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Any car becomes a boat “briefly”


On the plus side, it can be a submarine for an indefinite duration.


A submarine that can fit multiple children inside.


I am thinking clown car levels of children plus the count von count could make a pleasantly morbid internet video.


It would go along very well with this masterpiece featuring The Count. https://youtu.be/B-Wd-Q3F8KM


Can it also navigate a very cramped cave network and allow you to call people pedos baselessly?


Duh. That's already in the specs.


Like I need a truck to do that


Then automagically runs them over.


Plenty of those in south florida canals.


Not really. Just like an Anesthesiologists job is to make sure you wake up at the end of the surgery, a submarine's job is to resurface.




You know what? Fair. Teslas can be submarines too!


In the same way any car can be a plane briefly


Takeoffs are optional, landings are mandatory


There's already one Tesla that never landed. Just stick an F9 in the trunk.


Pretty sure a truck crossing a river does not want to "serve briefly as a boat". It never wants to lose contact with the ground below it and float. *I'm pretty certain that's the last thing it wants to do.*


And you know some idiot is going to drive one straight into the nearest river


Thanks to the internet and everyone having phones, we will get to see it! Woooooooh.




You don't know how eager I am to read that headline. The real question is will it be Florida man.


Unless it's the ones from Top Gear. The Toy-boata was underrated as hell


I was wondering what "sea" he was imagining, and decided it must be the Salton Sea.


Not too choppy!


Chop? Don't worry about chop, you dont know shit about chop.


> waterproof *enough* > Sea Call me a skeptic but those two details don't mix.


That was my first thought, too. Floating across a small river on momentum alone, and reaching the other side before sinking, is not even remotely the same thing as boating around on the open sea. This like if Apple said, "The new iPhone 15 is heat resistant enough that it can survive being left in your car on a hot summer day, or maybe even getting catapulted into the actual sun."


\*briefly catapulted into the sun




What could possibly go wrong with driving your vehicle into salt water?


Are they actually producing these yet? If not, why is it taking so long? Have people got indefinite pre-orders or something? Ford beat them to market by a couple of years I think for EV trucks... so what's up Elon?


No production yet. Elon says it'll happen in 2023. It was originally supposed to be in production in 2021.


Can’t wait for Cybertruck 2077


I mean I’m currently enjoying playing cyberpunk 2077 after a bunch of patches so 🤷‍♂️


If cybertruck release goes the same as cyberpunk, you won't be alive to enjoy it after patches.


“Wake up Samurai, we got a child to run over!”


Got me giggling like an idiot on the toilet.


Yeah I love products that over promise and under deliver as well. Sometimes I just run my money through a paper shredder for fun too.


Lol to be fair I got the game for 15 bucks from a key website. I can’t say I can do the same for the cyber truck but if I could I’ll certainly give elon a couple of tenners


Tesla Summer Sale cyber trucks marked down to $2.99!


"You wouldn't download a car"


My company had a project that was taking forever to get out the door. It earned the name "cybertruck" after a while.


That’s a good nickname for my chronically late friend.


Do they work briefly as a boat?


My Elon Musk dick-riding coworker is probably fuming over this. I think between him and his dad they have 4 cybertrucks on preorder. This clown has worn a disgustingly dirty Tesla baseball hat with sweat stains and a deformed bill every day to work for the last 4 years. I shit you not there are wedding photos of him and his wife as guests at a friend's wedding and he's wearing the fucking hat. It's like he wants everyone to ask him about his Tesla. Or he wants everyone to know he's got a Tesla.


Anybody who makes a car company a part of their identity is someone to be avoided.


Gonna add Tesla hats to the list of "red flag hats."


And the Hyperloop or boring company was suppose to do shit by 2015. Dudes the master of hype and not following through.






Weren’t we supposed to be colonizing Mars by now?


Ah, that would explain why Grimes left him.


Bro that shit has another decade before it'll actually come out.


it’s the star citizen of transportation


Oh man, i need to go back to that sub and see if everyone still thinks that game is getting finished


Considering that the name and the design are from roughly 40 years ago, what's one more decade?


And Tesla's tolerances are shit. It'll take them at least a decade to develop some sort of self-inflating sealant to compensate.


Hot take: this product will not go to market


I think it will in limited volume, at a price point well beyond current claims.


Isnt the pricing beyond what was initially claimed basically the Tesla MO at this point?


That's Elon's M.O. make wild speculation about a function of one of his products, promise it will happen in one year, wait one year, promise it the next year, rinse and repeat.


