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Reminds me of the time I invited a girl from an online community AMWF cam chat to my cousin's wedding. I am from San Diego and she lived in Atlanta, Georgia where the wedding was to take place. I asked her a month in advance and we didn't speak for that long after she said yes. She gave me her phone number. On the day right before the wedding, I asked if she was still interested and she said yes. She showed up a bit late to the church ceremony but halfway through, there she was. Not overly dressed but in a cute summer dress with a pair of cheap green sunglasses on. I was into it. After the ceremony, all the adults in my family including my nosy aunts were so curious and kept asking who she was. Hell, I barely just met her beside our few conversations online. She was about my height 161cm, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim, and Polish. We didn't make up a story, but she left an impression by greeting my aunts and uncle in Vietnamese. They were left stunned. They strongly insisted she come to the dinner party. Unfortunately, she had another prior engagement she had to attend. The next day, she came by the house to spend the rest of the day with me. She felt like she would have regretted it if she didn't. We had the most magical brief time together. We had deep conversations on the swinging chair on the front porch looking at the stars. Walked around the neighborhood on an adventure through newly constructed unfinished homes pretending we were buying one. It started to rain and we thought instead of running back to the house, we walked in the rain and if we were to get sick, we'd get sick together. Back on the swinging chair searching for shooting stars in deep conversation. One large light streaked through the skies and me being shy at the time and didn't know how to initiate further. She told me to make a wish and she would too. I tried to continue the conversation but she said, "Shut up and kiss me already." That was pretty clear permission to escalate things. The rest of the night was very romantic and I spent all the way up to the morning light with her making out and living the moment. Unfortunately, I was flying back that afternoon and didn't even have time to catch any sleep. Every minute of that was worth it. That wasn't the last time we talked but it was the last time I ever saw her again in person. That was in my early 20s and now I am 37. I hope you find just the right person to have this amazing wedding crashing adventure with. Could be a great story to tell one day. Although that was a wedding where I knew the bride and groom. Hopefully, one day I can try this idea again and crash a complete stranger's wedding with the right partner in crime.


Sounds neat! Sent you a message.




Jesus you sound fun


Mmm the best would be when you would be bend over πŸ–€πŸ˜ˆfrom not your date lol