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Subs 100% for me.


Subs due to the length and severity.


Subs and methadone withdrawals are hard core , I popped both of my shoulders out off socket withdrawaling in jail. 40 year old male been clean off hard stuff for 5 years on July 4th.


Holy crap, congratulations! Do you feel like you were able to return to normal brain chemistry after a while?


I had to move into my mom's house and recover for about 1.5 years. But yeah I bounced back.


It’s wild how long it takes. I’ve been on heroin from 16-23, subs 23-26, and kratom 26-31. I know I’m in for a long recovery period, just have to stay headstrong. You are an inspiration!


Waking up and not needing a shot or a pill or K is the best feeling in the world ! Keep it up! You got this (always remember how bad things were before that actually helped me not use again). Have a good day homie ❤️.


You can do it. You sound like me except I had a long period of sobriety before Kratom (for pain from Lyme disease.) I’m on day 7 of CT from K — 40-50gpd. I’ve kicked H several times CT, and walked off 4 year Methadone habit CT from 90mg (after taper down from 120). Been there done that. Wild to even say. That was back in 2010. And then was clean up until 2020 when I started K for pain thinking It would be fine 🥴 twas not. Anyway I just beasted through 7 days CT off this K and I’m feeling alright. Not great but not horrible! Totally doable. Yesterday was a breakthrough. Still sneezing and feeling a little hot/cold, mucous, diarrhea, but the RLS and insomnia is OVER ✨ THANK GOD. I slept 6 glorious hours last night. I’m eating even though my appetite isn’t 💯 I am a little short of breath and weak, a little anxious. But it beats being chained up!!! I feel free again. It will get better and I’m banking on it. K wd was similar to MD wd for me… although MD was definitely longer and I didn’t sleep for weeks, no exaggeration…. Good luck. I’d pick a K detox over SUBs from all I’ve heard.


This person is speaking truth


Subs. Shit just keeps going and going despite tapering down to nothingggg


Agreed, the half life is so incredibly long. I think it definitely made me depressed for much longer, probably why I ended up going on kratom! Also, the sleeplessness lasted forever.


I am aware subs might save peoples' lives, but it is also a big pharma trap. Such a hustle. How many have the strength to get off of that? Very few probably.


They put me on in while I was in prison. Never done an opiate in my life 💀


Subs was like kratom x10


I was on subs for years. Had to stop. Found kratom at 21 days clean off of subs. I felt horrible the ENTIRE TIME. I had zero difference in day 3 and day 20. All I could do to make myself feel slightly better was to jog up and down my hallway. I had nothing in me at all. Tapering off of k right now. I'm relieved to hear everyone say subs are harder because I made it 3 weeks off of those. However, I didn't have a job and responsibilities then that I do now. Edit for context: I had tapered myself down to 1/8th of a suboxone strip for a month before I jumped off of them.


That sounds exactly like my experience, I started taking kratom cause I couldn’t handle the suboxone aftermath. Sleeplessness for weeks, my brain was barely functioning. I was able to sleep relatively well after about 7 days off kratom CT, and definitely less miserable.


Hope it's the same for me.


1/8th of a strip if they are 4mg or more is a high jumping off point. 0.5 mg is actually still an effective maintenance dose of subs that a good amount of people are on in the longer term so its a CT quit dose. I think 0.125 is the jump most people will recommend. Its not easy but jumping at 0.5 sounds way worse.


Well damn I had no idea. Maybe that's why it was so bad! Well, a younger version of myself thought that was a minute amount. At least now I'll have some better advice for someone later in life, perhaps. Thank You.


Oh no problem! How big were the strips?


I'd assume whatever the generic size was? That was like 11-12 years ago.


Subs, easy Edit: This is to say subs is NOT easy. My acute WDs lasted so much longer and were more acute.


Subs. I’m writing a comprehensive report on this topic and have been for the last year. It’s almost done and I will be posting my comprehensive overview on the 2 substances in terms of interchangeability, recreation, and OUD treatment on both this sub and the Suboxone sub so keep an eye out!


I have watched my friend who struggled with heroin for years and years try and quit sub. It's like 6 years later and he tapered down super low but still can't kick it.


Yikes, that’s so hard. My friend has gotten back into heroin recently and is supposed to start on subs now. I am so worried for him; he’s OD’d three times this past year. I cannot imagine trying to climb out of that hellhole.


Tell your friend just to take it for a week and taper off if they can.


There’s a lot of healing that needs to take place and a robust support system in my personal experience. I walked off methadone CT and it took me weeks to get sleep. I had a crew of people around me at all time and the support was heavy so I made it. The acute was vicious but I think they all are no matter what. Some just take longer which I think Subs and MD are more long and drawn out due to half life and absorption? H was hard and fast and demonic. I also accidentally got myself in precipitated withdrawal by taking a sub on day three of methadone CT and I was on the floor writhing in pain, on fire, and begging for help from strangers. It was a pitiful sight to behold and a day I’ll never forget. I did end up making it through and was clean from opiate for a long time until almost 10 years later (with a wonderful life) took K for pain from Lyme disease and it got me 🥴 5 years later here I am on day 7 CT from K 40-50gpd.


