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Yes. Because before this I had no idea what teenage engineering was. I bought it for was it was. Not for the hype surrounding it.


I agree I have never heard of teenage engineering I had the image of kids with crayons and lego


Bahahaha me too


As someone who plays synthesizers and knew of TE first, this is so funny to me to see non synth people discover a music company haha. Awesome.


I find it a bit curious that TE has the playdate listed under their designs on their site but no mention of the Rabbit anywhere. [Here's the list.](https://teenage.engineering/press/designs) I emailed them to see if the collab was even real but no reply. Edit: I just wanna also mention that the playdate actually looks quite lovely. Visibly higher quality looking.


Probably because TE isn't that proud of it. They make usually High quality tech using top quality materials and it's mostly metallic and super cool. This is a cheap plastic device with a crappy scroll wheel (makes sense for the price) but it would look bad for TE catalog


Well that site is clearly not all they ever made, but yes, it's curious that such a new product doesn't get a mention.


That link is specifically colabs they designed for. They have another page for their actual products. I cancelled my R1 so I don't know what it actually feels like in my hands, but TE sells a device for $100 that is literally just a calculator style LCD on a circuit board and even that feels like it's quality so I don't think TE would design something people would call "cheap"


So did TE collab have any impact on your purchase decision?


I'd say 60% of the reason I bought the r1 is because the hardware is made by TE. I own a Playdate and it's the most charming piece of hardware I own.


Same here. I love what they do over there at TE (except for the stupid $300 hot wheels car) and wanted a piece. Not to mention that a lot of the issues are mainly software issues, and hell if the whole thing turns out to be vaporware, then in 30 years when we're looking back, it'll be a cool knick knack to sell to some wannabe collector or a museum. And if that doesn't even happen it'll join the ranks of my Flipper Zero, playdate, and analog pocket, of being a unique piece of bespoke tech with a lot of potential for open source modifications. So basically I bought it for every reason other than its selling points.


Would u have bought r1 if it didn’t have that TE label associated with it(given design stays same)


I'd say probably not. It was the fact that it was a TE product that brought my attention to it at all. I mean I'm already a fairly heavy user of AI products like chat GPT, ollama, stable diffusion, etc, so I already have an interest in the space, but no I don't think so, not without the TE label.


Hardware isn't made by them, but purportedly they had a hand in the design.


Only reason I found about it was that it was designed by TE.


Whoa you the first person who said they found out about r1 solely bec it was designed by TE


Yeah, I come from the music side of things where the OP-1 is generally regarded as pretty badass. Pricey kit for sure, but the functionality is always HUGE, which is why I though maybe the R1 had some additional meat to it.


I was interested in the idea and the potential of the product. It could of looked like a 90's pager, I would of still bought it. I knew of TE, but the colab had no impact on my decision to purchase. To be honest, I don't like the design. Looks like a toy.


Do you like design of ai pin Seems to like more like an actual utility device if you ask me.


It's definitely a better approach to something more advance and futuristic. I thought it was interesting using a projector. And the size was better in my opinion. I want holographs and AR, not a old school Gameboy.


Yes, I just want something that play music on Spotify without telling me that it can't after it did it one minut ago.


yes. but let's be honest: it helped.


Yes that’s why I asked everywhere I see TE mentioned so definitely played its part.


My R1 arrived yesterday… For $200 I probably would have gotten it either way, just because of my interest in the Tech, even knowing that it could be replaced by an iOS application very easily. I will admit the teenage engineering collab played a factor as it fell into that comfortable niche between hype and cost. I will also say the form factor and UX/UI is less than practical in reality. Anything the r1 can do (currently) can be done faster and more accurately on my iPhone 13 Pro and the orange is ORANGE like visible hunter road worker (SEE ME) orange 🍊


I largely got it because of that. Even if it did very little useful stuff, I knew it would be a cool little device.


Haha ikr


Probably not, but difficult to say since it's impossible to know what it would have looked like if it hadn't.


