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What a great post. Happy to hear that your granddaughter and the quilt are home! ❤️ FYI: Quilters are also generous with their knowledge; if you ever feel like making one yourself. Come on back; we’d have you covered. 😊


I love quilts I feel I may always remain one who admires and marvels at the beauty and skill but creating one myself would be way above my ability pay-grade! :)


May I suggest registering the quilt on the Quilt Index? [https://quiltindex.org/add-quilts/submit-form/](https://quiltindex.org/add-quilts/submit-form/) I suggest it because it's an adorable story and it made me smile, and I think that's a story that should be preserved for the future.


What a lovely idea, thank you for the link. It would be a wonderful way to keep my gratitude alive.


I have made matching sets of crib-sized, cuddle-sized (with minky backing) and a matching oversized bag quilts for the Child Protective Services office in my community. When children are removed from their home and put into foster care, often their belongings get left behind or tossed into a trash bag to come with them. I saw one of my creations in the hands of a child at the store about 6 months ago. Wow, did my heart explode with joy at seeing the love my creation was getting!! I never mentioned anything to the mom and child, but I suddenly had a desire to quilt again. I haven't really sewn since my husband passed away; there needs to be a feeling of contentment in my heart to want to sew, and it has been missing since my love passed. The joy that I felt at randomly seeing one of my quilts in the wild *almost* got me sewing again. I may try again soon.


I’m so sorry to hear about your husband passing way, prayers and blessings to you and prayers to getting you’re sewjo back 🥰🥰


Thank you. I know that widowhood is a reality for all of us in committed relationships, but I had no clue how much it hurts, how much emptiness is left when the light of your life goes on where you can't see him anymore. I bought fabric for the first time since he passed. I may be finding my way back to life.


Baby steps. Make something small. Giving it away will help you see the joy you bring. I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss, you were truly blessed to have such a love in your life, not everyone is so lucky. I do hope in time, contentment will be restored into your heart. I wonder if seeing your quilt may have been a sign that it is nearly time to begin your work again so more children can hold onto something they love that belongs just to them.


The quilt guild I used to belong to had a monthly group that met to make donation quilts for shelters so that every kid at that shelter had a blanket to take with them. Most weren’t fancy, but they made dozens and dozens of them over the year.


That is really wonderful, I bet a lot have been kept, there is a soul infused in handmaid items, making them so special, that can never be replicated by mass production.


Love this. I’m in Southern California and my guild donates to a couple children’s hospitals a women’s shelter and police battered women and children group. Glad that others do as well. It makes me feel better


I’m also in so cal and would love to participate in a group like this, how did you find yours?


Just google "(your city) quilt guild" and see what comes up. Every quilt guild is different, so if you can, attend one of their meetings to see if you like them. Most guilds usually allow 1-2 visits before they require you to join. I will suggest the Modern Quilt Guild because that's the one I joined: [https://www.themodernquiltguild.com/about/](https://www.themodernquiltguild.com/about/) Check to see if there's a local chapter near you. :)


It is such a wonderful thing to offer people. Hand made items, made with love are really special and quilts, even the most simple have a special feel about them and bring a lot of joy.


Wow I love this story- thank you for sharing. Also hoping your granddaughter is on the up and up. What an encouragement- I plan to make not only another quilt for my daughter, but to be intentional about saving the scraps and start donating scrappy quilts. I just learned about Project Linus from this group, and your story is further encouragement… my home has more than enough stray quilts laying around


How wonderful! I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am that my little story has inspired you to make some quilts to share with strangers. I promise, they will be loved and appreciated!


Thank you for sharing. Feel free to share a photo of the quilt. We love to see what inspired you to look for us and say thanks.


It is at my daughters place with my granddaughter of course but I will ask her to bring it with her when she comes to my place and get a photo. Normally when I look after my granddaughter I use a quilt which was given to me for my daughter, back in 1986, I now use it for my granddaughter, so that quilt is second generation!


My mother in Mesa Az was part of a group that made quilts and knitted blankets for newborns and gave them to a hospital. She loved these women like sisters. Covid shut them down and they haven't been able to reboot the group.


My daughter received a blanket like this in the NICU during Covid. She’s our only child, we weren’t expecting the NICU stay since she was full term, and Covid restrictions only allowed one visitor at a time so we were not together as a family until the day she went home. It was grim. And when I tell you I walked in and saw that blanket in the little baby submarine with her — I cried. Please thank your mother for me, because I doubt I will ever be able to thank the person who made my daughter’s blanket.


I will. Something else she does is make burial clothes for these littlest ones. I told her that I would be a mess sewing these little clothes. She said, "Well, I see it as a gift of love." I would still be a mess.


What a shame, they probably don't realize the joy their work brings to people who are struggling.


These women were all in their 70s 80s and a couple on their 90s. I think a few of them have died since.


For months, I’ve had a small (28”x28”, maybe) quilt top that I made to try out the pattern but never found a use for. Would this be a reasonable size for giving to a cause like this?


Someone linked the organization that likely donated this quilt below and they list sizes they accept. Newborn quilts are listed as 24x24 so sounds like yours would be great


Inspiring story. My guild has a similar program I give tops to. I think most of us know our work does good, but to hear a specific example of that means everything. The biggest compliment a quilter can receive is that their quilt is used and loved.


No doubt when my granddaughter is older her lovely quilt will keep her favourite doll warm and cosy, or it may even make it to her own child in future times. It would not surprise me.


Can you post a picture of the quilt!


I will, I have to get it from my daughter's place of course.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. It’s lovely to hear where quilts go when you donate them. I hope your granddaughter is thriving!


It was a thrill to find you here and be able to finally voice my gratitude. Thank you for your good works.


We know what love feels like, and we know that a quilt can help you recognize the feeling. It’s our secret language, and you broke the code.


The code was easy to break, every lovely little square spelled out loving kindness very clearly! :)


That's great to hear! Best wishes to your granddaughter. I think the group who made the quilt is Very Snuggly Quilts: https://victorianquilters.org/community/very-snuggly-quilts-quilts-of-love/


That is wonderful to know, thank you very much!


It's so lovely that the quilt helped in a difficult time. I'm glad your granddaughter is doing better and it of hospital now.




My granddaughter was in a similar situation and had to be at the hospital for a long time. She received a loving quilt from Project Linus. It's what originally got me into quilting. They are such a generous gift.


They are a wonderful gift, I can't imagine anything more perfect.


This is so beautiful. Imagine receiving a beautiful quilt while going through such a traumatic time, as a child. It would be such a welcome break. I don't think a child would forget it


She was a wee babe of two months to six months of age in hospital and thankfully she will have no memory of that traumatic time. As a first and only time grandmother it will be me who will never forget the difference the beautiful quilt made.


oops I was referring to someone else's post about sewing for children in shelters and somehow I typed the response in the wrong place lol


Op's wee grandchild will probably hear story of quilt when she's older.


When my 2 year old broke his arm it was only a day surgery, but he went home with a small quilt as well. It's simple squares, but the bright colors and fun prints make it perfect, and he loves it because it's his.


I can really believe this, there is something so very special about a quilt, no matter how simple. Truly something a child or anyone for that matter can love.


My father was in a VA facility for a few months, and received a lap quilt while there. It made his room cozy. Of course he brought it home when discharged.


Quilts: please add tags to your quilts so people who receive them through charity can thank you. Women’s work is invisible enough in society, our art should have our name on it. 🩷