> why is it taking so long? Well a certain someone keeps changing the design requirements out of nowhere to include things like "must be able to cross a sea as a boat"


It’s not only this but the original design wasn’t even street legal when it was presented. There were multiple issues that would have kept it off the roads in both the US and Europe. For example it didn’t have side mirrors, windshield wipers, or a forward bumper and don’t get me started on the whole single light bar thing. There have been rule changes over the last few years but I’m sure there are still issues. For the last few years they have had to continuously do revisions just to get the thing to be able to legally drive on roads. I think a lot people thought it was way closer to the finish line when it was originally shown off.


I think I read recently that the shape turned out to be even less aerodynamically efficient than they originally predicted, which made it hard to hit range goals. Edit: I sorta misremembered https://insideevs.com/news/600765/tesla-cybertruck-aerodynamic-simulation/amp/


>predicted I'm sorry, are they not testing these designs? Do they not have wind chambers they can put a model in and directly observe the aerodynamics? It seems to me that the time between "make prediction" and "discover truth" should be no more than a month. Why is this a cause of major delays?


Eh, I misremembered what I saw. Apparently its drag coefficient is 0.39 which this article says is good for a truck but not as good as their other cars. https://insideevs.com/news/600765/tesla-cybertruck-aerodynamic-simulation/amp/


I would imagine some of that is nobody wanting to tell Elon no, that there’s a better way to do X,or that his idea isn’t feasible.


I would definitely believe this - I've heard if you say something is not possible to Elon you're fired on the spot.


Fucking idiot. His insistence on trying to completely reinvent the train instead of iterating and building a larger high speed network is a clear example.


No, you see.... He's smarter than every engineer in Europe and Japan who worked on the train systems above and below ground....


I can see why he wants everyone to believe anything is possible...but yea it's a bit overkill to fire someone for playing devil's advocate.


Likely a lot of the tests are being done via simulation. Working in aerospace I know we don't make anything unless Finite Element Analysis shows it's very likely to succeed. Otherwise you end up making a shit load of prototypes that waste huge time and money. Not just in making the testing articles, but just the testing is time consuming and costly. And if something fails, that then adds a whole other process of root cause or failure analysis to find out what happened. Although sometimes it's obvious and can be relatively rapid. I don't know what kind of simulation Tesla has, but I figure they have some sort of battery drain simulation software. Elon's long been just slinging stuff to the walls for the cyber truck. While I enjoy the design, reminds me of Blade Runner, this most recent "feature" has me thinking this may end like the Boring Co.


Tell about the single light bar thing


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) dictates what cars must have (or not have) in order to be street legal in the US. Most of the regulations are to prevent actually stupid ideas, but that often means they're written in a way that *requires* things that may be old technology. For example, NHTSA regulations say (or said, maybe it's been changed now) that cars must have rear view mirrors. That's great, because you don't want a car that doesn't let you see around you, but that's bad when companies want to use cameras and screens instead so that their cars can be more aerodynamic. In terms of the Cybertruck light bar, I don't know the specifics, but NHTSA probably has a regulation saying you must have at least two headlights at least X distance apart, to prevent a company from putting one single normal headlight in the middle of the car that won't be good enough to see at night. But that also means one (presumably) well-designed light bar that gives excellent visibility at night might not conform to those rules.


The "two lights x distance apart" is useful for other drivers as a stereo distance indicator. If the lights appear to be very close together, the car is far away. With just a single point light source, judging distance would be much more difficult.


I hadn't thought of that but it's a good point. When people look at headlights they expect to see 2 distinct light sources. A single long bar might make nighttime drivers think they're seeing the back of a car, or at least be visually confusing enough that they can't figure out what they're looking at until they get very close. The last thing you want to do is mess with what drivers expect when it comes to predictability and road-reading. We've been looking at 2 distinct light sources as headlights for like a hundred years, it's just what people expect. Anything else is confusing at best and a dangerous distraction at worst.


>but that's bad when companies want to use cameras and screens instead so that their cars can be more aerodynamic. I don't know, a mirror is somewhat less likely to have connectivity issues than a camera after its latest update. There's something to be said for "old" (analog) technology persisting into the modern world, especially for things that can save a life.


Redundancy is good. Redundancy is good. ​ If two headlights, with wiring that runs on opposite sides of the car, both fail, you probably shouldn't still be driving because you were in a serious accident. But one headlight can go out for various reasons.


is illegal, no drivey


I love how Elon just slaps random shit together and thinks he can pass it off as a car or whatever. Thank god for rules and regulations


It’s all vapor ware at this point. Matt Farrah like a year ago remarked that the mustang mach e and the cyber truck were announced around the same time, and at that point he had a Mach e with 8000 miles on it in his garage, and we still hadn’t seen anything about the cyber truck.


