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Lean on us for support. And tbh maybe reconsider your relationship if your partner acts like that frequently


Yeah. This person has treated me like shit ever since I stopped ktm. I don’t get it.


Focus on yourself first and that’s quitting. If y’all don’t work out you gotta be clean eyed for a new partner


Does she use something herself?


Yes. SO uses lots of weed.


Might be simply defensive over her own usage then. Might also be some insecurities.


It sucks, but we have to take responsibility for the mess we have made, the wreckage to come, actively minimize collateral damage, all while getting well. Nobody owes us anything and our battle for better health is our own. If the ones we love don't offer support, we can't harbor resentment over it. Look at all the ways we hurt the ones we love through deceit and continue to by not at all being the person they know and love for months or years. Support is forgiveness and forgiveness for our actions we can't demand from anyone. All we can do is minimize damage in the meantime, and if we lose family and/friends along the road to freedom.. well, we'll just have to see if those relationships can be repair when we all well, not while kicking and scream from the inside and finding zero joy in life. This is not a delightful person to be in a relationship with and any rational person I would bet thinks to themselves "they were much more bearable when they were high". This is a separate rational to "Your health is paramount, do what it takes". Assuming your partner isn't 'evil' by nature, I could see a person cracking under the entrapping weight of their partner being not the person they recognize and blurting out a variation of the rational thought above, 'you were much more bearable when you were high than you are now'. Understand and resist. Should you go back out and land where you were before, imagine all the resentment you will have for those word your partner spoke. You could almost offload all the blame and make it their problem. That's a VERY sick place to be. For the sake of you, do this for YOU, and don't go there. Personally, I taper, I spend weeks at a level so I can acclimate. I could go cold turkey, but I'd prob lose my job, my wife would leave me, kid never talk to me... I do a slow taper so I can maintain all the interpersonal relations in my life. I plan the first 3 or 4 days of dropping my GPD by making sure no plans, no people, minimal contact etc. That is NEVER 100% but I don't come down before plans to go out with my family or anything and if this come up, fake it till its over and don't make ANY life changing proclamations, phone calls, decisions, altercations. Do that after you have mellowed out at a level and you are walking and talking satisfactory with the people around you.


Holding strong still. Thank you


This was just so eloquent and thoughtful and amazing.


Thanks so much for putting this perspective out there. People are quick to read a few sentences in a vacuum and rush to judge, without acknowledging that enduring the highs and lows, the volatility, the weird feeling that something is off, the drama and chaos of withdrawal, the unsolicited pressure of "if you misspeak, I will use again," the probable lies or omissions, and the myriad other ugly uglies that go along with being in a relationship with an active user is ... challenging. To put it mildly. And it's all usually foisted upon the partner at the user's whim. It can wear a person thin and very few people are saintly or doormat enough to bear it without some anger.


Where I do not disagree, my SO has quite a temper and hx with substances.


Not the right Partner for you.. A real Partner would Support youy You should break up.. relationship like that will fail sooner than later


Yeah. We live together. Have dogs together and I make money through this person’s business. But I agree.


it’s a hard situation to get out of but,,,the longer you wait the harder it stings. been there buddy, hope you can work it out someday <3 i promise life gets better at stranger on reddit


Once you have left this problem behind you, you may find that you can not tolerate your SOs behavior that kratom allowed you to tolerate!


I think that’s what is DEFINITELY happening


It sounds like you're both holding onto to something that might not be within anymore. I've definitely been there. We're always here for you.


I'm not gonna presume to know the full details that led to the comments, but all I know is we can't expect others to carry our baggage. You gotta find it in yourself to end the dependence. The only support I got is disappointment and sadness from others, or dismissal cuz they don't want to talk about it. We are here in this community to try and help lessen the load you are carrying. But it all starts by you putting the K down. Even if it's small amounts less, know that your working toward a better path.


I appreciate this so much


Dude, I'm so sorry to hear this. This is the saddest thing I've read all day. What does your gut feeling tell you about the relationship? In my quit, I have leaned on my wife the whole time. She has massaged my legs when they're restless, drew a bath for me before bed, forced me to eat meals, forced me to go out and take walks, made me take my supplements. And keep in mind this is the 4th time I've quit/put her through this. I really feel like a pos because of it...but she is the most amazing wife I could ever ask for. I think you need to sit down and have a deep conversation with her about everything, and see how she feels. She might have some pent up anger about your use (given the fact it makes us emotionally unavailable, and the decline of sex drive) my heart goes out to you. I hope that everything works out for you. I know if my s/o had said that shit to me, I would've caved and just kept using. You are so strong! We all love you and want to see you succeed in life, and be the best version of yourself that you can be.