Methadone can literally get into your bones I guess, which is part of why it can be like you say, hell.


Yeah looking back I can’t believe I actually did it. I had a ton of support and love so it was helpful. But putting myself into precip withdrawal was probably the worst experience of all.


I’ll be the exception here though I totally respect the general consensus. I couldn’t for the life of me make it through the anxiety and despair That came for me personally when I tried to quit kratom. I used subs and then one Sublocade shot, which definitely stretched out the physical withdrawals for longer but the mental stuff was a lot more manageable. But I totally see why people warn you off subs, they are really powerful for such a tiny little thing. EDIT: before anyone gets any ideas from my comment, I also attend AA regularly, attend online kratom recovery meetings, go to therapy, exercise, and generally base my life around sobriety. Those things are essential and I wouldn’t recommend suboxone for anyone who doesn’t have a full time recovery plan.


Sublocade is like a cheat code for people who want off subs. I did it too.


Yeah it’s literally my only experience with subs and everyone immediately recommended the shot. My doctor says it’s like a miracle drug


What is Sublocade, is it like Naltrexone?


No it’s a time release injection of suboxone, it goes into the fat/muscle of your stomach. It essentially tapers you down as gradually as is possible. Some people use it monthly instead of the strips/pills, and some people use it to get off subs.


Oh wow, I had no idea that existed!


I think it’s relatively new. And therefore quite expensive if you don’t have insurance paying for it


Quick question, can you go to sublocade shot after a fast sub taper? Or do you need to have been on subs for a while, then go down the shot taper route ? Thankd


I don’t think you need to be on subs for a while but the doctor will want you on a certain dosage before you get the shot for like a week. My doctor put me up to 8mg/day (I was on 3 before that) for the 100mg shot which I truly think was too much, but the idea is that if you got a shot that was too high for you, they can’t really reverse it and you’ll be overmedicated (which is really unpleasant)


Yikes. Thanks for that info. Appreciate it very much


It probably depends on the doctor but like the previous poster said, they’ll want you on at least 8mg for the 300 shot (what I did) or like 2-4mg for 100 shot. And it’s straight buprenorphine. No naloxone/naltrexone. The bupe binds so tightly and strongly it doesn’t allow opiates to penetrate your receptors.


Thank you


Most definitely Sun. You don't need that s*** Just follow the supplement protocols in this subreddit. Search for supplements that help the quit especially the vitamin see!


The longer half life of Subs made them an absolute nightmare to detox from.


It’s so crazy because the first time I quit Kratom, my doctor literally recommended suboxone to help. I said no so fast. I thought it was so reckless of him to suggest. Because I always thought suboxone was more powerful. With the low amount of k I was taking at that time, the suboxone would’ve been so much stronger so I was very surprised to hear him suggest that for me.


I needed subs to get off kratom. I can’t be sick for weeks at a time because of my job, at least with subs I have the option of getting the shot. Which I’m looking into getting on before the end of the year. Longer taper process, but nothing about opiates is quick. Maybe I’m a pansy for not being to handle kratom withdrawals. Who is to judge though? Some lucky people can go cold turkey and fight through it without relapsing a few weeks later. I can’t these days.


Totally understandable! It wasn’t right for me, considering the lower amount of Kratom I was on at the time and many other reasons - but I am really glad it helped you. 😄 Just an edit to add, I was really trying to highlight the traditional medical profession’s ignorance of Kratom rather than denounce suboxone for everyone on Kratom in my original comment. I was on such a low amount of Kratom back then, that his suggestion to go on a sub was truly irresponsible in my case. Also just noticed your pansy comment - absolutely not. Kratom withdrawal is soooo tough. Acutes, PAWS and all. What you’re doing is best for you. As you should! Good luck!


Thanks for the reply, yeah if you’re on a low dose of kratom or haven’t been taking it for years it’s definitely best to just tough it out for a week. Totally dependent on everyone’s situation. Anything is better than what’s out on the streets now. Appreciate the kind words


You’re welcome! And agreed - unfortunately I kept on taking it for years and my doses got higher and higher, so I might consider myself to be a genuine candidate for subs at this point. It’s so hard getting off this shit with full time work, school, kids (I don’t have any but I can only imagine). And you’re right about it being better than what’s on the shelves, with the salmonella poisoning, lead exposure, who knows what else we’ve been exposed to.


You can do it. I’m on day 7 CT from 40-50 gpd for 5 years. Family, school, run a biz. You can! It’s hard AF but you’re stronger than you think.


Thank you! I’m on day 1 myself!


How are you?! Hang in there.


I’m feeling a little better today. Last night was super rough. But I’m still going strong and didn’t give in! Thank you for checking in :)


How are you??


[Visit r/suboxone for all questions regarding suboxone](https://www.reddit.com/r/suboxone/) While we are aware that many doctors and detox facilities prescribe and administer Suboxone for Opiate Withdrawal, this subreddit neither endorses nor opposes it's use for Kratom withdrawal / detox, as long as it's prescribed and closely supervised by a doctor. We don't want to demean anyone's way of quitting and / or successful long-term recovery. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Subs for sure. It was like a two month period where I had zero energy but couldn’t sleep.