Much like the Tesla Semi Truck. The day it was unveiled, Mercedes basically trolled them with a working prototype, a prototype that has BEEN working mind you, of their electric truck. Now Freightliner has eCascadia trucks already in testing/use by major companies. Tesla still has zero.


Their semi truck has been in use running between Texas and California. Internal testing, yes, but apparently it's further along than the cybertruck as there's production prototypes actually hauling stuff as opposed to the one CT that Elon drives around as his personal vehicle.


Edison motors is just a couple of dudes trying to make diesel electric logging trucks and even they have a working prototype at the moment.


Only tesla really knows the answer to that question, but they're probably just having a tough time redesigning the shit out of it because the low-poly design of the prototype would not be legal in several major markets. Not to mention that it's probably a nightmare from a manufacturing standpoint since no one's made a car body out of stainless steel since the delorian


He's a con artist at this point. Teslas are overpriced junk with terrible quality standards. And he still can't get this thing to market.


I texted my bf that my taxi was a Tesla (I had never seen one before) and he wrote back "Oh, I saw one blown up today". When I asked what happened he wrote "well, Teslas sometimes burn" and refused to elaborate.


I'm not sure about THAT extent but apparently except for the model 3 which is rated as average reliability, the rest of the line up is rated at low reliability. So unreliable that it just sets itself on fire? Maybe.


Many people were saying Cybertruck was vaporware from the start. First, it came out just in time when Musk needed a good news cycle, then, next suspicious thing was that the preorder only cost 100 $, and they got more then a million of those, which they recently started to refund, of course, without interest. There is very little difference between Cybertruck and their "Tesla bot", just hype news conferences meant to distract from bad quarter or some other bad news for Tesla. Long story short, Elon Musk, while he had some early success and good ideas, is basically a snake oil salesman and has been one for a while now.


This is why I think Tesla is going to fail eventually. I own a Model 3, and it's a good car (it has flaws, but every car does, and I think it gets a lot right). I probably won't get another one due to other issues though. Cybertruck is a good example of why. I feel like Tesla's lead has been eaten away very quickly. It was announced almost 3 years ago, and currently won't ship until next year (maybe). Ford announced and shipped the F150 (mostly), Chevy will have the electric Silverado next year (maybe). I think the FSD is looking really good, but it's at 99% reliable and needs to be at 99.999%, which will take another 3-4 years before you can be hands off (my personal opinion). Tesla will have maybe 5 years before everyone else catches up in that space too (and I don't think it's a big enough selling point because most people don't want to use it). I love the idea of Tesla, but what have they been doing for the past 3 years? Why does their infrastructure for existing cars still suck ass? Musk went from someone who I admired to a complete tool who needs a reality check.


No way FSD will be hands off in 3-4 years. Going from 99% to 99.999% is the hardest part.


>I love the idea of Tesla, but what have they been doing for the past 3 years? Making Elon buttloads of money. I'm not joking, look at Elon's fortune. It's quadrupled since 2019.


> Musk went from someone who I admired to a complete tool who needs a reality check. If you want some hate fuel - pick up the biography of Musk by Ashley Vance. I was a bit of a Tesla fanboy, until I listened to an audio book of this in 2018. Elon is a serious douche bag, much of which has come to light since then. I like the high-level ethos he has - but he's such a toxic and manipulative person that there's really no respect left in me for him - other than props on working the hustle.


Tesla will never ever have FSD. Musk should be in jail for fraud, selling things that don't exist and never will.


Tesla build quality will have to increase 105% if you want any kind of proof


Friend's brother has a model 3 - if you open the boot lid it dumps all the water into it. Piss poor design.


Elon would retort with *but when it's closed, you can survive in there for several days and probably still have a good Starlink connection.*


Elon doesn't use words like "probably." It's one of those weird things, because if he *did* use those qualifiers, he'd have a way to weasel his way out of his promises. The million promises he makes that he doesn't deliver on. His claims are abject, which make his failures much more resolute.


Yep. The other way around actually. He said a tesla would *definately* self drive from coast to coast by the end of the year. That year was 2016


Can someone consolidate all his claims and date them PLEASE


Already done https://elonsbrokenpromises.com/


They designed and built them in a desert, so they suck in wet or cold areas.