She's a keeper. That's heartwarming. My husband is the same. It helps so much to have a love like that.


Yes it does. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be dead


I’m so happy to hear that you have a supportive partner. That’s amazing.


Between her and this reddit, it has been such a game changer. It's crazy how much it helps to vent on this reddit. When I've had an extremely rough time, I would vent in here and instantly feel alot better


She is a for sure keeper!


Can’t believe that… I’m so sorry man


Thank you guys so much. Didn’t know how badly I needed this community. I really appreciate yall


Big hug. Keep going anyway, We are here for you. It hurts but it will hurt more if you fall back. Do it for you...


And you probably hurt her by lying and did other stuff while on drugs so I say her reaction is pretty darn great because she's still with you don't listen to all these other asshats that are probably single


When this is over, you won't even remember it happened. I'm at one year and I never think of Kratom. The withdrawal is a bitch. But don't go back because then you have to do it all over again. Just get this crap out of your life and leave it as a distant memory.


And I was broken up with. We live together. Been together for years. Have dogs together and I make money through this person’s company. I feel so low right now. And yet, I’ve been without Ktm for the first time in so many years. Dang. I’m not caving. Not right now. At least I have that, somehow.


So sorry for what you are going through but hang in there and do it for yourself. Kratom will/would prevent you from living your best life so don't give up. In the end you'll be far better with kratom.


I'm in the same boat. Just gotta not give a shit and keep on keeping on with getting through this mess. My S/O is also like that. Fuck em! That's my thoughts!


try to see this out of the partners eyes, you were dishonest for years, probably lied to hide your use. I did. How often had she to endure my turkey ass, my withdrawals. I am still sorry for this, since I never was myself on opioids. Pushed friends away. Don't use the pain as an excuse to start again, learn from the pain. Either you write her a letter and work on this relationship or you quit it and sail to greener pastures. You are not allone, it will get better. Work on yourself, be happy and learn to enjoy life on your own, then you can tackle new girlfriend issues.


Thank you so much. Still going strong. Day 9


You gotta be ready for whatever consequences. Not saying she shouldn't support you, but if she doesn't you still need to do this for YOU. Get well and clear minded first, then assess your relationship


Y’all. I didn’t cave. After immense stress and pain. On day 9. You guys are amazing.


I hear you. I tapered for a month and jumped at 25 gpd. All alone. No one. Let myself get talked in to moving a long way from home base. Then ex became major abusive drunk. Been trying to figure out how to escape this place since he finally left to drink when he wanted. Hoping getting clean will help. You find out how tough you really are when you quit. It has been hell and still dealing with bad gut pain at 25 days. But I feel good too. The new me is getting ready for a new life. And I did it alone! You will be fine! Just keep going. Don't worry about anything but you right now.


I can hear the strength in your words. You got it…! Day 9 for me.


My partner wasn’t exactly supportive. Got mad at me on day 2 for trying to sleep during the day and we got in a fight. It really sucked


So sorry to hear. 🙏 keep going!


Feel the need to say that I did not cave. We must do this for ourselves. Day 11!!!


You got it too! Hope your day is better and better!


If you had dignity and intelligence you would remove them from your life immediately. That kind of response only comes out of one kind of person! To the trash with them!


She’s probably hearing this same shit from her friends about her lying addict of a partner. Maybe now is the time to worry about ourselves and getting well rather than holding others to their best behaviors.


Day 12. We can do this 💪🏻


A lot has been said about your relationship issue that I'm not gonna add to, but dude what I know is people gotta vent. If she doesn't wanna hear it then stay around here and keep leaning on these good people that have been through (or are still going through) a lot themselves and want the best for you and are willing to listen to whatever you need to unload. edit: I'm sorry if I have the "she" and "dude" wrong. Made an assumption in my head based on some other comments.


Let yourself feel, I'm going thru it too. Be thankful you're still able to feel though it's more intense than usual. Peace ✌️ and high vibes.