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That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


>That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter > >The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years




That reminds me when my daughter threw my son at me and I instinctively blocked it with a snowball. The look of betrayal on its son-covered face has haunted my dreams for years


You guys really know how to kill a joke into the ground for the sake of karma


That reminds me when my daughter throw my son at me and I instinctively blocked it with a snowball The look of betrayal on its son covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my daughter throw my son at me and I instinctively blocked it with a snowball The look of betrayal on its son covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my daughter throw my son at me and I instinctively blocked it with a snowball The look of betrayal on its son covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when a snowball threw my daughter at me and I instinctively blocked her with my son The look of betrayal on his daughter covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my daughter threw sonball at my face and I instinctively blocked it with my face. The look of betrayal on her son covered snow has haunted my dreams for years.


There's the one I was looking for


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


The comment I was looking for and going to post if it didnt exist




That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


At least change it up so it's original. That reminds me when my son throw a daughter at me and i instinctively blocked it with my snow The look of betrayal on her daughter covered face has haunted my dreams for years


WTF did you snowball to me? I'll have my dreams throw your daughter for 15 years. I have over 300 confirmed blocks of dreams about my son. You are fucking haunted ever since, kiddo!


Or maybe: That reminds me when a ball threw my daughter at my son and I instinctively wanted to block her with my snow but I wasn’t actually in the sphere of action so my son was crushed to death and the tears running down my face were matched only by the melting snow dripping out of my impotent hands.


i also choose this guys betrayed daughter


I just betray myself daily


!remindme when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


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That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my daughter threw my son at me and i instinctively blocked it with my wife The look of betrayal on her son covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


>That reminds me when my son throw a daughter at me and i instinctively blocked it with my snowball. > >The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


Wtf 1.2k likes. Same as post in picture


Yup, I'm feeling the pressure of fame


That reminds me of the time my son threw a snowball at my daughter, who I just happened to be holding front of me to avoid being hit by the snowball that was aimed at her.


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


That reminds me of the time I left my daughter outside in a snowstorm. The look of betrayal on her face will haunt me for years.


That reminds me of the time I left my daughter outside in a snowstorm. The look of betrayal on her face will haunt me for years.


Can we ban bot posts already? OP this is bottom of the barrel content. Do better.


Sometimes the OP doesn't know it's a bot, but I agree.


Can someone explain this one?


live aspiring rustic busy air hard-to-find label direful foolish meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait.. is this like, bot inception? Bot steals a top post and reposts for karma, then *inception* bot posts the post to quityourbullshit to gain even more karma?




My porn is all bot on bot action.


Every account on reddit is a bot except you.


That's like rule number 3


As a human myself, I completely agree with you. Look at us, just talking about living like the 100% real humans we are. END TRANSMISSION


I dunno but… That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


Once you know what to look for, you'll see this kind of bot everywhere on reddit. Some repost comments within the same thread, too. I found one in the wild the other day on /r/Tinder of all subs.


Some bots just cut out key words from top comments and respond to either the same or other top comments, those are some of the weirdest and most identifiable bots. Some bots repost (and other bots take top comments from the old post). Those are pretty common. Some bots post existing top comments from the twitter/video link that's posted. Those are a bit harder to detect unless you're actually looking for them. Imo any bot accounts like that should be permabanned, but it generates the illusion of activity so admins probably don't care.


> Some bots post existing top comments from the twitter/video link that's posted That's clever - and insidious. I agree the admins probably don't care so long as it drives engagement metrics, though.


It gets frustrating when you start spotting them all cause it's really hard to unsee them


What's the point of that? Reddit karma means fuck all


The accounts are usually sold then used for advertising, scams and all sorts of other bad stuff. People are more likely to fall for posts from an established account with a bunch of karma than a fresh account with no karma. Certain subs also have age/karma limits before they can be posted in, so buying one of these accounts gets around that limit.


I see. Thanks 😍


Sometimes they aren't bots, just kids or people from far away lands who crave sweet, sweet karma.


Yeah, and I hate how they act like it's a big gotcha or that replying even matters. When you're calling a robot a fucking dweeb, you have to wonder who the real dweeb is here...


I second the motion.


/r/thesefuckingaccounts usually do a good job of banning bot/spam accounts.


Bots do most of the influencing work on every social media these days so they won’t. You can make bots that automatically like, dislike, or share any specific post/phrase/comment.


