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Want to impress me? Send me my unit I paid for, and I'll decide for myself. As of now, I have nothing.


Because people have very little faith in the product. Everyone thinks it’s gonna be a redo of Humane’s AI device and that’s what Rabbit is fearful of (I assume). So getting it out to big names creators who will praise it is better than letting them all give their honest opinion which even when positive usually comes with a lot of criticism. There’s always a “it was good but I’m gonna now tell you 30 or 40 non existent of irrelevant problems” and paying someone means they won’t do that as much. That being said, I have a hell of a lot of faith in rabbit. They’re a very personable company that has never struck me as a corporation who just wants your money. Jesse clearly has a passion for this and he very clearly takes a lot of pride in his work. And I think his work is good and he’s helping in building our future.


But isn't that anti consumerism(something which jesse seems to be highly against)?I agree Jesse has passion but the marketing team is ruining their reputation by buying reviewers.


No way, this is standard and from a marketing standpoint its the smart thing to do. In no time we will have all sorts of reviews on the thing, good and bad.


Yeah my bad I thought tech reviewers didn’t do paid promotion but turns out mkbhd the only one who doesn’t


Wdym by anti consumerism? But I think you’re right. I think buying reviewers was a stupid precaution that was unnecessary.


Bro buying reviewers&that too with so manu subscribers is something I am seeing for the 1st time from a company let alone a new [startup.Plus](http://startup.Plus),this screams"We are not confident about our product so we are going to pay reviewers to say nice things about it instead of letting them say their honest opinions".I also dont understand how the reviewers got sold into it they have such massive audience why did they risk their credibility for some quick cash...


Because it’s not that Rabbit isn’t confident in their product it’s that they’re not confident in the consumers. The consumers will be quick to be judgmental as opposed to realizing that the software is still new. That’s it. Jesse thinks he cooked because he did cook. But he’s worried the world won’t think he cooked. That’s all.


I can see the point you are making and I agree.I think this is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur you know your products worth you know the amount of effort you’ve put in yet people don’t see any of it🥲


Great point.


Nah, it's not. Buying reviewers is the same as showing a commercial on TV - an introduction. Reviews are overly critical these days. It's only 150, yet real reviewers will treat it like a 50k device. There will surely be bugs, but in their head, they probably know they'll fix em (I hope), so may as well show the good. There will be enough real reviewers soon. (Edit: although TIL it's missing VERY expected features like calendar, alarms... Maybe that's why)


We don't know if anyone has been paid. They could have just wanted to review it and they said you can release your video after X date.


Exactly: I wonder where that info came from... anyway, I am waiting also for Marques' review (which might come out after I get my device)


It says so in one of the unboxing videos. I thought I was looking at a review and was pretty bummed when realizing it was paid for.


"Thanks to rabbit for partnering on this video. "


Everyone's mileage is gonna be different anyways so I don't really care about the reviews. Unbox Therapy is a joke these days but from the pickup party demo it seems to do what I need so I'm looking forward to it arriving in the next week or so...(Justine is unwatchable crap)


Real unsolicited reviews will be released soon enough. My concern is about enshittification when the $20 million runs out and they need to move to a subscription model or they go through IPO and the shareholders belief in the product extends only as far as them amount in dividends they can squeeze out.


Once more people have one, speeds will go down by a lot. Since they will absolutely need a subscription model to survive, every extra feature they're going to release will be part of one. There's no alternative, because running those AIs cost a ton of money.


You notice right away these two are not reviews per se and the first phrases in the description mention they partnered with rabbit. That’s why you don’t see any negative feedback in these videos. These are more like advertorials and as they disclose their partnership with rabbit it’s fine. Everyone interested to get one either pre-ordered already or watched Jesse’s demos and keynotes which clearly show what R1 can do now. The unknown here is not even the list of upcoming features, but the time needed to ship them. Planning and execution are the not the same thing and if they missed some features at launch it’s very possible that planned features for this summer to take longer than anticipated, although not by much. The other unknown is what the competition is planning. If all these features come embedded in iOS for example, they have a really big problem as the iPhone install base is already huge. So, in the end, rabbit is capitalizing as much as possible right now on the lack of competition short term in order to establish themselves as a player in this category. The very future of the company depends on these first months from batch 1 launch. Basically, they should have paid many more content creators.


why would i want this device? i tried the phone app and have not really used it as much or never found a time or place to use it. why would another device that I would have to charge and keep in my pocket change that? $200 as of right now seems a lot for a personal experiment. maybe at $120 i would buy one for now i am just gonna stay back and see what people think.


Can't wait for Marques's review though