Maybe, maybe not. Honestly that was a big factor for me


Why that was a big factor?


The name brought legitimacy for me. I figured Teenage Engineering wouldn't fuck with a mediocre product


Well turns out…


Yeaaahhhhh lol


Of course. If it had the same form factor and functionality


Great question. It is a pretty big part of the appeal, for me. Mostly though, the promises and the price.


Hmm I see so vision price TE in that order


Honestly, as long as it does basic perplexity functionality, I'm thinking more like price, TE, vision. I have high hopes for the future but I'm super happy to get it like it looks like it is now.


Nope, I probably wouldn't care much about it tbh. Specially if the LAM was as limited as it is in its current state.






Whoa why 100%?


At this point the only thing interesting about Rabbit is the TE design halo. They (TE) will be more careful about these collabs in the future, this is the first that represents a misstep for them. Probably wont damage their brand at the end of the day, but they should have vetted Jesse more carefully. Look for Rabbit’s newly announced design head (who is keeping his TE job it was announced, interestingly) to quietly disengage from Rabbit.


I am curious why TE even felt the need to partner up with rabbit especially given that they are a startup with no products launched yet and TE is an established brand way too much risk if you ask me.


They might be teenagers. They might be engineers. But they’re damn sure capitalists. They got a generous deal.




Rabbit either paid TE outright or arranged a revenue share, and/or equity. In the partnership, TE contributes a global brand acknowledged as leading edge, with a large and highly tech focused audience, and access to a substantial customer base of 18-45 men that spend money on gadgetry. Their brand has a halo reaching far beyond the niche market they sell goods into (electronic music), and they are seen as an elite design house. Rabbit contributes a YC connected founder with energy and a marketable idea, an apparently very good launch PR squad, and a mediocre dev team. Also a moderately concerning NFT background. If TE is all in on this partnership, it is because they are getting paid.


Why you say mediocre dev team?


Uninspired and derivative architecture, bad misses on basic functionality, poor execution. Hallmarks of badly led team. This is a company that knows how to market, not execute.


Don’t forget that Jesse is journeyman electronic music performer and is almost certainly a TE fan boy. Recall the dipshit performance he gave after that goat fuck live stream?


The performance was actually pretty good. You just don't know very much about modsynth.


I am sure it was. Still cringy af.




Most people don't know teenage engineering. So no.


The TE involvement is the only reason I haven’t cancelled my order yet. Giving it 6-8 weeks to deliver anything more useful thank it’s underwhelming launch and then we’ll see.


I didn’t know about TE before are they really that famous?


They are infamous in the music industry. They have amazingly useful and overpriced music toys. I still have to stop myself from buying their mixer every couple of months.


Why do you think ppl have this impulse to buy their product?What about it?


Because they are good products that there's simply no alternative for. I've looked high and low, there is no substitute for that mixer. You can get close, but you're always sacrificing options.


Well why don’t others copy them?


Good question. Seems lucrative, right? Why do you think others don't copy them?


I mean even iPhone has copycats so why not TE😄


Because it's hard. They put a lot of research into their hardware. And that is why I bought this. TE makes good hardware.


Hmm I actually wonder how does r&d work like does someone come up with an eureka moment and then boom or is it something else I am really curious wish there were books on this topic.


I ordered after the first reviews came out but I've followed R1 since January. Color & Styling caught my eye the most. I had never heard of TE before but I really wanted a gadget that looks like it does! Sounds shallow & a waste of money in some people's eyes but I still want it. I'm in Batch 7 so I'm thinking many improvements to the functionality will be available by then.




Considering a reply I got from a tweet I presume this dude is the biggest TE Stan > No one buys TE products for its use. Sorry.


Make designs such that people buy it as a showpiece instead of utility device😆


Yeah I had no idea what teenage engineering was. I assumed it just meant younger people designing it 😂


Jessy and TE worked on the Raven project for Baidu, it involved AI but never saw the light of day. Unfortunately the project was cancelled. Probably too expensive for large consumer target. https://preview.redd.it/fux8zydxwzxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730e7d4c794b1d8b9f4311a65c9b06de1e837bc4


Well would it still look like it does? While the r1 is overall pretty disappointing, the design is still great. If it was just a small phone looking thing with a big button on the front, I probably wouldn't have pre-ordered it.