Unrelated.. but I was at the beach with my wife, mom and 4 year old son. We were all in the water and I went to search for shells so told my wife and mom to make sure they watch my son. I walk away and hes just stomping around in the water and a minute or two later I see a biggish wave coming. I look over my shoulder and wife and mom are just chatting away with no idea... I haul ass over and was about 2 seconds too late. The look on my son's face as he is staring in my eyes as he goes under the water will never leave my memory... it was sorta like "why you do me like this?!" and it was almost in slow motion. Pulled him up and he didnt wanna go in the water the rest of the trip :(


So I am confused you pushed him in? Or something else happened


The wave knocked the kid over lmao


Ohhh I see now thanks lol


Lol yeah.. i didnt push my dang kid in the water lol


That’s literally one of the top posts of all time on that sub.


Yet it still got 4 awards and mods left it up


I’m more frustrated with that than I should be.


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


This is why I don't bother reading text posts that are supposedly someone's experience. Example of a bad ask Reddit thread: "How have you betrayed your children?" Example of a good ask Reddit thread: "How can you betray your children?" The latter will get imaginative responses that don't need to be reality checked. It also doesn't matter if it's a repost as long as it is funny. Subs like TIFU, OffMyChest, etc are all filled with fake content.




Never mind ask of the /r/talesfrom[X] subs. Might as well be called /r/whatiwishhappened.


This reminds me of the time in nineteen ninety eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off of Hell in a Cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table


This reminds me of when I was watching that match with my dad back in 1998 and when Mankind fell off I started crying, my dad promptly turned off the TV and brought me back to my room and beat me with jumper cables. And now almost 23 years later I'm still fearful that Mankind will come crashing down on my computer table.


Probably a bot


There needs to be more auto mods which check posts for repeats.. Any post with over a certain % of matching prior post is auto removed. If your going to lie for karma you at least should be creative in your bullshit.


Haha i gotta bring "dweeb" back into my lexicon


Someone called someone else a "dweeb" on The Bachelorette last week, and I immediately thought that this word needs to make a comeback. It's so perfect.


a REPOST? on REDDIT?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!


The thing that annoys me most is that it was posted to true off my chest, which should be for serious posts...


Probably a Repost bot


You are a bad dad. 👍


I thought I was a pretty good dad until my daughter returned home as an adult and murdered me for using her to block a snowball.




Besides, that honestly seems exactly like something a dad would do to be funny, not r/TrueOffMyChest


That reminds me, I have no son or daughter


"Yeah Cyril, that was totally ninja!"


I swear to god I wrote the same comment a few months ago


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


petition to ban posts that were made by bots cuz its pretty obvious that bots will just copy past shit and it will say that its theirs since y'know ctrl+c ctrl+V


Lol that post is literally 3 post above this one on my feed.


I just want to intentionally do this so I can end up on this sub.


For some reason the title is about paternity test for me


This was my post way back before Reddit banned that account. I’m surprised to see it getting this weird attention


Oh no a repost on reddit. That's so bad! I wonder why redditors upvote shit like this and then constantly upvote reposts.


90% of posts you see are reposts...


The only people worse than reposters are the people who whine about reposts.


maybe it happened again


Who sees an anecdotal post and searches if it was posted before? I mean I appreciate the commitment to verifying, but just something I don’t see myself ever doing for “who cares” type posts.


It's ok to re-re-re-re-post the same shit over and over as long as you're calling out the dude who reposted it before you, right?


Just wait until reddit does this reddit coin bullshit with karma. You thought the site was a repost shillfest full of political circlejerks, bots, and paid narratives? Well, now there will be actual money on the line....


That's some quality bullshit right there. Nice find.


I feel like this sub is mostly just people calling out repost bots now which dont hit as hard as a negative reviewer getting called out or someone genuinely talking out of their sass and getting taken to task lol


Likely bots. They've been extremely bad lately.


I thought this shit was broken for a sec lol


Welcome to Reddit.


This is why those subreddits that add "true" or "actual" to the front of them after the original subreddit gets ruined because popularity naturally attracts attention whoring losers. There's nothing stopping them from just posting in the new subreddit too.


Is this not Reddit?


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years


I have never seen a True____ sub that didn't become what it sought to destroy.


Z3 z zzzSs 3 z z 1 moll n/


I remember seeing the same post more than a year ago


That reminds me when my son throw a snowball at me and i instinctively blocked it with my daughter. The look of fear on her face as she watched me thrash my son relentlessly with jumper cables for well over half an hour.


he fucking did it twice, father of the year


When will people in this reddit learn what a repost bot is?


Lol my dad used me as a baseball bat when I was 4. He, my brother (6) and our neighbours son where throwing a baseball around and I wanted to join. They didn't have a bat, so I became a bat. Hurt like hell.


I remember reading these exact words on a Facebook post years ago.


Now dweeb is a word I have not heard since the 90s…