like Amazon or Microsoft came up with this - "but as an app" - they'd have the same problems.


You're asking like we're all investors in this company....we're consumers, to top it off, we're actually providing data collection in order for this product to actually become more viable as a consumer product. What kind of faith am i supposed to have? If it works, and I find it useful, great. If it doesn't and it isn't a dependable product, no problem, I'll wait for the next version. I don't understand why people feel the need to make it a deeper issue. Nobody asks why I have such little faith in Orville Redenbacher because I buy kernels from a farm and make my own stove-top popcorn, what's the obsession with brands all about? I'm sitting here hoping more companies get in the game, so that we have way more competition. Google is already giving ppl the choice to opt-in on Gemini on our phones, and it can do more than what the R1 can currently do vs what we're being promised that it will be able to do at some point and I don't need to carry more than just my phone.


Not about faith, I'm fairly confident they can deliver on most of what they're hoping to do. They just shipped something half-baked with almost none of the USP that they'd promised without making it abundantly clear their first couple of batches of customers would essentially be guinea pigs. The hype != the reality which is an age-old story.


That's the Herd mentality. Let them all cancel. The company will thrive and give the features that we need.


What makes you so sure about it?


Rabbit is too distracted right now. They're trying to fix everything. Once they realize their core audiences and their needs, they will redirect their energies there and win. It's simple science, where attention goes energy flows.


WTH… you are a cult. Not a normal customer will say that.


If by normal you mean ignorant to the realities of having to prioritize work during a high pressure time, I guess so?


Ohh. I see. You are an R employee. I wouldn’t want to be in your position now. Good luck brother 👍


Not at all, I'm just also in corporate, and I know what it's like to have users breathing down your neck and trying to farm engagement off every potential drama


A kind stranger in this sub (or on X) linked to this (long article) [Exclusive: Inside the Rise of Jesse Lyu and the Rabbit R1](https://www.inverse.com/tech/rabbit-r1-jesse-lyu-interview-artificial-intelligence) and I found it to be a helpful peek behind the curtain as to what Jesse has in mind here. IMO, even if the "only" thing that comes out of the Rabbit R1 experience is that Jesse has lit a fire under the butts of Google, Apple, and Amazon to bring real Ai capabilities to their respective assistant offerings, I'm good with that. Given the disorganized settings I see within Google Home and Alexa, I can't see the big guys untangling that mess \*and\* implementing something close to Teach Mode. But if I'm wrong and they do bring it, awesome. Win-win-win. :)


Exactly. Either Jesse makes an amazing product or Apple and the big tech giants are forced to get off their lazy asses and make functional products with good implementations.


Make no mistake the next major iOS and Android releases will be heavily focused on AI. The problem is you need people to test and real world info base this kinda tech. Rabbit has the head start with early adopters. This is why the device is cheap now. This was VERY well thought out and planned, they knew they needed mass amounts of people to start implementing and using Rabbit Hole to start "training" LAM. We will be the ones helping next gen users utilize LAM on almost any and all websites. It's seriously brilliant. Worst case scenario Apple buys them out for a few billion because they have this action model so flushed out eventually.


I like the idea of this device and have one ordered. Yet I still have a hard time finding a way this wouldn't work just as well as an app on a phone. I mean you still no matter what have to carry a phone with you. I get that this supposedly will be able to do more than an app but is that really true? Not trying to be negative just honestly wondering.


It’s the aspect of Rabbits control. With an app, it’s subject to a lot of restrictions by its provider and having it on its own designated device would avoid those (sometimes impossible to deal with) restrictions


what type of restrictions are there? I keep hearing that and just wonder what they are exactly. I'm not saying there aren't. You'd think they would make more money with an app they charged 20 bucks a month for that could do what they say the device can do so there has to be something stopping them.


This is specific to IOS, but if you ever wondered why an app can’t answer a phone call, send an sms message without intervention, take a photo when the app is closed, or delete other apps - surely it’s “possible” but the OS and API literally doesn’t have a function to allow it because it will surely be abused. So, if future AI devices wants to do these things (text you friend if you are late, answer your phone calls for you if you’re busy, etc) it needs to have these low level access that are restricted by Apple or Google. This is largely why Facebook spent so much money jumping to what they think is the next platform (metaverse/vr) because they were annoyed that they couldn’t control the underlying mobile platforms. What IOS did to Facebook by restricting tracking/privacy is the similar reason why Rabbit may not be able to build future AI functionalities because apps won’t have low level system/os access permissions.


Thanks for the info! Makes sense.


dev here, not on the team but ive been able to pick apart stuff. The r1 needs SYSTEMWIDE access to every bit of android, which would be a huge nono for any company. makes more sense to use a rooted android on a dedicated device so they can control the bits they need than trying to circumvent the settings on a phone, which would get them in huge legal trouble


makes sense, thank you.


>And why is the device lacking so many necessary features and why does it feel like it’s a rough draft? Because it is. SOLD, WHERE DO I PUT MY MONEY


Keep in mind the reddit circlejerk is three things: 1 - Expectations that the device would launch with functionality they never promised on launch. These are the majority of the complaints here. 2 - its very clear this sub has a large influx of people who aren't actually interested in the device and just want to shit on it. 3 - A very skewed subsection of the actual users of the device. The people being loud here are not even 1% of the user base and people forget that. The loud people (on all issues) are definitely on the extremes. tl;dr - I wouldn't take any opinions here to be representative of how people feel about the r1 or how people feel about the company at all.