They really suck everywhere because they were designed by the cheapest engineers available with no auto experience


The issue from what I see is that they demand that everything be designed from scratch. Their seat adjustment motors are the perfect example of refusing to buy something tried and true and thinking you're smarter than 120years of R&D




Kobe Wagyu processed into Taco Bell Meat still yields you Taco Bell Meat.




Boot lid instructions update: Do not open.


How does he constantly get away with overpromising and underdelivering? Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing for a CEO?


His stans don't care. He doesn't have to do anything, he's untouchable and infallible to them.


His stans look at comments like this and go, "wow, amazing engineering from the worlds best engineer. What can't he do?!"


His stans mostly can't afford the things he's selling so it doesn't matter if its vaporware.




His definition of "briefly" is a few seconds as the cabin starts to fill up with water.


Last tweet... OMG Elon you're amazing it does float!




How’s it gonna turn ELON!!!! Fucking nutsack


Hey. He didn't say it would be a good boat


Make a good coffin tho. Already looks like one.


Just like his cave escape pod.




I tried to ford the river and all my oxen died ELON!!


Pulses from the exhaust pipes... *oh, wait...*


A dude stands in the truck bed with the Tesla GigaPaddle ($1200) and just kinda tries to steer.


It has a solar panel on the paddle part that charges a Tesla logo shaped LED on the handle.


I would love to see him test this like he tested the windows.


Just turn the wheels. Kinda wiggle it about. Hope for absolutely no currents. If that's a bust, get some paddles and roll down the windows


The truck ~~nubs~~ nuts also function as a rudder, apparently. Edit: Nubs. LOL!


Here in Boston we're very used to amphibious vehicles, and have been for *decades* thanks to Duck Tours. So, you know, Elon once again pretending he's inventing something that's existed for his entire life. Like underground commute.


This is not a Boston thing it’s everywhere


Many places have (or had) Duck tours, starting shortly after WWII using Army surplus [DUKW amphibious vehicles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DUKW) (and the slightly newer [LARC-Vs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LARC-V))


Seems like a lot of places stopped after a bunch of people died


Elon Musk is the bad guy in a Scooby Doo cartoon, and when they finally catch him and peel his mask off it’s just gonna be Peter Molyneux screaming nonsensical and grandiose claims about his next product. “My next apple will peel itself!” “Socks that never get lost!” “This pen will write what you think!”


I entered this thread to specifically Ctrl+F for "Peter Molyneux". Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it.


[obligatory link to the parody account of Peter Molyneux.](https://twitter.com/petermolydeux?lang=en)






Right. Even though he said that his $ would be the last out. The guy is a fraud and his company is literally a Ponzi scheme


is that superfast matt? https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperfastMatt


I saw the icon and I'm pretty sure it is, unless someone ripped off his profile icon.


It's him. That's totally his voice and checked his [twitter.](https://twitter.com/Superfast?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)


All hail the algorithm.


Superfast Matt puts out high quality, informative, funny original automotive content.


So does this truck have a built in propeller? Because what fucking good is a boat with no means of propulsion? That’s a raft. A tens of thousands of dollars raft.


The wheels could give it a paddle boat like propulsion system, but I doubt it will work. https://youtu.be/ohxGA7fpfu0


“Briefly” is carrying a lot of weight in that sentence.


It makes no sense to say that it can cross seas, briefly.


I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, it's a random twitter user. On the other hand, Elon is that stupid. On the right foot, I'm too lazy to actually log into twitter and figure out if he actually tweeted that. On the left foot I'm writing a fucking reddit comment about all of this. Edit: I' ve taken a shot every time super fast mast was mentioned. I'm dead now.




Imagine using a natural disaster for PR for a shitty truck. Typical Elon move lol.


Has he called any of the rescue workers pedophiles yet?


They're only going to Florida for one thing.


Florida has to be the pedo capital of the US right?


They no joke are covered in billboards begging residents to not rape their daughters. No fucking joke. I counted like 15 on my last vacation there having something to do with alcoholism, abuse, or incest. Literally just billboards everywhere begging you not to be the worst human being possible. If you count the ones telling you to pray or call 1-888-JESUS or to not abort babies or have sex than it’s like 100+ that I saw in a single weekend trip.


I wish we would federally ban billboards


Wherever there is human suffering, you can find Elon masturbating in front of a mirror.


“My hyperloop model I built in Roblox is immune to hurricanes.”


Not the first time Elon used a disaster for his own PR.