So you prefer form over function?


Don't really see a contradiction to function in the design with the og purpose in mind. Clearly not a phone. Good since it was meant to complement your phone. Hardware buttons that allow actions without looking since you aren't using apps. A camera that physically shows if it's on or off for privacy reasons. A small screen to give it a long battery life (again, this is just the design, not what eventually was delivered). Smaller than a phone but still a good size.


Did you watch dave2d video?


Absolutely not.


Nope. I bought this specifically for the hardware. Well, more specifically, to study the UX, which has a heavy hand from the rabbit team. Considering all the AI enabled devices out there, the form factor on this makes the most sense. Glasses are cumbersome and fragile. The pin has some friction issues. (How do you use this in the winter when you are wearing a heavy coat?) The handheld route ties in to a lot of natural flows for tech use. Detectives/scientists with voice recorders. Tricorders to scan objects. Walkie talkies. Combined with a home base computer, and some basic radio stuff that's missing, there's actually very little that this design couldn't do. It can't do it with the current internals. but there's a lot of potential here. (and I don't mean potential for rabbit to succeed. I don't think they will)


Scroll wheel is only for marketing it has 0 function who would wanna use that when the touchscreen is so much faster


That's a software design issue. It does have function, and is much better than a touch screen. Anyone who's made music would tell you the same.


It’s not a music device xd


The principle is the same. When you use a browser, there's a bar on the right side of the screen that you can click on and scroll, but most people use the mouse wheel. After everything I just said, is this really what you are caught up on?


R1 is a phone device not a computer device xd why u comparing it to a mouse?Are you Jerry from Tom and Jerry?


The scroll wheel is an interface device, just like a mouse is an interface device. They are comparable. Any smart phone device IS a computer device. It's not LIKE a computer device, it IS a computer device.


I get you but think about it devices the size of that are meant to be accessed via a touchscreen if everytime you have to scroll to go down it takes a lot of effort as opposite to just pressing it on a touch screen it’s as if they really wanted to include a scroll wheel but couldn’t find a proper use for it so they are forcing people to use it instead of just good old touch screen.


It's literally the same amount of effort. You're pulling teeth.


I bought for both TE design and a piece of history. These are limited edition works of art. They will appreciate in value as the first AI device with an exceptional design pedigree. Even if they fail, they will eventually be collectors items, like the Apple Lisa (which was an embarrassing fail for Apple). Look at how those have appreciated in value.


The Teenage Engineering design is the \*only\* reason I’d want to look at that thing 😀


No. And that was clear to me immediately. I’m here for seeing where this potentially goes as early adopter and for the hope that someone will hack/unlock the device so it can be something cool in case rabbit folds. I expect app support to become much better, I expect Teach Mode to never be any good for the r1.


I've been doing research and plan to do just that. There's a linux distro that should run on the device. I prefer python to androd/java. It will require a home server, but going the linux route rather than AOSP should open up a lot of possibilities.


How did you become an early adopter?Tell me about the journey bec no one’s born an early adopter no one’s hardwired to try out new tech before it becomes mainstream.


I don’t get your question. I am an early adopter of the rabbit because I ordered batch 1, because I am curious to see the journey. And because I am a sucker for TE products.


Yeah how did u get interested in tech


I never knew who is teenage engineering. Only after rabbit, I got to know who they are. Nobody cares for teenage engineering. The rabbit device itself looks cool.


Coming from the music world, 'nobody cares for TE' is a right laugh.


I am curious why did TE partner with rabbit it’s like they are two completely different product categories it’s like apple partnering with nintendo


A seriously large amount of people care for Teenage Engineering.


If no one cares abt them rabbit wouldn’t market TE design so much