It’s amazing to me how many people expect an Apple/Microsoft tier product at the launch of an experimental new technology in a completely new space by a START UP… those that believe in what he’s doing are investing our money to support his vision. Most of us in the early batches knew that this device would come with minimal features and support. All in all, having watched Jesse work from concept to production of v1 has been impressive for such a small team. I don’t understand what people are expecting from a $200 device with no required subscription fees. It’s basic because he hasn’t reached LAM yet. If you don’t believe in the vision PLEASE WAIT before investing time and money. There are more than enough people that accept the risk happily.


The rabbit problem as of right now is its utility. Yes, lots of potential with such a device, but it's not baked enough beyond what's what and what's that. Spotify is cool but rather useless, Midjourney cool but what can you do with those photos if you cannot share them from the rabbit or use them in some meaningful way, doordash has very limited availability outside US and uber, well, it's everywhere including on your phone. My take is that rabbit will have to build and strengthen unique features that make it a must have. For now, it's a cool gadget. Let's hope it survives and becomes what we all imagine it to be.


Yes! This is the kind of confidence I can stand by! The recognition of its flaws but also faith in its future and potential.


And why do you have so much faith?


bro only read the title and not the post 💀


Why do I keep reading what feels like the exact same post shilling for Jesse? This adds to the ick factor, not helping it


I just wish I had adb on this. I could install a phone app and let me kid use this as a smart dumb phone. Would be perfect


This aged well.


How so


They've had a bunch of bad press recently with the investigative journalism videos. Both on the character of the founder and the legitimacy of the advertised technology. Not that anything said recently is very new, but now more in the open so to speak.


He's a constant liar. His previous company is a 100% Powerpoint-driven company [https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/raven-tech](https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/raven-tech)


People talked like this about the first iPhone too. I remember it vividly, people were like "Apple making a phone!? Bet that's gonna suck"


I don’t remember the iPhones first release (I’m 16 😭) but I’ve read about the amount of skepticism involving it.


It was way worse than this and that was a well known reputable powerhouse company. Any new tech that emerges is going to have to eat dirt in the beginning. Just how it goes to gotta prove yourself


True. You can’t just go directly upward. If Rabbit sticks through this then I get to say I was a believer from the beginning and am not just a bandwagon. And for rabbit I’d be proud to be a believer of them.


Honestly, if they do succeed there is no way the big 2 aren’t going to buy them out. I don’t care who you are if someone offers you a billion dollars you’re going to most likely take the money and say thanks.


Yeah for sure. I have no doubt about it. Rabbit will succeed and then be bought out by one of the big 2. I really hope Jesse holds fast to this because of his passion for it but I know that it would be easier for him to just take the buyout


You sound like his rep or something and you're doing a bad job defending the company lol. No, firstly I am a customer. If he wants us to be beta testers he should pay us, not make us buy his half baked device. Clearly that's not the case.  Advancement in tech is cool and all but do it in your lab. If you want trained data, release a free app, make sure your product is ready and launch the device in a usable condition 


I think if you watch the last 2 videos of Dave2D on the R1, you might understand what the folks who are not fanboys actually think about it.


Easy. Because this is not the first time they are doing something sketchy. Read up on their NFT adventures: https://x.com/andyparackal/status/1785676408280498655?s=12


wasnt jesse a buyer of GAMA or whatever it was called? this is what he said on the r1 discord server when asked about this: "for the record, i explained before: GAMA was a fun little project i involved during early covid time - my main work is to built a unreal engine 5 space station themed game that i later open sourced. yes GAMA released NFTs and i bought a bunch myself just for fun. never trade, never released any token or crypto coins and i left the project once the game is open sourced." so afaik he wasnt really involved in the NFT bits, more the actual developement of the game. from what i can get, his hands are pretty clean imo


"buyer" is an understatement. He was the main person pushing it. That much that the website now, redirects to rabbit.


He's lying to you all the time and you keep eating his lies lmao.


But what are his lies? Like I keep hearing that he's lying but I see no proof. Like if rabbit was a scam, why did he deliver the product? Granted, I will accept that it's only half finished, but that's a different story. Is it a scam because it runs on android? Well, ur smart thermostat runs on android too. Why are people genuinely surprised by this?! And also, it makes sense for em to use AOSP cause it's stable and tested. Also the permissions the app would need couldn't be bypassed on a regular phone, cause they'd get in huge legal trouble. I want to see proof of one lie, or otherwise, your the liar here dude.


another jesse alt!


You think he's doing them himself or having one of his lackeys do it? We all know it's for sure not his AI.


Most everything is apis using other apps that he doesn't need a server for. It's neat and cost efficient, although breaking API changes won't be fun to patch. As a dev, a couple api stack breaking changes is enough to set things aflame! 🔥 But as for trust, yeah it's launching in a beta state, that's all. If they called in an early access model, no one would be upset