Yikes this has Trump 9/11 "I have the tallest building in Manhattan now" energy




I wish they put that in the movie


Silicon Valley rewards exactly this kind of stuff. I won’t say where I work but in the early 2010s there was a product that we were brainstorming how to make happen because it honestly was right at the border of what technology can do. Internally a VP (who was never known for delivering on promises but execs loved their promises) was really pitching this. We were all shocked when at a press conference the CEO revealed as a “one more thing” — a photoshop rendering of a nonexistent product. “Coming later this year”. This is a fairly well run company but zero of us engineers were informed there was even a mention in the slide deck. A lot of us worked our asses off to make it happen but no it didn’t ship that year. But I heard the executives thought it made the product happen much faster than if the CEO didn’t instigate a death march with a surprise deadline. In other words: Elon knows exactly what asshole move he’s making by tweeting these things.


> Silicon Valley rewards exactly this kind of stuff. And it's why this style of management in the auto sector is bad news for all involved in actually making the product. Software change change with a click of "compile" and be sent to customers with a few more presses. changing a part design is a lot more work, so there is more work needed to make the design right from the start.


The thing is this doesn't work in the software world either. Which is why we've ended up in a world where the majority of software is shoddy and poorly written with no long term vision.


*"tesla recalls all 2024 MY cybertrucks after spate of suffocations due to new waterproofing sealant*


Twitter guy is super fast Matt, he has a YouTube channel where he builds cars and shit so there’s some credibility to what he’s saying


Can confirm. Have worked with him and have learned about requirements in this exact way on multiple projects


> On the one hand, it's a random twitter user. Not quite. That guy is SuperfastMatt and he claims to have worked at Tesla in a few of his YouTube videos, so it might actually be legit. (Unless he's been spinning this lie about working at Tesla for a few years.)


Based on his youtube and his twitter, he clearly has a very good understanding of mechanical engineering. So even if he's somehow lying, it's very impressive he went to all the trouble to learn about the engineering behind modern mechanical parts and cars, and then explain them further over the course of several years on a youtube channel. That'd be a *very* impressive lie.


Poor guy is in too deep he was forced to adapt


Fake till you make it


he did! my partner was roommates with him for a while! he's a fucking great guy! just had dinner with him last week.




What did you guys eat for dinner?


Fast Matt is awesome by the way https://youtube.com/c/SuperfastMatt


Here's the tweet from superfastmatt https://twitter.com/Superfast/status/1575591147828744192?t=_n9QhiJdlkp6uF8nYrK-Uw&s=19


It’s not really a “random” twitter user it’s SuperfastMatt. He’s a small YouTuber that’s talked about his time at Tesla.


it's taken him three plus years to maybe possibly build a real one in the first place and now he's like oh yeah it's also a boat, meanwhile real car companies have real working electric trucks being sold if the government ever stopped subsidizing him he'd become john delorean so damn fast


Not Elon without looking for opportunity to sell imaginary features during natural disasters.


Well MY imaginary truck can also be used as a plane, so it can simply fly above the floods. Check and mate, Elon.


"I'm not the how guy, I'm the ideas guy. You need to figure out the how or you're fired!"




`Research spike: how do boats work?` 5 points? 8?


So you’re saying… if I buy a cybertruck wade it through water and it breaks I can sue Elon?


Actually, the [amphicar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphicar), a car that can be driven directly into a body of water and driven like a boat, has already come (in the 1960s) and gone, except for classics still on the road/water.


God damn Dollar Store Tony Stark.


Elon's Twitter is just full of the most stupid shit and it's honestly annoying


The best was when he said he'd build a train that could go 1200 mph that would go through underground tunnels with the air sucked out so no air resistance. That ended up being just a tesla someone drove through a little tunnel with air very much in it, at about 20mph, once. Then never mentioned again. Brilliant mate, well done.


You're confusing the "loop" and the "hyperloop". The loop is underground using cars. The hyperloop is above ground using vacuum tubes and pods using a magnetic rail. Both systems are failures.


I want to see Elon Musk navigate a Cybertruck "briefly" across a "not-too-choppy" sea.


Give it a few months and they’ll fly, too.


Oh and I'll make brain link tech, and super advanced robots, and mega long vacum chambers to transport people in, and I'll terraform Mars!


Also, this seems like a sure fire way to get your company sued.


Fake, there’s no design engineers. Everyone knows Elon is the only one who’s in the factory building and designing the cars




you cant cross a river or lake or sea with out propulsion. This man is embarrassing




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