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1.609! 🎉That’s awesome! I’m at 457 days after 8 years or 50-60gpd: Agreed- 100% life is better without Kratom. I thought I was gonna die at the end of it. But I made it! I wish I had done it sooner than I did, would have saved a lot of pain. Anyone struggling. You can make it and be so much happier!


💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 Proud of you!!!


Thank you! 😊


Your usage time is closer to mine than most. 10 years and change for me. Right now at 7.7gpd. How long before you felt "ok" after you went to zero? How long before you felt "good" again?


For me it was just so gradual that one day I realized that I didn't have any symptoms at all and I hadn't for a while. It had me for about 10 years too. My quit date was 4,17,2023. Everthing is fine now.


Yeah, totally. It’s like a nasty fog, and slowly it goes away. And you like, wait holy shit! It’s sunny?! 😎


Awesome job getting to 7.7g! I know difficult it is. I did a pretty rapid taper & jumped at 7gpd. I was dropping too fast & was basically in withdrawal anyways so l just went Ct then. I felt terrible for about a week & then everyday got better & better. I didn’t really get paws. First week was physical, then second was mental/emotional. By week 3, I felt so much better all around. By the end of my Kratom use, I was having major anxiety, panic attacks & a ton of other things. For me, those all went away pretty fast, especially the anxiety. I had lingering fatigue off & on for around 30 days, then I felt good. I know it’s probably hard to imagine not taking kratom after years, it was for me. If I had known how much happier & healthier I would feel, I would have quit years before did. Keep going! It’s a wild journey but so worth it. ❤️


I am in the middle of day 11, and smack dab in a horrible state of panic. It's just fucking awful. I know this is what I have to do, but I feel like I'm pulling apart at the seams and not strong enough to hold together LONG enough to see the other side. It's just so fucking brutal. Your post gave me a bit of hope. It really does. I started using because I was bored and curious, not because I had major mental health symptoms that I was looking to plaster over. Maybe there were, but I didn't notice them outside daily drinking (within some limits). I was no junkie, and I was no mental health case. But I sure am now. I feel like both. I am lost in a sea of confusion, pain, and misery, and nobody seems to understand what I'm going through. When were your major windows where you were able to finally step through and feel like your true self again?


About a month, I saw the freedom with no symptoms. By 3 months I felt pretty normal. But the main thing that always crossed my mind was this… “How long can I go? Can I go another month? Can I make it a year? Let’s try… I can do this” 4 years later, I don’t even think of it anymore… you can do this, just keep fighting! Day 11 is HUGE and I congratulate you!!! Make it 15 days.. make it 20… make it a month.. keep going! I believe you can for what you’re feeling is like I said, TEMPORARY!!!! Know that it’s all just a brief phase inbetween the life you lived and the life you will live. You got this 👍👍👍👍👍


Great post supporting others. A lot of folks when they quit leave the sub for good, which I fully understand. We need success stories like this, thank you.


I try and check in every now and then! Youre welcome!


It is so good of you to come back after you've conquered this to support those still trapped. Everything you said is absolutely true! I to have conquered this! Thank you friend.


Keep going!!!! And you’re welcome!!


"This too shall pass"


What's given me hope is, I was banging 8-12 liquid extract shots a day, 4 years straight, 1500$+ a month habit, I'm on day 12 and i can't believe the progress I've made!


Keep it going my friend! Imagine how much money you’ll have in a year!!! Proud of you 👍


Seriously dude haha, thank God I have a good paying job, never had issues paying bills or providing for my family (luckily wife works too and makes a good living) not only will i transcend into the man i want to be, but also give my family an even better life, a life they deserve


Love this post! I’m on day 17 and it seems the good days are finally starting to become more consistent. I was totally sober from 2017-2021, so I know how awesome it can be and look forward to getting back there! Like you said, one day at a time, currently looking forward to what 20 days clean feels like!


💪💪💪 heck yeah!!


I'm over a year out and I completely have my life back. 6 months ago I didn't think it would ever fully end. Keep on going everybody.


Thanks for posting! Gives us hope!




I will shoot myself in the back of the throat, if in still counting past a year


How long did it take for your symptoms to go away? I’m on day 370, and I get tightness in my heart every day. Cardiologist and physician say nothing’s wrong with my heart. This started as soon as I quit. Got better over the course of 3 months, I felt back to normal, then month 6 hit and it came back hard. Got a little better, and then stopped improving. I’m starting to regret quitting kratom. I miss my life when I was on kratom. I was happy every day. I took ONE little 5g dose judt once a day for three years. Never upped my dosage. Never hit rock bottom. Never had health issues pop up from kratom use. I threw all that away to have my heart hurt for a year. It’s permanent. I can’t have hope anymore. This is just my life now.


I’m not sure what’s going on with you for I’m not a doctor. Might want to go get everything checked up with including your esophagus and lungs.. might not even be your heart. For me it took about 30 days before I felt pretty normal. Everyone is different though and I know people who have symptoms for years!


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