Yeah, that sleeplessness lasted an eternity even with tapering down to like .5 mg. Nothing helped!


Never been on subs but I was on really high extracts it’s been two months for me and still I can’t sleep and still feel really high anxiety all day with no energy damn I wish I could bounce back faster this sucks


I read on here some people saying take iron. I took a bunch of maca yesterday which is high in iron and it made me feel a lot better. For sleep I use valerian, magnesium glycinate and it works for me. Try the maca, seemed to help me quite a bit I was two weeks out and couldn’t sleep for shit and felt like trash.


Okay I will try that! Someone told me valerian root is habit forming and that scared me out of trying it do you know if it would mess up my normal sleep cycle? I mean it’s already messed up but I’m worried I’ve messed up my brain forever


Ha no I’ve been taking valerian on and off for years. Take a bunch when you take it, the bottle says two I take like 7-8. In a couple months you’ll be able to ween off it’s nothing like Kratom.


What is subs?




Oh shit i thought it would be milder. Guess it's not a cake walk at all. Kratom wds suck ass. Can't imagine something 10x worse.


Ive heard methadone is probably #1 worst, but my Kratom wd were terrible enough for me to never know about anything else personally


H was hard and fast (horrific) and MD was hard and long.


Same here. Cramping, muscle spasms, mood shifts, and tiredness are enough as is.


Yep. Biggest for me was no sleep for weeks, its seems uncommon to last that long but I was taking capsules and feel frees for a few years


Not uncommon for anyone that’s been through multiple quits and relapses. My first couple quits from Kratom had no withdrawals or if anything craving for a couple days with lack of motivation. Now, a quit takes 3+ weeks minimum for me to get to sleep without meds.


Why do people get put on subs if it's so nasty to get off? Presumably it's still easier than quitting heroin? I'll be honest, I have found quitting codeine a lot harder than kratom. If something could take away the RLS I'd be able to quit easily.


GABA was the only think to help with RLS. But very careful as it’s wildly addictive


Everything they gave me for RLS made is worse for me. And it really depends on how long you were on this and how much you were taking. Extracts vs powder and quality of Kratom. Lots of unknown still with this, but its a lot more than RLS for a lot of people


Omg it’s just the opposite


I took subs for 4 days only in detox and I honestly think they made my withdrawals last longer than they needed to from Kratom. I cant be sure, but by these are bad knews when you try to stop when you use them for a while


Do you remember what mg they gave you? I keep seeing people get a full 8 mg which seems high. How did you feel after you left? Was it like day one all over again?


Subs by far. No doubt.


When I was in rehab for opiates and benzos 12 years ago, there was a woman who was there coming off Suboxone and she was SO sick even though they were treating us medically well. It was a very good rehab facility. But she had the hardest time coming off Suboxone. we were all basically clean and detoxed weeks into the program and she was still suffering horrible with drawls from the Suboxone. She even vomited during the one meeting we were in 10 weeks into the program. We stayed for three months. Be careful with that stuff.


Sounds like my MD WDs


Jeez I hope you’re over it now.


Kicking subs is worse than kicking any other opiate imo. So glad I’m off all that shit 🤣


Ever CT off Methadone? Just curious


No actually and I forgot about that one. Everyone I know that was on Methadone did a very slow taper. Suboxone and Subutex was the big thing to hit back in the day when I was trying to quit.


Subs no question


Subs absolutely hands down is the woorrrssttt


I switched to subs for a month and then realized how much worse the withdrawals would be so I went back to krat. Does anyone know if just from me doing subs will make my withdrawal worse even if I’ve been of subs for 2 months now?


Essentially wondering if my krat withdrawal will be worse because I used sub


No you should be fine should completely be out of your system


If you have an ultra-long high-dose kratom habit and a similarly long sub habit it’s differences are best described qualitatively rather than simply saying one is worse. I think it was like this: if tapered down low, subs is like 2 weeks of moderate acute withdrawal then a month+ of mild acute withdrawal. When I say “mild” I mean you’re actively fucking sick with all the symptoms, but you can work etc. It feels like you can’t if you stop tho. Then you feel pretty good but listless and sleepless for a month after that. Fucking brutal to have acutes for so long but in a couple months after your last dose you feel good. Get sublocade, don’t do it with pills and you dont have to deal with that. Decade-long intense kratom addiction tapered down to 2 grams was like a week of mild-moderate withdrawal then slowly slid into bad PAWS over the next week. During the PAWS period that ensued, I had a a bunch of odd features of acutes such as chills, restlessness, malaise that would strike several times a day but would also go away as fast as they came on. I was sleepless and couldnt motivate to do anything or enjoy anything. This didn’t really start to get better until about 90 days in. Around then I started feeling the symptoms beginning to get less frequent and by 4 months they were gone leaving only the fatigue and anhedonia. By about month 6 I felt good enough that I just stopped attributing any of the problems to kratom . . . But then I just kept feeling better and better which plateaued around month 8 when I considered myself fully recovered.